Why it never ends

Chapter 167 Nightmare

Chapter 167 Nightmare
Hesta lowered his eyes, the safest way right now is actually to wait—for AHgAs, it is actually quite absurd for AHgAs to let twelve mercury needles suitable for extremely dangerous operations protect ordinary people in a habitable place It would have never happened if it hadn't been for the Aberrant alarm being triggered earlier.

But even if you wait, how long will you have to wait?

If the wilderness in the third district is calm in the next few months, it is entirely possible that these mercury needles will always be on standby in Tan Yi, guarding Rishi by the way.

A few months is enough time for AHgAs to build many new towers around Tay, and the whole thing will only get harder.

"Since it's dealing with the 'deformers', I'm afraid no one in the entire third district is more suitable than me," Hesta thought for a while, "I want to directly apply to participate in the current defense of Tanyi City, and I will make plans later."

A little surprise flashed across Ava's face - this is indeed a good way, but...

"I'm afraid all of this will have to wait until the end of the first round of trial. Whether you have this opportunity depends on your performance in the trial..." Ava was still leaning on the bed, "And before that? Two days later, what are you going to do?" manage?"

"I will give Rishi the punishment he deserves according to the plan." Hesta whispered, "I will go to Tan Yi again tonight."

Ava couldn't help but look sideways, "...Are you serious?"

"Yeah." Hesta nodded, "I'm sure."

"Okay." Ava lowered her eyes and smiled, "Tomorrow afternoon, the defense lawyer appointed by the internal court will come, and you should be ready."



"What's the matter with you?" Hesta looked at her, "...will I lose you soon?"

"Not soon," Ava said softly, "but parting is always inevitable."

Hesta felt her throat was choked by something, and her hands on her lap were clenched instantly.The old man looked sideways at a pencil on the bedside table, "Help me get that."

Hesta handed the pencil to Ava, and the old man took the pen and stood it on the mobile table in front of him.

"I have a problem with my lungs, so next week, I'm going to start chemotherapy." As she spoke, Ava suddenly slapped the table, and the pen she had stood on earlier shook off, "And my spine after treatment, Will be as fragile as this pen.

"This means that I will not be able to meet with you for quite a long time, and your detention facility will be transferred from here to another place... But you don't have to worry too much, there will be another person to cooperate with you. "

Hesta's eyes had already landed on the floor in front of her, she sat there a little dejected, thinking about the coming parting.

Ava lightly clasped her right hand and tapped the table with the knuckle of her middle finger, "Are you listening, Jane?"

"Yes." Hesta replied.

"You must remember her codename, 'Eclipse'."

"Is this also a mercury needle?"

"Yes, and no." Ava said, "Maybe she will show up directly, or she may contact you in other ways...I'm not sure, but you can trust her just like you trust me."

"How do I know if she shows up?"

"You will know, she will let you know in some way." Ava replied softly.

The old man was silent for a moment, then she picked up the pencil on the table again, stared at the pattern on the pen body, and said in a low voice, "Revenge is not easy, is it?"


"Are you still having nightmares?"

Hesta didn't answer, her eyes were half-opened, as if caught in a memory that didn't belong to the present.

Ava understood, and she stretched out her hand to Hesta. Hesta hesitated for a moment, and finally put her hand in the old man's palm quietly.

"What would you dream about," Ava asked, "Fernand and Hoffman?"

"It used to be, but recently I dreamed of something new."

"for example?"

"This morning, I dreamed of a field," murmured Hesta.

"Where is the wilderness?"

"I don't know it either, but it should be in the wasteland, maybe a place where the chelate tide has just receded, because it's all broken."

Hesta's voice was accompanied by memories, she said slowly, "I passed by an abandoned village, I don't know where it is, and I don't know why I appeared there, most of the houses in the village have been burned down, The land and woods were charred black.

"In the dream, I was very thirsty, hungry and tired, so I entered the village. I opened the doors of every house, but there were dead bodies behind every door, and every window was shattered."

"Are you alone there?" Ava asked softly.

"No, there... a lot of people are still living."

Hesta's throat moved, and she raised her head, staring at the dim wall lamp on the wall.

"I saw a woman fetching water shaking her wheel by the well, and many rotting corpses were lying at her feet, the water was scarlet, but she didn't seem to notice it at all.

"Lamps were lit in every household, and the remains of broken limbs were scattered in their windows. Through the window, I saw a mother kneading dough, but the dough was oozing blood. She kept slapping the dough on the table, and the blood became more and more A lot, until it overflowed the cutting board, dripped on the floor tiles, and even wet the uppers of her shoes... But she didn't respond either.

"I just want to find a clean and warm place to have a good sleep, but I keep looking, and I keep looking, even though I finally realized that it was a dream, and the dream has begun to collapse, I still haven't found it," Hess said. Tower whispered, "So all I can do is open my eyes and wake up."

Hesta felt Ava's hand tightening, and she looked up.

"... Ava?"

"This world is full of villages like this," Ava whispered, "and we can't turn a blind eye to them."

Hesta's eyes widened slightly. She thought of Ava's words and took a deep breath. After a while, Hesta bent down and silently pressed her cheek on the back of the old man's hand.

"Thank you, Ava."


The night passed.

In the morning light, when Chiba and Su Lei's car was about to leave the signal area of ​​the habitable place, they received an update email from Victoria's team stationed at the hospital last night.

Qianye sat on the big rock by the roadside, just unscrewed a two-liter bottle of mineral water in his hand, and started to eat the compressed biscuits in Su Lei's trunk.Si Lei frowned, and stood not far from Chiba, pacing back and forth, reading today's email update bit by bit.

"What did you write?" Qianye's mouth was full, "Looking at your expression, is it bad news?"

"Victoria said that the 'Aberrant' came again last night," Su Lei replied, "but she said that all information related to the 'Aberrant' will be interviewed in the future, and the progress will not be updated through any electronic platform."

(End of this chapter)

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