Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 969 Cloud Riding and Dawn

As night fell, fog filled the air.

This is the mist that Pang Tong has been guiding since he formulated the plan, in order to add some concealment. Although there is a risk of exposing tactics, Pang Tong has no intention of covering it up.

As long as it provides a suitable distance, as for how much effect it can have, it is up to fate.

There is still a distance from Guishuang's camp. This distance is the most suitable charge distance for You Yunqi. After all, what they want is not the lethality of the charge, but the sense of oppression brought by the charge.

Only when the distance is a little longer and those Guishuang soldiers panic more, can their charge cause greater lethality, causing more fear of Guishuang soldiers, and the virtuous circle continues until the Guishuang soldiers collapse.

After reaching this distance, Pang Tong didn't intend to continue to cover up, but he didn't remove the fog, and finally guided it, and it could play a little role later.

"This wave is up to you, the third general." Pang Tong stopped beside Zhang Fei and said.

"Shiyuan, I told you not to go in, it's just your little arms and legs, what if something happens to you?"

Zhang Fei said in a low voice. Many soldiers around him heard this sentence, but they didn't have any dissatisfaction. It is one of the rules of war that military divisions do not go to the front line.

"After all, it is my plan. If I don't believe it, who would dare to believe it." Pang Tong said with a smile, "I am not an ordinary military adviser. Only when I go to battle in person can the chain effect be brought to the extreme, and the casualties will be the same." Can be smaller."

"If my plan is wrong, let me and my plan turn into fate and return to the west. As a military adviser, you must at least have the consciousness to go on the road with your own plan."

"Besides, I'm not a frail scholar!" Pang Tong patted his tendons. Among other things, he is also a man with internal energy, so it's okay to be careful.

"You bastard!" Zhang Feilang said with a smile, "Don't say anything else, you really like my taste, then I'll do it, you should be careful."

"Don't worry, I won't make fun of my life before I win Zhuge Kongming!" Pang Tong said with a little arrogance, "It's just a local battle. My life, Pang Shiyuan, is not so worthless."

"Hahaha, let's watch it! I'm on it!" Zhang Fei patted Pang Tong's shoulder and said boldly.

"Kill!" Zhang Fei roared, and the eight thousand Youyun riders ran towards the Guishuang camp like a torrent of steel.

"Hmph, the Han army is so courageous!"

Oswin snorted coldly. When the fog started to rise, he and Kusroy realized that something was wrong, and specially sent additional people to investigate, and they had already discovered the movements of the Han army.

The troops have been assembled long ago, waiting for Zhang Fei to attack first.

With the camp to rely on, they can fully take advantage of the camp to double-team Zhang Fei's troops.

The most important thing about night raids is raids. If the singularity is lost, the rest will fall into a disadvantage instead.

But Oswin and Kusroy subconsciously ignored one point. They were all elite soldiers, but there were other ordinary soldiers in the camp.

For these ordinary soldiers, Zhang Fei will always be a terrifying boss like a god and demon.

Accompanied by a roar like the roar of a tiger and the roar of a dragon, Zhang Fei blasted a huge gap in the outer wall of the camp.

This man who rode a black horse and charged with a zhangba snake spear was the demon god who destroyed the miracle.

"Enemy attack!" The sharp roar and the flustered drumbeat quickly woke up some soldiers who were resting in rotation.

Oswin and Kusroy did not actually mobilize too many Guishuang soldiers in order to follow their tactics, and most of the soldiers still maintained the original rotation and rest schedule.

When the group of soldiers rushed out in a panic, Zhang Fei blasted open the camp and rushed in.

Zhang Fei's aura, which is almost like a halo of fear, is completely urged and crushed in all directions. Unless the ordinary Qi Refining Chenggang is determined and can form a defensive formation, otherwise, the mind will be instantly crushed. Covered in darkness, even directly frightened to sudden death.

"Stop him!"

Seeing Zhang Fei rushing in vertically, an internal qi separation general stationed in the camp yelled loudly, preparing to lead a horizontal attack, but the soldiers under his command couldn't line up at all. As for Nangui's advantage of refining Qi into Gang It doesn't show at all.

"Block me?" Zhang Fei laughed wildly when he heard the words, and the talent of the legion almost turned into substance and pressed against the opponent.

