Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 842 Ninja Night Attack

Chapter 842 Ninja Night Attack
It was night, and a group of troops wearing night clothes appeared outside the city of Dongpu.

"Be careful, don't be careless!" Honda Zhongsheng instructed solemnly.

"Understood, we won't be careless!"

Hattori Hanzo said lightly, and waved his hand, indicating that there is no need to worry. The Ninja Legion never needs anyone to worry about it. As long as they want to leave, there is no legion in this world that can keep them.

The ninja legion organized by the elite ninjas of the Iga, Koga, Fuma and other ninjutsu families does not care about any opponent.

In fact, this battle was also a test for the Han Empire by many ninja families. Only by showing their own value can they make it more meaningful to seek refuge, right?

"This battle is mainly about harassment, and you must not love to fight!" Hattori Hanzo's voice fell into everyone's ears.


"set off!"

Following Hattori Hanzo's order, all the shadows merged into the night.

People are always like this, they will never die until they reach the Yellow River, especially the aristocratic members of Dongpu, who refuse to rest in peace when they are about to die.

Headed by Hattori Hanzo, Fuma Kotaro, Mori Ranmaru, Sarutobi Sasuke, Genji and other series of ninja leaders as deputy, the ninja army directly merged into the darkness, and then covered all the voices and breaths.

Although they can't see each other, they can clearly feel the position of the companion group, which is their direct bond.

In other words, this is the spontaneous coordination ability of the ninja arm. Unfortunately, they come from different places. Now they can fight together because they have their own ghosts. It is impossible to let their shadow army go further.

As Hattori Hanzo went deep into the darkness, he easily passed through the line of defense without being spotted by any patrolling soldiers or secret sentries, and then went all the way to the so-called orthodox rebel camp.

After seeing the fighting power of the Han Dynasty, they naturally turned their attention to the soft persimmons. Although these Japanese soldiers were also trained by the Han Dynasty and became more mature, there was still a big gap between them and the regular army of the Han Army. .

It just happens to be used for surgery, and it can also show their own value.

"Kang Dang, Bang Dang!" Just as the Ninja Legion was already lurking near the camp, the Japanese defenders in the distance began to make distant and orderly footsteps.

This is the cooperation between them, and the frontal force attracts attention, giving the ninja army a chance to kill and set fire to create chaos.

The chaotic sounds quickly made the entire camp panic, but what is the enemy's plan, at least these patrolling soldiers need to give a warning now.

"What, the enemy sent troops?"

After hearing the news, Kenxinko Shangshan even thought that he hadn't woken up yet, but soon he understood the enemy's plan.

No one knows their own way of fighting better than the Dongpu people themselves. How could there be no ghosts in the night for this kind of attack launched in the dark.

"Send someone to send a message to the Supreme Master of the Han Dynasty, telling them to be careful of ninjas, and send more people to protect Her Majesty the Empress!" Kenxinko Shangshan thought for a while, and quickly ordered.

No matter what the opponent's plan is now, he needs to organize his troops to fight against the enemy.

"Could it be a strategy to exhaust the soldiers?" Kenshinko Uesue's brain was running rapidly, he was thinking about whether Japan would mainly harass them, the purpose was to exhaust them, and then let the ninjas kill them with one blow.

"No, this amount, wouldn't it be a strategy for exhaustion, is it really intended to create chaos?" Kenxinko Kaesue quickly denied his conjecture.

After commanding the legion, according to the feedback obtained through the secret technique, the opponent is absolutely overwhelming, otherwise there would not be such a large number, which means that the opponent really launched a night attack.

"Hmph, what arrogance!" Kenshinko Uesashi immediately understood the other party's plan after clearing his mind, and then couldn't help but snorted coldly.

In the camp of the Han army, Zhao Yun, who was on duty at night, reported the information to Zhou Yu, who was also on duty.

"Don't worry about it, you have to make them suffer a little before they can understand why they need to rely on us!" Zhou Yu said with a sneer.

"In addition, Dongpu and these people are really interesting. Do you want to show your value with a beautiful night attack?"

"Let our soldiers continue to patrol, and double the number of patrols will be sent. If someone is found to be attacking, then the alarm will be raised!" Zhou Yu judged the real intention of the opponent in two or three times, and then directly planned.

In order to prevent accidents, he also specially sent twice as many people to patrol.

On the outskirts of the Dongying camp, Hattori Hanzo brought the ninja army to the rear of the Dongying camp.

Next, it doesn't need to do anything, as long as Uesugi Kenshinko sends troops, he will dispatch immediately, and then deal a heavy blow to the rebels.

But before that, they still need to make a little preparation to make the next battle easier.

"I'm going out for a while, is it okay? The other party is very interesting, and it's the first time I've seen such a secret technique!" A faint black shadow appeared behind Zhou Yu, and it was Wang Yue who came.

After a long voyage, they finally arrived at the leading base of Japan.

"It's up to you, but the other party's goal is not ours, so don't do too many insignificant things!" Zhou Yu nodded.

"Hehe, I understand!" Wang Yue nodded, and then disappeared in place.

He was very interested in the ninja's secret technique of concealing himself. At first he thought it was a simple visual occlusion, but when he came, he realized that it didn't seem that simple.

Speaking of it, Wang Yue had long wanted to go into seclusion, but looking at the growing empire, Wang Yue's desire to pursue an official position in the past gradually faded, and he wanted to do something for the empire instead.

Like Tong Yuan, he was hired as a technical talent for developing secret techniques, and this time he came here to develop some new secret techniques with ninja materials from Japan.

Among other things, this light and shadow operation is what Guo Hao values ​​most. If he can change the way of conveying information in war to even if it is conveyed, it can also manipulate light and shadow on a large scale, and the overall combat effectiveness of the Han Dynasty will be much higher. .

At that time, they will not have to play any trade, and they will directly flatten Xixi first, and then flatten Guishuang, occupying all the territories that they have been coveting for a long time.

Great unification is the ultimate pursuit of the Han Empire. There are too many countries in Eurasia, which is very bad and does not conform to the aesthetics of great unification.

To be honest, the chariot of the Han Empire was a bit out of control. Even if Guo Hao and Chen Xi practiced to slow down, the chariot had already started to speed up.

As more and more people turned towards the Communist Party and towards the war fighters, the atmosphere of the Han Dynasty became a bit strange.

The people of the Han Dynasty no longer feared the war, but dreamed back to the pre-Qin period, and were ecstatic when they heard the war.

It is said that a warlike country will die if it is big, but even Guo Hao and Chen Xi can't suppress this trend of thought.

(End of this chapter)

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