Chapter 935 Arms Race
"Tell me a simple example. What kind of enemies do you think you will encounter when you go to the battlefield?" Bai Qi looked at everyone and asked.

"Will it be Zhuge Kongming, Huangfu Yizhen, or me?" Bai Qi asked with a sigh.

"General Huangfu is already a good general in the world. As far as I know, not many people seem to be able to match him." Yue Fei replied hesitantly.

"On the battlefield, the strongest person I met was only similar to General Zhu." Cao Ang added.

As personnel who have been on the battlefield, they are talking about their own personal experience.

The corners of Zhu Jun's eyes twitched. Although it was weird to be said so, there are indeed many people with similar abilities to him in this world.

"Hehehe" Bai Qi laughed like a night owl, "Zhao Kuo thought so too at the beginning, so he died!"

Bai Qi's sneer made everyone feel cold, but Bai Qi's words made everyone feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

Yes, did that unlucky Zhao Kuo know that his opponent was Bai Qi?
Maybe I know it later, but I have long been powerless.

"On the battlefield, there is absolutely nothing 100% predictable, even with a small probability, it is possible!" Bai Qi said seriously.

"You are all rookies and juniors. To other empires, you are unknown. This is an advantage, but also a defect. Because you are not famous, although your opponent will not be scheming, it also means that your opponent will use you as a breakthrough."

"Pick persimmons softly, and you also understand this truth, so when there is no reliable command of the large army, don't think about making suggestions, and don't try to turn the tide."

"Your abilities are supplemented, and you lack experience. What you have to do is to use what you have mastered to the best of your relationship, and give full play to your own strength!"

"Knowing yourself and the enemy will never lead to a hundred battles, but knowing the enemy is too difficult, so be a good friend and use every soldier in your hands to the extreme. This is what you should do."

Bai Qi grinned grimly and said, opponents will change, which cannot be mastered, or it is not up to a group of generals to master it, those smart advisers will be responsible for it.

Being able to replace Lian Po with Zhao Kuo was a big victory in itself.

Although there were various logistical factors back then, getting the opponent to change players was a plan in itself.

These are what commanders and counselors should think about, and most of the young people below don't need to think about them.

After Bai Qi finished speaking, he glanced at it, nodded, and pulled all the thoughtful young people into a dream, and threw a tool man he made by himself, and let them fight.

Then Bai Qi looked at the people who were still sitting in the classroom, and nodded. These are the real seedlings of the commander, regardless of their current ability, at least they have the aptitude and ambition to become a commander.

The previous group, like Cao Zhang and Guan Ping, regarded themselves as regimental commanders, so listening to the commander-in-chief would be harmful instead of beneficial. It would be better for them to learn how to be regimental commanders honestly.

"There are quite a lot of seedlings this year!" Bai Qi looked at these people who were still awake.

He has been in the army for so many years, and at a glance, he has a rough judgment on the level and upper limit of many people. This has nothing to do with other abilities, but a kind of experience.

Lu Xun, Lu Meng, Jiang Wei, Zhong Hui, Deng Ai, Chen Qingzhi... These people all have the opportunity to stand behind him, that is, the level of his lieutenant general.

As for Zhuge Liang, Guo Ziyi, and Yue Fei, these three are qualified to stand side by side with them.

As for surpassing him?If it doesn't exist, even Han Xin can only say that he is a little stronger than Bai Qi, but there are too many factors involved in the real fight.

After all, he was the God of Killing, not to mention his combat prowess, his record alone was enough to overwhelm a large number of people.

"Okay, let's add some content that the commander should add now."

"Fight after formation, the art of war is common; the cleverness of use is in the heart. This is the most suitable explanation for the commander in my opinion."

"A general who doesn't understand astronomy, geography, yin and yang, Qimen Dunjia and formation diagrams is mediocre." Bai Qi said casually, and the corners of everyone's mouths twitched.

What is it, keep it in mind, what is the use of advantages, it sounds so high-end.

But the weird thing is that Lu Xun and the others felt that they didn't understand, but they seemed to understand something subtly. This kind of paradoxical feeling made them cry.

