Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1024 Cyprian's decision

Chapter 1024 Cyprian's decision

Hearing that Ardashir had succeeded, Temujin roared.

"Use the strong bow and kill!"

He knew very well that if he didn't take advantage of the swaying of the opponent's mind to go out now, and wait until the opponent reacted and burned the anger of revenge on them, then he would really not be able to rush out.

So Temujin directly lifted a hole card that he was holding, holding a strong bow in his hand and shooting the golden arrow towards a relatively weak direction.

Immediately afterwards, all the soldiers serving as light cavalry among the Mongolian iron cavalry took out their bows and arrows and shot a golden arrow.

A golden torrent directly covered this area, and the soldiers who were shot, whether they were sixteen paladins, fourteen combinations, or ordinary elites, were all wiped out instantly.

The torrent-like arrows washed from this direction, without screams, and without parrying. In the face of this torrent like a legion attack, it lost all meaning.

The surrounding Attoramay was extremely horrified. No one understood the significance of this torrent better than him about the specific warm-ups of the army soul archers and Parthian cavalry.

If the Parthian cavalry chose to take into account both the speed of fire and power, then the Mongolian iron cavalry abandoned the speed of fire and focused on power.

In terms of the killing effect of this torrent alone, the arrows of the Parthian cavalry are far inferior to the Mongolian iron cavalry. Of course, the Parthian cavalry has taken into account the speed of fire, and can shoot many arrows with both power and power. The lethality of Mongolian cavalry.

But in the memory of Attorami, the Mongolian iron cavalry should be a melee cavalry slightly inferior to Shengyun.

Now that he suddenly showed such a hand, it really surprised Atto Lamei, because the bows and arrows of the Mongolian cavalry were only slightly inferior to them.

If the melee and long-range are all on the same level, then the overall strength of this legion is far greater than any of them.

But everyone is a military soul, how could Temujin go so far on the military soul, as if he had been immersed in it for hundreds of years.

He didn't understand how Temujin managed to do this.

Although Attorami was a guard, he also knew that they accepted the inheritance of the Huns, but he didn't know that Temujin was a descendant of the Huns.

In other words, except for Fars Sassan and Voggis V, no one else is clear.

Because after Temujin and others merged into Parthia, there were no Huns, only Xixia tribes, Mongolian tribes, Dajin tribes and other small tribes.

Parthia itself is a country that started as a nomad, and it contains countless small tribes.

As for why this can be done, it is naturally attributed to the famous saying of the old Shang Shanyu.

Either Han or Hu, so the Huns are tolerant of anything other than the Han Dynasty.

This is also the reason why Temujin and the others were able to use the remaining will of the Huns to help Partia rebuild the will of the empire and occupy a place in the Army Soul Legion.

Because from the perspective of the will of the empire, the entire Parthia has become part of the Huns, but the tribe named Parthia has gained power.

The Xiongnu itself has no hereditary tradition. Whoever has the biggest fist is the Xiongnu Shanyu.

But the surprise was the surprise, and Attorami did not remain sluggish. After Temujin broke out, he quickly led the troops to start moving.

He also heard Ardashir's roar, since he had achieved his goal, he should retreat.

He did not withdraw directly, but moved towards the direction where Temujin exploded, and he was going to meet Temujin.

After all, it would be easy for Ardashir to get out from the rear camp. Temujin faced multiple eagle flags and the fire of vengeance from the underdogs. Maybe he would suffer heavy losses.

"Jin Wushu, lead your people to fight a bloody way for me!" Temujin roared at Jin Wushu.

The opponent is still fighting with those Roman soldiers, he is simply an idiot.

"Yes!" Jin Wushu replied subconsciously. He was also the leader of the branch tribe, and his aura was completely overwhelmed by Temujin.

Jin Wushu led the Tiefutu, and began to fight along the gap created by Temujin's eruption. Relying on the gap that had not been closed, he successfully tore a huge gap again.

And Temujin led the Qingqi to burst out another round of powerful arrow torrents, and then followed behind Tiefutu to kill the gap.

