Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 936 Meeting in a narrow road

Chapter 936 Meeting in a narrow road

Africa, the tide of the beast.

But among the frenzy of beasts, there are even more terrifying beasts.

"Today is also a day of peace!" Hua Xiong looked at the vast land of Africa with emotion, everything was flourishing under the blue sky, it was simply a natural paradise.

"Hua Zijian, if you play with Lao Tzu's invention again, you will never see it again!" Mo Ming was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

The chariot that was just repaired yesterday was broken by Hua Xiong today. It's the extremely warm black high-tech fine steel. The car is definitely first-class and durable, and it is one of Mo Ming's most proud works.

As a result, in the hands of a reckless man like Hua Xiong, he couldn't last a day.

"Hey hey hey, you're being unreasonable. You said you wanted me to help you test your deficiencies. I just activated it during the battle. If you fail, don't rely on me if your skills are not good enough. !"

Hua Xiong spread his hands and retorted helplessly.

"It's just a few waves of beast tides, and a head-to-head encounter with a few boundary-breaking beasts, but it broke. The quality is really not good 1"

Mo Ming's chariot is really cool to drive. Combined with the gravity control of their flying bears, coupled with the degassed cattle they caught on the African continent, it is really powerful to act as the front of the flying bears.

They defeated several waves of large-scale beast sieges head-on. Although they all came to the door by themselves, the combat effectiveness of the chariots was indeed recognized.

Even when confronting the small rhinoceros that broke the boundary, the chariot was smashed to pieces, and even Mo Ming had to deny that the chariot was really durable.

"Min Yunzhi, you killed him!" Min Yun was so slow that he went crazy, so I said why he was so slow, the Klilai, who killed a thousand knives, used that thing to touch the world-breaking beast, but he was still head-on.

At that moment, Hua Xiong completely forgot about Jianai Feigong, clasped his hands together, and a low-power single-shot crossbow appeared out of my hand.


The crossbow arrow hit Mo Ming's forehead precisely, and Min Yun was hit to the sky by the huge impact.

"Hey, there's no need to be so angry. It's indeed his quality problem! It's enough to break the boundary. If you look at the corpses that broke the boundary you brought back for him, he can see if he can upgrade it!"

Min Yun grabbed the arrow that fell from her forehead and said rather helplessly.

Crossbow arrows are bullshit to me, and bed crossbows are ignored by me. Even if Hua Xiong's technology content is low enough and the output is small enough, Xiaoda is doomed to have too low output.

Not to mention that I opened the anti-gravity field to offset the power, even if it is offset, it will be a red dot under my forehead.

break defense?It exists.

The impact of several tons of rhinos has caused ineffective damage, and the large crossbow arrows are simply ridiculous.

But Min Yun also knew that she was wronged, so she hid, and simply took an arrow to let Hua Xiong vent his anger. That guy is a technical maverick. Whether we Feixiong can drive the chariot depends on that guy. .

Having been together for so long, Mo Ming also knows how to communicate with Hua Xiong, so I deliberately emphasized my tone under the broken body. .

"Boundary-breaking corpse? Where is it?" Hua Xiong's attention was attracted.

For the Mohists, technology research and development is more important. After all, chariots are inventions of the past, and they are all past tense. It is the traditional virtue of the Mohism to love the new and dislike the old.

That time the Mohists came to Africa for the sake of a small number of broken corpses.

The body of the evil god of garbage is basically created by the essence of heaven and earth. Is there any difference between bones and meat?

That's why we deliberately drove Tiangong-[-] to the small continent of Africa to conduct scientific research experiments.

I, Min Yun, are in charge of the research on biotechnology, and I am committed to the research of turning Tiangong-[-] into a transformable form.

By the way, it is also studied how to make the robot into a bionic robot to realize the revolution of production technology that liberates the labor force.

Therefore, to me, the corpse of the Boundary Breaking Beast is no more than a divine weapon.

"Tsk, those who are engaged in scientific research are so foolish! Notify to the higher authorities that all the internal qi isolated from hunting today will be put into the pot, and continue to eat meat today!"

Under the vast African small land, the beast hordes are terrifying, but the flying bears are even more terrifying.

Almost all small-scale legions are opponents of Feixiong, and Feixiong is almost walking sideways.

There are even very few small-scale beast hordes migrating to other places because of the existence of flying bears. The kind of monsters that fight to death and run away, ghosts want to fight us.

