Chapter 1012
They could only attribute it to the fact that Chen Xi was too strong, so strong that one person suppressed everyone.

"In the past 1000 years, I have never seen such a strong and incomprehensible character in the annals of history." Xun Shuang said with some emotion, "Even if I knew that he was very strong, but to this extent, it can already be said It is invincible in the world."

"The bright moon is in the sky, the bright moon is in the sky!" Sima Jun sighed, why can't such an excellent kid belong to his Sima family.

Although Sima Lang and Sima Yi are both great talents in the world, they are both talents of the three gongs and nine ministers, but after all, they are a little unwilling.

The position of the next prime minister has already been reserved by Zhuge Liang. Not surprisingly, Zhuge Liang will be the next prime minister.

This kind of monster is simply unreasonable.

"He probably did it on purpose. After we calculate this ratio, the principals of the major families will be more afraid." Chen Ji sighed and said, "If there is no such report, it should be able to pass it stably, but With this report, I am afraid that the principals of the major families really need to weigh it."

"What are you weighing? If we follow his path, we are at least rapidly becoming stronger. Although the opponent is in charge, if you don't follow the opponent's path, do you have a tomorrow?" Sima Jun said with a sneer.

The family leaders who heard this sound transmission were all silent. Indeed, this is the biggest problem, and they seem to have no choice.

In fact, they originally had another choice, which was to bring Chen Xi under their control, so Chen Xi could only work for them no matter what.

But thinking of this, everyone couldn't help turning their attention to Guo Hao.

If Chen Xi is at the absolute pinnacle of economics and politics, then Guo Hao is the unsolvable pinnacle of military force, the strongest army, the strongest general, the strongest army, the strongest popular support, and the strongest righteousness.

If Guo Hao has shortcomings, then everything is based on logistics, and Chen Xi makes up for it, and the two complement each other.

One is to establish a position to suppress all unstable factors, and the other is to be invincible and advance the entire Han Dynasty steadily.

They have no choice.

If you follow Chen Xi, at least you can eat meat, and there is a lot of meat, which you couldn't eat before.

Although Chen Xi got more, the problem is, if you don't follow Chen Xi, who will you follow?
This is different from the end of the Western Han Dynasty. When Wang Mang was good, everyone followed Wang Mang. When Wang Mang started to harm the interests of the family, everyone just patted their buttocks and followed Liu Xiu.

Anyway, it's not that there is no choice, but in the current situation, except for Chen Xi, the major families can't even find a descendant. It's not that there is no descendant, but that the benefits given by the other descendants are not enough.

In the past, aristocratic families could make choices, because the benefits offered by everyone were not bad, so the right to choose was in their hands. Even the emperor needed to rely on them to support the development of the entire empire.

But now, even if Chen Xi cut them all down, their development would be stagnant for a period of time at most.

Academies and education emerged to replace them, and everyone could see clearly that the era when they monopolized knowledge was over.

So they had no choice but to follow Chen Xi.

This is the biggest problem, no one else can offer such benefits, only Chen Xi is the one who really does what he says.

Feeling the charm of the military aristocrats, who wants to go back to the mainland and go to jail? Although they lie down in the local area and don't show their heads, and when the emperor is generally no one cares about it, but in his own country, the laws are all revised by himself. If you are in a hurry, go to war directly The car is singled out with you, do you dare to do this in China?

And backed by the Han Dynasty, they are completely ancestors in those small countries. This kind of refreshing feeling is something they can't let go of.

To expand the frontiers and lands, Chen Xi was directly sure of their destiny.

They also knew that Chen Xi was using them as vanguards to occupy these lands, and then let the entire Han nation expand their territories.

But so what if he knew, Chen Xi never concealed his purpose.

But with strong economic support, such a purpose is a conspiracy.

It's like you can choose not to breathe, but if you don't breathe, you will definitely die. It seems that you have a choice, but in fact there is no choice at all.

"So if we don't study how to let the Chen family cultivate another one who can fight against Chen Zichuan, no, we don't want to fight against it, and cultivate a banner bearer who will stand on our side." Someone in the group chat suggested.

"Forget it, if my family can cultivate them and they are very obedient, I would have killed you all a long time ago, and I will kill you all during the Spring and Autumn Period." Chen Ji said that he was not polite at all.

