Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1013 The Unrecovered Wei Qing

Chapter 1013 The Unrecovered Wei Qing

"I said Marquis of Huaiyin! Have you thought about it yet?"

Chen Xi looked helplessly at the solemn Han Xin in front of him. He came to ask Han Xin for an account today. After a group of people in the government affairs office made a total calculation, he felt that the Han Dynasty lacked two types of arms.

One is the auxiliary scout unit commanded by the Roman Fifth Skylark who controls the light and shadow augmentation army, the other is the panacea unit with all the infinite talents of the Fourteenth Combination Legion, and the last is the type like the Guishuang Empire Scepter and the Roman Empire Council Increase the ability of the legion.

To be abstract, the army that the entire Han Dynasty can give strength to others is actually the Xiliang Iron Cavalry, how abstract it is.

Although most of the time, the Han Dynasty can make up for it through military formations, but the problem is who doesn't want good things. Anyway, Chen Xi wants to, and he has the idea of ​​collecting illustrated books.

Chen Xi came to Weiyang Palace and began to ask Han Xin to collect the bill.

Han Xin knew that he couldn't get rid of the fact that he messed up the palace, so he could only accept his fate, who made him mess up.

Bai Qi watched Han Xin making difficult choices with a smile.

The three types Chen Xi mentioned are more bizarre than the other. Even the God of War is not omnipotent. Light and shadow manipulation is a pit, infinite change is a big pit, and the augmented legion is directly a sinkhole. None of them are easy to deal with.

However, what does this have to do with him as a fun person, he just wants to watch Han Xin choose a pit and jump into it.

Han Xin is a "garbage" in his own military training, and his real level is at most the same as Huangfusong's. Of course, this does not refer to the battlefield.

On the battlefield, the speed at which Han Xin trains troops can make Huang Fusong invisible to the car exhaust.

But the problem is that Han Xin can't go to the battlefield, so this endless loop is doomed that Han Xin can't climb out of any pit, and then he is restrained by Chen Xi and others.

The ghost knows how many Imperial Guard regiments these black-hearted guys will let Han Xin train to pay off their debts.

Although training the imperial guards is not difficult for the military gods, the most important thing is the trouble. They finally resurrected just to have fun, and they are forced to train the legion every day. What kind of hell is this?

"Infinite change!" Han Xin finally chose infinite change. In fact, Han Xin had already thought about it. Infinite change is just a quantifier anyway, and the entire army that can switch talents will come out and settle the blame.

Although he admits this, he is not an honest person. If he really put himself in a hole, then he is just asking for guilt.

The light and shadow and the auxiliary legion are really too difficult to make. To be honest, Han Xin thinks it will take him many years to make it, basically starting from scratch.

At least he is familiar with Infinite Change, because he used whatever talents he used in the war, which was a higher level than Infinite Change, after all, he washed the entire army together.

Chen Xi left contentedly, regardless of whether Han Xin could do it or not, it would be a good thing for the Han Dynasty.

How to get the bosses to work at the same price is a question of metaphysics. It is difficult to grasp the speed of getting the bosses to work and the newcomers to grow.

Han Xin looked at Bai Qi eagerly, intending to ask Bai Qi for help, and let Bai Qi work with him, and the partner can always work faster.

"Don't look at me, I won't!"

But what Bai Qi is best at is refusing others, just like when he refused the King of Qin to force him to play.

The corner of Han Xin's mouth twitched, he was helpless in the face of a guy who used his life to reject others.

"Where's Huo Qubing, he's also responsible for this matter, he must help me!" Han Xin rolled his eyes, and immediately thought of another culprit.

Although Huo Qubing is not good at training soldiers, but no matter how he is not good at it, he is still a military god. Maybe he will come up with some ideas after communicating and colliding.

"I'm here, I guess I can't help you!" A voice said weakly, and Han Xin and Bai Qi discovered that Huo Qubing was actually lying in the underground palace.

"What are you?" Han Xin and Bai Qi sank into the ground, looking at Huo Qubing with strange expressions.

"It's backfired, the price of catching people from time to time is too high!" Huo Qubing's face was pale, and he felt as if he had returned to his frail and sickly childhood.

Bai Qi and Han Xin were silent. Huo Qubing's state reminded them of some bad things.

