Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 824 Cecilian's Worries

Chapter 824 Cecilian's Worries

Cecilian left without a sound. No matter how powerful he was, he couldn't pinpoint an individual on the battlefield.

But anyone who has this kind of micro-management is basically the captain of the transportation brigade, who is like a famous existence in history, but he has left a notoriety.

Thousands of arrows are like meteors, and the arrows with flames bombard the defense of the cloud and gas group. The defense is very good, but unfortunately it is useless. The essence of heaven and earth that has not completely dissipated allows these arrows to play far beyond the theoretical limit. power.

Especially after Cecilian lifted the self-circulation, the defensive power dropped even more, and it couldn't stop the bombardment of the arrows at all, especially these arrows came from the first dead soldiers of the Army Soul Corps.

The defensive turtle shell was smashed, and the Dongpu Fleet ushered in its doomsday.

"Kill Cecilian, a great achievement!"

Zhou Yu's shouts resounded throughout the battlefield, but "Cecilian" did not dodge, still standing on the bow of the ship, with a pair of eyes fixed on Zhou Yu.

"I lost! I'm not reconciled!"

"Puff!" The sharp sword rested on the neck, and with a light pull, the sharp blade directly cut the double's neck, smiled mockingly at Zhou Yu's direction, and then fell towards the sea like this.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, Sun Ce fished Cecilian's body out of the sea.

Zhou Yu looked at Cecilian who committed suicide with a sword, and there was a sigh of relief on his face. If he hadn't come to Dongying to fight against the Han Dynasty, the world is so big, where would Cecilian not be able to go.

"Contain the corpse, let's find a place to cremate it!" Zhou Yu said sadly, a commander who was comparable to Huang Fusong at sea died just like that.

Less than the level of the military god, the war will always be fought between the forces between countries.

If Cecilian led Guishuang's fleet, he would never die in such a place.

With Cecilian's death, Takeda Shingen also gave the order to surrender, but this time he did not escape, but committed suicide, and Uesugi Kenxinko acted as his intermediary and cut off Takeda Shingen's head.

A brilliant naval battle came to an end, and when Guo Hao approached with his fleet, he had already entered the follow-up of cleaning the battlefield.

"How about the casualties?" Guo Hao asked Zheng He who was counting the casualties.

"Our army was missing and killed about [-] people, more than [-] people were seriously injured, and more than [-] people were disabled." Zheng He said with a sigh.

The total casualties of Zero Zero are close to 3, which can be said to be the most tragic battle since the name was changed. What's even worse is that nearly [-] people are missing, and even finding the corpse is a luxury.

"Follow the procedures! They are all heroic spirits who have shown their lives for the Han family. The pension must be distributed to every family member. You should handle this matter yourself. Anyone who dares to stretch out their claws will be cut off!" Guo Hao frowned and said Out of arrangement.

"If there is something you can't move, come to me, this matter will not be tolerated!"

"Here!" Zheng He clasped his fists at Guo Hao and said.

"By the way, the Japanese soldiers who were seriously injured will be dealt with directly. The resources of the Han Dynasty are not wasted on them."

As if remembering something, Guo Hao ordered casually.

"General, please see me!" Tai Shici appeared in front of Guo Hao with Uesugi Kennobuko.

"Greetings to the General, this is the head of Takeda Shingen, and please forgive the life of the soldier." Uesugi Kenshinko bowed down and placed Takeda Shingen's head on the ground.

Guo Hao glanced at the head on the ground, looked at Kenshinko Kaesan who was created by the will of the universe, and sighed at the magic of the wheel and asked.

"Are you willing to commit crimes and meritorious deeds?"

Yes, Guo Hao does not intend to kill Kenshinko Uesugi, but intends to use him as a typical publicity.

Himiko, who was reported by Zhou Yu before, is a very good puppet character.

And Uesugi Kenshinko is a pawn that Guo Hao intends to stuff around Himiko for restraint.

As for the wishes of Kenshinko Uesugi himself, it doesn't matter. A person who surrendered to the Han Dynasty and turned his back on Dongying has nothing to rely on except the Han Dynasty.

Once Himiko is stupid, the first person to deal with is Uesugi Kennobuko, even if it is for self-protection, Uesugi Kennobuko will stare Himiko to death for the Han Dynasty.

"Go on, wait until the battlefield is cleaned up, and we will go to the shore to talk about it!"

After driving away Kenshinko Uesugi with a wave of his hand, Guo Hao strengthened the blessing attribute of the gift of the sun, intending to allow more soldiers of the Han Dynasty to survive.


Cecilian was led by the guards and fled all the way. After escaping from a certain limit, countless rays of light drifted out of Cecilian's body. Every inch he moved forward, Cecilian aged a little. Once again, it becomes old age.


Cecilian couldn't help sighing as he looked at the loose skin and protruding blood vessels on his hands.

The book is very aggrieved, and more importantly, lost hope, there is no next chance, Dongying will definitely not be able to support him coming from Guishuang with the fleet.

When Dongying's godland was shattered by the Han Dynasty, his dream of returning to youth really became an unattainable dream.

"However, it's not like nothing!"

After all, Cecilian has experienced a lifetime of turmoil, forcing his irritability to the bottom of his heart, and silently feeling the changes in his body.

It's like a dying cactus being suckled, even if he changes from youth to old age here, his life source has indeed grown by three points.

In this way, his body also became healthier.

If it was said that he could only live for two or three years before, now he can go back and get some precious supplements to save him, at least he can live for another six or seven years, which is not a small gain for him.

By the way, he got inspiration from Dongying's Shenxiang. If he can operate Guishuang's gods and Buddhas in the same way, maybe he still has hope.

"Let's go back to Guishuang, there are still many things to do!"

Cecilian, who has seen the Han Dynasty fleet, plans to go back and rectify the Guishuang fleet, at least to raise the lower limit of the Guishuang fleet as much as possible.

In a big battle, he knew many of the performances of the ships of the Han Dynasty. With this data, the time for Guishuang craftsmen to reverse unlock will be greatly reduced. They can also improve the ships and further increase the hard power of Guishuang's ships. .

"Successors, it seems that it is necessary to conduct a screening here. At least three or five commanders who can master self-circulation are needed."

And on the successor, Cecilian was very worried. Ten years later, when he died, the Han Dynasty Navy would really be invincible.

Zheng He and Zhou Yu have already proved their talents with practical actions, and they can go one step further.

In Guishuang, there is not even a commander who can match the current level of the two, which makes Cecilian full of worries about Guishuang's future.

(End of this chapter)

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