Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 904 Slaughtering with the sword light like water

Chapter 904 Slaughtering with the sword light like water

"Guangfeng, surrender to me!"

Gongsun Xu laughed wildly and tried his best to drive the white horse forward. Although he was better at handling the dexterous white horse, speed was the instinct of the white horse.

The so-called fast white horse is just a deeper exploration of this instinct. This gallop itself is the ultimate pursuit of the white horse, and it is also the whole meaning of the birth of the white horse.

The white horse is the ultimate light cavalry, and the speed itself is something that is integrated into their instincts. Once the distance is lengthened and they gallop without any scruples, the white horse will lose all shackles, run faster and faster, and then start to increase the speed without limit.

The super high speed almost made all the Baima Yicong unable to make a sound, and when they leaped vigorously, they completely crossed the invisible line.

At this moment, all the soldiers of the white horse justice can clearly feel the changes in the wind, they can truly control the wind, control the wind, they are the masters of the wind.

"Where righteousness comes, life and death go hand in hand! The sky can learn from it, and the white horse is the proof!"

Accompanied by the moment when Baima Yicong really controlled the wind, the sound that was almost untransmittable was transmitted like thunder, covering dozens of miles, and even Ganassis in the distance heard this sound.

"Not good!" Although Ganassis didn't know what happened, it was obvious that it was not a good thing.

"The seventh eagle flag is on the way at full speed!" Ganassis subconsciously dispatched the fastest cavalryman among the few eagle flags so far.

And at the moment he gave the order, the wind surged along with the white horse, and the sound of rolling thunder, accompanied by the pure white waves, rushed towards the barbarians from the horizon.

"Send the arrow, release the arrow!"

In the chaos, Scythia's archers began to counterattack spontaneously. As the most qualified barbarians, they deeply understood the consequences of letting cavalry approach.

After they reacted, they immediately chose to throw a rain of arrows. As for aiming, Baima Yicong's speed ranged from a black spot to a person's size in just a breath, so they could only use the most stupid method.

"Wind! Wind!"

Seeing the sparse rain of arrows falling towards him from the sky, Bai Ma Yicong remained unmoved in the slightest.

When they stepped into the super speed, the wind naturally became their barrier.

The airflow surrounds it, forming an optical camouflage effect like space distortion, faintly hiding their figures.

They changed the trajectory of the wind above their heads, and the arrows no longer had any effect on them, and they all fell into the void.

But before Scythia's archers panicked, the white horse had arrived and raised the butcher's knife.

In just a short breath, even before the rain of arrows had completely landed, Baima Yicong's butcher knife cut through the only remaining institutional system in Scythia, and also announced the beginning of the complete collapse of the barbarian army.

At that moment, the blade was shining brightly, blood was splashing, and in almost three breaths, the white horse went from the side of the incision to the farthest end where the barbarians fled.

At a distance of nearly 2000 meters, I was cut by the white horse's butcher knife. During this period, whether it was Gaul cavalry, Angus heavy infantry, or Scythian archers, whether it was miscellaneous soldiers or talented elites, they faced a flash But with the bright knife light that chopped up all the people and horses, everything became a joke.

Before the barbarians even had time to react, the environment they were in became a purgatory on earth.

A straight line, after the white horse rushed past, leaving only stumps everywhere, and they didn't react until the stinky blood splashed on the barbarians at the edge of the line.

This is the speedy white horse, the white army that Zahu fears the most, and the real killing arm.

The limit of light cavalry, the adjective of speed, the master of killing efficiency, the white horse righteousness!

Even in this world, the bearing capacity of morale has been greatly raised.

But one-tenth of the number killed in an instant is enough to collapse any legion that is not a top elite, not to mention that the barbarians were already in chaos.

The rout has begun, even the Citizen Legion, which is surrounded by barbarians, didn't care who you were when the white horse brushed past just now.

And the head of the Citizen Legion was cut into pieces in the water-like knife light.

