Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 916 Metamorphosis among monsters

Chapter 916 Metamorphosis among monsters

One-on-one was not enough, but when a group of reckless men began to blackmail the area, a scuffle broke out.

I am not very familiar with the major states, and I rely on hearsay. In addition, the old enemy of Bingzhou and Liangzhou, the scuffle was a mess.

The scuffle continued for a day and a night, until Chen Xi skipped work and ran out to watch the fun, and it still didn't stop.

Chen Xi lay on the edge of the barracks to watch the excitement, and the Sun Rider who was in charge of guarding the camp didn't care at all. It said that as long as no one was killed, he could fight whatever he wanted.

Besides, the first aid team was on the side, fighting, and even some Sun Knight soldiers rushed in to participate in the melee after taking off their armor.

While Chen Xi was watching the scene with great interest, Feng He was beaten into the air in the scuffle, and he saw Chen Xi when he looked up.

"Who are you?"

Feng He looked him up and down, and he should have the level of inner energy, but he is a weakling.

It feels like it should be the kind that can be turned over with one punch.

In fact, Chen Xi still has a condensed internal energy, he can have this internal energy all by eating, eat a pile of top-level breaking meat, if he doesn't have this internal energy, those beasts will cry to death.

"I'll take a look at the fun, don't mind me!" Chen Xi said with a smile.

"Whoever you are, come down and get beaten!" Feng He stretched out his hand to grab Chen Xi, but since Sunrider didn't speak, he could beat him.

Stretching his hand halfway, Feng He was slapped into the ground by a black and white paw, the kind that couldn't even be buckled.

"Duanzi, go back and give you another meal!"

Chen Xi smiled and said, don't tell me, this bodyguard is fierce, as long as the bamboo is enough, ordinary people are definitely not opponents.

The air of Tuanzi's hands-on action instantly attracted the appearance of two figures.

"There are still internal qi from the body?" Chen Xi was taken aback. He only heard that there were many perverted veterans in the barracks. How could there be two internal qi from the body? No one reported it.

There is a misunderstanding here. What the government affairs department wants is the information files of the veterans, in order to equip these veterans with suitable equipment.

But Guo Ziyi and Zhang Yu were subconsciously divided into the generals' team, and of course they couldn't see them in the veteran's report.

"Your Excellency?" Guo Ziyi and Zhang Yu's faces were full of solemnity, but they also knew that the one who could stand next to the Sunrider and have the bodyguard who broke the boundary should be an official of the court.

"I'm the current prime minister, what's your two names!" Chen Xi shook his certificate, and the aura of national destiny on it made the two of you bow down immediately.

"Meet the prime minister, the last general Zhang Yu!"

"Meet the prime minister, the last general Guo Ziyi!"

"Zhang Yu! It's you!" Chen Xi nodded, he knew this, this kind of talent really shines everywhere.

"Guo Ziyi... wait, what did you say your name is!"

"Back to Prime Minister, the last general Guo Ziyi!" Guo Ziyi replied neither humble nor overbearing.

Chen Xi suddenly realized, Guo Ziyi?
That is a fierce man with the posthumous title of Zhongwu. In history, no matter how bad the posthumous title is, he is a celebrity in the dynasty, and Guo Ziyi, the Zhongwu, is even more important.

"Power is over the world and the government is not afraid, and the merits of a generation are not doubted!" Zhuge Liang was the last person to have such an evaluation.

And this is the ten philosophers player who replaced Bai Qi and entered the Wu Temple. Although it is said to be the Wu Temple of the Song Dynasty, at least he has applied for his ability from the side.


Chen Xi was amazed, but he had seen too many historical celebrities so far, and he had already lost his sense of awe.

He just lamented that Cao Cao was very lucky. When the time comes, Guo Ziyi will be under his command, but he can save half of his worries.

It is not impossible to go out and enter the prime minister, enough to guard one side, and even replace Cao Cao's role.

"You two come with me to go through some formalities, there is no one who can miss you two!" Chen Xi sighed, and then led the two of them towards the government affairs hall.

Although he carried his seal and so on, it involved the appointment of officials and required the joint signatures of at least three people.

In fact, he can do it alone, but he has always avoided the exercise of such privileges to prevent leaving loopholes.

"Hahahaha, those two perverts are gone, now it's my world!" Zhang Jiang roared excitedly after watching the two being taken away, and then he plunged down and straightened towards the Liangzhou veterans. .

Before Zhang Yu was there, he couldn't go down. If he went down, Zhang Yu would also go down. It would not be a good thing for the veterans of Bingzhou.

But now that Zhang Yu is gone, isn't he the one who has the final say in this scuffle!

"Let's join hands with Li Ying, let's get rid of him first!"

