Chapter 84 Fire and Sea

All of them walked out the door, stretching their rigid bodies.

Dry the hides, ventilate and clean.There was a smile on everyone's face.

Lynn smashed the thin ice surface and jumped into the water. The cold ice water made him shudder.He woke up suddenly as if he had just woken up.Take a hard shower.

Taking advantage of the river water, I finally took a serious look at myself.Black hair and black pupils, with a handsome face, he has the youthful vitality that belongs to a teenager.Exactly the same as the Republic of China itself.

The most important thing is that the muscles that are full of powerful strength have finally come back. The muscles of the whole body are strong and tough, and they swell like a steel wire with a little force!

Finally, he can wield all his power unscrupulously.

He jumped out of the water, picked a stone weighing seven or eight tons, raised it above his head and squatted!
After doing it for a while, I felt my body get hot.

He threw the stone on the ground with a "boom", so that the small stones jumped up high,

Then, Lynn lay naked on the ground in the spring sun.

All things recovered, and when many animals that had escaped the cold winter began to move, the hunting team also set off.

The beasts who have been hungry for a winter are very hungry, but the warriors who have been depressed for a winter are even more ferocious. Whenever they see something that moves, they all rush up with a scream, and those who move slowly can't even drink the soup.

At the end of the day's hunting, the warriors who had been enjoying themselves all day returned to the tribe with their prey that was about to move.A bonfire is lit in the center of the tribe, and fresh barbecued meat is continuously distributed to each tribe.

Everyone gets together to celebrate the coming of winter and spring, and the melting of sea ice.

After a few days, the sea ice has completely disappeared, and some green color can gradually be seen on the island.

Lynn has no interest in killing many small animals completely.

Only when some large-sized prey appears, does the excited fighting state appear.

Throwing the short spear, carrying the battle axe and rushing to melee!
The soldiers admired his bravery very much, and Lynn himself knew that all his meows were Origin Energy!Can not be wasted.

Lynn found that the large beasts in this world, whether it was because of their rarity or the reason they met for the first time, the increased source energy was extremely objective.

It has increased 17/20 since he joined the hunting party.
It will be full soon, and then he can add a little more strength, and his physique can be doubled again!
Regarding the improvement of his own strength, he must try all the prey!
Melting sea ice has prevented many animals from returning to the island.In less than half a month, it has been difficult to hit decent prey on the island.

The hunting party began to travel in longboats to the surrounding islets in search of prey.

Or go out to sea to fish.

Longboats are slender, galley sailboats with a shallow draft that are easy to maneuver and very useful in shallow seas.

The rise in sea surface temperature will cause some marine fish and plankton to come to the sea surface. Many schools of fish will form in groups. There are many swordfish and eels.

Uncle Kent called Lynn to his side and taught him how to control the boat and observe the wind and waves. The warriors of Fenris are masters of handling the waves.

"Uncle, why don't you go to the deep sea?" Lynn was a little puzzled, where there are more and bigger fish.Kent always turned a blind eye.

"Lynn, it's not just these little fish that follow those plankton up from the bottom of the sea."

Lynn was stunned, it seemed that the sea monster mentioned by the old priest Falcon was probably not just a legend.

Spring is happy for the tribe, with warm climates, blue skies, plenty of food, and most importantly, safe land.

However, this happiness is extremely short-lived.

Less than a month after the sea ice melted, the temperature had risen to the point where it could be called hot.

When the sea breeze blew the first ray of sulfur to the tribe, it also blew away the smiles on the faces of the tribe.

The season of fire and sea is here!
Fenris has no permanent islands, and every summer, countless islands sink, and countless volcanoes rise from the sea, spewing flames.

Thick smoke of sulphur blanketed the sky.The tribe must always be ready and set out to find new lands to survive.

The clansmen are also used to the alternation of ice and fire and the never-ending changes, and they can face it calmly every time.

Lynn realized that the orbit of Fenris' celestial body may be a large ellipse, so every time it reaches the perihelion, its hot core begins to boil, and the too thin crust cannot bind it, so countless islands are torn apart by violent geological movements, Countless volcanoes began to erupt.And when it is far away from the star, the temperature plummets and the long winter begins.

This desperate natural environment also cultivates the tough physique and tougher spirit of Fenris warriors.

"Lynn, don't go out to sea today, come with me. It's time to see the treasures of our tribe!" Uncle Kent stopped Lynn early in the morning.

Lynn followed obediently, but was curious, not knowing what this primitive island tour could be called a 'treasure'.

Until he followed Uncle Kent and the others to a hidden bay, he saw the treasures of the tribe.

A big ship!
"This is the treasure of our Hammer Tribe, the "Hammer"." Kent looked at the big ship in front of him with pride.

Lynn looked at the 'Hammer' and the warhammer in Kent's hand. He was really unable to complain about the name.

Do you name a ship that you are afraid it won't sink?
Lynn looked at the "Iron Hammer", which was different from the long boats used for fishing and fighting. This was a large sailing ship nearly 50 meters long and more than ten meters wide, with three towering masts.

The longship is as weak as a rabbit at the feet of a hunter.

"Our mission for the next two days is to thoroughly inspect and maintain it to make sure it's ready to go out to sea when needed."

Except for Lynn, Kent brought some old hunting team members, who were good at fighting and shipbuilding.Repairing the Hammer is a trivial matter for them.

Nonetheless, they are just as cautious, cautious and even harsh.

Carefully inspect its keel, mast, inspect every plank, and replace rotten, loose planks.

The ironwood on the island is as hard as iron and is an excellent wood for boat building.The soldiers took materials on the spot, and the progress was very fast.

Women and old men cleaned decks and cabins and pulled out sails for repairs.

When the maintenance of the big ship is completed, enough fresh water and food will be stored to ensure that all the clansmen can go to sea immediately by boat when needed.

The tribe's watchtower on the top of the mountain also began to send people to guard it day and night to observe the surrounding sea.

Just after noon that day, Lynn, who had eaten lunch, squatted with a boulder, and the person in charge of the watchtower rushed down the mountain in a hurry.

Lynn was stunned for a moment, and reflected that a ship must have been found in the nearby sea, and the boulder was thrown down. With a 'boom', the boulder smashed a big hole on the ground.

Turn around and follow the lookout to find Uncle Kent.

(End of this chapter)

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