This is the problem of the Chen family. Although the boss belongs to the Chen family, he does not listen to the orders of the Chen family at all. He will give you favors, but if you say follow the orders, don’t dream. Sun Bin, no one obeys the command.

Not only do you not obey orders, but you have to control your entire Chen family instead.

A good main vein, in front of the eyes, becomes a branch vein.

Chen Ji himself was also angry. After training for a long time, Chen Qun was enough to amaze them.

After correcting his mentality, even Xun Yu could not completely suppress Chen Qun's brilliance.

But it's useless, compared with Chen Xi, it's just a foil.

"Don't talk about these useless things, the main event is coming!" Just as a group of people sighed, Zhou Yu and Sun Ce stood up.

"Your Majesty, the sea is vast and sparsely populated to the east of Dongying. The descendants of my grandson family explored the territory of China amidst the thorns, and harvested a square inch of land in the process of forging ahead. Only then did we realize the hardships of our ancestors to expand the land in China." Sun Ce's voice There is infinite respect and remembrance for the ancestors.

In fact, Sun Ce didn't open his mouth at all, it was Zhou Yu who used a secret method instead of Sun Ce to say it.

Zhou Yu was really worried about letting Sun Ce mess up. This matter is still very important. If it messes up, it will not be good for them or the Han Dynasty.

Liu Ying was stuck for a moment, not knowing how to answer. The main reason was that she didn't expect Sun Ce to say such a thing. Not kidding, she once thought that Tuanzi's education level was higher than Sun Ce's.

In fact, there is no need to answer, these words are actually said by Sun Ce and Zhou Yu on behalf of other aristocratic families, with strong stems and weak branches, with Huaxia as the most important, eternal attitude.

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent. Sima Jun, Chen Ji, and Xun Shuang had almost guessed what would happen next, and they watched the next scene with full anticipation.

"We are about to leave the Central Plains, go to the East Ocean, and guard the sea area for China, but no matter how far away, we are also a family, cut off the continuous civilization inheritance, cut off the continuous etiquette culture, even if we are far away from the Central Plains, we are still a member of Zhuxia. "

Zhou Yu spoke slowly, restrained his tone, and got to the most important point. At this moment, everyone knew what Zhou Yu wanted to say.

At this moment, Sun Ce's body was straight. Although he was stupid, he understood his responsibility. Sun Ce's demeanor, that kind of momentum, that kind of spirit made everyone admire him.

It is not to praise Sun Ce, but to praise the civilization that gave birth to them, the China that gave birth to them, the majestic China, the majestic China, which is the common root of all of you.

This matter itself is a process of going through the process, but it also represents the opening of a new era for the Han Dynasty, an era of enfeoffment outside the counties and counties.

"Yes!" Liu Ying's majestic voice spread throughout the hall.

"Confess Sun Ce as the king of Wu, and Zhou Yu as the king of the east, and call him the second king of the east Wu, and give him two seals to guard the eastern sea!"

After the sound of heavenly sounds reached everyone's ears, the last worry in their hearts finally dissipated.

The traditional page-turning of the tradition that only the surname Liu cannot be crowned a king will be a period of great development in the future.

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Zhou Yu and Sun Ce took the seal from Liu Ying and handed over the golden book and jade book.

Liu Ying picked up the golden book and jade book and looked through it. She understood how important this thing was. It was a proof of violating the ancestral system, and it might also be evidence of her future achievements.

But it doesn't mean much to her. She has surpassed most of her ancestors to be able to do what she is doing in this era. Right and wrong are left to future generations to judge.

She rolled up the jade book, and was going to use a special pen to etch it back, and there was nothing wrong with this matter in her opinion.

Guo Hao had analyzed the pros and cons for her in advance, and it was only after she agreed that this matter would happen in court.

"Your Highness, although this is the best choice as a reserve, if so, wouldn't all the families need to be listed when they leave?" Xun Shuang said after formally ending the process.

Seeing that Liu Ying finished reading the golden book and jade book, nodded and put it away, she immediately got up and asked.

"This thing is based on Huaxia, and it is proposed that the various families be used as barriers, which can further be used to restrain various families, rather than simply as a reserve." Xun Shuang said sonorously, without showing any signs of aging. When Liu Ying heard this, she originally thought The hand that was about to close the jade book also stopped.

She understood Gou Shuang's implication.

