Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 924 The Power of Brahma

Chapter 924 The Power of Brahma
"Interesting existence!"

Sulinarari, who was wearing white silk, shuttled freely among the attacks of several gods and Buddhas, and easily dismantled several gods and Buddhas into pieces, and his hair and clothes were not messy in the slightest.

For him, this kind of melee is the battlefield where he can best display his strength.

"It's just that I can't see through this side!"

Su's expression was serious. He didn't look at the opponents around him, but looked in the direction of Brahma. He couldn't see the future of Brahma. After reaching a certain point, everything disappeared.

But this is what makes his blood boil. He likes the unknown, and only the unknown can bring him joy.

"Su, are you still that strong?"

Penelance was full of admiration. Although he was more inclined towards large armies, the strength of this kind of personal force was also eye-catching, especially Su's calmness in every battle, which was even more daunting.

"Go forward, our opponent this time is not easy!"

Su said lightly, his expression still dignified, he could see Brahma's terrifying power, and he could also see Brahma's situation, but when everything passed a certain point, he couldn't see anything.

He now desperately wants to see with his own eyes what happened in that nihilistic future.


Brahma was a little annoyed. Although he had muddied the water now, why were these new ants so difficult to deal with.

The original plan was to gather these stupid human beings to help him out of trouble, but no one was willing to accept his blessing, and everyone was so arrogant.

But after doing it, the fighting power of these ants was extremely powerful, and the puppets he eroded were almost powerless to fight back.

Especially those puppets, after being killed by those who followed the way of spiritual cultivation, he couldn't even be resurrected.

But the god position is still there, and he can squeeze another one out by relying on the god position.

But the question is, in this way, wouldn't he be consuming his own strength?

He is still in a tug-of-war with Guishuang's entire empire, and if one goes on and the other goes on, the one who falls into a disadvantage becomes himself.

"Hmph, let's come together and destroy you together!"

The divinity Brahma is believed to have molded became thinner and thinner. Under the erosion of the thinking of those nobles, he deviated from his position in mythology, and became more and more like a person, but Brahma did not realize all of this. .

He is like a blank sheet of paper, any color will change his state, and unfortunately, when the divinity cannot be maintained, the calculating desire from human beings begins to erode all of Brahma.

Under Brahma's deliberate release, the powerhouses of various empires almost gathered together.

"Marquis Wen, stay safe and sound!"

The group of Great Britain saluted Wen Hou in amazement. They could feel that the threat Lu Bu brought to them was not as strong as before. Their desperate training was meaningful, but it was still outrageously strong.

Lu Bu had just finished fighting with someone, and his aura had not completely faded, but anyone with a little strength could feel the word "invincible" from this aura.

"So stalwart!" Leodanis exclaimed, he had already raised Lu Bu's strength as much as possible in his mind, but after the meeting, he knew that he still underestimated Lu Bu, and the other party was definitely not an ordinary person.

"..." Odin and Zeus were still speechless. They originally thought that they inherited the inheritance of the gods and were the top in the world, but they never thought that there are people who can truly stand shoulder to shoulder with gods.

Artoria is outrageous enough, I didn't expect there to be even more outrageous existence.

"The Enemy!" Joan of Arc remained silent, but only this thought flashed through her mind.

"So it's all of you from Great Britain!"

Lu Bu glanced at them, focusing on Artoria, Leodanis, and Joan of Arc. They were strong enough to rival anyone in the second echelon.

"Why don't you go forward together?" Zhao Yun still had a good impression of everyone in Great Britain, so Yu Shi sent out the invitation smoothly.

Everyone in Great Britain readily agreed, and Lu Bu and others did not refuse. Although most of them said they were ignorant of politics, they knew that they were allies with Great Britain.

The two parties enjoyed themselves happily, and the atmosphere was fairly harmonious, especially Ma Chao who came over, who acted as a good glue between the two parties.

On the other side, everyone in the Parthian Empire also chatted with the undead, especially with the descendants of the Huns as the mediator, they can be regarded as allies who used to be in the same trench.

Rome has established a preliminary relationship with the American Empire of Man. Although everyone has different teachings, the two sides still have a good discussion.

