Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 923 Brahma's Mind

Chapter 923 Brahma's Mind

Within Stormwind

"Mage Anthony, do we want to participate in this expedition too?" Uther looked at the direction of the undead empire and the elf empire worriedly.

"It's's inevitable!" Anthony was also very worried. The experience of the last naval battle put him under a lot of pressure. He deeply understood that it was a completely different power system from theirs.

But so far he hasn't developed any effective spells or props to deal with it.

"Call together the strong men of the Silver Hand and the Silver Dawn, and inform the King of the Hill and the Blood Elves that we must do our best this time."

In the end, Anthony gave the order to act. Although he was not the actual ruler of the empire, he became one of the foundations for the establishment of the empire as an archmage. In many cases, his orders could be skipped directly by everyone.

over the wilderness
"Let's go, even if we don't want to, we have to go!" The sadness on Thrall's face almost overflowed.

The orcs have no fault tolerance, if you make a wrong step, you will fall into the abyss of eternal doom.

Grom, Bloodhoof, Rexxar and other heroes are silent, they all see Thrall's efforts, but the undead are powerful, the elves have a profound background, and the human technology is advanced.

Only they, the beast race, have the strongest bodies, but after all they are only at the bottom. If Thrall hadn't worked hard, they might even be deprived of their last living place.

"I hope this time, fate can surprise us!"

In fact, what all the orc heroes didn't know was that Thrall was betting, and his prophecy came to an abrupt end at a certain point.

This is unknown, but before then, they found their own partners, which is very important for the Orcs.

So he is betting that after that node, they will not have any major incidents, betting that someone's support will make their orcs prosper again.

At the southern foot of the Himalayas, "Brahma" looked at the chains of the eight worlds wrapped around his body with an unprecedented solemn expression.

The original sanity has long been obliterated, and only a collection of spiritual power has not yet dissipated. This is the reason why he has been used as a power bank and remains indifferent, because he has died long ago.

Guishuang and Brahman have been enshrining for so many years, and the will has gathered and condensed into the present Him, a supreme god Brahma who conforms to the Brahman myth, or Brahma in the eyes of the low caste people of Guishuang.

When he wakes up, according to the description in the myth, he will take everything back to himself, and then restart the world.

But when he started to move, he realized that something was wrong. Isn't he the supreme god? Why are stupid human beings trying to annihilate him, and buried so many means of control in his body and will.

It was as if he was some kind of captive domestic animal, he could only be constantly supplemented with nutrients, and then his blood was drawn, repeating this process constantly.

He was angry, and he planned to launch a great destruction regardless of everything. Anyway, everything is just his incarnation. After the world is destroyed, everything will return to nothing, and he will restart the world again. Although it is not in line with the process, it is the dignity of God.

But when his strength climbed to a certain height, the eight chains wrapped around him silently, and he couldn't shake it even with all his strength.

Brahma was silent, and he began to reflect on the meaning of his existence and the truth of his existence.

The offerings and visualizations from the princes and nobles were found by him from the corner where he gathered. The original divinity began to fade, and the humanity began to rise.

He found that if he wanted to get out of this cage, he could only be weakened to the extent of being free from the sky. Only in this way can he realize complete freedom and not be bound by heaven and earth.

But he was unwilling to do this. From the offerings of those princes and nobles, he found a strategy. Since he couldn't break the situation by himself, he first muddied the water, and then fished in troubled waters.

The southern foot of the Himalayas itself is inaccessible, and Guishuang has no way to cover the clouds. Everything they use is the means they used to leave, and it becomes their means of tug-of-war.

Guishuang intends to use this method to decompose Brahma's consciousness. Not only can Brahma be used as a power bank again, but also a large piece can be divided to shape the will of the empire and make up for their biggest regret of the Guishuang Empire.

Brahma was unwilling, and neither was Guishuang. The two sides tug-of-war refused to give in to each other, and no one was willing to let go.

And those hermits who practiced penance in the Himalayas are fucking dogs. They have practiced well, and it is not too cool to absorb the power of Brahma at close range.

But when Brahma woke up suddenly, most of them were directly affected by Brahma's power, and instantly became Brahma's puppets. If Brahma wasn't suppressed by heaven and earth, their will would never be left at all.

In the past, it was great for everyone to practice hard and happily, but now I can only play a game of tug-of-war with Brahma in my mind.