"Hurry up, I'll break the back!" Looking at the two legions that escaped one after the other, Attorami took the initiative to take over the task of breaking the back.

Among the four legions, he has the least consumption. At this time, he is naturally the one to cut off the rear.

"give it to you!"

Temujin wasn't hypocritical either. The Mongolian cavalry had indeed reached its limit. Regardless of how hard he killed, the lethality of the last wave of powerful arrows had already plummeted.

Unlike the previous annihilation of all the places they passed, only less than three-tenths of the shots were killed, and all the rest were injured.

Originally, this was still very good, after all, most injuries were linked to death.

However, the opponent's angel army has been proved by facts. If they cannot be killed directly, then the battle loss rate of these soldiers will be minimized, and there may even be one undead.

You know, the soldiers who survived the battlefield will become stronger.

What they will face next time will only be a stronger opponent.

"This road is blocked!" Atra Tommy stared at the No.16 Paladin and No.14 combined legions approaching more than a hundred steps away. Pale silk threads appeared on the bows of all the divine knights, and then turned into arrows. The arrow, the combination of the bright will and the cloud arrow, appeared on the bowstring of the divine cavalry.

There was a slight crash, and countless white light arrows shot out. At all costs, the ultimate skill used by the Liberation Army Soul was completely liberated. This is the ultimate effect of the Divine Cavalry Army Soul. Instantly covered the entire front.

The torrent-like arrows washed from the front of the divine cavalry, without screams, and without blocking, the tenacity of the No.16 Legion, the infinite changes of the No.14 Legion, and the healing of the Angel Legion are all here. A moment that loses all meaning.

In one breath, twenty arrows were released by a single person, with both extreme speed and power.

Destroyed all the pursuers in the front almost instantly.

As this torrent fell, the entire battlefield fell into silence.

Atra Tommy showed a confident look, and then left with all the soldiers.

In the face of such a terrifying attack, even the Roman Legion, which contained anger, had no choice but to remain silent.

"It's impossible!" Benito looked at this scene in disbelief, and even trembled a little.

"What terrifying power! What terrifying speed!"

At this time, Frederick could no longer care about the loss of his beloved soldiers, and his fear of Parthia had reached a peak.

Even the archangels Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael fell silent under such a torrent.

They clearly sensed the destruction attached to that torrent, and if they were in it, they would only perish.

"Do you want to chase? The opponent's consumption will not be too small!" Frederick turned his head and asked Benito.

Benito himself was also a little hesitant. To be honest, according to common sense, it is really impossible for the opponent to have the ability to burst out continuously.

Just like Temujin's torrent of arrows before, the second time has completely lost its original power, and now it is estimated to be almost the same as ordinary arrows.

But what if.

When catching up just now, nearly [-] of the fourteen soldiers died, plus the loss during the previous fight, Benito was really distressed.

The rogue legion belongs to the rogue legion, but in this head-to-head encounter with three talents and military souls, it is really a great loss.

Fortunately, their legion has enough reserve soldiers, and they can recover with a little practice, so there is no need to worry too much about this.

It's just that Benito was thinking about the threat posed by Parthia. As a general with a strategic vision, he had clearly realized that the threat of Parthia was not weaker than that of Great Britain in the north.

But in other words, the biggest problem in Great Britain still cannot be fought with barbarians, but must be filled with the lives of Roman citizens.

Although the Roman nobles were not afraid of war or death, the problem of barbarians troubled them.

Therefore, every Roman citizen is an immeasurable currency of the Roman Empire and must be cherished.

"Stop chasing! Reorganize the army and stay where you are! Announce the news and let the two wings move closer to prevent Parthia from launching a decisive battle!" Cyprian's voice sounded, and he held up the Pope's scepter and gave orders loudly.

The cardinals and paladins around Cyprian completely obeyed and began to assist Cyprian in carrying out the order.

"Bishop Cyprian!"

Bisier was the first to react, and then began to rectify the soldiers of the Fifteen Fanatics Legion according to Cyprian's order.