As for the latter, astronomy and geography, Yin and Yang Qimen, they can take over this, they understand a little bit, although they are not very proficient, but their skill points are indeed focused on it.

Especially Zhuge Liang, Qimen Dunjia is almost full.

"By the way, there is no use throwing away the art of war written in the book. As long as it can win, it is a good art of war."

"The art of war that you are learning now is rubbish, and it is all based on the deduction process based on the results. This approach is so ridiculous."

"Copying the book of war is a dead end, military strategists only want results, so the most important thing you have to do is to lay a solid foundation." Bai Qi said quietly.

"Teacher, may I ask how we should improve our foundation!" Lu Xun boldly asked.

"Hmm... read the military book!" Bai Qi thought for a while and said.

Lu Xun and the others were dumbfounded. Didn't you just say that the art of war is rubbish?

"Look, not copy. The difference is that you need to understand." Bai Qi shook his head, expressing concern about their understanding.

"Forget it, the task of you guys now is to read all the military books! After reading it, write a new experience for him to review." Bai Qi signaled Zhu Jun to take these people away.

Then Bai Qi looked at the three people who were still awake at last.

What he said was layered. The previous one was the content of the army commander, and the next one was the content of commanding the commander of the army along the way. What he is going to talk about now is the content that the commander of the three armies needs to learn.

It is also his experience of climbing up step by step from scratch.

"From the simple to the deep, the teaching just now is just an appetizer for the three of you. Now, the three of us, how can we win?"

"The positive is the main, the strange is the supplement, and the positive and the strange are in harmony." Guo Ziyi gave her own answer.

"Rectify military discipline, order and prohibit, and the army will be strong." Yue Fei pondered and gave his answer.

"According to the time and local conditions, the generals will be in harmony." Zhuge Liang also had a different answer.

"Yes, you are all right, but not all, but this is for me, not for you." Bai Qi nodded and shook his head.

"The road needs to be walked by oneself. Everyone's road is different, but in the final analysis, it is still inseparable from the four routes of military situation, military skills, military yin and yang, and military power."

Bai Qi sighed a little, genius is hard to teach, everyone already has their own way, it is hard to say which is right and which is wrong.

After all, military strategists only talk about winning or losing, not right or wrong, whoever wins is right.

As soon as the answers of the three people came out, he knew that these three people were not suitable for this kind of theoretical class, and they still had to go to the battlefield with real swords and guns.

It's not that he can't teach, but that he doesn't want to teach.

As long as he taught them, the three of them would definitely grow up to Huangfusong's level quickly, and at worst they would replace Zhu Jun's level of commanding a large army.

But relatively, the future of these three people will be very difficult. If they want to walk their own path on the path he planned, it will be too difficult.

But if he doesn't teach, these three people can go out of their own way, or they are already on their own way.

He couldn't bear to see such a good seedling ruined in his own hands.

"Come on, let's fight, after all, we have to speak on the battlefield!"

After realizing this, Bai Qi also gave up his useless work, and directly chose to start the environment battle. For these three people, his teaching method is to fight. As long as they are cruel enough, they will grow by themselves.


"Hahahaha! I, Mahind, have no regrets in this life!" Mahind laughed wildly and looked at the large group of people in front of him.

Since he brought out the will of the empire, his value in the eyes of Weisudeva I has risen.

Although he is not as tall as Zhu Helai, he is definitely a figure counted from top to bottom in the Guishuang Empire.

So Mahinde copied his Zengde operation, and screened out nearly [-] people with the qualifications of Aoswen, Urdu, and Kenmeler from the North and South General Schools.

After any one is formed and placed in Rome, there is no problem with the mid-level Eagle Banner Corps leader, and it is not impossible for the better First, Second and Third Legion to take over.

Although when he was engaged in this, he was basically screwed up. During the period when he was forced to fall, people left the tea, and few people could stick to his advice back then, but it doesn’t matter, he, Mahindra, will not fall this time. He spends a lot of time starting all over again.

Zhu Helai's face was a bit ugly, Ma Xinde's move was too bluffing, and Oswin was like a mainstay in the current Guishuang general school.