Feeling the breath coming from all directions towards the Himalayas, they became even more excited.

But for Guishuang, for themselves, they have to bite the bullet and come out.

"Interesting, there are so many people?"

Lu Bu watched with great interest the large piles of internal qi leaving the body and breaking the boundary flying out in front of him, but he lost interest after he glanced twice. Nearly two-thirds of the people were like that As long as there is no cloud, there is no need to worry about the immortal body that can be crushed.

"Dear unknown powerhouse, please leave quickly, this place is very dangerous!"

With the idea of ​​calming down the situation, a Guishuang god and Buddha forcibly suppressed the power of Brahma in his body, hoping to persuade Lu Bu and the others to leave. Although they don't know why they came, there must be nothing good at this juncture.

He also held the idea of ​​doing his best to obey the destiny, and wanted to use words to persuade the other party. Their current state is really not suitable for fighting with others.

"Didn't you guys send the invitation first? It's dangerous?" Lu Bu frowned, and said frantically, putting Fang Tian's painting halberd on his shoulder.

It may be because of his success in self-cultivation, or because Zhao Yun has lost his immunity. He is very reasonable now, at least he won't kill him when he doesn't like it like before.

Just like now, if the other party is willing to talk, he won't take the initiative to make a move.

"..." It was said that the scalp of Guishuang God and Buddha was numb, and Brahma had learned to play such a small trick, and they didn't notice it at all.

They thought that Brahma's awakening was the state from death to life, and everything was the aftermath of the other party's unconsciousness, but now they suddenly discovered that Brahma had his own independent consciousness. Isn't this the end of the calf?

The biggest difference between beasts and humans is that they can think. When Brahma learns to think, then they are all dangerous.

"Please leave quickly, our will will be infiltrated!" A big monk said suddenly with a solemn expression. Brahma seemed to know that he couldn't hide, and began to output all his strength to suppress them.

The pulling force that was originally equal to them suddenly began to explode, and their consciousness was quickly suppressed

"There's a great horror hidden here, and we spent hundreds of years absorbing his power while he couldn't wake up..."

The monk who was talking suddenly stopped speaking and suddenly attacked Lu Bu.

Lu Bu was taken aback, is this under control?

The gods and Buddhas in front of Lu Bu and the others all lost their ego, becoming almost like clay sculptures and wood carvings.

Then these gods and Buddhas just stared at Lu Bu and the others blankly, and the atmosphere instantly became dignified. The look in their eyes that did not belong to humans at all made Lu Bu instinctively feel a little uncomfortable.

In fact, this kind of infinitely close to human beings, but applying for the existence of abnormal eyesight, stimulates the uncanny valley effect. It is worth noting that the more human-like objects are, the easier it is for people to feel fear.

Of course, for Lu Bu and the others who are fearless these days, it's just pure displeasure.

"Human beings, me and even the high god Brahma, help me out of trouble, and I will give you blessings!~"

Dozens of hundreds of voices speak at the same time, as if the chorus-like scene makes people shudder.

Brahma didn't want to play tricks either, he really planned to give blessings, but there is no conflict if he gives them first and then destroys the world.

Anyway, in the mythology, the destruction of the world due to blessings is not once or twice, and he has no fear at all.

"Marquis Wen, it seems that this is the one who lured us here!" Guan Yu said lightly.

The few of them calculated quickly. After all, each of them has a god horse. For example, Mrs. Zhu Rong is still on the way. It is quite cool to ride an elephant with internal energy, but it is far worse than a god horse on the way.

"What are you talking to them about so much? What is the evil god of Fanbang? Kill him and everything will be settled!" Zhang Fei said angrily. At first he thought that Lu Bu was annoying enough, but it turned out that this bullshit Brahma opened his mouth to make people even more annoying.

"Hehe, Zhang Heizi, I didn't expect you to say such things!"

Lu Bu sneered, Zhang Fei was definitely talking bad things about him in his heart, his divine perception could sense it, but what Zhang Fei said was right, the guy in front of him was really annoying.

"Stupid human beings, you are killing yourself!"

Brahma's voice suddenly became angry, and Zhang Fei's words deeply angered him.


Lu Bu held Fang Tian's painted halberd, and as soon as he slashed Huashan with all his strength, he directly slashed out a super terrifying internal energy attack.

