Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1023 Beheading Successfully

"Pfft!" Bisyer, the leader of the Fifteen Fanatic Legion, spat out a mouthful of blood, and then punched Ardashir's precious horse with a desperate punch. One punch, just one punch, Ardashir His horse was killed on the spot, and then Bisyer was cut open in the chest by Ardashir.

As a pure ascetic fanatic, Bisier is also one of the pillars for the church to survive in the dark ages. Back then, he protected many church believers by becoming the guardian of Rome.

Rome also saw that he was not too persecuted for the sake of his role as the guardian of Rome, and it was just a means of using these church believers to control Bisier.

However, after the rise of the church, Bisier quickly gave up everything he had before and returned to the Lord's camp.

And relying on extremely fanatical beliefs, he served as the head of the [-]th Legion.

But at this moment, his heart is desperate, because Ardashir is about to step over from his side.

Bisyer's powerful blow directly interrupted Ardashir's weapon, and roared and shot out the weapon in his hand, smashing the upper body of the Saint Death knight who couldn't dodge behind.

However, everything was meaningless. Ardashir did not entangle him too much, but left him with a deep scar, and then passed him by.

"Don't dare to decide the outcome with the servant of God, cowardly sinner!" Bisyer taunted Ardashir crazily.

And Ardasil didn't say much, took out a standard long gun and continued to kill towards the front.

Without getting angry or refuting, Ardashir knew that he was about to complete his goal, and he would break through the defense line of the No.15 Fanatic Legion in a dozen steps. Jump, let the birds fly high in the sky.

St. Peter III is right in front of him. As long as he kills him, killing St. Peter III will become a very easy task.

Even if St. Peter III had guards around him, it would only take a little extra effort for the Holy Meteor Cavalry.

Seeing this, Bisyer roared and rushed towards Ardashir, but unfortunately Ardashir ignored him and took the lead in rushing forward.

Seeing this scene, Bisyer clearly understood that the church had lost, their Pope was about to die tragically under the butcher knife of Ardashir, and they could do nothing.

"It's troublesome, it's really troublesome now!"

Benito looked at the line of defense that was about to be breached, then quietly switched to the talent of the Fifth Skylark, and then secretly modified the light and shadow in front of him, causing some slight deviations in the angle of Saint Peter III in Ardashir's eyes.

Although it has been a long time, Benito does not guarantee that it will be effective, but in this kind of battlefield, it is good to delay the opponent for a minute.

Benito secretly modified the angle of view of the Saint Death Knight. In this kind of chaotic army, if you don't pay attention, it is not easy to find a deviation of about [-] degrees in a short time.

But even though it was only a [-]-degree deflection, by the time the Holy Meteor Cavalry killed it, it might be hundreds of meters away from the original target.

This is already the limit of Benito. Even if he intends to go and surround him now, he will be powerless. …

"Forget it, let him go, but I can't control that side, but I have to work hard here!" Benito retracted his gaze, and the army led by Jin Wushu and Temujin were fighting in front of him.

If the head of St. Peter III can be exchanged for two, one military soul and one three talents, it seems that it is not a bad thing for Rome!

Benito did what he thought, and directly greeted the soldiers of the Sixteenth Paladin Legion, and followed them to besiege Temujin's Mongolian cavalry.

Frederick also started desperately at this time, he couldn't care less about Ardashir at this time, and Temujin's scimitar in front of him was getting heavier every time.

The opponent's illusory aura has begun to be transformed into strength little by little.

This discovery made Frederick feel uneasy. The opponent has been getting stronger, so there is only one possibility, that is, the Holy Meteor Knight behind him may have really penetrated the line of defense and started beheading.

Frederick was anxious, and the movements of his hands began to deform. When Temujin seized the opportunity, he suppressed him severely, and he didn't even have a chance to turn around.

"Damn, hate, hate!" Frederick became more and more violent, the big sword in his hand danced like a windmill, but he was firmly suppressed by Temujin's scimitar.

