Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 962 Believe in Huanzhang, believe in Kong Ming

Chapter 962 Believe in Links, Believe in Kong Ming

"The ministries calculated the battle damage and retreated slowly."

After confirming that Guishuang's mind had calmed down, Guo Ziyi breathed a sigh of relief, while Cheng Yu froze for a moment.

Although he is in good health, his mental strength is in a mess. If it wasn't for stabilizing the morale of the army, he would have been unable to hold on long ago, but Chen Gong and Guo Jia both fell first, so he could only hold on.

Soon the battle damage statistics of the Han army were calculated. The iron cavalry had the most brilliant results and the heaviest losses, losing more than 500 people.

As for Feixiong, more than 1000 people were lost. They were in a support position before, and even if their strength was slightly weaker, the loss was much lighter than that of the god iron cavalry.

There is no way, even if it is the god iron cavalry, Wushuang, and Fei Xiong is on the side to assist, but there are so many abnormal legions, even the iron cavalry will inevitably vomit three liters of blood.

Fortunately, it is not a problem to replenish the iron cavalry now.

But Li Que has already thought about it, and he will use Feixiong's Feixiong to replenish troops later. Anyway, he will use Feixiong to quickly form a batch, and then transform it.

Although it is a bit cumbersome, who makes it easy for the army soul to replenish troops, and it is difficult for them to replenish troops.

Even if it went to Li Ru and the general, he was justified, who made them suffer heavy losses this time.

"Our side has lost more than 2000 yuan." Cao Zhen and Cao Xiu said with a dark face, "There is no injury."

Damn it, with the fighting style of Rui Shi, either Mao is fine, or he was killed directly. Of course, the polarization is serious.

"There is an imperial guard in Guishuang staring at Ruishi from behind, and the damage was done at that time."

Cao Zhen said with a frantic face that the death rate of sharp fighters was not so high before, because the cover of long water and shooting sound was very good.

But this time they didn't bring too much long water and shooting sound, and coupled with the narrow terrain, it was still their territory.

It was okay at the beginning, no one paid attention to Ruishi's situation, but when it was noticed later, the opposite side stared at Ruishi to kill.

If it wasn't for the fact that Cao Ren's legion talent was reliable, he could share the defensive power of the shield guards with Rui Shi for a period of time, allowing Rui Shi to withdraw from the enemy's killing range.

Otherwise, the Ruishi would basically be shot to death now.

"Three thousand people died on my side, and more than 2000 people were injured." Li Dian sighed, he brought Danyang.

After all, the melee combat of Danyang, a strange unit, is very reliable in conventional mid-range and long-range combat, and if you cover and shoot within the conventional range, relying on the full field of view brought by unloading force, the shooting accuracy is very high, and you can kill your own comrades-in-arms At that time, Danyang still kept shooting, and Danyang's vision bonus was too strong.

Although there is no over-the-horizon, unless Danyang's field of vision is manipulated by the light and shadow of the fifth skylark, theoretically there is a huge boulder in front of him, and it is impossible to be blocked. Although it is not perspective, but because too many soldiers go from different angles Going to observe, resulting in the final Danyang elite's vision is no different from the perspective hanging.

Anyway, as long as one person can see it, many Danyang elites can see it. With this ability, the archery skills of Danyang elite soldiers are no different from the group of top archers who added precision shooting.

The way of cross positioning makes Danyang's accuracy reach an outrageous level, so that Danyang is really used as an elite archer in many cases. In fact, none of Danyang's own talents are related to archery.

Just relying on the shooting accuracy that is equivalent to the precision talent and the power sharing brought by the cooperation, the power of his own arrows is particularly exaggerated. In fact, if you really want to say, Danyang is actually a melee unit, but the long-range and melee are about the same level. .

But no matter what level it is, it is desperate in this terrain, and the loss rate is quite high, especially in the later stage when shooting against the opposite archer army, it suffered a lot.

Not bringing too much shooting sound and long water is their biggest mistake in this battle.

"Wolf riders have lost more than 600 people." Lu Bu looked at Cheng Lian who had lost a hand, hesitating about how to treat him. He also found that the old buddies who had followed him for many years were getting fewer and fewer.

First Wei Xu retired from the army, then Hao Meng, and now Cheng Lian again?
He is getting weaker and weaker, and now he can no longer control the situation of the battle like before, and there are very few things he can do.