"Huh?" Lu Bu was slightly puzzled, why did he feel that the energy of the world around here was so strong, and his move shouldn't be so powerful.

However, Lu Bu forgot about it in an instant, and the opponent had already rushed over in a swarm. Kill the opponent first and then think about the reason.

Guan Yu and others also joined the battle decisively. They didn't have a good impression of this kind of evil god who opened his mouth and shut his mouth.

"Cut, it's all rubbish!"

Lu Bu slashed the opponent who was rushing forward with a halberd, and then resisted the opponent's attack, smashing Huashan and sweeping the army. All nearby gods and Buddhas were chopped off.

Zhang Fei on the other side was more simple and rude. Facing the attack of the gods and Buddhas, he did not dodge or evade.

As for the opponent's attack, it could only leave red dots on his tempered body. Such a brutal attack method made the god and Buddha couldn't help picking the only soft persimmon.

Guan Yu immediately fell into a hard fight, and he disassembled his sure-killing sword into three swords. Swords can kill people, but it is not enough to face double-digit opponents.

Ordinary knives can't cut these internal Qi out of the body, but if you use a real knives, you will be empty after three knives.

Moreover, because of the problem of the Garan God before, he hadn't discovered it when he was far away, and the erosion of the same root and origin of Brahma became a problem when he was close. He had to be distracted to cut off the power of Brahma's erosion.

The scene of internal and external troubles made Guan Yu look like he was in a hard fight, but in fact he was still able to handle it with ease, but he couldn't kill his opponents as quickly as Zhang Fei and Lu Bu.

"Yun Chang is actually in a hard fight?" Huang Zhong, who came late, had a serious face, seeing Guan Yu and the others being beaten by a group of people, he didn't dare to delay for a moment.

"Yun Chang, I'll help you!"

His arrows were faster than Huang Zhong's voice. Nine arrows were precisely inserted into the body of a god and Buddha, killing him on the spot.

"???" Huang Zhong was taken aback for a moment, his divine sense was attached to it, so he could naturally know what was going on.

With the first arrow just now, the opponent died, and the remaining eight arrows were all overflowing output.

Immediately afterwards, Huang Zhong realized that co-authoring Guan Yu was the most annoying opponent he met.

Neither strong nor weak, and with a large number, they can withstand Guan Yu's ordinary attacks, but they are not worthy of using special moves.

For Guan Yu, he would rather kill Lu Bu than fight with these large miscellaneous fish, which is really tormenting.

Speaking of which, Huang Zhong has always wanted to complain, most of the people around him are deformed species, Zhao Yun is extremely powerful and lacks the will to fight, Guan Yu has unlimited bursts but lacks battery life, Zhang Fei does not fly to the sky on horseback, and his combat power is directly halved, Dian Wei will not directly fly.

He himself was also severely cheated by his son. Although he is getting better now, the problem has not been completely resolved.

As for Lu Bu, he wanted to complain, but unfortunately the opponent was too strong to beat him, so he didn't deserve to comment.

After understanding the problem, Huang Zhong also put away his bow and arrow, took his sword and rushed to Guan Yu's vicinity to rescue Guan Yu.

By the time Zhao Yun arrived last, the battle was over.

It wasn't that Zhao Yun was slow. After he was entangled by Xuanyuanjian, he sent Xuanyuanjian back. After playing hide-and-seek with Xuanyuanjian for more than ten minutes, Zhao Yun gave up and started.

It's not that he can't catch Xuanyuanjian, but that even if Xuanyuanjian is sent back by him, he will follow quietly.

In the end, he could only choose to take Xuanyuan Sword with him.

The other party is determined to go out, if he doesn't follow, maybe something big will happen.

After Brahma discovered that the puppets he controlled were no match for Lu Bu and others, he directly controlled these gods and Buddhas to run away.

Of course, the main reason was that Lu Bu was too ruthless. After killing more than a dozen, Brahma found that the consciousness of those gods and Buddhas had been wiped out, and his own consciousness had also been weakened, and the fairy state killed by Lu Bu could not be revived.

Brahma took these people away decisively, and he still wanted to use these people to get out of trouble, so he just let them in and beat them himself.

Just kidding, he's super brave.

If it wasn't for the fact that the main body couldn't move, he would directly use those methods to destroy Guishuang.

"Are you running away?" Lu Bu's face was full of strangeness. The other party was going crazy just now, but now he is running away.

(End of this chapter)

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