Benito glanced in surprise, he did not expect that after the death of Saint Peter III, someone from the church would stand up and take control of the situation so quickly.

As if the death of Saint Peter III had had no effect, Benito took this discovery to heart, and it was an important message.

They had misjudged the church before. Originally, Cyprian was just an outstanding bishop, but now it seems that the other party's prestige is even enough to be the second in command of the church.

Before this, they hadn't noticed it at all. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, which deserves attention.

"Commander Benito, I think I need an explanation!" Cyprian led the paladin to Benito.

St. Peter III died. He was not happy at all, even a little sad. He thought he was just a puppet pope who allowed himself to control.

But when the cardinals brought him the Pope's scepter, he felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart, and he realized that St. Peter III was dead, really dead.

St. Peter III, who was considered a friend to him, died, and his last will actually handed over the church to him for him to flourish.

No matter what his mentality was before, but now he really wants to develop the church well, even if it is for the last wish of St. Peter III.

Cyprian suppressed the sadness in his heart, no matter what the purpose was, he had to ask Benito for an explanation now.

He has realized how much trouble this beheading will bring to Rome, but this is the opportunity for the church.

The death of St. Peter III must be attributed to the Fourteenth Legion and the Parthian Legion.

Revenge against Parthia is certain, but before that, Benito must take the blame. This is an opportunity for the church to gain further support and gain political status in Rome.

The fear of battle of the head of the Roman Eagle Banner Legion led to the death of the Pope. Whether it is true or not, we must follow this line of thinking in the future.

Cyprian knew very well that Benito would not have one at all, and the Roman Senate would at most superficially punish him, but this was enough for him to exchange for more benefits and political initiative.

Politics is such a thing, and some superficial things are distributed, and they are enough for him to use on public opinion.

Cyprian did not forget at all what was the root cause of their church being jealous of Rome.

That is the barbarian, and only by firmly grasping the line of the barbarian can Rome be wary.

Although it will attract more pressure from Rome, Benito's mistake will become a gap for him to break through the pressure.


On the other side, the four of Ardashir who had a successful round had a very enthusiastic atmosphere.

They completed the first step of the plan to reverse the overall situation, beheading St. Peter III.

But after the excitement, there was silence.

"How about the loss?" Ardashir broke the silence.

"The loss is nearly a quarter, and the loss of the elite in Parthia is far less than ours!" Temujin sighed, and the loss to the Mongolian cavalry was the highest.

"I have very little loss, only a few losses in the archery rain!" Attorami shook his head.

"My side is similar, the loss is not too big!" Jin Wushu is also the same as Atto Lamei.

The Iron Buddha's own defense is strong enough, and Attoramay wanders around the periphery all the time, so only the Holy Meteor Cavalry and the Mongolian Iron Cavalry suffered a little bit more damage.

"Thanks to Temujin for your contribution this time, I will explain to His Majesty when I ask for credit!" Ardashir reassured dryly.

To be honest, Ardashir's loss was not too great, but it was more laborious to kill through the front line. The previous barbarians were ordinary elites, so it was really not a problem for the Holy Meteor Cavalry.

"Let's talk about it later, now is the next step!" Temujin shook his head and took the initiative to change the subject.

"Next, I plan to use the Seventh Legion and the No.15 Legion to make a fuss!" Ardashir said after a while.

"The Seventh Legion has a hidden restraint on me. I want to get rid of it. When the time comes, I will take Babak with me."

"Leave the church's legion to me. I will lead a group of people to pretend to be Mongolian cavalry and lose to them!" Temujin nodded.

But this time he doesn't plan to use people from his own tribe, he can just choose from among the Parthian rangers, plus some death row prisoners and so on, it can be regarded as filling the head.

Anyway, it is to give away the head, as long as it is sent out, it is enough to convince the opponent. As for the quality itself, it is a way for them to fool the opponent.

"My lords! We must win!" Ardashir raised the scimitar.

"We must win!" The other three also put up their weapons.

Young people are always high-spirited, not to mention that they succeeded in beheading the army just now, no matter from what point of view it is a great achievement.

(End of this chapter)

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