"Hahaha, I'm in a hurry, do you really want to know what's going on in the battle? I can tell you that Ardashir has already been killed!" Temujin accelerated Frederick's uneasiness with words.

Frederick's movements became more and more distorted, and he regretted it a bit. After all, he still made a mistake. He should let Gabriel stand against Temujin.

As a commander, losing control of the battle situation is simply an intolerable mistake.

But no amount of annoyance would help, and now he could only pray to the gods that St. Peter III would escape.

But thinking about it rationally, it seems that the death of Saint Peter III is even more good news for him?

Without St. Peter III, he seems to be a favorable candidate for the pope again, and this time he is a member of Severus, and he will inevitably get Severus' support.

With this in mind, the movements of Frederick's hands returned to stability.

Temujin was a little surprised, but after seeing the relief on Frederick's face, Temujin also guessed the truth of the matter.

So this is ah.

I wish the top leader died, and the person who replaced him.

"Why don't you let us go and earn a wave of prestige yourself?" Temujin passed his bewitching voice into Frederick's ears.

Frederick was startled, and the movements of his hands unconsciously slowed down by half a beat, and returned to the original in an instant.

"Your proposal may be very good, but how can I conspire with a sinner like you!" Frederick sneered.

Temujin's suggestion is good, but believing the enemy's rhetoric on the battlefield is basically asking for death.

No matter how good Temujin's suggestion was, he didn't believe a word of it.

Temujin sneered twice, knowing that Frederick was already moved, so he only had to wait for Ardashir to succeed before he could get away.

And it's definitely easier than getting out, but correspondingly, they may suffer from the opponent's fierce attack in the later stage.

After all, as the successor, avenging the predecessor can win the hearts of the people. …

However, that's all for later, and we'll have to figure out a way when the time comes. The most important thing is to get out now.

Although he would definitely be able to rush out with the help of the Golden Wu Technique by burning his army soul, but the casualties would probably not be small.

On the other side, after assaulting for a certain distance, Ardashir found that he hadn't broken through the defense line of the [-]th Legion, and instantly realized that his eyes had deceived him, or that what someone made him see was no longer real.

If this is the first time Ardashir encounters this kind of situation, he may still think about it, but the existence of the disgusting thing like the Fifth Skylark made Ardashir react instantly. This legion's ability to manipulate light and shadow is enough to make people despair.

There is no doubt that the opponent should have deflected the angle of his own charge, but he does not know how much the deflection is. Pure light and shadow can make the opponent seamless. At least the legion led by Ardashir has no way to distinguish his own charge now. How much is the direction deviated from the direction estimated by his own theory?

"Oops, the Fifth Skylark is also here?"

Ardasil's heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant. The Fifth Skylark was an assassin hidden in the shadows. If he didn't deal with it well, he might be stabbed in the back by the Fifth Skylark.

In other words, if it was another situation, Ardashir could still distinguish slowly and find out the Fifth Skylark with his will, but now that the Fifteenth Legion is on the side, wasting time can only get him into trouble.

"No, no, calm down. It's impossible for the intelligence system to have such a big flaw. It should be the [-]th Legion, with infinite talent, can it achieve this effect?"

However, Ardashir quickly jumped out of the limit, thinking of the fourteen combinations that kept switching talents just now. Although he had heard about it for a long time, this kind of ability that can use other people's abilities, and it is somewhat similar, is really surprising.

"There's no time to waste!" Ardashir resolutely discarded his distracting thoughts.

"Everyone, follow me to this direction!" Ardasil rushed towards a certain direction with his own intuition, and Benito's face suddenly darkened, and he actually found it based on his feeling. pointed in the right direction!

He wasn't sure if there was a mistake in his manipulation of light and shadow, or whether Ardashir really found the right direction through pure intuition.

But this is meaningless, Ardashir has found the right direction, and now St. Peter III must be retreated.

"Your Excellency, the defense line of the Fifteenth Legion has been breached, please leave here quickly!" Benito used light and shadow to condense a clone to convey information to St. Peter III.

