Why it never ends

Chapter 394 Appearance

Chapter 394 Appearance
Several boat police rushed to the backstage immediately, and the rest began to check and search for possible survivors in the theater.Hestad could see that they were very inexperienced, and several of them, apparently new to this scene, threw up as soon as they entered.

The few boat police who ran to the backstage also quickly screamed - the corpses in the backstage also frightened them a lot.

After a while, the theater's emergency lights suddenly turned on, illuminating everything. Someone stepped forward to ask Li Ke for details, but his eyes kept looking to the side of the stage.Hesta looked back from the corner of his eye, and found that the white shirt Zero was wearing today was really easy to spot under the light.

"Who are the two over there?"

"It's also a passenger." Li Ke replied, "We just heard that there was also a commotion outside. It seems to be an explosion?"

"Yes, it should be that a few young people who received weapons today have no seriousness, and want to find a place to try the power of grenades..."

"It doesn't look like a grenade would do it, it's some kind of industrial explosive."

The visitor looked up at Li Ke, "Yo, professional?"

Li Ke's expression was slightly gloomy - the person in front of him couldn't even recognize the mercury needle, and he probably wasn't a team that could be counted on.

There was another commotion outside the theater, a man in a suit and leather shoes strode into here, behind him, many other passengers followed tremblingly.

"Who is it?" The boat policeman turned his head, "It's not convenient for idlers to come in here—"

"Mr. Ship Police, we have a clue."

As the man in the suit approached, the expression of the boat policeman gradually became polite and friendly, "...Ah, Mr. Gobelin?"

Two men came to the boat police carrying a man bound hand and foot with tape, before throwing him on the ground.

"Who is this?" asked the boat policeman.

"This is the chief culprit of the disturbance tonight." Goeblin looked down at the man with his hands tied on the ground. "He has been lurking on the boat. In fact, he is from the Special Operations Agency of the Third District Coalition Government..."

"Mr. Rand!" The boat policeman was shocked. He hurriedly supported the stage and jumped to the aisle. He wanted to go forward to remove the tape on Rand's hands and feet, but was stopped by Goebbels again.

"What are you doing, Your Excellency?" Goeblin asked.

"There must be some misunderstanding between you," the ship policeman said eagerly, "Mr. Rand has a special government order for accompanying the crew, he is not sneaking into—"

"Then your Excellency should draw a clear line with him," Gobelin said meaningfully, "Do you know what his mission is for this trip?"


Goebbelin signaled his subordinates with his gaze, and one of them stepped forward to tear off the tape on Rand's mouth. A large beard was uprooted as a result, and Rand screamed in pain.

"In front of the boat police, state your purpose again."

The boat policeman held his breath, and everyone around him looked at Sanders Rand on the ground at this moment. He was panting heavily, his face was covered with scars and blood.

"My voyage...is to...seek opportunities...to assassinate Bo Shanfu."

Hesta's ears perked up, "The linguist?"

"...Yes," Rand squirmed on the ground, trying to find an angle to sit up, "Up there, someone...doesn't want him to return to the fourth district, so...we brought a...team... "

"It's better to let him see the dead here," Goeblin said to the ship's guard, "let him recognize these people—"

"You Briar Monks are also among those who attacked with guns tonight," Hesta interrupted Goebbels directly, "a few young men in black hoodies."

Gobelin said frankly: "I heard about it, but I want to clarify that I have no personal contact with Monk Thorns. I guess it may be because Mr. Bree was attacked at noon today and temporarily lost his ability to move. These people have the opportunity to incite the thorn monks to make trouble together..."

Two people came out of the backstage carrying a stretcher. Agnes was lying on it with a pale face. The sleeve of her right arm had been cut open, and the wound on her shoulder had been simply bandaged. But when she saw Goebbels, she still struggled to think. Get up.

"You're still alive..." Gobelin was taken aback, but then he lowered his voice again: "It's really great."

Agnes, who had been gritting her teeth and persevering, suddenly had a sore nose, and tears fell drop by drop: "I...I couldn't..."

Gobelin stepped forward to hold Agnes's hand, "Don't talk, go and treat the wound first."

Agnes shook her head: "Mayer..."

"I will keep her safe."

Hesta and Lico watched the whole scene with subtle expressions.

After watching Agnes go away, Gobelin turned his head to look at the boat policeman again, "I think the commotion tonight should have subsided by now. Next, you need to work hard to lead people to clean up the mess."

"Ah? Me?" The boat policeman on stage was a little surprised, "But I've been listening to Mr. Rand before—"

"I see."

"I'm just the captain of the guard. These people, these...soldiers are all sent by Mr. Rand in name. You know, cruise ships like ours don't have police at all. At most, there are dozens of guards— —”

"Sir," Gobelin's voice was a little louder to cover the man who suddenly seemed a little panicked in front of him, "do you still want to decline? The current situation requires someone who can take on a big responsibility. All the wounded and passengers A strong guard is needed...we need you."

The expression of the boat policeman gradually became solemn, and there was even a little light in his eyes, "Well, although I don't have much experience in this area, but—"

"Don't pick someone if you don't have experience," Hesta replied in a cold voice. "There is a real police officer on board, and she has personally experienced another case of suspected chelate attacking the public. What do you have to arrange for someone to direct?" Guard, I think she is much more suitable."

"Agreed," Li Ke nodded, and she lowered her voice, "If you have no experience in this kind of thing and force yourself to the front, you will easily become the murderer's next target."

Originally, the boat policeman still had a bit of sullen expression on his face, but after hearing this sentence, he unconsciously felt a chill down his back.He frowned, and looked at Gobelin again, "Now that there are so many victims suddenly on board, it is much better to do more practical things than discuss these false names, cough... I know the police officer they are talking about, what you said , we will discuss it later when we see her."

"Of course, I totally agree."

The boat policeman squatted down and took a look at Rand, "I'm offended, Mr. Rand, it seems that we have to find a place to confirm some things with you."

Several men in gray-blue camouflage uniforms came over to take over Rand, and Gobelin's men let go of their hands completely and stood behind him.

Gobelin shifted his gaze to Hesta, "Miss Mercury Needle, I also have something to ask you for advice."

Hesta and Rico didn't speak, just looked at him.

"Mr. Roborglier disappeared in the evening. Someone saw Ms. Chiba taking him away forcibly," Gobelin said, "Where is Ms. Chiba now?"

(End of this chapter)

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