Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 917 Han Xin's Confusion

Chapter 917 Han Xin's Confusion

After Zhang Jiang showed the effect of nine layers of smelting, no one beat him immediately, what a joke, hit him with a hammer.

They couldn't beat Zhang Jiang to death if Zhang Jiang stood still, not to mention Zhang Jiang's own strength was terrible.

"I said Zhangtou, you are so fierce, why did you get kicked down by the boss at that time?" Feng He started to die after crawling out of the ground.

The boss he was talking about was naturally Zhang Yu, the commander of the Habayashi Army.

"You talk too much!" Zhang Jiang's face darkened in an instant, and he slapped Feng He directly into the ground again.

Seeing the ears of the veterans around him pricked up, Zhang Jiang explained the reason despite his dark face.

"There is a problem with the Miracle unit. Although I don't understand the reason, there is definitely something wrong with the fist of the boss. The first punch is normal. Although it is heavy, I can withstand it. But after the second punch, my talent It will be invalid, and when the third punch comes down, I will be directly defeated!"

After listening to Zhang Jiang's narration, the people present couldn't help turning their heads to those who retired from the Habayashi Army.

Finally, Chen Long scratched his head and stood up.

"To put it simply, Miracle has the ability to deny everything, which is another manifestation of the will to distort reality, but those of us who have retired cannot use that kind of power. I don't understand how the boss did it!"

Chen Long also looked dazed. They can't use it now, but others can use it. They stay in Jingling Palace every day, and it doesn't have this effect.

"Negating everything... is really idealistic!"

The corner of Zhang Jiang's mouth twitched. This kind of vague statement sounded the scariest.

But at this time, he also understood how he lost so thoroughly. In layman's terms, his basic quality is enough, but his level of will is not enough, and he was strengthened by the opponent.

"Miracle, what if I master the miracle?"

Zhang Jiang is a little fanciful, if his current basic strength has that kind of miraculous power.

But after thinking about it, Zhang Jiang snuffed out his thoughts. If he had longed for those powers, he would have joined the battle a long time ago, so why bother staying in the wolf cavalry.

What about miracles, he firmly believes that their wolf riders will never lose to them in the future, their future is Wen Hou Lu Bu, miracles are strong, and they are nothing compared to Lu Bu.

With Lu Bu as a wolf cavalry, the soldiers of the wolf cavalry will not think about professionalism. They will work as a wolf cavalry until they die in this life.

In the government affairs hall on the other side.

Guo Ziyi and Zhang Yu are going through various formalities and accepting the assessment by Xun Yu, Guo Jia, and Lu Su at the same time.

As a general, courage is the first, and wisdom is the supplement.

The hard power of the inner qi is enough to be elected as the commander, but the ability to lead troops to fight still needs to be tested.

They knew about Zhang Yu's situation, and they simply asked a few questions to test their xinxing.

The main assessment is Guo Ziyi.

Whoever asks Chen Xi to come up will brag first, Guo Ziyi's potential is not inferior to Zhuge Liang, nor to Yue Fei, of course they have to test it out.

If the person who said this was not Chen Xi, they would have kicked him out long ago.

After all, the abilities of Zhuge Liang and Yue Fei are obvious to all, so you can't just say that you can stand shoulder to shoulder with these two.


Guo Jia is a bit pained, in the dream version of the war game, Guo Ziyi forced him to take all the tricks, and then pushed him flat.

Although he himself is not good at commanding, and he still has two purposes, but strategy is his forte.

The game of war is like Han Xin setting up an ambush on all sides and besieged on all sides. Xiang Yu has only 8000 soldiers left, and then Xiang Yu leads [-] people to fight against Liu Bang's million people, and cuts Liu Bang directly in a wave of thousands of troops. So outrageous.

He obviously had the right time, place, and people, and everything in his hands, but in a desperate matchup, the opponent fought back and ended the war with one wave.

It was as if the other party was giving way to him before.

Xun Yu and Lu Su looked at each other in surprise. They had seen many battles in the war. This feeling of turning against the wind was the last time when Han Xin slaughtered the young.

In fact, Guo Ziyi really didn't release the water, but he was more immersed in the exploration of dreaming, that is, he was not used to the operation in layman's terms. After he got used to the operation, he directly pressed Guo Jia to death with a backhand.

"Interesting, boy, do you want to have a fight with me!"

Just when the people who fell into the dream were looking at each other, Han Xin jumped out. He was quite curious about what happened before, but after reading it, he became interested.

