Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 918 Unexpected fuse

Chapter 918 Unexpected fuse
"This is where?"

Guo Ziyi struggled to open his eyes, looked at the unfamiliar ceiling, and felt a cramping pain in his head.

"Are you awake? It's fast to recover the inner qi from the body!"

Hua Tuo on the side was very happy and praised Guo Ziyi loudly.

There is no way, Guo Ziyi's existence has helped him greatly improve his brain research.

By the way, the technology that also allowed him to open the skull broke through the zero barrier, at least on the bright side.

He had already experimented on death row prisoners, but he couldn't make it public. This time, Guo Ziyi let him and Zhang Zhongjing successfully achieve this zero breakthrough.

"Where is this?" Guo Ziyi was puzzled, he seemed to be fighting against someone, why did he come to this place as soon as he opened his eyes.

"This is the hospital, the prime minister sent you here!" Zhuge Liang said from the side, his condition has improved a lot, but he still admired Guo Ziyi from the bottom of his heart.

This is a person who survived the craniotomy. Even though the inner qi was separated from the body, this is too shocking.

Craniotomy, it really won't kill anyone!

After learning that Hua Tuo was his attending physician and that he was treated through craniotomy, Guo Ziyi saluted Hua Tuo solemnly.

"Thanks to the divine doctor for saving me!"

"You're welcome, don't use your head too much recently, just avoid the recurrence of the injury. It's really enviable to separate the internal energy from the body!"

Hua Tuo shook his head, left the doctor's order and walked out.

"Get to know me, I'm Zhuge Kongming, I've heard the prime minister talk about you, and it's rare to be able to play chess with that person without losing the wind!"

After Zhuge Liang saw Hua Tuo left, Guo Ziyi looked confused and couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Hi, I'm Guo Ziyi, have you ever played chess with that one?" After all, Guo Ziyi is out of the body. Although he doesn't know what happened, he feels that he is in a good state now.

As soon as he was reminded by Zhuge Liang, he remembered what had happened. He fought against others, and then the pressure was overloaded, his talent backfired himself, and he passed out.

"It's a pity, after all, I'm not capable enough, otherwise the battle would be over!" Guo Ziyi smiled wryly and shook his head.

"It's okay, that one is in Weiyang Palace, when you recover from your injuries, there will be plenty of opportunities!"

Zhuge Liang comforted him with a smile, but was beaten to the hospital. The same experience made Zhuge Liang very fond of Guo Ziyi.

"That's good, I will definitely win it back next time!" Guo Ziyi clenched his fists and said fiercely.

Zhuge Liang smiled without saying a word. Before he was beaten violently, he thought the same way, or Yue Fei, Zhou Yu, Lu Xun and others thought the same way.

But the current strength gap is too great, they are far from opponents of each other, so far they have not been able to force each other's true strength like Huangfusong.

According to Huangfusong, Han Xin's strength, at its strongest, is basically the ceiling of the cloud system.

Once the opponent shows the strength above the system, he can only be defeated.

It has nothing to do with other things, it is just a simple difference in strength, and it is obviously extremely fatal in a war, which also shows the huge gap between the two.

Relying on several times, or even ten times the loss to defeat the opponent, from the perspective of the overall strategy, the opponent is not defeated at all.

With a battle loss of ten to one, once the opponent's commander cannot be killed immediately, as long as the opponent can make a comeback once or twice, the battle situation can only be described as collapse.

The reason why many methods cannot be put on the table is because of insufficient value. If it really hits every inch of mountains and rivers and blood, it will be destroyed overnight.

Miracles cannot happen all the time, so improving one's own strength is the best solution.

At the hospital, two patients were exchanging ideas, and the government affairs department had already quarreled.

Guo Ziyi's excellent performance gave many people new ideas.

From the current point of view, Guo Ziyi and Zhuge Liang seem to be able to exist as commanders-in-chief of one party, so is it possible to use these two people to replace Huangfusong who is guarding Guishuang.

It is said that Huangfusong was liberated from Guishuang and thrown directly to the Western Regions, ready to launch a full-scale attack on Parthia at any time.

Even if the potential of the two is greater than that of Huangfusong, it is possible to reach the realm of military gods like Han Xin and others.