Qin Mu scolded angrily, if Zhang Jiang was really allowed to get involved, wouldn't that be like a tiger joining the sheep? This kind of all-round hexagonal fighter can display the most outrageous fighting power in a melee, because they have no shortcomings and can fight as much as they want. play.

At that time, Bingzhou will take Zhang Jiang as the front, and Liangzhou will not be able to stop them. If Liangzhou loses, it will be too embarrassing.

"Qi!" Although Li Ying and Qin Mu were at odds, they belonged to Xiliang after all, and it was right to let go of their prejudices and cooperate with those in Bingzhou.

"Hahahaha, good job!" Zhang Jiang looked at the two people rushing towards him and grinned.

One hit two, the advantage lies with him.

With a livid face, Qin Mu ran directly towards Zhang Jiang. The two collided with each other, and the violent force exploded instantly.

The air was slammed loudly by the fierce force, Qin Mu took three steps back, and the ground under Zhang Jiang's heels exploded, and the two chose to raise their legs and sweep across almost at the same time.

At that moment, the muscles on the calf of the two were entangled like steel bars. This time, Qin Mu took another five steps back, while Zhang Jiang remained motionless.

"It's now!" Li Ying appeared behind Zhang Jiang, and slashed Zhang Jiang's neck ten times with his hand as a knife.

"Made, pervert!"

Seeing this, Qin Mu cursed secretly, and pushed forward again.

On the other side, Li Ying, who rolled over and landed on the ground, couldn't help covering his old waist. He was not an iron cavalry, and his physical defense was over the top.

It's okay to fight other people, but to fight Zhang Jiang, it doesn't break the defense at all without weapons.

"Made, it's so hard!"

After Zhang Jiang buried half of Qin Mu directly in the soil, he couldn't help cursing, his strength was not just bragging, he was really strong, but Qin Mu wasn't made of mud either, he was so rough and fleshy that he would die.

Zhang Jiang overthrew Qin Mu several times in a row, but the opponent still stood up and continued to beat him after slapping his butt. This time, he integrated all the strength of his whole body, and directly buried Qin Mu in the soil with one shot and three in one. .

"Are you convinced?" Zhang Jiang stepped on Qin Mu to prevent him from crawling out, tilted his head to clamp the hand knife that Li Ying cut his neck with, and then grabbed Li Ying's arm with both hands and threw it over his shoulder, stuffing Li Ying in as well. into the earth.

However, unlike Sai Qinmu who used brute force, he stepped on a hole with his feet first, and then buried Li Ying in it.

Before Zhang Jiang could say anything, Luo Qiao held a wooden stick in both hands and let out a thunderous gossip. He used the wooden stick to create the effect of a heavy-duty mace, and directly flew Zhang Jiang dry.

But before Luo Qiao had time to be happy, Zhang Jiang got up from the ground, patted the dirt and charged Luo Qiao into the air, and forcibly grabbed the stick in his hand.

"Great, but not great enough!"

Luo Qiaoqi's nose is crooked, and it's not good for those of them who go to extremes. Once the advantages are avoided, the weaknesses will be infinitely magnified.

These perverts who walk in the all-round hexagon don't have such concerns. They are not strong in individual skills, but once they start fighting, their combat power is not at the same level at all.

"Aren't you going to try it?" Hua Li, who was born in the old yellow scarf, asked his companion Jiang Qu.

"What are you doing up there? Are you being beaten?" Jiang Qu said angrily.

"Isn't yours a beast with the ability to blow the inner qi out of the body, and then the inner qi becomes a gangster, so you're scared?" Hua Li sneered cheerfully, who made Jiang Qu brag that he killed an inner qi? Isolated beast.

"What I killed was a wild dog and I had to use a weapon. Zhang Jiang, a bastard, might be able to kill a tiger whose internal energy has been separated from the body, let alone empty-handed. I will hit him with the head." Jiang Qu said with a depressed face.

Those who walk the omnipotent hexagon are all perverts, and those who can go to the end are obviously perverts among perverts.

Although everyone said it was seven-fold smelting, Jiang Qu dared to use his head to guarantee that Zhang Jiang, a big-eyed boy, was not telling the truth.

Whose seventh-level smelting can beat soldiers of the same level as easily as eating and drinking water? Almighty also needs to teach the basic law. I really think that using Almighty can fool us.

It's not like he hasn't seen eight-fold smelting monsters on the battlefield. Although he is a guard of the Huns, it is really terrifying.

But the same feeling, absolutely the same.

There is battlefield intuition in his smelting talent, and he will never make mistakes in judgment.

The ghost knows what kind of talent Zhang Jiang has hidden. Besides, with the quality he is showing now, he is just an extra when he goes up, so he might as well just hide here and watch the show.

