Why it never ends

Chapter 393 Short Sentence

Chapter 393 Short Sentence
Hesta glanced at the wheelchair not far away, "Leave it here, let's go straight out... I think the "Guide" is just an excuse for Agnes to lure us here, there is no such thing here. "

"Alright, do you want to come down and walk by yourself?"


The two went to the landline and tried to call the medical room, but as expected, no one answered.

The further they walked toward the exit, the more Lico and Hesta could not get a foothold. There were dead bodies lying everywhere, and the girls could only move forward stepping on the bloody water.

Rico held Hesta's arm tightly all the way to prevent her from accidentally falling.

"...Where can it be absolutely safe now?"

"It's hard to say where there is an absolutely safe place," Hesta whispered, "wherever you are, it is relatively safe."

Rico smiled wryly.

The two later came to the side of the stage, and the situation in the theater was worse than backstage.Hanging on the edge of the auditorium on the second floor were one or two armed soldiers who were too late to jump over the fence and escape. They were dressed in gray-blue camouflage uniforms, lying on their backs or lying on the ground, black blood dripping down their hair and fingers. The tip falls.

More people were thrown down directly, and their bodies fell on the soft chairs on the first floor in various postures. It was obvious that many joints on their bodies had been broken. In the dim light, Hesta saw every face It's all about horror and pain.

This kind of massacre has far surpassed ordinary battle damage...it is massacre.

In this silence that belongs to death, Hesta suddenly felt a shiver like apocalypse-how this place looks like the village where those chelates came.Countless battle silhouettes from the past came to mind, and the killing intent and fear of the chelate surged into her heart at the same time. In an instant, there seemed to be an extremely cold torrent rushing through her limbs and torso, and she felt unprecedentedly clear.

Li Ge casually glanced at the stage, his expression froze instantly.


Anna in the wheelchair looked sideways, as if she had just noticed Rico and Hesta coming out from behind.

"Why are you here? I obviously put you in—"

"Don't be afraid, little girl, take it easy," Anna smiled, "Zero found me, and I asked her to bring me back."

"But here just—"

"It's really scary," Anna withdrew her gaze and looked up at the top of the stage. "When we came in, a bloody lump rolled down the stairs and almost hit me... Fortunately, Zero reacted quickly, and put It snapped."

A childish voice came from above the stage: "Anna, is this here?"

Li Ke looked up in astonishment, only then did he realize that there were still people on the top of the stage.

"I can't see clearly," Anna narrowed her eyes, "is that a safe?"

"Seems to be?"

"Who's up there? Zero?" Li Ke raised his head and walked towards Anna, "What are you doing up there?"

A thick rope was thrown from the air, and Ling sat on a movable plank pulled by a boom machine, holding a black box about the size of her upper body in her arms.

"I'm down!"

Following her announcement, she slid down the thick rope with one hand.Li Ke immediately turned over and jumped onto the stage. Sure enough, Zero failed to hold on to the thick rope and fell down in mid-air. The black box in her arms also fell to the stage floor along with it.

After a loud bang, a deep dent was made in the floor.

Zero frowned, and looked down at her palm - due to the friction, her entire palm was a bloody mess.

Zero turned his head and looked at Anna, "...It hurts so much."

"We'll go back and disinfect later," Anna said softly, "Go and see that box first."

Li Ke was slightly annoyed: "How could you let her do such a dangerous thing—" Halfway through her words, her voice stopped abruptly, "...Jane?"

Hesta had already come up from the side of the stage, she bypassed Zero and Anna, and went straight to the black box.

Hesta subconsciously went to get the key in her pocket, but when she got close to the box, she quickly stopped this action.

——The black box is a combination box, and there is no keyhole at all.

Zero also trotted to Hesta's side. She looked at the black box for a while, and then said to Anna: "It's a wooden box, but it's painted with a layer of metal paint, so it looks like iron."

Anna: "Really, try it, can you open it?"

Zero: "No, the lock is very tight, and tools are needed to open it... knives, axes and the like."

Li Ke stood there watching this scene, only feeling incredible—it seemed that she was the only one among the four at the moment who cared about the little girl's hand and why she was sent to do such a dangerous job, while the others, including The little girl herself didn't care about it.

"Lico," Hesta raised his head, "Can you come and try?"

Li Ke patted his trouser legs with both hands, with a confused expression.But soon she walked to the wooden box, and just about to start, she smelled a burning smell coming from the box, and then, a lot of corrosive solution seeped out from the edge of the box, leaving a residue on the floor. burn marks.

Anna looked at this scene: "...It seems that there is no need to open the box."

Hesta and Zero still took two steps back, Lico changed a pair of gloves for himself, and forcibly opened the wooden box—everything was as Anna said, a document in the box had been corroded by strong acid, and the document on it was corroded by acid. Much of the text is also illegible.

Lico picked up the fragments of the document: "...it is the "Guide."

Hesta covered his mouth and nose and went forward to check. On the piece of paper Lico was holding was the only line of text left, which was written in bold font:

"... Return at all costs! Return immediately! Close to the shore! This sea area is not..."

Hesta stared at it, the sentence had no beginning or end, but the point was clear.

"...The tone seems to be very strong." Hesta said softly.

Rico frowned, "That means Agnes didn't lie to us—"

"Not necessarily," Hesta glanced at Anna intentionally or unintentionally, "It may also be that the manipulator behind the scenes has temporarily changed his strategy."

Anna pursed her lips nonchalantly.

At this moment, Li Ge looked towards the entrance of the theater, "Someone is coming."

"how many people?"

"A lot." Li Ke closed his eyes and listened, "There are at least 50."

Zero keenly ran behind Anna, pushing Anna to hide in the shadow on the side of the stage.

Half a minute later, Hesta finally heard a burst of neat and brisk footsteps outside the theater, and countless gunmen filed in. Hesta recognized the people who came—they were wearing white uniforms of marine police, and the muzzles of their guns Always face the ground.

"Who?" The boat policeman asked Lico from afar.

"Ordinary passengers." Li Ke raised his hands symbolically, indicating that he was not hostile.

"Someone here called the medical room just now, was it you?"

"Yes," Li Ke replied, "Someone in the backstage prop room was shot and needs emergency treatment."

(End of this chapter)

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