Just kidding, although the church in Rome is one of the important components and is very useful in educating barbarians, it can be regarded as the lowest grade of all components, and anyone can twist it.

The current church doctrine has been changed more than a dozen times, and they don’t care about the difference for a long time. On the contrary, they have seen something different from the angels of the church, which can help them improve their status in Rome.

Penilance didn't care about this. Anyway, as long as the red line is strictly stuck, it is enough for the barbarians to be used by Rome. A slap in the face and a proper benefit to the church are also conducive to the stability of Rome as a whole.

He is very interested in all kinds of new technologies used in the church, so everyone got together with such evil intentions.

But when everyone gets closer together again, something is not quite right.


When the people of Great Britain saw Penelance and others appearing, they immediately raised their vigilance.

"So it's all of you from Great Britain!"

A trace of fear flashed in Penilance's eyes and he said hello, now is not a good time to do something, if it's just Great Britain, that's all, those extra faces don't look easy.

"Those are the generals of the Han Dynasty!" Gulas, who had met face to face, transmitted the voice to Penilance.

Penilance's eyes flashed. As the deputy emperor, he knew a little more, but his understanding of the Han Dynasty was only limited to the report. This is a good opportunity to inquire.

The tense atmosphere rose instantly, but I didn't expect that it was Anthony who broke the deadlock first.

"The strong of the Han Dynasty, come here unharmed!"

Anthony performed a mage ceremony gracefully. He had seen Lu Bu at sea, and he was very impressed with Lu Bu.

"It's you!" Lu Bu looked at the gray-bearded old man in front of him. His memory was very deep. The other party was an existence that didn't belong to their system at all. He was also full of curiosity about this old man.

The two sides chatted one after another, and they just stood in a stalemate. No one dared to move rashly, for fear of triggering a scuffle.

And when another round of people arrived, the atmosphere became more dignified.

Especially when the Parthian people appeared, Zhao Yun almost didn't hold back. As insiders, they knew what was on the other side.

Zhao Yun blessed Yan Liang and Wen Chou with his legion talents. The three of them worked very hard to maintain restraint. They knew that this point must not be exposed. This is a very important bargaining chip in future wars.

The atmosphere at the scene became more and more weird. The Americans and elves slowly pushed away. This has nothing to do with them, and it is not a good thing to intervene rashly.

Great Britain, Parthia, and the Han Dynasty vaguely stood in one direction, and seemed to have the intention to encircle and suppress Rome.


At this moment, Guan Yu snorted coldly, while Su had a nosebleed.

Guan Yu looked at Su indifferently, while Su's expression was somewhat fanatical.

"You are very strong! I have never seen such a person. Whether it is the epic heroes of Great Britain or the incarnations of gods, they are nothing compared to you!"

Su narrated in a fanatical tone, he just used his ability to flip through the future of fighting everyone.

Excluding those weak chickens who had been killed by him with dozens or hundreds of moves, none of the remaining ones were soft persimmons.

There are too many people who can't win in a short time, such as the little boy in the Han Dynasty, who needs at least [-] moves to compete, or Artoria, or the monk from Parthia, the fights are endless Understand.

He is also very interested in Lu Bu. Facing Lu Bu, the future he can see is pitifully small, and even at the end it is a bit blurred, but he can see it after all, and he doesn't take it to heart.

But Guan Yu is different. Before he can see the future, the other party has cut off all futures. There is only one future for the other party, and that is the choice that the other party makes.

Unlike the Central Plains who would gain legion talent after breaking the boundary, or strengthen the legion talent, the Romans pinned their will and the possible birth of the legion talent on the eagle flag, and correspondingly they would get personal talent when they broke the boundary.

For example, Ludovic's ability to control the wind, Laieri's ability to obtain clones, and Sulinarari's ability.

His situation is a bit similar to Lu Bu's. He is not the strongest in hard power. The reason why he is called the strongest is because of his terrible will of God and his almost incomprehensible ability to break boundaries.

Among the many branches of the future, as long as there is one future where I can defeat you, then victory becomes a kind of formula for me.

This is also the reason why he fights gracefully. For him, he has a panoramic view of the future, and as long as he wants, he can win.

After possessing this ability, most opponents are rookies to him.

