Chapter 85
The surrounding ships that appeared at this time must have been those tribes that had lost their islands.

They've lost their land, so won't give up any islands they come across easily.

The visitor ran to Kent's side before shouting loudly, "Patriarch, a large ship appeared on the sea, and it has circled the island."

"where are you now?"

"East Sea"

Uncle Kent did not hesitate, "Immediately inform the hunting team to bring the best weapons and rush to the east beach. Let the tribe hide first."

After speaking, it seems that people are a little stunned."Go now!" in an aggravated tone.

Then he turned his head to Karl, who had been following him, and said, "Go get the chain mail at home and tell Barrow to wear it too."

Carl got up and ran straight home.

When Lynn followed Kent and the others to the beach, they saw a two-masted ship slightly smaller than the 'Hammer' parked on the sea in the distance.

Captain Barrow has already driven over from the tribe with people,
Bjorn actually followed Carl and carefully handed it to Kent with a pair of delicate chain mail.

He smiled and said, "I am also a soldier."

Kent glared at him hard, but didn't drive him away. "Stand back with Lynn."

Bjorn immediately ran to Lynn with a face full of excitement."Is there going to be a war?" he asked in a low voice.

"still unsure as of now,"

"Where did that set of chain armor come from?" Lynn had never seen Kent wear iron armor. In the past, all the warriors of the tribe had the best leather armor.

"That's the treasure that my father snatched, and it's usually hidden very carefully! I don't want to wear it and play with him." Bjorn pouted, disdainful of Kent's stingy.

I'm hiding it just to guard against you, Lynn smiled. Based on his observation of the tribal blacksmithing skills, he could build some warhammers, a tomahawk might be fine, and chain mail would never be possible, it was too cumbersome.

At this time, the big boat parked on the sea moved, and he slowly let down a small boat, and two people rowed to the shore in the small boat.

All the warriors in the tribe were all gathered on the beach at this time, tomahawks, warhammers, shields and spears, all well-armed and ready to fight.

Kent and Barrow stood in front of them in chain armor, their eyes fixed on the approaching boat.

Without waiting for the boat to dock, the people on the boat raised their hands and shouted loudly, "We are not armed, we only come with good intentions!"

Captain Kent stepped forward and said in a high voice: "Say your intentions, don't make any suspicious actions, or I promise, you will definitely not be able to go back alive!"

The person who came was a strong man who was in his prime. At this time, he smiled and said:

"I am Victor, the patriarch of the Thunder Wolf Tribe. Our island is sinking too fast, and the fresh water reserves on the ship are insufficient. I hope to be replenished here."

"This island belongs to our Iron Hammer Tribe. Every leaf and drop of water on the island belongs to us. Why should it be given to you?"

"So we are willing to pay some material exchanges."

"It depends on what you can give." Captain Kent shook the tomahawk in his hands.

"One hundred pounds of iron, enough water"

"Not enough, three hundred catties of iron."

Iron, like food, and water, are the universal currency of this world. With iron, weapons and armor can be made!

Victor looked embarrassed: "That's too much, we can't provide that much."

"That's your problem, want water? You can only exchange it for a latte!" Kent didn't give in.

Bjorn beside him whispered to Lynn:

"It's just some water, just give it to them, and we don't lack it."

Lynn glanced at him, "It's not that simple, how do you know if they're really short of water?"

Bjorn was taken aback and said, "You mean, they have other purposes?"

"Not necessarily. When we decide whether to hunt a prey, don't we also observe whether its claws are sharp?"

"So, are they here to snatch our prey?" Bjorn's face changed, and he looked at Victor with the eyes of an enemy.

Lynn was stunned when he heard this, gave him a hateful look, turned his head, and decided not to explain to him again.

Kent also seemed to understand Victor's dilemma, and said lightly, "If the iron is not enough, it can also be a weapon of the same weight."

Victor's face changed, "That's absolutely impossible. Without weapons, our entire clan will die."

"I can take a step back, a hundred pounds of iron, plus a hundred pounds of weapons, this is my bottom line." Kent finished, looking at Victor firmly,

"You must know that I have no shortage of iron, and I have no shortage of fresh water. Now you need water to save your life, so of course you have to pay a sufficient price."

After hesitating for a while, Victor reluctantly nodded in agreement, "You're right, we agree."

"Then now, let your people come over, at most 20 people, you can't bring weapons, and your sails must disappear on the sea before dark."

The two of Victor rowed away, and soon returned with 20 men on two longboats.

As the group approached, Lynn could also see their appearance clearly. His lips were chapped, his hair was dry like the withered grass in autumn, his skin was dry and began to slough, and even his eyes were a little dry and swollen due to lack of water.

Bjorn next to him heaved a sigh of relief and said, "It seems that they are indeed short of water, not trying to grab food."

Lynn glanced at him, hehe smiled and said, "Maybe they are not only short of water, but also short of food!"

Bjorn suddenly realized, and then continued to look at Victor and the others with the eyes of his enemies.

Kent glanced at the iron ingots and weapons that Victor brought, including an axe and a hammer. After making a rough estimate, he turned to Barrow and said, "Barrow, take someone to fetch water for them."

The warriors of the Thunder Wolf tribe licked their chapped lips and paced back and forth a little anxiously.

Hearing this, he quickly lifted more than 20 large oak barrels from the boat.

It is really a big wooden barrel, each of which can be as high as the chest. Depending on the thickness, it is not a problem to hold five or six hundred catties of water.

Victor and these strong men, carrying wooden barrels, followed Barrow to the river.

Kent walked up to Lynn, "Don't worry, it happens a few times a year this time of year."

"Uncle Kent, will they rob our island?"

"No, it's just summer, and there are countless islands in the sea every day. They don't need to take risks at this time."

"And, as long as you see the trees on the island, you know that this is a four-year-old island. There are very few islands in Fenris that can exist for such a long time. Our island is not long!"

Lynn was taken aback by this, "So the trees on our island are very valuable, right?"

Kent was also stunned when he heard this. Yes, the iron tree on our island is originally an excellent wood, and it has grown for so many years, and it is rare in Fenris.

Where is the iron tree, it's a cash cow!
Thinking of the excitement, Kent kicked the iron ingot away with one foot, staring closely at the figure of Victor and his party.

(End of this chapter)

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