Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 74 After killing, there will be no conspiracy

Chapter 74 After killing, there will be no conspiracy

Lynn received a reply from the shrine, and they actually agreed!

The time is set in two days, the day before the big festival!
"How would they agree? I thought they were going to break through!"

Fuxing was there when Lynn got the reply.

"Is there any conspiracy?" Fu Xing asked.

"Are you sure Masan lives in the shrine?"

"I saw him go in with my own eyes!"

Lynn nodded and said:
"Then there must be a conspiracy!"

"But it doesn't matter, I don't care about this at all! After killing, there will be no conspiracy!"


Imperial Palace of Japan,

A weak middle-aged man with glasses, accompanied by the great priest, walked up the highest hill in the palace.
There is a pavilion on the hill with a view of most of Tokyo.

It's just that the cold weather in November is actually not suitable for climbing.

Today is an exception. As early as noon, the attendants of the palace had thickly enclosed the pavilion and burned it with the best frosted charcoal for a long time.

The attendant checked the temperature inside the enclosure with a thermometer, and made sure to raise the temperature to a suitable temperature before the master of the palace came.

No wonder they were so careful, who made the master of this palace weak and nervous!

No one wants to provoke a lunatic, especially this lunatic has huge power!

The man with glasses walked into the enclosure, took off his jacket, felt the temperature, nodded in satisfaction, walked to the glass window of the enclosure, sat down, and looked out far away!
Where are the lights of the Yasukuni Shrine.

He sighed and asked:
"Grand Priest, are you all arranged?"

The young man of the imperial palace priest, still dressed in plain black, turned the rosary in his hand and replied:
"It's ready. A huge amount of explosives have been buried in the shrine. As long as it is detonated, there will be no complete stone in it!"

"However, I heard that these martial arts masters have a sense of danger. What if he doesn't come, or runs away in advance?"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the Masan he is looking for is in the shrine, and he will definitely go."

"And the only remaining martial arts masters in Saiyuan Temple will be at the shrine tonight. They may not be Lin En's opponents, but it's still a problem to hold him for a while until the explosives detonate!"

The man with glasses seemed to be relieved a lot when he heard the words, his expression relaxed, and he turned to look in the direction of the Yasukuni Shrine.

"It's a pity, if such a person was born a hundred years earlier, what a demeanor!"

"Let's enjoy the magnificent fireworks when the god of martial arts ends!"


When Lin En and Fu Xing walked to the gate of the gods, it was just getting dark.
Lynn looked at the tall bronze torii in front of him,

The whole person jumped up violently, and the hard ground was suddenly trampled into a big hole.

Looking at Lynn again, it was like a cannonball hitting the huge beam of the large copper torii gate.

A loud "boom" sound,
Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of squeaking metal breaking, and the huge torii gate was broken and collapsed by Lynn's kick!

The loud sound of the collapse of the Big Bird Bureau came from far away!But the strange thing is that no one came out to check, so a head appeared in the shrine to take a peek at it, and there was no movement, it was as quiet as a grave!
"Lin Ye, what are you doing?"

"What to do? Of course they demolished their house. After entering, they saw people beheading people, and when they saw their house being demolished, they had to set fire to it when they left!"

After Lin En finished speaking, he swaggered to the gate of the gods, and on the gate was actually a chrysanthemum representing the Japanese royal family!

He pouted, went up and kicked the door with his feet!I stepped on it with a few feet and chopped it up, bursting out:
"I'm here to kill people today! One of them counts as one, and they all get out and die!"

How powerful is his lungs, his breath can cut through steel like a sword!At this time, the sound was so loud that the tiles of the entire shrine were shattered, and the hidden people in the room were so shocked that their heads were dizzy, and they could not wait to plug their ears!

Just now, I was secretly excited, and the momentum that was ready to die for the emperor at any time was swept away!

Xiyuan Temple Hayato was also hiding. At this time, he saw that some people didn't even see the main face, and he was deprived of his fighting spirit. How can this be? If this continues, I am afraid that deserters will appear!
Knowing that he had to stand up at this time, he calmed down, pushed open the door, and walked out.

"Lin Jun, I've heard the name for a long time!"

Who knew that Lynn glanced at him and didn't answer him, but asked directly, "Where's Masan, let him come out, you've been hiding long enough!"