But at this stage, they are far less powerful than Huangfusong. Once Huangfusong is transferred to the Western Regions, then they will have the strength to wrestle with Parthia, and even cooperate with Rome, and it is not impossible to divide Parthia.

The ceiling of a mature army commander's combat effectiveness is huge.

Huangfusong at this stage can increase their winning rate against Parthia by [-]%.

From the perspective of the imperial battlefield, neither of the two army soul corps may increase the winning rate by [-]%, but Huangfusong can do this.

A commander who has reached this level really redefines the value of the army.

Even a dual-talented army can rely on its own organizational strength to offset the gap caused by the command to a certain extent, but the gap is the gap,

Individual differences, legion differences, and talent differences all seem insignificant in the face of the final army differences.

Just like Lu Bu, the most powerful man in the world, if thrown on the battlefield of the empire, if he can increase his winning rate by [-]%, he can be regarded as Lu Bu's pervert. A super soldier who can kill a hundred or so soldiers is considered a success.

However, the general's random command may send thousands of people to death, and the gap between the two is directly magnified infinitely. The larger the scale of the war, the more this fatal difference will be caused.

"Your idea is really too dangerous. We must not waste the advantage that Kong Ming created with great difficulty. Once we start to deploy troops aggressively, it is very likely to attract the attention of the Parthia side. Losing the initiative is very fatal for us! "

Chen Xi shook his head and rejected the behavior of a group of people who wanted to mobilize Huangfusong to the Western Regions.

It's really not the right time, they haven't solved all the domestic problems, and the main force of the army is not in the country. It's unreasonable to have to start a war at this time.

Although he admitted that what these people said made sense, the Northern Huns must be suppressed, and everyone would not be able to sleep well if they did not.

However, this extermination also has to pay attention to methods and methods. At least until the roads in the Western Regions and Central Plains have not been built, he firmly disagrees with this radical approach.

Chen Xi actually wanted to fight, but he was very clear about his own position, that is, a conservative dove. No matter what he thought, at least the political stance he needed to show must be a dove.

And Guo Hao, the general, must be a radical hawk, and then Liu Ying will be in the middle to lead. Only in this way can a political balance above the court be achieved, and it is also a political legacy for future generations.

At their stage, many things have to be considered for the impact on the future.

In the end, this time the government affairs hall discussion ended under Chen Xi's suppression.

However, in the process of discussion, a lot of sparks still burst out, and it is worth trying.

The first thing to bear the brunt was to establish contact with Rome first, Zhuge Jun and Sima Lang readily accepted the task, and found Wang Yue's apprentice Qu A to be the leader of the bodyguard team.

The second is Guishuang. Although everyone fought hard before, everything can be compromised in front of the interests of the empire.

Great Britain, on the issue of Parthia, will never fall to the Han Dynasty, because compared with the Han Dynasty, Parthia is their most natural strategic ally.

The two sides, one east and one north, can effectively contain Rome's expansion, and it is absolutely impossible for each other to bow to Rome.

Then the only unstable factor is Guishuang. If the previous affairs of the two parties are reversed, then Guishuang intends to contribute to three-point Parthia, or to join forces with Parthia.

These are issues that the Han Dynasty must consider.

The Han Dynasty had already suffered from multi-line battles more than once, and this time they fought Parthia, they never wanted to step into this pit again.

But the sky does not follow people's wishes. While the Government Affairs Office was still discussing how to negotiate terms with Guishuang, a naval battle had already started in the southern waters.

Unlike the previous ones, both sides fought in the name of pirates, and each of them pulled a fig leaf.

This time, it was the Han Dynasty Navy and the Guishuang Navy that were in conflict. When both sides raised their flags, the war broke out.

"Follow me!" Guishuang's admiral Meng Kangbu sneered and rushed up with his guards.

On the opposite side of him, Gan Ning came up to him without fear.

The encounter between the two parties was just an accident, and everyone generally maintained peace on the surface, but when the cargo in the cabins of both parties was exposed, everything changed.

The Gan Ning fleet transported low-caste captive slaves from Guishuang, while the Mengkang fleet transported Indonesian captive slaves.

When the embarrassing scene happened, some irrational soldiers fought.

Then it got out of hand.

But now, there is nothing to talk about, and it is impossible for both parties to bow their heads.

Meng Kangbu directly chose to strike first, while Gan Ning made the same decision almost at the same time.

"Give me death!"