St. Peter III's face darkened, and he was caught in the entanglement of whether to go or not to go.

"There is no time to hesitate, His Excellency the Pope, please leave quickly!" Benito disappeared immediately after dropping these words.

Anyway, he passed the information to St. Peter III. It was his freedom whether St. Peter III left. Even if he died, he would at most go over to express his condolences.

Concentrating on killing the two super legions in front of him is what he should do.

Those who belong to the church belong to the church, and those who belong to Rome belong to Rome. Benito puts his position in a very correct position.

And it's hard to say whether the higher-ups have the idea of ​​killing St. Peter III, and Benito is not good at arbitrarily making his own opinions and doing what he should do. The rest has nothing to do with him as a legion commander. …

When he left, the financial officer hinted that he should create more deaths of barbarians, and he could slip his hands once or twice if necessary.

Only in this way can the military expenditure be reduced, increase income and reduce expenditure, Benito does not want to live up to the teachings of the God of Wealth.

However, Benito overlooked a problem, that is, the Eagle Banner Legion and the barbarians are completely different, and the Eagle Banner Legion has to pay a pension.

Now he is having fun with the Sixteenth Army as a shield, and when the pension comes, he will have more fun.

But Benito also had a reason. Anyway, they can't let the Fourteenth Army fight, that's not realistic.

"That's right here!" Ardashir pierced through the soldiers of the [-]th Legion on the opposite side, and jumped out first by feeling. At this time, the Roman soldiers scattered on both sides still hadn't fully gathered because of the mobility of their short legs. .

However, at this moment, the last line of defense established by the Fifteenth Legion has been torn open by Ardashir. With the leap of Ardashir's horse, the entire defense line has lost its meaning in front of the Holy Meteor Cavalry. at this time.

But if the array is torn open, the entire array will start to be divided due to the cloud problem, so that even the most powerful legion can only be killed because of this reason.

By the time they got together and integrated again, the Holy Meteor Cavalry had already gone far away.

As an assault cavalry, the mobility of the Holy Meteor Cavalry is excellent, far surpassing some ordinary cavalry legions, let alone the short-legged legions of Rome.

Although the Paladin Legion has knights, it is actually a heavy infantry regiment because it is selected from among the barbarians, but it has a relatively strong survivability.

Saint Peter III stood silently on the high platform.

"Let's go, as the agent of God, I can die, but I must not escape!" St. Peter III couldn't see the look of wanting to run at the beginning.

In other words, he himself was not afraid of death, but what he was afraid of was that no one would spread the gospel of the Lord.

The people around were motionless. They might be opportunistic, but they were all prepared to sacrifice. Sometimes death is not a terrible thing.

However, in the face of the threat of death, St. Peter III wanted to understand many things, the most important thing was that Cyprian who had been assisting him all the time but hadn't appeared at all at this moment.

"I command you to follow Bishop Cyprian, he will be the hope of the church!"

"The church can live without me, St. Peter, but it can't live without Bishop Cyprian. He is our hope and the true representative of the Lord!"

Several paladins and cardinals saluted silently, then left.

This is the order of Bishop St. Peter III, and they are bound to obey it.

"Cyprian, with you here, even if I die, it will not affect the expansion of the church!" Saint Peter III smiled.

He made no attempt to escape, which would have put Cyprian in danger.

That being the case, it is better to stand up and meet your own destiny, which is nothing but death.

It's just a matter of going to experience it for yourself, whether you can see the Lord in your heart.

The sound of horseshoes gradually approached, but St. Peter III remained unmoved. He folded his hands and prayed devoutly to his gods for the future of the church.

"Death!" Ardashir looked at the praying Saint Peter III, and with a flying knife, he directly decapitated Saint Peter III.

Although I was a little curious why St. Peter III didn't have guards around him, the self-evident thing on the other party already explained everything, and the other party was definitely the Pope.

After beheading St. Peter III, he vaguely felt that he had absorbed something.

"The Pope is dead!" Ardasil's filial piety resounded through the sky, beating the hearts of all the believers like a roaring thunder.

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