Just like what Chen Xi said, this person in front of him is the first talent he has ever seen who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Zhuge Liang and Yue Fei.

In fact, Han Xin himself thinks that he, Bai Qi, Huo Qubing and Zhuge Liang and Yue Fei have the same potential level, it's just whether they can realize their potential.

The strangest thing here is Huo Qubing, he is too young, and he and Bai Qi didn't understand the miracle thing, but Huo Qubing is very handy, if it wasn't for Huo Qubing's problem in the battle of the large army, the two of them might be killed by Huo Qubing Press it down on the face.

At the age of 25, Huo Qubing had already died after beating the Xiongnu, Han Xin had just been worshiped as a general by the King of Han, and Bai Qi was still a small officer.

But the difference is that Huo Qubing met Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, realized his potential and reached another realm.

The most outrageous thing about Huo Qubing is that before he reached his own peak, his record reached the peak in history, and then he died immediately after.

When the three of them were squatting in the underground palace, Huo Qubing failed in everything except for the level of grasping fighters and training soldiers, which had reached the level of a military god.

In the first fight, if it wasn't for Huo Qubing's playing tricks, the whole Wei Qing guarding the house would have been brutally beaten.

But after Huo Qubing stayed with him for a period of time, he immediately became a qualified military god. Without him, his learning ability is too strong, especially this kind of high-level learning from top to bottom, coupled with rich experience in war This is my summary.

It's hard to say anything about Huo Qubing at this stage, but in terms of commanding the army, one can beat the two previous selves.

Now that he and Bai Qi want to win Huo Qubing, it is really unknown, and it is impossible to know if they don't fight seriously.

However, Dreaming still has flaws and is not yet perfect. They are unwilling to fight seriously in such a flawed environment.

So after seeing the young Guo Ziyi again, Han Xin immediately wanted to beat up the child, he didn't believe that there was another person as outrageous as Huo Qubing in this world.

Besides, even if the kid in front of him is the same as Huo Qubing, it is impossible for him to overturn, he is the unparalleled Marquis of Huaiyin.

"Actually, I think it would be better if Mr. Wu An came, that would be interesting!" Chen Xi didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement.

Guo Ziyi replaced Bai Qi's position as one of the ten philosophers of the Wu Temple, so it would be unreasonable not to fight against each other.

"Is Mr. Wu An better than me? Chen Zichuan, do you take me for fun?" Han Xin looked at Chen Xi with hanging eyes. What do you mean it's better to be Mr. Wu An? Do you want Chen Xi to go too far?

Chen Xi let out a long sigh, no one answered, it was so lonely.

Guo Ziyi was a little dazed, this person in front of him was so strange, he looked like a general in charge of life and death when he first appeared on the stage, but now he looked like a hooligan who was fooling around, and the whole process changed very naturally, without any sense of disobedience.

But he understands that this should be a real assessment, and if he wins, he might be able to become a general.


Han Xin noticed Guo Ziyi's eyes. He knew that look very well. It was the same look in his eyes when he and Liu Bang asked for the position of general. He had confidence in himself.

But... Han Xin likes to beat up this kind of confident young man the most.

Even after Zhuge Liang was completely wiped out by him at that time, he couldn't take it easy for a while. That kind of dazed ignorance was not too pleasant for Han Xin.

It would be a beautiful thing to beat a child before he grows up.

Speaking of this, I have to mention Huo Qubing. In the first battle, he was obviously crazy and wanted to die, but in the end he pinched Wei Qing unconsciously by relying on his intuition.

Then he managed to avoid the first wave of violent beatings. It would be a dream for Han Xin to beat Huo Qubing violently later on. After making preparations, everyone is a military god. Even if I am a lame military god, you don’t want to beat me violently.

Shaking his head, Han Xin said to Guo Ziyi enthusiastically.

"Come, come, two states, one hundred thousand soldiers, how about a random map?" Han Xin said eagerly. "If you have any request, you can ask, I can do it!"

"20, [-] is not easy!" Guo Ziyi nodded, thought about the limit of her ability, and then said decisively.

Chen Xi covered his face and gave Guo Ziyi a thumbs up.

Han Xin gave Guo Ziyi a thumbs-up. This young man has a good heart. Commander of the Grand Army, 20, 50, and 20 are the thresholds. Since he dares to ask for [-], it shows that the young man is very confident.