"Look, Danyang veteran, the sixth level of smelting is the unity of heaven and man, but he was knocked over by Zhang Jiang three punches, one punch broke the state, one punch broke the defense, and one punch directly knocked him unconscious, what a pity!"

"Huo, I'm afraid he's not a veteran of the Shooting Battalion, maybe there's something going on...well, no way, I'm going to make a strong fist, and then punch him with a backhand, awesome! Really awesome!"

"The veteran of the infantry battalion is proficient in all infantry skills, and what he smelt is also the quality talent, the six-fold smelting plus the inner qi into a gang, this is a bit of a show... Yes, I lost!"

"Get out of the way, I'll meet him!"

Lin Wanxing roared, and rushed towards Zhang Jiang with red eyes. He was knocked down by Liao Ping before, but it was a defect in will. He has absolute confidence in his physical fitness, and he is still full of internal energy and strong strength. of a batch.

Seeing Zhang Jiangshen as the God of Killing and Buddha blocking and killing Buddha, he became excited at that time, this is the opponent he longed for.

"Woo big, big, big..."

Lin Wanxing took a deep breath, his skin turned red, steam began to rise from his body, and he threw out hundreds of punches in one breath.

"This is impossible! What kind of talent have you smelted!"

After smashing hundreds of punches, Lin Wanxing gasped and looked at Zhang Jiang in horror. His attack just now had no effect at all.

"Awesome!" Zhang Jiang exhaled. At the beginning, he could keep up with the [-] punches and parry it accurately, but he couldn't parry it at the end.

"But it's not enough!"

Lin Wanxing, who was pressed to the ground and thumped violently, was stunned, who am I, where am I, and why.

What the hell is going on with Zhang Jiang's body? He is sure that he has landed thirty or forty punches. He is not Li Ying. Without weapons, his lethality drops sharply. His strength is the best weapon.

Venting all the power in one breath, this is his bottom-of-the-box tactic, replaced by a weapon and a heavy gun, he can even pulverize a huge boulder.

The soldiers present are all talented types, and they can't be mixed up to this level without any talent, but they are useless.

When you put a group of monsters together, then there are monsters of monsters.

And Zhang Jiang is such a human monster, as for the inner qi, he is no longer human.

After Zhang Jiang chopped melons and chopped vegetables in a row and let go of dozens of veterans, he finally aroused public outrage. Many people who had confidence in themselves came to Zhang Jiang. Why are you so strong? I will meet you a bit.

Even those who have the intention to hide their clumsiness start to go up, there is no way that the barracks are like this, they all start to go up when they hit each other, this kind of fist-to-flesh bloody battle, the infectious ability is too strong, there is no room for old silver coins to survive.

"Zhang Jiang, try copying guys!"

Li Ying pulled himself out from the ground, and looked at Zhang Jiang with a gloomy face. Most of his strength was in weapons, and fighting with bare hands was really a disadvantage.

"Go ahead!" Zhang Jiang is also a master of weapons, and Almighty is just like that.

And at this time, the melee finally stopped. If punching to the flesh is blood, then once weapons start to be used, it is iron blood.

It was obvious that Iron Blood wouldn't go up, most people stopped fighting in their hands and spontaneously formed a circle.

Li Ying held the sword in his hand, and his slightly trembling hand instantly became stable. The whole person exuded the sharp aura unique to Rui Shi, and Zhang Jiang became more serious in an instant.

He felt the breath of death, and this is the case with sharp warriors. Pursuing the ultimate lethality, even the iron cavalry pursuing the ultimate defense has no good way.

At this time, destruction is always easier than protection.

With a flash of sword light, Li Ying looked at Zhang Jiang with an ugly expression. Except for the ultimate move, he had used all his strength.

And Zhang Jiang touched the cut wound on his chest, and said with a little emotion.

"Although I expected that I couldn't hide it, I didn't expect to be forced out by you!"

Then with a hand wipe, the wound merged, and then even the scratches on the clothes were dried.

"Damn!" All the knowledgeable veterans present could not help but curse.

"Super speed recovery? Idealistic will distorts reality? Nine layers of smelting?" The veterans are all stunned, this is a fucking human.

"Strictly speaking, I'm a seventh-level smelter, but I'm just adapting to a top three!" Zhang Jiang smiled.

He can also be considered to be in the light of the eternal belief, the most difficult aspect of the will to improve in the self-adaptation, after the rendering of the eternal belief, he directly filled it up, and then drove the development of the self-adaptation, making its smelting degree far beyond the normal level, barely He has reached the level of internal qi separation, which is also the reason why he can develop supernormally.

Genius is a little talent, a little hard work, and finally a little adventure.

 Cough cough cough, there are too many accidents, there is no way.

  This time, I will post the update together, so I can’t say that I didn’t add it.

(End of this chapter)

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