Chapter 75 Sunken
"It's magnificent!" The glasses of the man with glasses reflected the firelight rising into the sky in the distance!
"Nights in Tokyo have never been warmer! Right? Great priest"

After listening to the report of the intelligence personnel around him, the young high priest bowed and replied:
"Your Majesty, a fire broke out at the Yasukuni Shrine, and the entire shrine was likely to burn to white ground. Fortunately, the firefighters responded quickly and controlled the spread of the fire in time!"

"At present, the fire is limited to the shrine. Unfortunately, no one in the shrine was able to rush out of the sea of ​​​​fire, and all of them were killed!"

When he said that no one rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire at the end, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he could not see the slightest regret.

"To reward the fire brigade, tomorrow's festival will be held at Kashihara Shrine!" The man with glasses stretched his waist and yawned after he finished speaking.

"I haven't slept well for many days, and everything will be done according to the predetermined process!"

After he finished speaking, he got up and went down the mountain with ease.

The Grand Priest bent down and bowed until the man with glasses walked away...

On November 2600, the Japanese Emperor's [-] Festival,

The Japanese have been preparing for this festival for a long time, and countless people from all over the country have rushed to Tokyo to pay homage.
Although there was a "big fire" last night, which caused the Yasukuni Shrine to burn down and the festival to be held at Kashihara Shrine, everything was arranged in an orderly manner without any cramps.

At nine o'clock in the morning, [-] million "citizens" across the country collectively bowed to the emperor's imperial residence!
The man with glasses got up with a relaxed look. After the "fire" last night, he slept peacefully and was in good spirits today.

When he walked out of the Imperial Palace in a military uniform and stood in front of the Erchong Bridge to give a speech,

Combined Fleet Commander Yamamoto 56 led the combined fleet into Osaka Bay.

Prime Minister Tojo and more than 3000 officials and representatives from all walks of life bowed 90 degrees and listened to the instruction!
According to the process, the combined fleet on Osaka Bay should fire a gun salute when the speech is completed,

At this time, the combined fleet commander Yamamoto 56 proudly looked at the fleet in front of him,
With the heavy cruiser Kaohsiung as the lead ship and the battleship Nagato as the head, the number of participating warships reached 92, with a total tonnage of 596000 tons.
This is the foundation of the Empire of Japan, and it is the invincible support of the imperial army!

All the warships held their muzzles high, and countless thick gun barrels raised their heads to the sky, waiting for orders.

When the time came, Yamamoto gave an order, and the naval guns fired in unison, and countless salutes shot into the sky.

The roar of the salvo of naval guns rolled across the sky like thunder, showing the majesty of the empire to the surroundings!
But, no!
"What's wrong with Nagato, why didn't the cannon fired?" Yamamoto reprimanded the messengers beside him with a gloomy expression.

The messenger stood at attention, "I'll ask right away!" Turned around and ran.

Yamamoto turned his head to look at the Nagato battleship line, which is the largest battleship in the Imperial Fleet at present, a symbol of the imperial force!

An experienced rear admiral Yuji Obebe served as the captain.

At this time, not only did not fire the salute according to the command, but the fort was slowly adjusting,

The anxiety in my heart is intensifying, and I always feel that something very bad is happening.

"What's wrong with Yuji brother? Go ask again, he wants to apologize to the emperor!" Yamamoto's voice hadn't finished yet,
With a loud bang, the Nagato battleship opened fire!

The four twin-mounted 410mm main guns suddenly fired a salvo and a powerful muzzle storm swept all the soldiers on the deck into the sea.

In the smoke of gunpowder, eight artillery shells drew a chilling parabola in the air, with the low-frequency roar unique to heavy artillery shells, whistling out!

Yamamoto 56's complexion suddenly turned pale!

"Live! It's actually live! How could it be live?"

"What's the target?" He couldn't bear to hold him accountable anymore, his anxiety and fear made his voice a bit shrill!

He knew too well the power of the battleship's main gun. A 410mm shell was enough to blast a crater more than six meters deep and 40 meters in diameter!The killing radius can reach hundreds of meters, and no life will survive in an area of ​​8000 square meters.
A salvo is powerful enough to destroy a block!
One minute later, the man with glasses who was speaking heard a strange noise, and a strange piercing whistling sound entered his ears.
Although Hirohito had never heard this kind of sound, this kind of scream seemed to be born with the breath of death. Just hearing it, it was like the sight of the god of death, which sent chills down your spine!
He raised his head sharply, eight small black dots were rapidly approaching, and in the blink of an eye, they were near,
The crisp sound of metal hitting the ground reached his ears, and then, "Boom"—

A violent explosion sounded more than 30 meters away from him!

He first saw the rising fire, more dazzling than what he saw last night.

Immediately afterwards, a circle of invisible but visible air fluctuations spread rapidly, rushing to his side, and a huge force threw his body away and shredded it!
He could feel himself flying, he could feel every part of his body moving away from him, but he couldn't feel any pain!

The sky and the earth rotate alternately.

Finally, it landed on the ground with a bang, and it rolled around like a ball.

One last thought flashed through my mind,
"My head should still be intact!"

Yamamoto's face was the same as that of a dead man.

The location of the eight shells was quickly determined,
There are four inside the Imperial Palace, four outside, and the one in the middle just falls in front of the Erchong Bridge!
"It's over!"

"The royal family, the prime minister, the cabinet, the military, where are too many people who are related to the lifeline of the empire!"

A cannon shot at Nagato!
The empire is sinking!

Lynn couldn't care about checking his results at this time!

When Nagato was fired,
The light spot in his mind suddenly began to flash rapidly!

It radiated dazzling light in flashes, attracting all his attention!
He wants to see this star clearly, look more carefully!

The stars suddenly shone brightly, magnifying rapidly in front of his eyes, and quickly engulfed him.

Where is this star, it is clearly a universe!

Countless stars flashed quickly before his eyes, and the huge artificial creation even wrapped the entire star.

Huge fleets, lined up in an array to bombard the universe!

Planet-sized space battleships look everywhere!
Void creatures that jumped out of nowhere swallowed the huge planet in one bite!
The dazzling white light illuminates the entire sea of ​​consciousness!

Lynn's consciousness was detached.

In a trance, he turned into a baby in a pure light, from babbling to toddler.The memory is hazy, like a layer of gauze, not real!

Until the morning sun shone on his face.He woke up like a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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