Why it never ends

Chapter 166 Smell

Chapter 166 Smell
When leaving the hospital, the two happened to meet the bishop's car.

Even though the curtains in the back of the car were drawn, the reporters were still tightly clustered around the windows. They still had too many questions to ask, and they were not willing to let them go.

Among the noisy crowd, Si Lei led the way, and Qianye followed behind. When the two finally broke free from the crowd, the curfew whistle sounded.

The police began to formally disperse the journalists who were onlookers at the gate, but this arduous work had just begun for a while, when the distant night sky suddenly burst into brilliant fireworks.

First, a little spark unexpectedly tore a gap in the night sky, and then dozens of blooming flames ignited it together.

Si Lei froze in place, Qianye also looked up with his hands in his pockets.

The whistle of the patrol sounded in the distance, and some faint yells and howls accompanied by sudden whistles came from two or three blocks from the hospital.

Su Lei glanced at Qianye - she didn't seem surprised at all.

"What's the matter?"

"There will be a protest against the curfew in the city tonight, Stella told me about it." Chiba replied.

"Does Victoria and the others know?"

"You know, AHgAs is well-informed about this kind of thing."

The reporters who had been circling around the bishop's car just now turned around one after another, each dragging their equipment and started running wildly on the street at night, heading towards the source of the sound. Only Si Lei and Qianye stood in place, looking so out of place.

At the main entrance of the hospital, Pauler has already taken out his white square towel to wipe his sweat repeatedly. He is paying the price for Avinash’s arrogance—just as Chiba warned Avinash earlier, the public is extremely disgusted by this vague restriction .

At present, the residents of Tanyi City only know that a serial killer who specializes in hunting nobles appeared in the city. They even heard the chelate alarm the night before. Some people said that the murderer was chelate, and some guessed that the murderer was mercury needles , but the relevant announcement from the government has been delayed, and no one has come out to explain what is going on. The people who have endured for two nights rushed out of the house on the third night, and the time was deliberately chosen today. After the late curfew.

Qianye took Si Lei's car and returned to the apartment. She had nothing to do, so she went downstairs with her usual small suitcase for business trips.Considering that Su Lei has been spinning for two days, Qianye proposed that she should drive tonight.

At first, Si Lei refused, but Qianye insisted, and the two switched places. After sitting in the passenger seat for about 10 minutes, Si Lei fell asleep.

Chiba was driving alone on the deserted road, passing through several intersections with red lights in a row, and she drove past without blinking.

After passing a short section of gravel road, she slowed down the speed a little, but the car was still bumpy, Chiba felt that Su Lei might wake up from the jolt a few times, but she opened her mouth on her back and fell asleep still unconscious.

Qianye glanced sideways at Si Lei's sleeping appearance, took out her phone and took an ugly photo of her.

Investigators like Su Lei are still at the outermost layer of the AHgAs information circle. She obviously doesn't know that the mercury needles still have time constraints—without their companions, it is the time for the mercury needles to open the bullet time in the wasteland. Dangerous, because it means that after a few hours, the person concerned will usher in a period of extremely fragile incapacity.

Because of this, Qianye certainly cannot be used as a fast manning tool for anyone, not any mercury needle, as long as this person knows how to cherish his life.

This is the secret of the mercury needles.

In addition, there is another fact that shocked Chiba in this matter: theoretically speaking, a person has to go through a very strict review to enter a habitable place from the wasteland, even after passing all these procedures , but also to live in Niah Province for a period of time.

But now the testimony brought back by Si Lei said that a down-and-out baron in a livable place, a businessman, can easily bring people from the wasteland into Tanyi, or throw people around him back to Duanming Lane?

This is unbelievable.

Can Fernan have such power?

But looking back and thinking about what Rishi has done over the years, what is impossible?

Qianye suddenly recalled the inexplicable epidemic in St. Anne's Abbey.Dean Alma was infected by a sick squirrel, so where did that squirrel come from?

At the end of the year, AHgAs did not figure out the answer to this question, and the limited technology and manpower made it impossible for them to effectively trace back the situation of the entire Severn Mountain one month before the incident. In the end, they could only conduct a blanket investigation. There are no other secondary chelates in the area of ​​Seven Hills and it has been set as a quarantine area there.

In these years, what kind of festering the epidemic prevention city wall in the northern part of the third district has become may only be revealed when the accident really strikes.


That same night, Hesta was sitting by Ava's bed in the dimly lit bedroom.

Originally, Ava should have appeared at the door of the cell early this morning like yesterday, but the old man did not.

Hesta waited in the basement for a whole day, not knowing what happened.She originally wanted to go upstairs to have a look, but fearing that others might see the bruise on her right cheek, she could only hold back her mood temporarily.

"Last night, I suddenly figured out why Miss Chiba didn't recognize me, so I really wanted to talk to you," Hesta looked at Ava, "Are you okay? If it's not convenient now, I can— —”

"I'm fine." Ava glanced at the nearby alarm clock, "It's still more than 20 minutes before nine o'clock, finish what you want to say."

"It's the smell." Hesta whispered.


"I should have realized that before the Second Awakening, I carried the scent of the First Awakening Mercury on me - it was what allowed me to be the bait for hunting the 'Aberrants'. A smell that only a few Mercury I can smell it," Hursta paused, "and Miss Chiba can."

Ava thought of something, "...so you knocked over the perfume when Chiba came last time."

"Yeah." Hesta nodded, "After the second awakening, this smell disappeared from me. I guess, the night before yesterday, Miss Chiba should have killed me after confirming that I was not 'me'— — But it’s not a big problem. Strictly speaking, the number of times we have fought together is not many, and the time is relatively early. She may not be able to see through my disguise.

"The real threat is in the combat team formed by the 007 office. My combat preferences and related data bases have long been figured out. I can't change it in the short term. If my data is collected during the battle, I believe They'll soon find out who I really am."

"Indeed, what are you going to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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