Chapter 963
"It can only be this way."

Jia Xu sighed and said, to be honest, now Jia Xu has also figured out the way of thinking of Guo Hao and Chen Xi, this is to take advantage of the advantage of his family in the early stage, and try to compete for a military god as much as possible reserve.

Jia Xu admitted that Zhuge Liang was excellent, but Zhuge Liang's position in his heart should be more of a civil servant who succeeded Chen Xi, rather than a general on the battlefield.

To put it bluntly, the victory or defeat on the battlefield is actually not the most deadly in many cases. The collapse of an empire starts from within.

A prime minister sitting in the center is what Zhuge Liang should do most.

But having said that, Zhuge Liang is very young, and Chen Xi is also very young. It seems that there is no need to worry about everything, just slowly transition.

Military God reserve and the command of the Grand Army are two different things, perhaps separated by a thin line.

But the former can be said to be a god, and the latter is still in the category of human beings.

Because generals below that level can be defeated by bravery, accident, fighting spirit, and morale, and then some seemingly unreasonable failures occur, so that it feels like a different person.

The most notable one is Zhu Jun.

Zhu Jun is very powerful, but Zhu Jun has not reached the level of Huangfusong, so Zhu Jun will be defeated by the Yellow Turban who is full of morale, and he will be defeated by Li Jue who is high-spirited, because he is lower than the army in a certain level. The level of God's reserve is the same level.

There may be differences in strength and weakness, but there is no essential difference, and the resistance to accidents is very poor.

If it were a fairy like Han Xin and Xiang Yu, he would fight back, fight to the death, and keep secret, even if an accident happened, he would be able to fight back.

The most ridiculous thing is Xiang Yu. According to historical records, even if he was besieged on all sides and ambushed on all sides, Xiang Yu would go out and even have a chance to return to Jiangdong.

reasonable?It's not reasonable at all, so these people are gods.

This level itself represents a kind of strategic existence, and this level is basically the pearl left by the long river of history, washed by countless sands and stones.

This is also why Chen Xi never thought that other unknown military gods would be born in this era, because compared to the achievements of resourceful people like Jia Xu, Guo Jia, and Fazheng, there is still a little bit of hope.

After all, strategic vision and strategy rely on talent and knowledge. Under the current environment, the promotion of education is likely to unearth some jewels hidden by the dust of history.

However, the possibility of the unknown person becoming the commander of the large army has been sealed in probability, unless the time is extended to hundreds of years, it is possible.

Otherwise, how can we match the inscriptions of those figures who, from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, were immeasurably large, washed away all their lead, and left in history as pearls.

A truly powerful character is enough to recreate the universe, in the true sense of the word.

Jia Xu didn't understand these things, but Jia Xu also understood the difficulty. Even though he was able to achieve a level not too far from Huangfusong in war games, Jia Xu knew better how far war games were from reality.

He fought Huangfusong on the battlefield, and he might have been defeated in one battle.

Even if he breaks the bottom line and fights with Huangfusong, it won't be very meaningful.

What's more, it is meaningless to break the bottom line, there is no benefit in winning, and it is a complete defeat if you lose.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. Now that the war in Beigui has come to an end, then Kong Ming's side should start fighting? If it continues, it may be dragged down by the sky."

Jia Xu changed the subject and asked.

Guo Hao nodded. After the battle in Beigui came to an end, Zhuge Liang could start fighting with impunity.

After all, although Cao Cao and the others were considered defeated, they did contain the northern legions.

What Cao Cao and the others did was to clearly tell Weisudeva I that if you dare to withdraw your troops to support the south, I will dare to continue to attack you at the Khyber Pass and aim at you at Peshawar.

You these soldiers must stay here and fight me to the death.

You're not going anywhere unless you kill me first.

"Well, General Huang and Fa Xiaozhi have already captured Wenjia. After they liberate the Zhuluo Kingdom, it's almost time to go to support General Guan. When the time comes, join forces and the war will naturally begin." Guo Hao Replied casually.

"Liberation?" Jia Xu was taken aback, this word is not commonly used.

"If Brahma is dead, Jialan will stand!" Chen Xi said with a smile.

The Chola Dynasty is considered a kingdom under the Brahman system, and it is said to be a subsidiary state of Guishuang, but it maintains independence to a certain extent.

After all, the religious system is like this, ruling, but not completely ruling, as long as everyone thinks the same is enough.

However, the Brahmins have a very loose management of the small countries under their own system, and they just turn a blind eye to destroying each other. Anyway, it does not harm the interests of their Brahmins, and they can do whatever they want.