Mahinde ran across the country and found out fifty people directly. He patted his chest and said that these people had the hope of becoming Oswin.

The key point is that Mahind has the golden signboard of Arvind, and no one doubts this gold content.

In particular, Arvind has now overcome his own shortcomings, and his military strength is so frighteningly high that even Rahul is a bit difficult to match.

The most important thing is that they are not all young people, there are also some middle-aged ones, that is, the ones that can be transformed into combat power immediately.

Zhu Helai was a little upset, Mahinde's action was so powerful and scary, maybe he would have to stand back a little bit, which was simply unacceptable for him.

But for a while, he really has no good way. Back then, he was able to follow the general trend and overthrow Ma Hind, but now Ma Hind took advantage of the general trend, and he really had no way to fight for the front.

Moreover, Weisudeva I now has the will of the empire in his hands, and the expansion is terrible, and he doesn't care about your clique for personal gain.

As long as you are capable, King Weisudeva I can give you a position now, which makes Mahinde even more at ease.

His spiritual talent, if not suspected by the monarch, is simply terrifying to death.

Although it is difficult to cultivate a monster like Arvind, Mahinde can mass-produce the kind of characters who pass the fifties or sixties.

That is to say, he, Mahinde, can mass-produce the horizontal tasks of centurion and thousand commander.

Discover this qualification, and then gather together to teach it, and it will be released quickly.

Even if it seems watery due to mass production, it only takes a big battle to really take shape. This speed is unmatched by any empire.

Although the Han Dynasty also had military academies and face-to-face methods, it was still weaker than Mahinde's spiritual talent.

The most terrifying thing is their caste system in Guishuang. As long as Mahinde cultivates these people, Weisudeva I will give them the status of Kshatriya.

These people are paired with a group of low-caste soldiers, and they can immediately form combat effectiveness without any so-called running-in.

Although Brahman has fallen, and Brahma has also worshiped, the Brahman in Guishuang's heart has not yet fallen.

Kshatriya is still a noble profession, and Brahma is still the supreme god, but the right to interpret everything now belongs to Vesudeva I.

Vesudeva I is now the god of the Brahmans. I don't know what will happen in the future, but at least for now, Brahman is a toy in the hands of Vesudeva I, and he can play with it as he wants.

A series of surprises made Wei Sudeep I feel elated. He fulfilled several Guishuang's long-cherished wishes, but there are still regrets that have not yet come to an end.

That is the big Han princess, this thing is always a hurdle that cannot be bypassed.

Although their Da Yue clan is looking forward to him now, there is still a long way to go before they die, and it is more like business affairs, lacking the original motivation.

And Weisudeva I knew very well how to obtain this motivation.

That is to marry a big Han princess.

Last time, because of this, he had a big fight with the Han Dynasty. Although he didn't lose completely, it was ugly to death.

This time, the army was strong and horses were strong, and Weisudeva I felt that he could do it again.

He wanted to make gestures with the Han Dynasty again.

However, he knew very well that the strength of the Han Dynasty was terrifying, so he planned to find allies to troubleshoot the Han Dynasty together.

"Beastman, will it be a good helper?"

Wei Sudepo I looked at the report written by Mu Jianlian before, and there was also a foreshadowing specially buried by Sal, which stated that as long as Guishuang was willing to give them food and material support, they were willing to send troops to Guishuang to hire them.

And it's all a one-time sale, directly buying out the orc mercenaries.

This made Weisudeva I very excited. The Ganges River Basin is notoriously not short of food.

Especially after trading with Parthia and the Han Dynasty, they learned new farming techniques, and their output reached a new high.

Coupled with the will of the empire and the appearance of many gods and Buddhas, the weather has become an object that can be manipulated.

It became easier for them to produce food, which made Weisudeva I very willing to do this business, but he didn't know much about the orcs, so it was a little difficult to make a decision for a while.

He is willing to give up supplies, but it would be a bit bad to spend money on inferior products.

He wanted to test the combat effectiveness of the orc soldiers, but he couldn't find a suitable one for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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