Just looking at each other, the general who was out of his body turned around and left. This was not an opponent he could deal with at all. Seeing this, Zhang Fei laughed.

He drew out a long spear and threw it out, the aim was ridiculously crooked, but the general with three-dimensional inner spirit was frightened and rolled several times on the ground.

The funny behavior caused the Guishuang soldiers who had some order to fall into chaos.

At that moment, the soldiers of Guishuang, who were facing the Han army head-on, threw away their weapons and ran to the side desperately. There was nothing else to say, and they collapsed.

"Blessings from the Sunshine!"

Oswin and Kusroy realized their mistake and immediately started to act. Zhang Fei must not be allowed to continue to be so arrogant.

A golden sun rose into the sky, and Oswin's talent began to shine.

The soldiers of Guishuang, who had been engulfed by fear, gradually regained their calm under the light of this light. Although they were still a little afraid of Zhang Fei and You Yunqi, they were able to gather under the command of the general and regroup. Formation, ready to counterattack.

"Oswin, rectify the army in the camp, beware of other Han troops attacking the camp, I will block it first!"

Kusroy said calmly and firmly that Zhang Fei would become a sharpening stone for him to experience the dawn when they were assembled here, but he didn't expect Zhang Fei to come to the door first.

But that's okay, after facing Zhang Fei, Kousroy realized that those Shuguang recruits couldn't face Zhang Fei.

Fang Tian overcomes any weak-willed soldiers, and the unformed dawn is really fragile, and its firm will may collapse because of its fragile quality. When the time comes, it may not be as good as ordinary Guishuang soldiers.

After all, once the extreme is reversed, it will naturally become another extreme.

"Fortunately, this time Oswin and I were the first to take the seats, otherwise the outcome of this battle is unpredictable!" Kusroy's eyes were cold.

Although restraining the unformed dawn, the formed dawn is not afraid of You Yunqi, and even restrains You Yunqi in turn.

On the other side, Zhang Fei rode his horse to meet Kusroy. As Zhang Fei and his subordinate You Yunqi approached, Zhang Fei's aura finally took shape, and he rushed towards Kusroy overwhelmingly. Sroy's Home covers the past.

At that moment, Kusroy's headquarters naturally retreated, and then he stepped forward decisively. Zhang Fei's eyes sank. He had already guessed that the opponent was probably a talent of will.

After all, the fear attached to Zhang Fei's talent is enough to make the living body instinctively fear when facing him. That step back is enough to show that the ability has not been blocked, but after the back, he took a solid new step, which is enough to show that the opponent belief.

Those who can face fear, face fear squarely, and overcome fear will not be weak!
Zhang Fei has a very deep understanding of the Legion of Will, and even Huang Fusong may not be as good as Zhang Fei in this regard.

Because to some extent, Zhang Fei's own legion talent itself is a manifestation of the will attribute, although Zhang Fei basically didn't use this legion talent very much in the early days.

However, no matter what, it is the power he possesses after all, and Zhang Fei has not yet fully understood it. No one can explain such things as will, but no one can deny it.

Moreover, Zhang Fei also has all Guan Yu's perception of will, and he never hides his own brother Guan Yu.

Zhang Fei has gone a long way on the road of understanding will. If he just intimidates the opponent and gains strength from the opponent's fear to strengthen himself, Zhang Fei's Youyun Cavalry Legion is at most a legion that kills miscellaneous soldiers.

But that's not the case, just like Zhang Fei has not broken the boundary so far, but his combat power is still at the top of the world.

The Youyun Cavalry is only the imperial guard army, but it is not inferior to any of the three talents of the military soul.

There is no way, the essence of Zhang Fei's legion talent is to face fear directly, and then maintain his absolutely unshakable belief in fear.

Afterwards, relying on this belief to strengthen one's own strength, in fact, this itself is equivalent to the way of deriving and adapting to the will in advance. Although this way is more ruthless, in any case, Zhang Fei's army came into contact with the will attribute very early .

The current You Yunqi is only one step away from transformation, but Zhang Fei doesn't know what this step is, so he can only stand still and train continuously, but there has been no progress.