A door next to it was pushed open with a creak, and Masan walked out of it.

"I didn't hide, I knew you were coming, but I didn't expect it to be today!"

"Okay, now that someone has been found, will you die by yourself or will I send you to die?" Lynn listened impatiently to him.

Ma San was stunned, and hurriedly said: "Don't you want to hear why I betrayed the old man? You forced me to do this! Originally everything should be mine..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Lynn waving his hand:

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't have time to listen to your nonsense. For the sake of the past, it's kind enough to let you choose a way to die. You should thank me! Choose quickly!"

Ma San opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say, his face was flushed red!

But even so, he didn't even have the courage to fight with Lynn!

"I choose, I choose..."

Ma San, who was muttering that he didn't know how to choose, suddenly heard a gust of wind,
Looking up, a finger rapidly enlarged in front of his eyes, and a loud "bang" seemed to be ringing in his mind, and his eyes went black.

Lin En swiped his backhand, and Ma San's head seemed to have been cut by a sharp blade.
"I lied to you!"

"What qualifications do traitors have to choose?"

He turned his hand and threw it to Lucky Star who was stunned beside him.

"Take it, go back by boat overnight, and leave immediately!"

This was decided before he came, and Fu Xing didn't talk nonsense, he knelt on the ground, banged his head three times, turned around and left.

Lynn watched as more and more people appeared around him. In addition to the dozen or so old men at the head, there were also hundreds of heavily armed soldiers.

"Are you ready? Don't you wait? I'm not in a hurry!"

"I can wait for you to bury more explosives!"

As soon as he said this, the little devil on the opposite side was in a commotion, as if he didn't expect to be exposed!

Lynn sneered, "What's wrong? Don't you think I can't find out?"

"Although the slate on the ground is still the original slate, the refurbished atmosphere of the soil is still fresh, just like after the rain."

"There is also a pungent smell of gunpowder. I have found no less than 50 places along the way. You are really willing to bury them! Aren't you afraid of blowing up the palace not far away?"

Saiyuan Temple Hayato, stepped forward and bowed:

"Lin Jun, although we are enemies, we admire your martial arts. There will probably not be a master who is more powerful than you in the world for thousands of years! There will be no more in the future, you really deserve it. Called the god of martial arts!"

"It is our honor to be born in the same era as you! To be able to fight with you here tonight is even more regrettable!"

After speaking, he bowed again: "Lin Jun, please let us fight each other, we can die at your hands tonight, we have no regrets in this life!"

A dozen or so old men stepped forward and bowed, "Lin Jun, please let us fight here!"

Lynn laughed out loud, "You are probably the last martial arts spirit in Japan! It's just a pity, your spirit is not pure, do you still need the assistance of firearms?"

"However, I promise!"

"If I don't kill you here, my trip will not be perfect!"

Lin En stomped his feet, laughed, and the sound of rumbling sounded like thunder in the sky. The ground in front of the entire hall shook a bit. On the ground centered on Lin En, countless gravel and soil splashed outward, as if the bomb detonated in advance. General!
Lucky Star, who had come to the seaside and was about to wait for the boat, suddenly heard a loud noise, and then there was a series of loud noises that exploded one after another!

It was as if the entire sky had collapsed, and the fire in the direction of the shrine in the distance was soaring into the sky, making the sky red for half the day!

At the same time, on a vast Pacific Ocean, on a passenger ship sailing from the United States to China, Hua Ling was talking to her mentor,

Her university tutor, an expert in cytology, appreciates Hua Ling's intelligence and eagerness to learn.
Once I heard her talk about her eldest brother Lynn's inhuman performance, she very much hoped to meet him. This time, after knowing that Hua Ling returned to China from the holiday, she did everything possible to ask her to go with her!
"Student Hua Ling, do you think your big brother Lin is really that powerful? Of course, I'm not doubting you!" Dr. Abraham Erskine spoke to Hua Ling in awkward Chinese.

"It's just that, you know, even in my imagination, there are no such powerful human beings! And they are trained by themselves!"


"It's you who must come with you!"

Hua Ling thought for a while and added:

"When Big Brother Lin throws you out, I won't help you!"

(End of this chapter)

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