"Marquis Wen, it seems that I'm not close to the limit!" Cheng Lian was very open. Compared with those brothers who died, he can still enjoy his old age peacefully, which is quite good.

"In the future, Wei Xu and I will be in Luoyang. After Marquis Wen's triumphant return, you can come and drink with our old subordinates!"

Cheng Lian laughed, he did his best in this battle, he cut off the inner qi of three people and separated the inner qi of seven people into gangsters, which is simply a fantasy in the previous period of Hulao Pass.

It was not troublesome for him to go up and add food to the internal qi separation body, and now he can kill so many.

God knows how he did it, he didn't know it himself.

But in the situation where everyone was suppressed and abolished, he killed desperately, and even if he did, even if he retired, it would be considered a decent retirement, and the court would not treat him badly.

At that time, after receiving the retirement salary, it is also a good choice to find a place to open a store to support the elderly.

Soon the various legions reported a loss of more than [-], all elites, but in this kind of battlefield where everyone's lethality is over the top, accidents are prone to occur.

Whether it is Cao Zhen, Li Dian, or Yu Jin, the defense of the main army does not have the confidence to take the opponent hard. Once it enters the decisive battle where one's own side will undoubtedly die and pull the opponent to go on the road together, as long as the opponent's lethality breaks through a certain Limits are prone to accidents.

"500 people died in the battle, and the rest were injured!" Gao Shun sighed, and then fell silent.

He blamed himself a little, and he was a little obsessed with not being able to enter the miracle. In the previous battle, if there were no golden armor warriors, the team that had burned out their army souls would not be able to resist the glowing army on the opposite side.

Moreover, the performance of Li Que and the others shocked him. In his eyes, whether it was the flying bear or the heavy cavalry, they were actually sure of victory. They and the state army always dominated the Liangzhou army.

But this time the strength of the divine iron cavalry and the strength of Arvind's personal guards brought him tremendous pressure.

On the other side, Zhang Liao is under more pressure. He is not blind. Where is the biggest shortcoming of the wolf cavalry and iron cavalry? It is the wolf cavalry.

There are too few wolf cavalry for them to reach the level of three talented soldiers, so few that they can't be fully staffed. They have a huge reserve force, but they still can't take the last step.

The pressure on him was even greater than that of Gao Shun. After all, he was the immediate leader of the wolf cavalry, and Gao Shun had long since become the commander of the direct line who went out independently.

"Take your time. This road was blocked by Guishuang. It may be a long time before we arrive next time. We will remember the road." Guo Ziyi sighed softly, and then there was a real collision.

More importantly, the next time you walk in the Kabul Valley, it is probably impossible to take advantage of it and make a surprise attack like this time.

The next time I want to enter here, I'm afraid I can only use my strength to forcefully fight in, and then forcefully fight in the past. This road is not easy to walk!
Fortunately, even after paying a heavy price, they achieved their goal this time and successfully attracted Guishuang's attention from the south.

In this way, the war in the south of Guishuang will be easier.

Guo Ziyi looked at the sky helplessly. At this kind of mountain pass, he, the commander of a large army, could be of little use.

How can we catch all Guishuang and force them to fight the Han Dynasty in the wild?

"Next time I have to call in."

Hua Xiong sighed softly, he hadn't experienced the Battle of Guishuang before, and he didn't have any special feelings. After experiencing it this time, Hua Xiong realized that there really isn't a single fish that can be called an empire, and this road will be difficult in the future.

"Yeah, Guishuang only blocked the Khyber before, and then Guishuang will probably block the entire Kabul Valley. Anyway, it can be done with Guishuang's troops. Now it has completely become the way to attack Sichuan. " Guo Ziyi said with a big head.

There are really only a few roads to enter Sichuan, and those passes are blocked. In many cases, under that kind of terrain, tens of thousands of troops can't defeat one-tenth of the opponents.

The proper way to enter Guishuang from the north seems to be Kabul. Next, Guishuang will definitely strengthen the pass and block it. After all, it is a bit too shameful to be beaten to the Khyber Pass.

"Let's go back first. The three military advisers are all exhausted. It is expected that Marquis Wei has already set up a temporary camp. Let our army take a break and talk about the follow-up!"


On the other hand, Yu Ji returned to Luoyang with the battle report of Guishuang. He joined Cao Cao, Zuo Ci was under Liu Bei, and Nanhua was under Sun Ce, in order to be able to report the most accurate battle situation back to Luoyang.