Gan Ning and Meng Kangbu bumped into each other head-to-head, neither of them would take a step back.

Although Gan Ning was not at a disadvantage, there was a problem with his subordinates.

Meng Kangbu's simple arrangement accurately cut off the organizational strength of Gan Ning's soldiers. Before Gan Ning could react, the whole of the soldiers under his command was torn apart by Meng Kangbu's personal guards.

"Kill me!"

Seeing the guards tearing open their mouths, Meng Kangbu directly blossomed his talent, bless all the soldiers, actually climbed up a lot suddenly, and then pointed his sword in the direction of Gan Ning and roared arrogantly.

The blessings of the finely grounded Fudo Mingo directly cover the entire army, raising the combat effectiveness to another level.

"kill me?"

Gan Ning knew that his level of command was not his opponent, so he immediately chose his best fighting style, dropped the long knife in his hand, and directly pulled out the iron chain and horizontal scythe.

"Death to me!"

Gan Ning threw the flying scythe in his hand with all his strength, Meng Kangbu smiled disdainfully, what is the use of such a strange weapon.

On the battlefield, the weirder the weapon, the faster it will die.

Relying on his eyes, he casually swung the sickle flying towards him. Although the speed was extremely fast, the trajectory was too easy to judge, and it had no lethality at all.

However, following Gan Ning's next move, Meng Kangbu's ghost came out.

The scythe that had been knocked into the air swept over again under the traction of the chain, but this itself was within Meng Kangbu's expectation. It's not that strange weapons have never been seen before, even if they are a little special, they still cannot be separated from the similarities.

But in the next instant, Meng Kangbu's expression turned disastrous, and the flying sickle turned into three and flew towards him from three tricky angles.

Just when his soul was dying, the guards under his command stepped forward and gave Meng Kangbu a chance with his flesh and blood.

The three flying arrows were all real, Meng Kangbu flew two flying arrows, and then avoided the vital point while trying his best to dodge.

After nailing the chain to the ground with a sword, Meng Kangbu returned to his normal expression. The cold sweat on his forehead was all over his calves. Just now, Fei Lian almost sent him to see the gods and Buddhas. He was almost scared to death.

If the guards hadn't bought him time with their flesh and blood, he would have died just now.

This shadow of death made him almost unable to bear it, and made a heavy sound in the beating.

But when the danger dissipated, Moncomb quickly returned to normal.

Meng Kangbu, who survived the catastrophe, experienced the great horror between life and death in his mind, and was able to advance to a higher level, and the visualization of Fudo Mingwang, which had been stuck in a bottleneck, became loose.

"Everyone, follow me to kill them!"

Meng Kangbu's figure became extremely tall and straight, and he directly spread his will on a large scale in the way of his mind.

That kind of calm demeanor made the Guishuang soldiers who were already in the upper hand shout excitedly, and then their momentum went up to a higher level.

"The wind is tight! Shout!"

Gan Ning saw that the ultimate move failed, so he chose to retreat strategically without saying a word.

The disadvantages of pirates fighting regular troops are too great.

When the embarrassed Gan Ning returned to the main force, Sun Ce was taken aback. He was just going to transfer some prisoners. How could he be in such a mess? At least a quarter of his men were gone, which can be regarded as a loss. Seriously.

That is to say, now that Gan Ning holds the Han fleet in his hands, his suppression of pirates is almost unprecedented.

During the period when he was the Pirate King, this defeat was enough for him to give up all his previous efforts and let him return to before liberation.

"The Guishuang regular army has attacked, what should we do, fight or not?"

Gan Ning asked Sun Ce with a sullen face, Gan Xingba had never suffered such a big loss, being chased and killed all the way, so he didn't get himself involved.

"The regular navy took action?" Sun Ce scratched his head, and said why Gan Ning was in such a miserable state. It turned out that the regular army took action.

"I want revenge, can you help me?" Seeing that Sun Ce seemed to be in a daze, Gan Ning asked directly in the most straightforward language.

"Then fight!" Sun Ce's external brain was absent, and he acted entirely on his mood and intuition.

I don't think about the consequences after the war at all, anyway, I have already done it anyway, so what if I can still beg for mercy.

Gan Ning was his recognized brother, to beat Gan Ning was to beat him.

Nothing to say, revenge!
(End of this chapter)

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