Feeling the still warm blood splashed on the body, seeing whether it is a man, a horse, or a weapon in front of him, all have been chopped into several sections, and even the stumps are slightly twitching and trembling under the action of the nerves, like purgatory The general horror overwhelmed all sanity.

The logical rout and fleeing began, and the barbarians were completely in chaos. All the barbarians saw could only keep in their minds the pale fear.

Fear is contagious, and the barbarians subconsciously want to stay away from the white horse, as far away as possible.

However, who in the world can run a white horse.

The moment the barbarian started to flee, the white horse cut in again.

Once again, with the savages fleeing in all directions, it was like a paintbrush brushing randomly, white brushing away, leaving only pure red.

At this moment, everyone who saw this scene, whether it was the generals or the soldiers of the Han Dynasty, felt terrified, and the barbarians were even more frightened, leaving behind only the rolling thunder of white horses stepping into battle.

If there were Zahu, they would definitely tell the barbarians that they must not collapse in front of the white horse. Once they collapse, the shadow of death will instantly cover everyone.

"It's over! Get ready, there are too many barbarians, and it's time for Baima Yicong to divide his troops. By then, the lethality will be greatly reduced, and we can start to cooperate."

Zhuge Liang shook his head. No matter how many times he watched it, he felt that Baima Yicong's efficient killing method was against the harmony of heaven. Even with his temperament, he felt a little terrified.

Only a brave and fearless legion can resist this kind of killing, but a defeated army is so brave and fearless. The white horse's ability to attack fortifications is average, but it is too fast to become the world's number one in killing defeated soldiers.

Especially when the defeat turned into a flight, and the fighting on the battlefield turned into a pursuit.

Because for the white horse, the opponent who faces them behind will definitely die faster. As for running away, it is just a joke, who can run faster than the white horse.

To be honest, even if the Habayashi Army is here at this moment, they will not kill as quickly as Bai Mayi.

If one had to insist that there were people who could kill faster than these Baima Yicong, then it could only be the three-talented Baima Yicong in Gongsun Zan's hands.

Only a white horse can be faster than a white horse.

After the barbarians completely turned into a rout, Baima Yicong basically stopped maintaining that kind of cooperative leading and strangling, and instead turned into a group of three or five people chasing and attacking.

It was also at this time that the killing efficiency of the white horse began to decline, so that the allies could join in and cooperate. If it was at the previous speed, the allies would only have the fate of being chopped up.

The white horse in that state can't distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. In their line of sight, there are all stripes of light. They don't need eyes to cut people, but rely on their senses and wind.

When the Seventh Eagle Banner arrived, the massacre on the way came into view.

And those savages who fled in all directions, as if they saw the savior, did not run away blindly, but rushed towards the seventh eagle flag frantically.

The head of the Legion of the Seventh Eagle Banner's scalp was numb. To be reasonable, he seemed to have heard of this scene.

The former legion commander seemed to have died at the hands of some legion that came and went like the wind, although it was only golden, this one was only white, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't feel right.

"The Eagle Banner Legion is back, let's withdraw, it's almost time to pick up a bargain, and if we continue to fight, we will die."

Zhuge Liang said lightly, and then directly ordered to retreat.

Their ambush itself is to fight the weak with the strong. If they really fight the Eagle Banner Corps, it will not be worthwhile.

The commander of the Seventh Army thought for a moment, but still did not choose to catch up.

Their entire army is in a state of being hunted down, and it has been delayed for too long, but they will be bitten again by the Parthian army.

So while he was recruiting the barbarian army, he sent someone to send back the news to Ganassis.


When Ganassis and the others retreated to the river bank, they were so overwhelmed by the loss of the barbarians.

That's more than 4 people. Without so many people, the already stretched defense becomes even more difficult.

Originally, they planned to continue to circle around here for a while, but now it seems that the best option is to retreat directly to the mountains, which is more realistic.

"Are you all pigs?" Ganassis frantically reprimanded the leader of the barbarian army in their temporary stronghold.

It was unexpected to be ambushed on the retreat, but the barbarians behaved too badly. It is impossible for any major problems to be dealt with calmly. In the end, the record was cut off by the Han army, which made Ganassis feel chilled. , What kind of pig teammates are these.

