Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 841 Canonize Suzhan Mingzun

Chapter 841 Canonize Suzhan Mingzun
"What's on you?"

Guo Hao frowned and looked at Zhao Yun. He actually sensed something from Zhao Yun that he urgently needed. He could even feel that the national destiny entrusted to him was about to move, and he wanted to swallow Zhao Yun in one gulp.

Zhao Yun was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Guo Hao to ask such a question, but in an instant, he thought of something.

"General, this is what you're talking about. This is the core we snatched from Gao Tianyuan, and I don't know what it's useful for."

He took out the core of Shenxiang from his body and handed it to Guo Hao, which was of no use to them.

Including Li Yuanba, who managed to snatch it over. After carefully studying the structure of this thing, he threw it directly to Zhao Yun. Manipulating Gao Tianyuan was meaningless to him.

Guo Hao appeased the impending will of the empire, and then took the core in his hand to observe carefully. He always thought that he needed to annex Amaterasu to repair the scars left by the Northern Huns' dying blow.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yun and the others made a trip, and there was such a harvest.

However, Guo Hao didn't dare to swallow it immediately. Things that involve the will of the empire must be more cautious.

"Well done, all the generals will be rewarded once! Get into the battle and get credited once!"

After carefully verifying that the things in his hands were indeed not left behind, Guo Hao smiled happily, and directly rewarded everyone who participated in this operation with a big wave of his hand.

"Thank you, General!" Everyone was taken aback, not knowing what was going on, but Guo Hao was so happy, this core must be of great use.

"Hahaha, well done, well done!"

Guo Hao was in a good mood, so he explained it to the people in the camp.

"When the Northern Huns were destroyed last time, the will of the empire was finally overthrown by the opponent. There was a crack in the will of the empire, and it was too late to repair it. Now that we have this thing, it can be repaired and perfected immediately!"

Everyone in the camp was shocked. This was the first time they had heard of such a thing. Can the will of the empire be injured?
But think about it, their own god Huo Qubing broke the will of the empire back then, so they understood it logically.

No wonder they felt that Guo Hao had a kind of obsession with destroying Dongpu before. It turned out that there was such a factor in it.

"General, then we have achieved our goal, what should we do next?" Sun Ce scratched his head and asked.

Guo Hao was a little speechless. Sun Ce, without Zhou Yu by his side, could always break through his understanding of the lower limit of IQ.

It's already been fought like this, apart from continuing to fight, is it possible to shake hands and make peace now?

"Hua Zijian, Wang Min and the others will be here in a few days. Take a break in the next two days. We will directly launch a general attack in a few days. We will kill Toyoshiro Hideyoshi first, and then we will look at the next strategy."

Guo Hao gave Sun Ce a supercilious look, and then ordered lightly.

"General, the enemy god Suzhan Mingzun asks to surrender, how should we deal with it?"

Dian Wei saw that Guo Hao seemed to be starting to chase people away, so he hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

"Suzhan Mingzun?" Guo Hao looked at Dianwei strangely, the name didn't affect him much.

"Also called Susanoo!" Dian Wei added after thinking about it.

"Bring it up, let me see!" Guo Hao became interested. They had a very rich harvest this trip, and they even captured a master god of Dongpu.

"Honorable Monarch of the Han Empire, Suzhan Mingzun, the God of Sin, has met your lord!"

Suzhan Mingzun's heart was full of bitterness. Once upon a time, he had to bow his knees like this.

But God's bottom line is like a landslide. From the moment he decided to surrender, His integrity has been sliding all the way towards the bottomless pit.

"It's the general of the Han Empire!"

Guo Hao corrected lightly, with dissatisfaction in his tone. Although he is equivalent to the uncrowned emperor now, rules are rules, and everyone is welcome not to pierce the last layer of window paper.

Although he didn't know where to step on the thunder, Suzhan Mingzun immediately corrected his title.

"Dear General of the Han Empire, please forgive the ignorance of the sinful god."

Seeing Suzhan Mingzun go on the road like this, Guo Hao thought for a while, and decided to accept this god as a dog, just to add a buff to Himiko's regime, and then let some grass that had been shaken earlier fall to them.

"Well, let's go to Himiko, there are too many three main gods in Dongying, and you, Suzhan Mingzun, will be the only god in the future!" Guo Hao said lightly.

He conveniently condensed his internal energy into a jade seal, and then stamped it on the letter of conferment. In an instant, Suzhan Mingzun became the god of Dongying recognized by the Han Dynasty, responsible for all aspects of Dongying.

Gods, ghosts and ghosts are absolutely not allowed in the Han Dynasty, but in this kind of enemy-occupied area, it is a good way to disintegrate their will.

If something happened in the future, Suzhan Mingzun would be chopped up directly, and Dongying's morale would drop by at least half.

By the way, it completely turned Japan into a cloud of muddy waters. The constitutional monarchy with the separation of political power, military power, and theocracy, he wants to see what big waves Japan can make.

"I would like to obey the decree!" Suzhan Mingzun was a little happy, he didn't die, but he could become the only god, which didn't seem to be a job for him.

Anyway, there used to be Tianzhao playing tricks on him, but now he is in the Han family, and his family dominates, so there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

Following the soldiers who led the way to the government affairs hall of the Himiko regime, all the people in Dongying couldn't help but put down their things, and they were a little panicked.

Even for people like Kenshinko Uesui, the gods in mythology came into reality, and it was when they were rebels.

Himiko was a little at a loss, but still bit the bullet and greeted him.

"God! You..."

Before Himiko finished speaking, Suzhan Mingzun interrupted.

"My children, don't panic. You have done nothing wrong. The kindness of the Supreme Master has already explained everything. It is Amaterasu and his followers who are wrong. I will stand with you and defeat them!"

Suzhan Mingzun tactfully put it another way and packaged himself up.

Everyone present was stunned, and then sat down blankly, an inexplicable feeling continued in their hearts.

However, everyone was very sensible and didn't say anything. Himiko took Suzhan Naruto and Kaishan Kennobu into a secret room, and they needed to talk.

In the absence of anyone, Suzhan Mingzun no longer put on his airs, but exchanged information with the two of them frankly.

After the three of them discussed in the secret room for a long time, they finally decided on the direction to follow the Han room.

There is no way, the Han Dynasty has demonstrated its strength in all aspects, and they can't see a glimmer of hope for victory.

Especially when even the legendary Shenxiang has been breached by the Han Dynasty, the strength of the Han Dynasty has left an indelible mark on their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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