"A change in the beast tide?" Lahuazi Jian Kegui looked at the information that would be reported in his hand strangely.

"What happened in the middle?"

"Small man, according to the reports of the people in the kingdom, there should be an ordinary herd of beasts with no scale in the central part. Only in this way will the beast tide be forced to migrate to the north."

"In the autumn of few things, the soldiers and horses lighting the eighty eagle flags will follow you to see what happened."

Lava Zijianke said wonderfully, the animal horde that is almost a disaster for the small kingdoms in North Africa is just a simple trouble for us.

If it was because the killing was over, we would have pushed back the beast tide a long time ago.

It’s just as good as it is now, North Africa is our hunting ground, and our eighty eagle flags are stationed there, eating meat and drinking, living a happy life.

We only need to let the kingdom in hand send a batch of wild beasts to the city of Rome on a regular basis to trade some other materials. We live the life of the emperor in North Africa.

It's also the face of those annoying ghosts who saw the seventh eagle flag. For the No.80 eagle flag, it's too good to be true.

Although I am willing to take care of that kind of shit, the kingdom in North Africa also needs to collect food in autumn. If it is really allowed to take care of it, the fighting power of the kingdom will be wiped out by the beast tide, but estimates and harvest The crops are insulated.

This is all the private property of our No.80 Eagle Flag, so naturally we have to make up our minds.

Get rid of the source of the beast swarm riot, and then clean up the surrounding beast swarm to create a relatively dangerous environment for North Africa.

"Qi, the ideal is defeated, the seventh eagle flag that I hate!" La Huazi Jianke looked at the unintentional failure who had been slow to achieve consummation, and almost went crazy with anger.

But whoever made the Seventh Eagle Banner really red, our group of Moors had never robbed the Seventh Eagle Banner Legion, that's why the Seventh Eagle Banner Legion was called Trajan.

We are on equal footing in terms of strength, but under politics we lose completely soberly.

That's why we are in North Africa, and the Seventh Eagle Flag is in Rome. If there is no choice, who would want to come to that kind of place? It's good to stay in Rome.

Every time I think of that, Lahua Zijian gets so angry that his liver hurts. Fortunately, what the African continent lacks is sandbags.

"Huh?" Mo Ming stared at the distance in surprise, and I felt that Dao Wu's astonishing army was retreating towards us.

"Think about it, oh, yes, the legion stationed in Rome, isn't it!" Mo Ming thought for a while, and finally found the information outside the corner of his memory.

"It's meaningless. I actually came to the door on my own initiative. Is it because the recent disturbances are too small?" Mo Ming thought while rubbing his chin.

Although he hadn't expected that he would be approached by someone, but when he thought of it, it would be a hard stubble, and it was completely time for Chuanlue to rush.

"I knew I should have ruined this chariot. If I didn't have this thing, I would definitely charge fiercely." Mo Ming sighed.

"Yes, there is something wrong!" Mo Ming patted his buttocks and gathered Fei Xiong together.

"Brothers, no one came to the door, what should you do?" Mo Ming announced in a low voice.

"Damn us!" Feixiong's soldiers cheered, everyone was war-crazed, they had had enough of fighting beasts, and finally came a worthy opponent.

"Go, brothers, crush us!" Mo Ming raised the knife in his hand and growled softly.

"Oh oh oh!~"

Feixiong's soldiers all responded. We are all from Liangzhou, and Liangzhou people are notoriously wild. We reject war at all. On the contrary, we advocate war and destruction. We will trample whoever it is lethal.

"Then I will adjust your state to the peak. It doesn't matter who the opponent is. That time, let us see the arrows. What is the enemy's Xiliang iron cavalry? What is the first army of the Han Dynasty!" Mo Ming said. He ordered in a voice.

Habayashi?You, Fei Xiong, are afraid at all, you just want to be less entangled with us. If you really bring us Fei Xiong, you are afraid at all.

Accompanied by the gathering of flying bears, the weak wills were naturally united together, the clear sky was naturally covered with a layer of white gauze, and the ground was also covered with a layer of dear blood mist.

The aura gathered by the soldiers of the Flying Bear Iron Cavalry turned into a tiger with wings. Cooperating with Mo Ming's army talent, the combat power was fully mobilized.

"No one, follow you back!" Min Yun pointed at the back with his long knife, bursting out with all his strength, and rushed towards the back with an aura of going forward.