The leader of the barbarian army who was reprimanded was silent. They knew it was stupid, but they were afraid of the pure white army from the bottom of their hearts. Even many barbarian soldiers would hold their heads in pain when they saw white.

It was really that the scene of hell on earth was so cruel that they couldn't dispel the fear in their hearts at all.

Ganassis had no choice but to retreat. His morale was turbulent and he was short of manpower.

So he could only choose to exchange space for time, but in order to delay a little more time, he chose to deploy some suspicious soldiers, intending to confuse Parthia and take the opportunity to delay a little more time.

However, Fars Sassan obviously didn't accept this, so he made a decision and forcibly crossed the river.

Since Zhuge highlighted the possibility of flooding the entire army, Fars Sassan dreamed of being flooded.

Compared with the annihilation of the entire army and the casualties of more than a thousand people, Fars Sassan didn't care at all, and theoretically speaking, it is best to forcibly cross the river.

As for how Rome responded, Fars Sassan didn't care at all. As long as the army crossed the river, even if the opponent started digging, they would not lose much in Parthia.

At this time, the more he cares about losses, the more losses will be. As an excellent general, his heart is too cruel.

What's more, Zhuge Liang also brought him good news that the Han Dynasty ambushed and killed many barbarians, so that Rome would have fewer troops on hand, and it was absolutely impossible to defend against it.

There is no superfluous way to force the crossing, that is to use human life to force the crossing. If the Romans meet the enemy on the other side of the river, they will fight directly and die, and they will only win.

Even if a huge price is paid, as long as this army can be wiped out, the eastern province of Rome will be completely owned by Vogelgis V's army.

Rome has plundered Parthia for so many years, and it is time for Parthia to make Rome repay this blood debt.

However, Ganassis' decision was too decisive, especially when he learned that the barbarian suffered heavy casualties and his morale collapsed, he led the troops back quickly.

Especially after meeting with the barbarian army recruited by Camillo, they did not take any drastic actions. They gave up any temptation to Parthia, and instead directly gave up a large number of territories already occupied by Rome. Trade space for time.

Ganassis' command level is also improving by leaps and bounds, and was once equal to Fars Sassan, but Ganassis is not a fool. The Roman citizens and barbarians he temporarily recruited are not regular troops after all. The regular army is also at a disadvantage.

So he directly chose to avoid Parthia's large-scale battles, and all chose to use harassment to slow down Parthia's marching speed, especially the Second Trajan's Legion, which added a lot of resistance to the Parthia army.

However, after all, Ganassis is a clever woman who cannot cook without rice. When the barbarian is embarrassed, he can only retreat steadily, and it is difficult to hold back the Parthians who are constantly attacking, especially when the Parthians start to divide their troops. It became more and more difficult to maintain the defense line.

Especially under the strategy of exchanging space for time based on the fundamental idea, Parthia has not made any substantive breakthroughs. They are indeed invading Rome's territory.

But Ganassis has always maintained a good combat effectiveness, which is like a thorn in their backs for them.

Even Yuganassis used his familiarity with the terrain to mobilize the Eagle Banner Legion to set up traps, directly bit off a piece of meat from the Parthian army, and killed at least [-] Parthian soldiers.

For Ganassis, this victory is no less meaningful than a long drought.

After all, Rome has been retreating anyway, and if there is no victory, it will be difficult for even Ganassis to maintain the morale of the barbarian army.

In this battle, their own losses were greater, but at least the morale of the army was maintained, giving Ganassis more capital to drag on.

No way, after evacuating the two rivers and mountains, there is almost no danger between Parthia and Rome. It is all flat plains, and water and fire are almost useless.

The only way to forcibly create a record is by throwing bait and then forcibly attacking the weak with the strong.

Although Rome suffered a greater loss, Rome did win this battle, and the Parthian troops were repelled.

Under such a policy and strategy, Ganassis finally ushered in hope.

Finally, before Parthia completely captured the entire eastern province of Rome, Roman reinforcements arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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