To facilitate Luoyang's imperial court, conduct all aspects of approval.

The news of the return was quickly passed on to the Political Yuan, but at this time the Political Yuan was already quite empty. When Cao Cao and Liu Bei left the Central Plains, they took so many bigwigs with them that the Political Yuan was not even full of people.

"Chen Hou!" Yu Ji cupped his hands and greeted Guo Hao.

"Oh, Immortal Master Yu Ji, sit down."

Guo Hao still respects the immortals very much. It was hard to say before, but since he surrendered to the imperial court, the three immortals have achieved a lot, and the achievements they have made in three days and three nights are endless.

Seeing Yu Ji running over, he pointed to the seat and said with a smile, "I don't know what's going on after leaving for a few days? Did they have a breakthrough on the public platform?"

"I'm here to report this matter." Yu Ji bowed his body and saluted, and other civil servants in the Political Yuan also stopped working, "I recorded everything that happened there, so you can see it at a glance." Yu Ji said Start playing the video.

With nothing to say, Yu Ji decisively started to play the video.

Under the leadership of Chen Xi, all the civil servants in the Political Yuan also turned their attention, and began to rest and entertain between work.

Soon, the entire Khyber War was over. After all, the total length of this battle was only a few hours. Although the quality of the participating legions was abnormal, and the intensity of the battle was very high, the overall time spent was not long .

Yu Ji's video is mainly based on Guo Ziyi's perspective. After all, only Guo Ziyi can overlook the overall situation to a certain extent.

But after all, there are still many places that cannot be taken care of, but it is already the most comprehensive observation.

It can also make people clearly feel how difficult this road is to pass. After all, compared to dictation, video is much, much clearer. As for some missing parts, they can easily be completed with the intelligence of this group of people.

"It can only be outsmarted, not forced attack!" Chen Xi rubbed his brows helplessly, this is too difficult to beat.

"The next step is to grind slowly. It will take a lot of time for Wei Hou to move there, but there is no need to worry. A war of this scale may not even be able to see the exact situation in a year or a half. .”

Chen Xi said indifferently, he himself is ready to fight for 20 years, Guishuang is obviously not easy to eat.

Especially the mountain pass of Beigui, this is too outrageous, it's just that they occupy a strange place, and they caught Guishuang by surprise.

After Guishuang puts in troops, the pressure on Cao Cao and the others will not be too small.

"Not necessarily, Cao Sikong may be a little out of tune sometimes, and he is generally reliable, but if there are no accidents, I really don't believe it." Guo Hao said suddenly, while Chen Xi and Jia Xu were silent for a while, Nod silently.

This is a truth. Cao Cao is generally regarded as a very reliable general, but he is not the kind of very reliable boss, so there will inevitably be some accidents.

Fortunately, Cao Cao has always been very reliable when the wind is against the wind, and he will only get sick when the wind is down, but generally the mistakes are minor, and the most damage is to lose troops and generals, so that he will not lose everything.

And there is Xun Yu by his side, this time Xun Yu has the power to control Cao Cao to a certain extent.

The current situation is an absolute headwind, and there shouldn't be too many problems.

Thinking of this, Chen Xi felt a headache for no reason. It's hard to say, but then he forgot about it.

There's no way, it's like this now, what's the struggle, there's no one left, so Yuan Shao can't be released to resist the pressure.

Cao Cao was reliable anyway, but for the others, there were no replacements, so let’s make do with it, even if there was an accident, Chen Xi felt that he could cover it.

"However, there are indeed some people who are not available now. There is also a certain gap in Cao Sikong's side, and the same is true in the south."

Seeing Chen Xi's expression, Jia Xu silently changed the subject. He also knew that no one could take the position of Cao Cao and Liu Bei now.

"Let's take the south as the main direction for the time being. It's really meaningless for Beigui to fight to the death. After all, Nangui has room to maneuver." Guo Hao waved his hand and said.

"Trust Kong Ming, he will surprise us!"

Guo Hao came directly to the trust link, but he didn't have much to do. What else could he do at a time like this besides trust.

All their reserve forces were used to prepare for the Congling battle, and they planned to send troops to smash Parthia at any time. Even if Guishuang lost on the battlefield, they could only endure it.

Rome and Parthia have already started fighting forward, and it is estimated that they will fight in a big way in a short time. At that time, it will be the best time for their Han Dynasty to intervene.

The Huns must die!

(End of this chapter)

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