"The price is so high, you don't even know if you're successful or not?" Bai Qi frowned and asked, logically speaking, only if you succeed in recruiting people will you suffer this kind of backlash.

"Is time really irreversible?" Han Xin also frowned.

In fact, at the end of the research, everyone involved similar things, one is to trace the past, and the other is to preview the future.

It is easy to go backwards, but it is too difficult to go forward. Zhang Liang and Xiao He also tried to revive the legendary mythical figures to deal with Xiang Yu.

However, it was useless, those existences with mythical characters were all blown away by Xiang Yu with one punch.

Since then, Zhang Liang and Xiao He have completely given up fighting Xiang Yu by force, and turned to deal with Xiang Yu by attacking the heart.

Han Xin himself had studied it secretly in private, and thought about going back to the past and hacking Xiang Yu to death with a single knife to prevent future troubles.

But he has no clue so far, which is why he and Bai Qi helped Huo Qubing in the first place. Apart from meeting Wei Qing, they also wanted to see if going back to the past could become a reality.

Han Xin wanted to go back to the past, but Bai Qi was different, he just wanted to go back and see what level those so-called Warring States famous generals were.

Back then, he felt that he had never met any of them. The only one, Lian Po, had already been transferred away by the time he made a move, and he did not face the enemy head-on.

When he saw so many famous generals in the history books, he really wanted to fight these people to see whether there were no heroes that made him victorious in all battles, or whether these famous generals were at that level.

As for the evaluation in the history books, Bai Qi doesn’t believe a word. What kind of person is Han Xin in the history books? gangster.

How can you believe what a group of people who don't understand the military god recorded, it's almost as good as witnessing it with your own eyes.

"Successful!" Speaking of this, Huo Qubing's pale face turned rosy.

"I've seen the Marquis of Huaiyin and Lord Wu'an. Qing is now in a state of illness. I will argue with the two of you after I recover!"

From the corner, came a mature and steady voice.

"I wish for it!" Bai Qi and Han Xin's eyes flashed, they didn't expect Huo Qubing to succeed.

And Wei Qing's invitation to fight was exactly what they were looking for.

Standing on the top of a mountain is lonely, the more lonely you are, the more eager you are to meet with the same kind.

Guo Hao glanced at the direction of Weiyang Palace in a strange way, and his consciousness recovered, although it was very weak, but it did indeed recover.

"It really succeeded?" Guo Hao scratched his head, and then deployed more luck towards Weiyang Palace. For the newborn consciousness, it can nourish them and let them recover well.

"It's really a sign of destiny!" Guo Hao thought for a while, but in the end he still didn't publicize this matter. General Wei's condition is obviously not good, so let's talk about it after he recovers.

Moreover, regarding this long river of time and space to find people, we still need to carefully consider one or two things, at least we have to wait for Huo Qubing's results to come out.

If one is taken out and another is paid in, wouldn't the gain outweigh the loss.


Within a few days, the previous issues of Sun Ce, Zhou Yu, and Xun Shuang were restarted at the court meeting.

After all, since Sun Ce and Zhou Yu have already become kings, they should hurry up to take office and make some achievements, so that the aristocratic family and the Han Dynasty can feel at ease.

Therefore, the family has restarted the previous proposal after a wave of urgent teasing in private and a wave of PY.

In fact, it is a process, the family has discussed it themselves, and then the court has approved it. After all, this is not a one-size-fits-all policy. As long as most of the families go out, the rest will be solved and used, and even used as a benchmark. It is also a good way to motivate the backward.

Before going to court, Guo Hao and Chen Xi prepared the materials for Liu Ying in order to avoid accidents. The proposed matter must be passed. There is basically nothing to say. After all, everyone with a discerning eye knows that this matter is beneficial to the country and the people.

This time the aristocratic family has already talked about it in private, and even some dissatisfaction can be resolved with the replacement of benefits.

Therefore, this time the bill already has a framework in the parliament, and the matters to be ruled have also been planned. It can be regarded as a preliminary team and regulations, and now it is reported to the eldest princess for a ruling.

After all, no one in an aristocratic family can trust other aristocratic families. The aristocratic family is about to become a mudslide. The question went straight to the court.

It's funny to say, the family's biggest enemy is the family, and the family's greatest friend is also the family, they are just grasshoppers stabbing each other on a rope.