Whether we use gravity to run up or not, we run according to our real level. We run very fast, but our momentum is gradually rising.

Condensed on the top of the legion, the image of the flying bear combined with evil spirit, murderous spirit, cloud energy, momentum, etc. is more and more intimate, just like a real flying bear coming to the world.

That astonishing aura made Lahuazi Jianke, who was dozens of miles away, successfully discover Feixiong.

Relying on the strength of breaking the boundary, I saw the Flying Bear Army almost at a glance.

Immediately afterwards, the flying bear above the legion roared, directly shattering my peeping. That kind of low-weak will-dissolution body was simply lost to any boundary-breaking power.

"The whole army retreats, you have found your target!" Lahua Zijianke laughed and gave the order to retreat.

We are defeated by Trajan's inheritance. Even if we inherit Trajan's name or not, our strength is still lost to the Seventh Eagle Banner Legion, which is weak enough for us to face all opponents.

Both sides did not conceal their purpose at all, and did not show any fear at all. Even if the enemy's momentum was very weak, we all firmly believed that we were the one who had the first laugh.

"Hahahaha, how courageous!"

The expression on Mo Ming's face became even more ferocious, he really had the guts to face us Fei Xiong.

"That kind of rubbish strength dares to lead the army, just wait for death!"

The expression on La Huazijianke's face was equally ferocious. Min Yun, as the current floor tile that breaks the boundary, will win without weak confidence when anyone who breaks the boundary sees it.

It should even be said that it is an established fact, Mo Ming really has no way to defeat any broken boundary.

The two sides tacitly pulled the reins, and all the soldiers moved almost at the same instant.

And Fei Xiong was also hiding, the acceleration of gravity was activated instantly, and the bone spears made of various bones in front of him shot out.

However, at the last moment, the soldiers of the Eighty Eagle Banner waved their spears and naturally swept away the spears at a speed that no one could react to.

Except for a very small number of soldiers who were nailed through and killed instantly, there was nothing wrong with a very small number of soldiers.

The galloping flying bear didn't care at all, he held the spear with one hand, and the weak single-shot crossbow developed by the Mo family with the other. The moment he approached at an equal distance, the explosively powerful crossbow was directly nailed out.

However, at such a close distance, Eighty Eagle Banner still swept away the crossbow with a speed that his loved ones could not react to.

"A legion of low-speed reaction type? This is really great!" There was a smirk on the corner of Min Yun's mouth, that kind of legion was beaten to death by our flying bears.

And the moment before, Feixiong and the soldiers of Eighty Eagle Banner collided with each other instantly.

And Yashi Yingqi has already retreated into a state of super speed reaction. In the eyes of the soldiers of Yashiyingqi, Feixiong's speed has dropped by one-eighth, and everything in the world has become faster.

That state leaves us little time to think about how to make the most precise movements.

In the world of one-eighth of the fast-forward speed, each of us can adjust our movements in place, and the movements that have been honed will be out of shape due to the fast-forward, and it also allows us to dodge at the same time as minimally as possible. Come up with the best counterattack.

All Eighty Eagle Banner soldiers shot a sprint shot in the most perfect state. That kind of perfection is only reflected in the attack, and there is no dodge.

Flying Bear's soldiers were almost all stabbed in the air, while No.80 Eagle Banner's attack was almost all stabbed.

However, the moment the two sides intersected, they already understood everything.

Not to mention that the soldiers who were stabbed died suddenly on the spot, that is, the Feixiong soldiers who were stabbed had nothing to do with the double blow of physics and will, and the opponent was simply afraid of that kind of attack.

"Repulsive field defense? Super weak defense? Resist death?"

The moment the Eighty Eagle Banner and the Flying Bear staggered past, Lamin Yunzhike's complexion was very pale, and the feeling from beheading the soldiers made me instantly realize what kind of monster my opponent was.

As low as the sky, the attack method of our No.80 Eagle Banner was restrained by the opponent.

Except for a very small number of soldiers, a very small number of Feixiong soldiers relied on their defense against death and relatives to ignore our attack.

On the contrary, although there are many injured soldiers on our side, as long as they dodge and get hit, they will be seriously injured or die.

At the moment of the battle, the balance of the battle ended upright towards Feixiong.

It is the same as when the seventh Trajan and the heavy cavalry had nothing to do with each other, they could only restrain each other evenly.

In the battle with the No.80 Legion, Feixiong was at a clear disadvantage.

(End of this chapter)

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