Zhou Yu frowned, and turned his attention to Xun Shuang, the wise man who overwhelmed everyone in the previous era, at this moment he finally stopped hiding his edge and stood up.

Chen Xi paused and turned his gaze to Guo Hao. Guo Hao shook his head and signaled Chen Xi not to move, just leave it to Liu Ying to judge.

Xun Shuang's words pointed directly to the core contradiction of the Han Dynasty, whether it is the family world or the Han world.

Just like what Xun Shuang said now, if Sun Ce and Zhou Yu did this, they could become kings.

If the major families do this, they can also become kings.

Of course they wanted to hang out with Chen Xi, but it was undoubtedly an insult to them to put their hopes on Chen Xi's personal moral level.

Therefore, after the Xun family decided to go out and start the country, Xun Shuang tried his best to ensure the progress of this matter.

The so-called fun alone is not as good as the crowd. I think Sun Ce and Zhou Yu's proposal is very good. Let's go together. What do you think?
He just wants to tie everyone together and let Liu Ying nail this matter to prevent Chen Xi from completely hanging them with a carrot.

To put it bluntly, Chen Xi has thought about this, first relying on the family to develop, and then kicking the family away, directly killing the family and burying it in the soil.

"Yes!" Liu Ying nodded and put down the golden book and jade book.

"In this case, how about setting up a stone tablet in the center of Luoyang to engrave the oaths of your families?" Liu Ying thought for a moment, and then gave an answer that caught Xun Shuang off guard.

If his proposal was to ensure that everyone could get on the boat, then Liu Ying's proposal now was to ensure that no one could get off the boat.

This contradiction was instantly kicked from the court to the family.

In just an instant, the family was divided into those who wanted to leave and those who didn't.

Planning to go and having to go are two different things.

"Since this matter involves various families in the Central Plains, why don't we gather all the families to discuss together, and let the state lead the discussion." Xun Shuang's mind was clear at this time, as if he had once again seen through the fog of history. Everyone counts."

"This matter will be postponed for the time being, and we will make a decision after the government affairs department makes a decision!" Guo Hao opened his mouth and directly postponed this matter.

Procrastination is extremely useful no matter in what era.

Xun Shuang hesitated for a moment, but he still didn't continue to speak. He had already achieved his goal, so he didn't intend to continue pestering him.

In fact, what he is looking for is a stable number of going out.

Now that both decisions are in his interests, there is no need for him to continue to advance at the risk of offending other aristocratic families.

Recently, due to the obvious changes in the social environment, the previous distorted aesthetics of the major families have returned to the original, and it has become the six arts of a gentleman.

In short, the strange social atmosphere in the past, such as men's powdering, facial coverings, incense, and women's clothing, has not been wiped out, at least it has returned to a normal level.

Or to put it in another extreme direction, strong and strong men, muscular warriors, wearing strong and sharp, driving a chariot with one hand, shooting five shots and five defenses are the true qualities of a gentleman.

Even their Xun family doesn't want to offend too many people. These days, a small family is an armed group.

No matter how fierce their Xun family was, they were still a tiger that couldn't hold back a pack of wolves.

It means, just get what you want, it's really a mess, they can't stand it when they go abroad.

Everyone is a military hooligan, and I, a barbarian, can do this kind of thing.

After the court meeting, Chen Xi met Zhou Yu.

"What are your plans for the next step? Your Excellency the Eastern King!" Chen Xi said casually.

"Isn't this here to ask Marquis Chen to show you a way!" Zhou Yu smiled brightly. He is a prince and general, and he has really achieved achievements beyond his ancestors.

"Of course I don't need to say more about the fishery industry. For other things, tropical fruits are a good way!" Chen Xi said casually.

The things that are famous in the oceans in later generations, aside from natural gas and oil, and things like steel, the most common thing is food.

Tropical fruit has always been an area that cannot be ignored.

"Fruit?" Zhou Yu was a little puzzled, but he didn't rush to refute. After seeing Chen Xi's superb method of extracting economic value from even grass, he understood.

In terms of economy, Chen Xi didn't leave them much room for doubt.

"Thank you Chen Hou!" Zhou Yu got the answer, so he didn't bother too much, and asked some difficult questions he encountered when handling government affairs.

It's not all about hoping for Chen Xi's answer, but more about wanting to see if there is anything that can be improved between his own handling method and Chen Xi's.

He Zhou Yu also has his own pride.

(End of this chapter)

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