What happened in the Six Dynasties is not just talking about it.

Obviously, both sides are holding that they would rather have their rights narrowed down, and the group of mentally retarded people on the opposite side should not try to take advantage of it. As a result, the current situation is that the table is set up, the charter is established, and then the country is brought in to suppress it. opposite.

After all, both sides are like that, I cheat or not, that's my business, but I absolutely don't allow you to cheat, this is a fair premise, the result is now like this...

Well, how should I put it, this matter was impossible in the past.

Because the biggest family happens to be the Liu family, that is, the imperial court.

If you let the Liu family be the referee, you are not putting them all in the pit directly. The Liu family is notoriously ruthless, and Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu is better.

Although whether it can be done is a matter of ability, at least this idea has been maintained in the general direction.

The Chen family, the Xun family, the Sima family, and the Yang family took the lead and came up with a parliamentary system, which basically refers to the court meeting, and the regulations are reasonable.

"The aristocratic parliamentary system, isn't it? It seems that it refers to the court meeting, and the regulations are reasonable." Liu Ying said with a lazy look, as if she was just about to agree, but the topic suddenly changed.

"But then I think it's not as good as this. For the affairs of the aristocratic family, a team is formed to deal with it. It is called the Left House. This is the parliament you are proposing now. Another team is formed for the affairs of the people, which is called the Right House. Except for a few judges, both parties can concurrently, others must perform their duties.”

The corner of Liu Ying's mouth curled up. Although the general direction could not be changed, she still decided to fight for more benefits for the court.

Just like when there are more rich people, money is no longer money. If the aristocratic family can only manage the aristocratic family, their power will be greatly reduced, and the parliament and court will be divided, so that all the contradictions between the two parties will become internal contradictions, and the Struggles have become internal struggles.

This can also divide these future princes and kings to the greatest extent, and the future direction of the parliament is destined to be an alliance of princes and kings. The tragedy of the Zhou family is vivid, even if Liu Ying understands that no one in her dynasty can shake the Han Dynasty.

But she is also thinking about future generations in her heart. If nothing happens, her and Guo Hao's son should inherit the throne.

When they all let go, these will become legacy problems. When they are strong, they are nothing, but when they are weak, they can easily become disadvantages.

Chen Xi looked at Liu Ying with great interest, and then turned his head to look at Guo Hao. He was sure that this matter should be Liu Ying's idea, but it was also inseparable from Guo Hao. The pattern of the upper and lower houses is very familiar of.

The so-called left and right houses are just a variant.

And the subsequent so-called enfeoffment will become the so-called autonomous region model. How to say these things are all in his plan, but the speed of advancement is faster than he imagined.

Guo Hao smiled at Chen Xi. There is no way to comment on things like the public world and the family world, but he is very clear about keeping a country alive for a long time.

Chen Xi stood up and took a step forward, "May I ask Your Highness, if it is a conflict between the aristocratic family and the common people, how should the decision be made?"

"Of course it depends on where the people are from." Liu Tong went on speaking smoothly.

This sentence means that my vassal's vassal is not my vassal.

Everyone in the aristocratic family immediately started discussing. This was the first time they felt Liu Ying's sharpness, and they were caught off guard again.

Let’s say it’s a loss, it doesn’t seem to be a loss, so many people passed by, sons and grandchildren, grandchildren and grandchildren, and descendants and grandchildren are endless, that is, if this parliament is passed, the Han Empire will recognize these vassals of Xia.

It can also be regarded as setting the tone for the future princes and kingdoms, that is, they can govern the citizens of their own country by themselves, and this matter is approved by the court.

The people of the vassal states are Han people, but they are also the people of the vassal states.

But just as everyone was talking, an unexpected person came out.

"Dare to ask Your Highness, how to deal with conflicts between the vassal states and the Han Dynasty!"

Yuan Shu and Yuan Gonglu directly pointed out the contradiction between the aristocratic family and the country, that is, the issue of the spring and autumn struggle for hegemony was brought to the fore.

Great unification is the general trend, so it is a good question who will be unified. If the overlord of the Spring and Autumn Period can let go of his desire for power, then enfeoffment is not a kind of great unification.

But the problem is that no one can let it go, so once it is divided, it is almost doomed to split.

(End of this chapter)

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