Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 819 Cecilian's Pressure

Chapter 819 Cecilian's Pressure

Thunder and lightning covering hundreds of miles covered the head of Zhou Yu's fleet.

"That's it? I can do it too!"

The entire fleet was covered by Sun Ce's sovereign talent, and the high-density heaven and earth spirit allowed the monarch's talent to spread to every soldier. At this moment, all the soldiers in the fleet felt Sun Ce's bravery and fearlessness.

There is no fear, no panic, what is left of the infected soldiers is only firmness.

"The naval gun is ready, super charged, let me blow up the opponent, I want to see how thick this old guy's tortoise shell is!"

Zhou Yu, who took a hard blow, ordered with three points of madness, Cecilian's attack was indeed terrifying, and it directly emptied the self-circulation system by nearly ten percent, but Zhou Yu wouldn't do it alone. throw in the towel.

Zhou Yu withdrew Ruya's running outside, frantically mobilized the cloud energy, and a destructive force began to gather.

Originally, it was just a blazing flame mixed with tiny blue and green lights. With Sun Ce's will running through the entire army, the entire circulation system erupted with brilliant brilliance. The blazing flames subsided, but the blue-purple light directly turned into a continuous torrent. kill out.

After Cecilian demonstrated it himself, Zhou Yu directly understood the opponent's output method, and directly imitated the example, and launched the strongest attack he had ever seen, that is, the plasma sea that Lu Bu slashed.

At this moment, the scorching heat that really turned into streamer directly bombarded Cecilian's barrier constructed by self-circulation.

In addition to the technical content of guidance, the other is the simplest vigorous output. After the energy is dense to a certain extent, just blast it out.

Although such actions are completely inconsistent with Zhou Yu's aesthetics, after imitating Cecilian's attack, Zhou Yu realized that although this feeling is not beautiful, he feels good, and what he said heartily is this feeling .

"It's just a strategic secret technique of gathering energy and accumulating power! It's too contemptuous!" Zhou Yu said with a sneer.

Although what he said is very simple, in fact this strategic secret technique is extremely complicated.

Cecilian's attempts to teach his descendants failed, and Zhou Yu is the only one who has learned so far.

"Crack~" There was a crisp cracking sound.

After all, the barrier built by Cecilian is only a defense built by the essence of heaven and earth, not a real absolute defense. After all, it has a limit. Facing Zhou Yu's bombardment at all costs, it finally began to shatter.

Cecilian's complexion sank, and he quickly mobilized the essence of the world to start repairing.



The barrier shattered directly, and Cecilian's originally rosy face also began to struggle.

"An unexpected talent..."

Cecilian took a breath, and bounced off all the subsequent burning and bombardment from naval guns, rebuilding the defense of the space barrier.

"There are actually two talents of this kind..."

"Is this the weight of the Han Empire?" Cecilian looked quite complicated.

The successors I couldn't ask for, even if I searched the entire Guishuang Empire, there was no trace of it, but now two of the Han Dynasty popped up casually.

This is no longer a gap in other aspects, but a real gap in foundation.

The secret technique developed by Cecilian himself knows best, and it is absolutely impossible to leak it.

That is to say, the moment the other party saw that he activated the secret technique this time, he not only understood the core of the secret technique, but also had the ability to rub his hands out. This level of talent was even higher than him.

What's worse, there are two of this damn genius monster on the opposite side.

"Ziyi! Do it!"

As the defensive forms of the two fleets collided, the spirit of heaven and earth that could not penetrate the will began to blend with each other, the original self-circulation began to disintegrate, and a new circulation covering the entire battlefield was born.

And in this cycle, the concentration of the essence of heaven and earth is raised to dozens or even hundreds of times that of the outside world.


After Tai Shici received Zhou Yu's signal, he immediately fully activated his legion talent, commanded his personal guards, and began to prepare for a legion attack.

In the next second, Tai Shici flew out a super-large Fangtian painted halberd constructed from the essence of heaven and earth, and then flew out a Fangtian painted halberd of the same size.

As Zhou Yu expected, when the two self-loops collide, the bonuses to the soldiers of both sides are unprecedented, and in this process, the aspects involving the essence of heaven and earth will be enhanced without limit.

And Tai Shici is the strongest group of controllers in the attack of the legion, because of his talent combo, he is far ahead of everyone at the starting line.

"Shock delivery, bow and arrow and stone pellets!"

Cecilian notified every captain, because he had no idea how to deal with Tai Shici's attack because of how to fight back.

In Guishuang, any captain and internal gas will know what to do.

But Dongpu's fleet was full of two swords after all, and it was not until Tai Shici's attack smashed several ships that they began to throw legions to attack and counterattack.

Cecilian had no idea that such a thing would happen. In Guishuang, these captains should be killed directly.

After forcibly swallowing a breath and raising the barrier, Cecilian directly mobilized hundreds of stone pellets to fight back.

"Bang bang bang..."

After Shi Wan passed through the defensive net arranged by Zhou Yu, his speed dropped sharply. After falling on the deck, he could only smash a small hole at most, and did not achieve any results at all.

Similarly, after Cecilian raised the barrier, Tai Shici's hundreds of legion attacks were firmly blocked by the barrier.

Sun Ce and the others couldn't spare a hand to help. They were all intercepting the legion attack launched by the Dongpu fleet. The aftermath of the collision alone caused the ocean to turbulent.

"The strange barrier... How did it work? It can actually rely on the space!" Zhou Yu frowned and analyzed, he didn't understand the other party's operation method at all.

Obviously he has already analyzed almost everything, but the last point still can't be perfected.

And no matter how they concentrated their fire, they still couldn't smash the opponent's defense.

The two sides became deadlocked for a while. Zhou Yu couldn't break through the defense built by Cecilian.

As for the counterattacks of the legion attacks under his hands, they had little effect, and basically dissipated under the interception.

Especially after Tai Shici gave up smashing the barrier, the army attack from the Dongpu fleet was even more unable to threaten the ships of the Han Dynasty.

"We can't procrastinate like this. The opponent's consumption is less than ours. If we continue like this, we will lose!" Zheng He directly sent a voice transmission to Zhou Yu.

"I have a little idea of ​​that barrier. I will build the defense. You defend and attack. If you can't force the opponent to put in all your strength, then the general's backstab will be meaningless!" Zheng He's firm voice made Zhou Yu nod.

As Zheng He said, although the situation was stalemate, Cecilian was stronger than them after all, and his attrition so far was far lower than theirs.

(End of this chapter)

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