Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 905 Arrival of Roman reinforcements

Chapter 905 Arrival of Roman reinforcements

"Virgilia, the head of the Tenth Legion, came to report, Mr. Duke!"

Virgilia threw a club in front of Ganassis, and Ganassis felt heartbroken, why did he send these masters here.

Unlike other dukes, as the one who sent Octavian back to Rome, he knew the level of the Tenth Legion deeply. He also knew about the Tenth Legion at that time. Unruly, he still gave up.

For a legion of all nobles, he is really not enough to be a duke of a border county.

Moreover, the Tenth Legion and the No.13 Legion had a deep historical connection. He was really not sure whether the other party was here to settle accounts or to help him.

Moreover, the destruction of Thirteen Roses in his hands is a pain point that cannot be bypassed, and someone must be responsible for it.

"Don't worry, this time, we are only here to avenge Thirteen Qiangwei. Your problems will be judged by the parliament after the war is over!"

Virgilia saw Ganassis' concerns, and simply explained that this was an order from Octavian to them, and he just conveyed it on behalf of them.

"The specific matters, you and these two demigods understand, I will lead the troops out!" After Virgilia finished speaking, she led the Tenth Army and left in the direction of Parthia.

Ganassis had a headache for a while, but he didn't say anything. A powerful army can leave at any time if he wants to. Let the other party feel the strength of Parthia now.

Then again, it is really rare for the No.13 Legion to be wiped out.

"Duke Ganassis, Ludovic, and Giorgios have been appointed by the parliament to come and listen to your orders." The two demigods who broke the boundary were polite. Narcissus is the commander of the army.

If you really want to say, Ganassis led the troops and could hack them to death at any time, and his personal bravery was nothing compared to the army.

Ganassis leaned over to salute, the demigod who broke the boundary respected him, and he also respected the demigod who broke the boundary. These people are a banner of the Roman Empire, and to some extent represent the upper limit of Roman heroes.

With these people around, the morale of the army will be greatly improved.

Besides, whoever the Boundary Breaker demigod will challenge the army alone, this kind of warrior in the army is simply an unparalleled sharp edge.

Whether it is symbolic or practical, it is huge.

His bodyguard, Gulas, had been outstanding in the battle before, causing a lot of trouble for Parthia.

And it's not just these two people, there are a total of fifteen internal qi separated bodies following them. This combination is enough to break through most of the elite legions head-on.

"How far can you two do on the battlefield?" Ganassis asked bluntly. After experiencing the existence of pig teammates like the Barbarian Legion, he changed, and he had to master everything.

After one experience with the barbarian pig teammate, he is finished, and the eastern province is also finished.

"In small-scale battles, we can all play a part of our strength, which is roughly close to the level of internal energy separation. As for the current scale of large-scale army cloud energy, the two of us are of little significance." Ludovic simply told Ganassi Si introduced the strength of breaking the boundary.

Ganassis nodded when he heard the words, and then found a reference.

"You guys should also know Gusla, how does it compare with him?" Ganassis asked casually.

"It's far better!" Ludovic said flatly.

Ganassis was taken aback, Gulas was trained on the battlefield, why is it so worthless in your mouth.

"Can you show it, because this is very important to my scheduling!" Ganassis looked at Ludovico and said. Ke didn't quite believe what he said.

However, he had seen Li Yuanba instantly kill Gulas, so he still believed in the existence of the strong.

"It would be even better if you can announce your existence to Parthia!" Ganassis added.

Ludovic turned his head and glanced at Giorgios, seeing that the other party also nodded, without saying anything, directly flew into the sky, turning into a small dot in the eyes of Ganassis.

Ludovic gradually unleashed his own strength, and a light blue glow slowly emerged from his body, followed by the air gradually solidifying, and then burst out suddenly, and the strong wind roared directly towards the surroundings.

Afterwards, the essence of heaven and earth combined with his own internal energy, and then directly turned into a giant, and the violent wind also condensed into the shape of a sword in his hands.