Under such circumstances, Su also stepped into a catastrophe called fate. He himself had no way of escaping from the vast future, which meant that everything about him was controlled by fate.

This is also the reason why he pursues the unknown, everything about him is inevitable, and he needs the unknown to break this necessity.

It's like facing the abrupt end of Brahma's future, or like Guan Yu in front of him now.

Facing Guan Yu, he couldn't see anything, he could only see Guan Yu's will, which was as bright as a knife, and when he was caught off guard, he was injured by the counterattack of Guan Yu's will.

Although not serious, it intensified the contradictions on the scene.

Penelance has a headache, Su Qiang is strong, but he is uncontrollable, you should say hello to me first.

Looking at the situation, Su could indeed face five or six boundary breakers with ease, but they couldn't.

Penirance knew very well that even if he couldn't defeat Su, he would be fine if he entangled him for a short time.

As long as someone from the other party entangles Su, the rest will rush forward, and if they can't decide today, they have to leave something behind.

Just when everyone was almost unable to hold back their hands, a sudden change occurred.

The sky instantly darkened, and Brahma descended.

Against the backdrop of a kind of god and Buddha, a lotus flower grows from the ground, and then Brahma walks out of the lotus flower.

"Temporary truce!" Artoria said decisively.

"Rome has no objection!" Of course, Penilance hurried down the steps. It was too bad to fight, how to fight in an average [-]v[-], especially the front of the Han room felt headaches just looking at him .

Seeing that Great Britain would not participate, the people of Parthia turned their attention to the Han Dynasty, and there was no chance of two-on-one.

"There is no objection from the Han Dynasty!" Lu Bu's face instantly became grim, and he found what he was looking for from Brahma.

"Partiya has no objection!" Seeing that the Han Dynasty was unwilling to make trouble at this juncture, Partiya could only shrug and choose to give up.

Several empires from America looked at me and I looked at you, and finally they all chose to agree, because the sense of oppression brought by Brahma became stronger and stronger.

Brahma gradually transformed himself into a complete image, with a height of hundreds of feet.

He is wearing a white robe, with four faces facing southeast, northwest, and four arms holding a rosary, a jug, a scepter, and a bow and arrow.

"My name is Brahma!"

"Shout my name and bless you all"

"I am the Supreme God!"

"Stupid humans, surrender, or die!"

The four faces opened their mouths one after another, and the aura on their body became more and more condensed, and the aura soaring to the sky pressed down on everyone present.

And the lotus throne he stepped out of has become more and more solid, containing terrifying vitality.

He hadn't made a move yet, but the surrounding world's essence was pushed away, and the suffocation caused by the frozen air made everyone feel a great terror.

And they are keenly aware that the vitality of the surrounding gods and Buddhas is passing towards the lotus, and more terrifying life forms will be born in the lotus.


With a soft shout from Lu Bu, Fang Tian painted his halberd through the space, and Brahma's terrifying aura was instantly shattered by him.

"That's all you can do!"

Lu Bu raised his head to the sky and let out a roar, the ultimate fighting spirit erupted with terrifying power. With Lu Bu's roar, the energy of heaven and earth within hundreds of miles around gathered towards Lu Bu, and Lu Bu also turned into a body of hundreds of feet.

Breathing the scorching air, Lu Bu's fighting spirit became more and more intense.

Whether it is a god or a demon, no one can make Lu Bu submit to him, so what about the legendary gods and Buddhas, and what about the supreme god of Guishuang, this time Lu Bu will kill this god of faith.

"I'll kill you today!" Lu Bu's heart began to boil, his eyes showed a fierce look, and then he held Fang Tian's painting halberd with both hands and slashed.


The expressions on Brahma's four faces changed drastically, and the rosary in his hand flew out, but Lu Bu disappeared in an instant, and the rosary returned to Brahma's hand again.

"This is impossible!"

Zhao Yun's expression changed wildly, and Lu Bu's breath actually disappeared, which is impossible.

Everyone's complexion changed drastically. Lu Bu's outburst just now was obvious to all, and there are very few who can match it, but such a strong man disappeared just like that.

However, after ten breaths passed, Lu Bu still did not appear, as if he just disappeared.

"Surrender! Or die!"

This time Brahma's huge question cast a shadow over everyone's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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