Chapter 820 Falling Crisis

Killing intent had already appeared on Cecilian's face, and the talents of Zhou Yu and Zheng He had already aroused his killing intent.

This kind of talent cannot be used by Guishuang, then the future will be an outright enemy of the empire.

If it is said that Zhou Yu and Zheng He's self-circulation was only three points high when they first played against each other, then now the level of the two is almost half of his level, and the speed of improvement is so fast that even he is jealous.

Cecilian took a deep breath. No matter how much he cherished his life, it was time to start desperately. The opponent was definitely not an opponent he could beat casually. He had to be serious.

Cecilian began to connect with the huge self-circulation with a blank face. Unlike the Han Dynasty, which lost its control ability after the fusion of the two self-circulation systems, he still retained part of the control ability.

This is also the reason why his barrier can remain unbroken.

It is precisely because of this surplus energy that the space barrier he built relying on space can still be generated here after it is shattered.

No matter how talented Zhou Yu and the others are, the accumulation of time cannot be easily smoothed out after all.

Just as Cecilian was looping back and forth, Zhou Yu, who fully handed over the defense to Zheng He, drove his main fleet forward.

The naval gun was directly charged to the limit, and after locking on to Cecilian's battleship, a blue-white glow that directly evaporated the trajectory of the naval gun directly penetrated the past.

Then Zhou Yu tried his best to attach the essence of heaven and earth to the naval gun, forcibly increasing the power of the naval gun.

The blue-white glow directly tore through the invisible barrier, and the participating glow finally shattered more than a dozen Japanese warships.

Since the start of the war, the biggest victory achieved by the Han Dynasty also proves that the gap between the two sides has indeed narrowed bit by bit.

"Nice job!"

Zhou Yu was very excited. Although he still didn't understand the principle of that invisible barrier, as long as he could penetrate the barrier and cause damage to the enemy, that would be enough.

Cecilian did not continue to condense the space barrier, he had to do more meaningful things.

Looking at the cheering Han soldiers, his face was cold, did he really think that he could win me?

The drums roared, and the invisible barrier did not appear here, which made the Han army even more imposing. They accelerated their speed and swooped in the direction of the Dongpu fleet.

Even the archer team formed by Zhou Yu has begun to exert its strength, and the arrows carried the high momentum of the Han army, stirring up the essence of the world and blasting the past.

In this density of heaven and earth essence, the lethality of each arrow even exceeds that of a peacock, and its speed and accuracy are comparable to top-level legions like Shesheng Changshui.

Each shot of the arrow is comparable to the roar of a large-caliber rocket.

Zhou Yu had already put a smile on his face, and the streaks of light flying out from behind had laid the foundation for victory in his opinion.

At this time, he understood that there is a flaw in the self-circulation. When the power of long-range attacks is infinitely magnified, units that are not good at defense will suffer a devastating blow, because their talent for melee combat cannot be brought into play.

And they have no room to dodge, if the arrow is attacking them, then they are completely sure to dodge 90.00% with their enhanced strength.

But the archers of the Han army didn't bother to pay attention to them at all, and all their firepower was directed at the ships.

In this situation, even if the soldiers were boosted to the point where their internal qi became strong, it would be meaningless. They could only intercept some arrows in vain, and then watch the unintercepted arrows burst and roar on the hull of the ship.

"Win!" Zhou Yu was very excited, looking at Cecilian who was not far from his home, the victory was just around the corner.

The soldiers on his ship are Sun Ce's personal guards led by Zhou Tai and Sun Ce. As long as they get close, unless the other party's ship is a three-talented army soul soldier or a miraculous army, they can definitely kill randomly.

But when the distance was getting closer, Zhou Yu saw the mocking smile on Cecilian's face, and Zhou Yu couldn't help feeling cold.

This kind of horror of a sheep entering the tiger's mouth made him extremely nervous. At this moment, he was thinking at high speed in his heart, where did the danger come from.


A series of crisp sounds and the shattered space like glass made Zhou Yu instantly understand what happened.

At this moment, he finally understood what the previous invisible barrier was.

"Get out!"

But it was too late, countless space fragments burst out from the shattered space. Although the shattered space began to recover soon, a huge amount of space debris still splashed towards the Han fleet.

The Han army, which was originally heading for victory, seemed to be heading for death at this moment.

"Since I have developed the self-circulation system, why don't I think about how to deal with people who have also mastered the self-circulation system, young man, this is my first lesson for you!"

Cecilian looked at the Han army mockingly, raised the space barriers, and immediately splashed the space debris towards the Japanese fleet.

The palm-sized space fragments were not moving fast, and the Han Dynasty stood up to resist.

But whether it's clouds or legion attacks, when encountering space debris, it's like a pencil drawing with an eraser, and a layer is directly smeared off.

Cecilian's calm eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person. The space barrier he had carefully researched integrated offense and defense, and was specially used to deal with enemies who also mastered self-circulation.

However, since it was researched, this is the first time it has been used. No one has ever been able to break through his space barrier before, and no one has hit such a close distance from him.

Zhou Yu is a genius, a genius recognized by Cecilian.

It's a pity that such a genius was not born in Guishuang. If he was born in Guishuang, after inheriting his mantle, he might even be willing to use all the strength of the Cesi family to push him to the throne of emperor.

But everything was over, he used himself as a bait, and then directly smashed the space barrier to send Zhou Yu on the road.

Of course, more importantly, in Cecilian's view, other methods may not necessarily solve Zhou Yu directly, and may also promote the growth of the other party. It would be easier to send Zhou Yu on the road directly in one step.

"It's actually a space barrier, Bo Fu, we might really die!"

Looking at the space debris covered like a torrent of stardust, Zhou Yu fully understood Cecilian's plan.

Theoretically, the only way to stop this thing is to use space barriers, but he can't, he can't figure it out for a while.

Facing a blow that could wipe out the entire Han army, Zhou Yu felt defeated for the first time.

Even when Jia Xu approached him back then, Zhou Yu had the last resort to save him and Sun Ce, but now he is helpless.

Today is the place where the two brothers are buried.

(End of this chapter)

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