Then the giant dispersed, Ludovic disarmed himself, and then flashed back to Ganassis.

"It's so strong!" Ganassis admired. This kind of power is almost godlike. It's no wonder that they are the strongest group of people in the Roman Empire. This kind of strength is so strong.

"It's just for display. In fact, this kind of method is not used in the fight. The consumption is too great, and there is no way to maintain it." Ludovic sighed.

As a Qi Breaker, what worries him the most is that he doesn't have enough internal Qi, and he doesn't know if this is a curse.

And he's actually quite embarrassing, he can't last if he uses all his strength, but he can last if he doesn't use all his strength, but it's no different from the ordinary internal energy separation extreme, and it can't be crushed at all.

But in general, he is confident that he can defeat an opponent like Gulas in a short time with his full strength.

Those who came out of the flames of war were indeed not weak, but the accumulation was too weak, meaningless at all. He spent much more time in breaking the boundary than Gulas, and the two sides were not on the same level at all.

"Brother, do you feel it?" Wen Chou, who was training soldiers in the Han camp, suddenly raised his head and asked.

"You feel it too?" Yan Liang touched his chin and said, he is much more sensitive than Wen Chou.

"Well, I haven't restrained my momentum at all, how could I not notice it!" Wen Chou shook his head. "In other words, the other party may be doing it on purpose, and the strength of the internal energy from the body may be able to detect it."

"It's coming fiercely, and I don't know if the young master and the others can withstand this test!" Yan Liang said quite solemnly.

Just like what Wen Chou said, not only them, but even the internal qi in Parthia felt this momentum.

"It seems that Roman reinforcements have arrived!" Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan lightly, and turned his head to look at Zhao Yun beside him.

"It's so far away!" Zhao Yun smiled proudly. Boundary-breaking class is just a general term, and it is divided into three, six, and nine classes, and he is obviously a special class.

Zhuge Liangliang nodded, not saying anything, personal strength is always just a reference, and the real war is far from being reversed by personal power.

Fars Sassan on the other side also froze when he heard the news delivered by his general.

"Order all the ministries to move closer to the main battalion. If the demigods of Rome have arrived, then Roman support should also arrive. Tell them to be careful, and the war will resume again!"

Parthia is having fun these days, and most of the eastern provinces of Rome have been plundered by them, which can be said to be full of harvest.

Of course, it is more about the smooth realization of Parthia's overall revenge on Rome. .

Especially after Ganassis shrunk the line of defense, the Parthian troops split up and attacked various cities in the eastern provinces of Rome separately, and the results were quite fruitful.

However, it was based on the fact that Ganassis was short of manpower and would not be able to fight. Rome's reinforcements arrived. If it was still in the form of a loose organization, they might be defeated one by one by Rome.

So as soon as he received the news, Fars Sassan began to call on the Parthian army to gather.

To be honest, Parthia has not yet had a local boundary-breaking general, and it is not known what went wrong.

On the contrary, among the newly joined descendants of the Huns, there have been quite a few boundary-breaking generals, which is good news for Parthia, but only a few of them know about it.

For most people, that is the native Parthian boundary-breaking general.

Therefore, after confirming the breath of the Roman demigod, Parthia did not have the slightest fear, but became cautious because of the arrival of Roman reinforcements.

"Who are you?" Li Jue looked at Virgilia in front of him and his face became serious.

This was the first army other than the Habayashi Army that made him feel the pressure before they started fighting.

Virgilia was also very distressed. They originally planned to randomly pick a Parthian legion to kill, so as to pay homage to the Thirteenth Legion, and it was also an explanation for the Thirteenth Rose.

Then it was broken up and incorporated into the army command system, and began to assist Ganassis in commanding the entire army.

Although Rome doesn't pay much attention to family background, their tenth rank is more or less an outlier. Their entry threshold is nobles, and they must be nobles with military exploits, which guarantees both combat effectiveness and purity.

Therefore, almost every tenth soldier has received systematic military education, and has also participated in the command on the battlefield. After being broken down into parts, it is possible to form a huge command network to assist the commander in achieving strategic goals faster. An efficient way to strengthen the command of the commander.