However, because the Brahmin system is too weird, the countries controlled by the Brahmin actually lack motivation for expansion.

For a long time, they have maintained the status of small and scattered foreign countries. After all, for these countries, after the destruction of other countries, there is no change in essence. Those who should pay tribute to Brahmins still need to pay tribute to Brahmins.

People like the Zhuluo Dynasty are considered rare, or they are very talented.

After all, the Brahmin system still exists rationally. If it really develops steadily for hundreds of years, it may become Nangui's right-hand man.

It has become a typical religious country, comparable to Christianity, Islam and the like.

But at the wrong time, the Han Dynasty and Guishuang went to war, and they instantly became cannon fodder.

For the Chola Dynasty, it was impossible to vote. They also knew the policy of the Han Dynasty. Now the people in power are Kshatriya Brahmins. Once the Han Dynasty takes over, everything will cease to exist.

The Han Dynasty is not used to you, and the Han Dynasty has the God of Galan as a guarantee, so if you kill them directly, it would be nice to have another group of people rule.

As for confronting the Han Dynasty, forget it.

On the continent of India, there is no country that confronts the Brahmin system.

So for the Han Dynasty, it was all rubbish, and the Zhuluo Kingdom was nothing more than a bigger rubbish.

In this era of the imperial battlefield, the imperial guards were the mainstay, and the army pulled up by the Zhuluo Kingdom still had a handful of old, weak, sick and disabled. It is conceivable that the combat effectiveness is low.

Huang Zhong himself didn't even need to make a move, Ma Dai, Ma Tie and a group of second-generation players led their troops and directly defeated the Zhu Luo Dynasty.

That is to say, the follow-up security needs to be a little bit more troublesome, otherwise the Zhuluo Dynasty will be destroyed in a month, and the speed of its demise is almost the same as the speed of the Han army's advance.

For Ma Dai and others, the combat power of the Zhuluo Dynasty was not as good as that of the Qiang people. At any rate, what they faced was the high-pressure massacre of the Han Dynasty.

Hundreds of thousands of people died, and the battle of dying and dying was not bad.

After all, veterans who have survived hundreds of battles on the battlefield have good combat effectiveness.

Even if they are defeated in all battles, those who can survive are the top elite.

Even when Dong Zhuo led the iron cavalry back then, he had to fight hard before he was able to secure his supremacy in Xiliang.

But the Chola dynasty is different, and it has been hard work for so many years.

As early as several decades ago, the Chola Dynasty began to fight hard, until this generation produced a reliable lord, Karikala, who was a very powerful lord, capable, ambitious, and very capable of execution.

In the thousand-year history of the Chola Dynasty, this one can be described as a shining pearl. In the official history, it was at this point in time that this one took down the middle and lower reaches of the Ganges River.

But the problem is that the area around the Zhuluo Dynasty is full of chickens, and the strongest legion in the whole country is the Imperial Guard Legion.

In the middle and lower reaches of the Ganges, it can be regarded as an invincible army walking sideways, which also led to the fact that this army has hardly encountered any hard stubble.

In fact, the overall level has long since slipped, and I don’t know where to go. It’s okay to fight against the wind, but it’s a joke to deal with the elite army of the Han Dynasty.

Ma Dai took a dual-talented Qiang cavalry soldier, killed the enemy in blood, and directly used the dual talent to counterattack the imperial guards, and the battle damage was still the same, Ma Dai one Zhuluo Dynasty two.

The head of the imperial guards was also shot dead by Ma Dai.

Although Ma Dai is some distance away from Ma Chao's level, it's not like any cat or dog can touch porcelain.

The head of the legion of the Zhuluo Dynasty who is obsessed with power and status is the best stepping stone for Ma Dai.

Originally, Ma Dai's talent in the legion, which could not be squeezed out by life and death, was quickly sublimated and born after beheading the head of the legion.

Yuxue, a desperate legion talent, can be regarded as a gift from heaven to Ma Dai.

Ma Dai's heroic demeanor impressed many low-caste people in the Zhuluo Kingdom. During the subsequent attack on the Zhuluo Dynasty, many young and strong soldiers spontaneously joined Ma Dai's command.

In the end, Ma Dai had an extra 8000 troops in his hands, but the quality was worrying. Even if Ma Dai used iron cavalry to conduct surprise training on the battlefield, the combat effectiveness was terrible, but there is one thing, that is, obedience , Listen to Ma Dai's words.

