Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 825 The Ambition of Japan

Chapter 825 The Ambition of Japan
"Impossible, this is impossible!" Saqqara looked at the information in his hand helplessly.

He couldn't believe what he saw, his grandfather was defeated.

"Nothing is impossible. This is the Han Dynasty, and its strength will always exceed your imagination! What's more, this time, our general led the army here in person. Even if your grandfather has the power of the sky, it will not help."

Gan Ning said flatly that he had already guessed such a solution.

He is the second, but his political consciousness is very high. The moment he received the order, Gan Ning understood the meaning behind the order, so he set off with the pirates without hesitation.

To be honest, Gan Ning felt that Jia Xu's wise men were really boring, and this kind of temptation was completely unnecessary.

What's the point of being a pirate king? He was tired of being a water bandit back then, even if the river is replaced by the sea now, it's the same, there is no difference.

It's just a pirate king, what's the point? There is no gold in the position of Governor of the Pacific.

So Gan Ning really doesn't care about the power of the so-called Pirate King.

"King, what are we going to do next!" A pirate leader boldly asked Saqqara's distraught state.

"Does it need to be said? Of course we are going to do what pirates do best!" another pirate leader said with a big laugh. "The Han Dynasty has cleared the biggest obstacle, and the port of Dongying is now our back garden!"

Gan Ning nodded. The task he accepted was to attack the port of Dongpu. Regardless of whether Cecilian was there or not, this was done. Anyway, it was all to weaken Dongpu.

"Everyone is dispatched. This time is different from the previous small fights. We will take back all valuables!" Gan Ning gave the final order.

In order to prevent being taken over by Cecilian and the fleet before, they all acted as small groups of small groups, and they were always ready to run away to save their lives.

Now that Cecilian is gone, of course they can free their hands and feet to loot.

Patting Saqqara on the shoulder, Gan Ning walked out directly. There was nothing to say. Cecilian was very strong, but facing the large army of the Han Dynasty, he still couldn't make any big waves.


Amaterasu has become waxy, and he feels that the situation is a bit out of his control now, so he has learned from the painful experience, and finally decided to completely abandon his own micro-management, and return the full power of the war to the people of the world.

The first to bear the brunt is Oda Nobunaga, Amaterasu directly stripped the ghost of Oda Nobunaga, and directly shaped it into a nightmare horse for Oda Nobunaga as a mount.

Oda Nobunaga, who regained his power, was a bit dreamy. He obviously needed to fight wits and courage for several years, but in the end, because of the pressure of the Han Dynasty army, he directly restored himself to his former power.

Today, I am the well-deserved Emperor of Japan, and all daimyo must submit to his power.

But Oda Nobunaga also knew that before he was brilliant, he had to find a way to resist the attack from the Han Dynasty.

And before that, he needs to solve a lot of small troubles.

First and foremost was the problem of pirates along the coast, followed by the new Avengers near Nagasaki, descendants of the original emperor.

"Gentlemen, do you have any opinions to offer!"

Oda Nobunaga quickly summoned all the daimyos, and then put the problem on the meeting.

With Amaterasu's support, Oda Nobunaga without Amaterasu's restraint, showed an extremely domineering side, at least in terms of momentum, he completely controlled the situation of the meeting.

Toyoshiro Hideyoshi, known as one of the three heroes of Japan's victories, was sent to deal with Nagasaki's revenge army. He did not require victory, but only asked to hold it back as much as possible.

Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa Ieyasu led a group of people to set up an ambush along the coast, intending to put down the pirates first.

It has to be said that Oda Nobunaga's purpose is very clear, to fight against the outside world must first secure the inside.

Deal with the troublesome but non-lethal pirates first, then focus all your energy on dealing with the Han Dynasty.

They knew very well that if they wanted to negotiate peace with the Han Dynasty, an empire that was determined to destroy Japan, they had to resist the attack of the Han Dynasty. At least they needed to let the Han Dynasty know that Japan was not an easy bone to gnaw.

Only in this way can Dongying survive, otherwise Dongying, which has completely lost its control over the sea, is not qualified to make peace with the Han Dynasty.

Even if it is a surrender, I am afraid that it is only a vassal of the Han Dynasty, without the slightest autonomy.


Nagasaki's so-called Revenge Army was naturally created by the Han Dynasty.

The Han army that has just experienced the war also needs a certain period of time to correct, and in the process, Himiko and Uesugi Kenshinko became a sharp dagger, used to hurt the Japanese mainland.

With the captives who surrendered, Kenshinko Uesugi recruited a force of 3 people and began to campaign around to expand Himiko's territory.

Due to Himiko's natural legal rationality, the follow-up governance of the city laid down by Uesugi Kenshinko is very easy.

Especially with the help of the Han Dynasty, these cities directly abolished the temples of the three gods, and after the part of the money dedicated to the gods was removed, Himiko's support became more and more.

Like all common people, the common people at the bottom of Dongpu are also being exploited.

Leaving aside ordinary exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes, offerings to gods account for the bulk of income.

When the Han Dynasty helped them abolish this tax, their income became richer visible to the naked eye, which was enough for these Japanese people to start using Himiko and the Han Dynasty to rule them.

Giving offerings to gods is a matter of habit, but when this habit is abolished, no one is willing to let this tax be added to their head.

If it is an offering to the gods, the gods actually don't care that much.

Then the negative impact of not having to offer sacrifices is unacceptable to God.

After the abolition of enshrinement, the supply of belief in gods in the Nagasaki area has become increasingly sparse, which can involve the roots of these gods, and they simply cannot accept such things.

This incident made Amaterasu three gods almost furious, but they didn't have any good solution. They knew very well that the power at hand was not enough to fight against the Han Dynasty, so they could only be incompetent and furious, and then gave Oda Nobunaga and others exert pressure.

Oda Nobunaga is also very angry, if you want to win, you should help me quickly.

At least you send out all the sacrificial priests of Susanoo, and we can fight against the troublemakers in Nagasaki after we have quickly dealt with the robbers along the coast.

After Amaterasu was scolded by Oda Nobunaga by pointing at his nose, he suppressed his anger and sent out all the priests from the temple.

He is very clear that it is up to Oda Nobunaga and others to win now. If there is a falling out, everyone will die.

The Han Dynasty most hoped to see such a situation.

(End of this chapter)

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