The effect on other troops is not clear, but for the barbarians, such a command system can maximize their combat effectiveness.

This is also the reason why Penilance is relieved. Without him, it is because Tenth and Ganassis can use the lives of countless barbarians to forcibly block Parthia's attack, and maybe even counterattack Parthia.

Once they stabilized the situation in the north and freed up their hands, then they would definitely take revenge on Parthia.

But who would have thought that as soon as they came, they would encounter this legion that was comparable to the second Tulazhen.

Even before they played against Virgilia, they knew that it was impossible to defeat the opponent at the current level of the Tenth Army.

However, it is impossible for the opposite side to defeat them. So far, it is most appropriate for both sides to exercise restraint and retreat. After all, the Han army on the opposite side is not their main target.

Killing the Parthian Legion and avenging Thirteen Roses is the purpose of their actions this time. This kind of meaningless fight is meaningless.

But... it's all here, or it doesn't seem to be the case after a fight?
While Virgilia was still thinking, the four of Li Jue had reached a consensus, completely ignored Zhang Xiu's voice, and directly chose to rush forward to fight a wave.

"Hahaha, brothers, go for me, and finally meet a tough guy, don't let them run away!" Li Jue's maniacal laughter sounded extremely penetrating.

"Fuck them!" Guo Si and the others were also extremely excited. What's the point of abusing vegetables? It's only meaningful to fight against a powerful army.

"Interesting!" Virgilia laughed back angrily. In his opinion, it was a good thing that they didn't take the initiative to hit each other, but the other party actually rushed forward.

Then there is no need to think about it, they don't cause trouble for the tenth time, and they are definitely not afraid of trouble.

Since the Han Dynasty Legion in front of us is going to fight, then their Tenth Legion will accompany them to the end.

The moment the two sides collided head-on, they were all taken aback.

Although the heads of the two sides decided to fight extremely sloppily, both sides were super elites, and they both displayed their outstanding fighting abilities the moment they received the order.

However, the result of the first wave of charge made both sides frown.

Virgilia looked at Li Jue solemnly, wondering if the opponent's defense should be so against the heavens, obviously they had already used the skills to deal with the heavy cavalry in advance, but after a wave of charge and confrontation, there was no result.

The soldiers who had been stabbed off their horses on the opposite side almost rolled over and started to get up and look for their own horses to ride. Even though there were still traces of being trampled on their bodies, they looked like they were all right.

And that kind of crazy fighting will also made Virgilia look sideways. To be honest, the state of the two sides is simply one heaven and one earth.

If the opponent is a battle madman, they will be full of salted fish and bad kings.

Li Jue on the other side was even more distressed. After they fought, they knew that the opposite side was another Legion similar to the Second Trajan, and by the way, it seemed that it was even more outrageous than the Second Trajan.

However, when fighting, the opponent's listless state is very doubtful.

Li Jue even suspected that the opponent was hitting someone with a lower limit, or that the opponent had no will to fight at all, as if he didn't know why he was fighting.

"This idea is hard enough!" Li Jue licked his lips, stared at Virgilia, completely excited.

"Zhiran, there is something wrong with the army on the opposite side!" Guo Si also said cautiously, the army on the other side was unexpectedly strong.

However, when the Xiliang iron cavalry side hadn't discussed any results, Virgilia chose to retreat without hesitation. What a joke, there is a fart advantage in fighting with the iron king on the opposite side. slip.

Just grab a Parthian legion on the road and complete the task, and it doesn't make sense to win with the iron king.

They are still in the territory occupied by Parthia, and it will be a lot of fun to be surrounded by then,
So Virgilia directly ended this troublesome and fruitless battle.

Just as Li Jue guessed, they didn't have the will to fight at all, even if they were super capable, so what, they just smashed it.

They have a little responsibility for the Roman Empire, but not much. They can't ask for more from a legion cursed by their own imperial will.

(End of this chapter)

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