Confidence is good, he is also very confident, let's see who is more confident.

The battle between the two sides slowly unfolded, and a group of people watching the battle from a high altitude were very surprised that the situation on the field was actually a balance of power.

Even if Zhuge Liang and Yue Fei were at a slight disadvantage when Zhuge Liang and Yue Fei got started, now it is actually a balance of power, Han Xin won't let it go, right?

At present, the only person in the Han Dynasty who can achieve this is Huangfusong who has been sublimated to Jie Huangfusong. Regardless of what the others look like in the end, at least they will be at a disadvantage when they get started.

"Interesting, interesting, this is really interesting!"

Han Xin's eyes lit up. The other party dared to ask for 20 people, but the operation method was very unfamiliar. It seemed that it was the first time to engage in a confrontation of this scale, but the other party's reaction speed was extremely fast, and he was young and energetic.

Unlike other people who just fight against pressure, the kid in front of him is rushing to crush himself.

"Then let me see what you can do!" Han Xin smiled slightly, and then raised the intensity of command to a higher level, and also raised the speed to a higher level.

At this time, Guo Ziyi's forehead was sweating, he couldn't believe his current state, his talent was very strange, he concluded that there was no way out.

This effect is actually very simple, that is, the greater the disadvantage, the more his own ability will rise, and he can actively stimulate the limit of that rise.

This is also the reason for his self-confidence. As long as he fights against others, he will become infinitely stronger, and it is not others who are stronger, but himself.

Originally, his upper limit has been increased by 30.00% so far, and most people are no match for him at all.

But this time he actively stimulated this state, but when the scene was balanced, he discovered the problem, that is, his upper limit is constantly increasing.

Obviously the scene is still balanced, but his upper limit is constantly increasing, and even now he himself doesn't know how much his upper limit has soared.

This is why Han Xin felt that he was in a hurry, just like giving a full-level game account to a novice, and he couldn't play the highest limit at all.

"Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai, are you kidding me? Zi Chuan, where did you find such a fierce person?" Guo Jia's jaw almost dropped at this moment.

Are you kidding, as far as the performance so far, Huangfusong is not as good as Guo Ziyi, this is a human being, I am afraid you are not kidding me.

Chen Xi also showed surprise. To be honest, he didn't know Guo Ziyi's true level, but with his current performance, there is no pressure at all to be a commander of a large army.

"This is from the conscription this year...maybe..." As he spoke, even Chen Xi lost confidence.

Zhang Yu on the side couldn't believe it either, that little brother, that's too strong, he knows the goods, that's why he understood Guo Ziyi's horror.

"It's getting stronger? Isn't it normal?" Han Xin squinted his eyes halfway, and started to get serious, because the situation has been maintained in balance, and he noticed something was wrong.

Obviously he has been increasing the pressure, but the opponent resisted abruptly, but logically speaking, he should take advantage of the situation to push back, and then start the next round of the game, but the opponent is embarrassed at the boundary of balance and cannot make any progress.

This made Han Xin think of many possibilities in an instant. In order to confirm, he planned to do a little experiment.

Han Xin was no longer obsessed with the head-on competition with Guo Ziyi, and quickly withdrew the troops on both wings to integrate, and then stabbed in three directions at the same time in the form of a trident.

"The pressure has increased again!"

Guo Ziyi clutched his head, he felt that he had already fought so hard, but he didn't give up, but forced himself to endure the pain.

He was in a bad state, but he himself had never felt better.

The more the army was squeezed, the faster Han Xin advanced, but Guo Ziyi became more tenacious. Not only did the front line not collapse as Han Xin expected, but he pushed back a wave, directly forcing Han Xin back.

Han Xin stopped decisively, he was really uncertain now.

The opponent was no longer his random target, he couldn't help but began to curse secretly, this is all a pervert who came out of that corner, he really is the pinnacle of youth.

Although Guo Ziyi was defending and counterattacking in an all-round way, Han Xin himself was under a little pressure. Tu You couldn't win for a long time, and he himself was a little anxious to get angry.

Unreasonable, why is it so strong?
A question popped up in the heads of Han Xin and Guo Ziyi at the same time.

"I still don't believe it today!" Han Xin couldn't hold back his face anymore, and he was going to be serious.

But before he started to direct, Guo Ziyi on the other side had already rushed to the street.

"Huh? I haven't exerted any strength yet, why did you fall down!"

Han Xin admitted that he was dumbfounded at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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