After all, it was due to congenital deficiencies, and lack of supplementary nutrition the day after tomorrow. His physical fitness was appallingly poor.

Even if they were trained with most of the methods used to train Xiliang iron cavalry, their fragility is so frail that people can't bear to look directly at them, and they are doomed to the upper limit of their combat effectiveness.

Just like the Qiang people were subdued by Xiliang iron cavalry, these low castes were subdued by Ma Dai, and Ma Dai held the Brahman certificate canonized by Guan Yu.

Therefore, these low castes did not have any resistance to joining the Ma Dai of the Han army. Anyway, they were Brahmins, and joining there was not joining, not to mention that the Brahmin stood behind the true god, and he himself convinced them.

It is not that the Zhuluo dynasty has not struggled at all. They knew that they were not the opponents of the Han Dynasty, and wanted to ask Guishuang for help, but after they passed, they found that Wang's City had changed hands.

Instead, the Guishuang Navy, who hadn't reported their hopes, sent someone over. It was none other than Meng Kangbu.

It is true that there is no one available in Nangui's land battle, otherwise Cecilian would not have sent Meng Kangbu over.

You must know that he is facing Zhou Yu and Zheng He head-on, and the pressure is still very high. The addition of Soochow's all-star lineup is not a big trouble for him.

The trouble is that Sun Jian took part in the battlefield with a whole fleet. Two Han fleets are enough trouble. Although Zhou Yu and Zheng He are a little worse than him, but there are two of them, and he is miserable. .

If it weren't for the Brahma fragments to continue his life, he would have been dragged to death by Zhou Yu and Zheng He long ago.

The addition of another whole fleet made Cecilian miserable. Zheng He and Zhou Yu were as slippery as loaches, and besides him, everyone else delivered food to these two.

So he can only hold on by himself, and then count down the countdown to his lifespan. Once he falls, the Guishuang Navy will really be finished.

And Meng Kangbu is the only one in his hands who can independently lead the team and repel Sun Jian to share the pressure with him. If the situation is not critical, he is absolutely unwilling to transfer Meng Kangbu away.

The main reason is that Cecilian discovered a frightening fact. Nangui is now blocked. Once the Zhuluo Dynasty falls directly, the Han army will advance by water, and it is very likely that their life supply will be directly cut off from the land.

You must know that no matter how far the navy sails, supplies will eventually be replenished from the land, and they must not give up control of the land.

Of course, Cecilian understood the pressure on Rahul, so he sent Meng Kangbu to land, intending to help Rahul from Wenga.

In this way, even if he suffers heavy losses in the sea war, he can still have logistical supplies.

But if Guishuang and Nangui are directly taken over by the Han Dynasty, then their Guishuang navy will have to be broken into pieces, become bandits, and become pirates.

At that point, it can indeed cause some troubles for the Han Dynasty, but it also means that Guishuang's general situation is over, and the rest is endless security battles.

No matter how much they win locally, the overall strategy will be a mess.

Cecilian was distressed. As a reserve soldier of the God of War, he already understood the situation to some extent.

Just like when the Yue clan escaped from the grassland, the Xiongnu and the Han Dynasty were enemies they could not afford to provoke.

Especially the Han Dynasty, which completely wiped out the Xiongnu, is even more terrifying now.

Fortunately, their Guishuang had a little more power to resist than the embarrassment of being beheaded by the Huns in the Great Moon King.

Even the Han Dynasty only suppressed them strategically, and everyone is still equally divided on the frontal battlefield.

But Cecilian knew very well that the Han Dynasty should still have enough power. After all, all their wars took place in their native land of Guishuang, and the land of the Han Dynasty had not been violated in the slightest.

Even if the bottles and jars were smashed, they, Guishuang, were the ones who suffered the most damage.

However, he can't say these words to anyone, he can only keep them in his heart.

Then silently pray for a miracle to happen.

And Moncombe didn't understand all this, but he carried out Cecilian's order.

Just like now, Meng Kangbu relied on his own means to borrow 14 troops from the Chola Dynasty, and then took [-] of them to threaten the small countries on the edge of Meng State, and gathered tens of thousands of people from these countries.

To be honest, Meng Kangbu knew very well that these people's combat effectiveness was very poor, but he didn't need the combat effectiveness of these people, but needed these people to draw a clear line from the Han Dynasty.

At least tie these people to Guishuang's chariot first, even if they can't cause harm to the Han Dynasty, they must disgust the Han Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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