"Wang Ping, Zhang Yi, to what extent have you deepened it now?" Zhang Fei said with a smile, looking at Kousroy's personal Wei Lang who was still stepping out in the face of fear.

The opponent is not simple, he can't win in normal form, he must release his fear and make a will check.

"The third floor can definitely be controlled!" Zhang Ni knew what Zhang Fei was planning when he heard Zhang Fei's words, and immediately explained.

"Oh, I'm afraid the opposite side is at the level of the Imperial Guard, and there is also a talent of idealistic will, do you think the third level can suppress it?" Zhang Fei asked ferociously.

"Hahaha, general, why are you so pretentious? Why should I be afraid of death!" Zhang Ni laughed and answered Zhang Fei.

"That's right, General, just let it go, brothers have been waiting for this day!" Wang Ping also shouted.

Zhang Fei nodded, and the bound power of the soldiers under his command was immediately released, and he passed the test to the level of the fifth floor in one go.

The change brought about this time is no longer fear and intimidation, but the soaring momentum of the headquarters, and the derivation of beliefs has made the soldiers' internal energy more and more condensed, which represents that the most core foundation has not changed in all aspects. , suddenly climbed.

"Dawn!" Kusroy rode his horse to the front and looked at Zhang Fei calmly, without fear or awe.

The talent of the legion is blooming, and the will of the Dawn soldiers under its command is shining brightly.

He didn't care that Zhang Fei came straight towards him.

Zhang Fei is very strong, but Zhang Fei's opponent is not him.

He wasn't strong enough, so Rahul naturally equipped him with a powerful demigod as support.

"Master Moggallana, please!" Kusroy bowed slightly. The other party was a truly merciful person. Even Dalits could treat them equally. Such a master deserves his respect.

"Leave it to me!" Moggallana said calmly.

He also changed his mind now, Brahma is dead, what else is irreversible, so he joined Guishuang with countless living gods and Buddhas.

No, it should be said that they have returned to Guishuang, because they are from Guishuang themselves.

There are even many gods and Buddhas who are members of Da Yuezhi. With the help of his national teacher, these gods and Buddhas all stayed in their proper positions.

"Both spirit and body break the boundary?" Zhang Fei looked incredulously at the Zhang Ba snake spear and muscular sword blocking him.

At this moment, Zhang Fei's complexion was very ugly. If Mu Jianlian could block his attack, he would be a little surprised at most, and he didn't have a clear understanding.

But when the other party made a move, Zhang Fei was sure that the other party really broke the boundary with both spirit and body, an incredible existence!
This is the first time that Zhang Fei has seen a true double-breakthrough. Everyone seems to be going further and further on one road, and even he is making progress in three ways.

But I didn't expect that someone would go directly to the two ways of spirit and body, and they got through.

The spirit and body both break the boundary, even if it lacks the inner energy that connects in the middle, this level of strength is still enough to be called terrifying. As far as Zhang Fei knows, this is the only one in the world!
Specialize in one path, advance in two paths, and advance in three paths. Where are the limits of these paths, which path has more advantages and can go further.

Zhang Fei didn't know all of this, but Zhang Fei knew very well that the opponent was a strong enemy.

"Death to me!"

At this time, Zhang Fei couldn't care less about whether the enemy was strong or not. If he was held back by Mu Jianlian, whether he could withdraw today would be a matter of choice.

While Oswin was still rectifying the camp, whether it was fighting or withdrawing, he had to take the lead, and he must not be blocked by Moggallana.

"Shoot the arrows!" Kusroy ordered coldly, and then three sparse waves of arrows shot towards You Yunqi. The angles of the three waves of arrows were all different. Except for the first wave, the remaining two All are very tricky.

Unlike other legions who pay attention to coverage shooting, Kousroy pays attention to precise shooting in a team of three.

Although arrows are no longer very valuable materials for Suguang, from a certain point of view, they may no longer be able to continue to obtain supplements of related materials at any time.

Coupled with some unchangeable limitations brought about by his birth, Kousroy should cherish materials.

Under the moonlight, both sides can see the face of the opposite side, You Yunqi's ferocity and arrogance, Kousroy's coldness and iron blood, the temperament of the two sides is completely opposite.

But the same thing is the unchanging bright will in the eyes of both sides, and both sides have the consciousness to block their lives.

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