Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 970 Dawn's Fatal Flaw

You Yunqi charged forward, and Kushroy's Dawn Headquarters was almost instantly concaved by the impact. However, facing this terrifying scene, neither Kushroy nor his soldiers felt the slightest bit. shake.

You Yunqi is indeed powerful, but they have ideals and beliefs in Suguang, and their will is absolutely brilliant.

"Dawn! Bloom!"

Kusroy murmured to further stimulate the legion's talent, covering all the dawns.

The talent of Dawn in full bloom allows all soldiers to capture a little bit of possibility as much as possible, and then rely on this possibility to fight back.

The brilliance of will directly shines on the weapons of You Yunqi and Kusroy's headquarters. Both sides have the ability to offset the other's blessing, and the rest is a contest of their own combat effectiveness and quality. This aspect prevailed.

Although Shuguang's will is brilliant, but the congenital incompleteness is a problem that Shuguang cannot avoid.

Although You Yunqi has the upper hand, but this advantage is difficult to maintain.

The core of You Yunqi is Zhang Fei, but Zhang Fei can't break through the opponent's obstacles at all, and needs to divide his strength to deal with the tricky double-breaking boundary.

On the other side, Koursroy does not have such concerns, he only needs to consider how to turn Suguang into victory.

The scary thing about Dawn's talent is not the strength increase of will transformation, but the power of hope that transforms possibility into reality.

Dawn is the miracle that catches all hope.

Now the Kousroy Headquarters, which was suppressed by You Yunqi relying on its quality and combat effectiveness, gritted its teeth and insisted, trying its best to show its own beliefs, so as to fight against You Yunqi.

"Go away!" Zhang Fei shouted loudly, the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand almost became a circle at this time, and blasted towards Mu Jianlian with the force of the explosion.

Zhang Fei's almost exaggerated attack speed made Mu Jianlian somewhat unexpected. Before the violent force approached, Mu Jianlian had already felt the terrifying threat.

But Moggallana didn't dodge, he went up with a wheel stick in his hand.


Zhang Fei's face was flushed, and Moggallana's attack caused the air to explode under the cloud.

Breaking the boundary with both spirit and body is really shameless. In the past, Zhang Fei's unstoppable violent outburst was not only blocked, but Mu Jianlian even fought back.

Regrouping, Zhang Fei drove the Wuzhui, and the Zhangba Snake Spear turned into a black dragon and stabbed directly at Mu Jianlian.

Mu Jianlian smiled slightly, Zhang Fei's attack was so fast and ruthless that the naked eye could hardly catch it, but he saw it through Tianyantong.

With a slight dodge, the black dragon fell directly.

Seeing this, Zhang Fei got closer to Moggallana, took a deep breath, his muscles swelled up all over his body, and his chest almost bulged.


Zhang Fei's roar with strong momentum and will blasted towards Mu Jianlian, and his voice hit Mu Jianlian, but he couldn't be shaken for a moment, as if he was not affected at all.

Zhang Fei was depressed, the strongest three axes under the cloud, he had already finished his turn.

Now there is definitely no possibility of a quick solution, if it continues like this, it may be bad.

"Benefactor, how dare you be distracted!" Moggallana smiled lightly and smashed the stick in his hand on Zhang Fei.

"Bah~" Zhang Fei spit out a mouthful of blood. Mu Jianlian is a good opponent, but he doesn't have so much time to entangle with Mu Jianlian now.

On the battlefield, the victory or defeat of the legion is the key point.

"Three generals, let's go fight and leave the command to me!" Pang Tong activated the serial secret method, leaving such a sentence in Zhang Fei's mind.

"Completely liberate You Yunqi, and leave the rest to me!"

Zhang Fei grinned grimly. He believed in Pang Tong, and believed that Pang Tong would not mess around at such a time.

If someone has a clue, then he has to make a good comparison with this Moggallana, and he wants to see what the quality of Moggallana's double-breaking boundary is.

Back in the Himalayas, he had never fought against Moggallana, so he was very interested in this No. [-] Guishuang master who emerged.

"Give it to me!" Zhang Fei roared, deepening his own talent and lifting more constraints!
If the third floor can be used as normal, then the fourth floor can be used casually, the fifth floor can last for a long time, and the sixth floor can last for a quarter of an hour without being backlashed, then the seventh floor can basically be regarded as a countdown.

But at this moment Zhang Fei lifted all the restraints and reached the ninth floor in one go.

Accompanied by Zhang Fei's roar, mist like black smoke flew out from all the soldiers, and their bodies almost changed from flesh and blood to steel, with a touch of metal appearing on the exposed muscles and skin. brilliant.

"Hold me!!" Pang Tong gritted his teeth and deepened his talent!
As the inheritor of the great secret art of Lianhuan, he has developed Lianhuan to the level of a spiritual talent.

"Although I don't want to admit it, Zhuge Kongming is indeed better than me!" Pang Tong was depressed, but he still sighed and chose to use Zhuge Liang's eight formations.

But it's not just copying. Like Sima Yi, he also has his own understanding of gossip.

"The universe is prehistoric, the heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow!"

"Time loop, end to end!"

Pang Tong injected his understanding of time into the Eight Arrays, and the chain of time began to build. Pang Tong shifted the pressure faced by You Yunqi towards the future and the past.

It was also at this moment that Pang Tong seemed to understand why You Yunqi could not persist for a long time during training, because they were not only bearing the current pressure, but even the future pressure.

Even in the future, the more times you use the big secret technique, the less shackles you can release from the normalization of You Yunqi.

But at least at this moment, You Yunqi possesses terrifying combat effectiveness.


Seeing this strange change of You Yunqi, Kousroy made a judgment in an instant, hard blocking is absolutely impossible, because the innate quality is [-]% behind, if the opponent improves their strength again, it is very likely to cause serious damage to them. crushed.

According to Kusroy's plan, this level of quality is only available when attacking the three talents. Although the will attribute of the talent of Shuguang is terrible, it makes up for the lack of part of the quality, but it is enough to attack the three talents. , is already a very big problem!
[If it can be maintained for a long time, it will be used at the beginning. Since it is a bottom card, it means that there are no cards available, maybe...]

Kusroy looked at You Yunqi who was approaching with a roar, and made a judgment in a very short time.

[Probably there are some other reasons in it. 】

Kusroy mobilized the soldiers of the legion to let the Han army pass quickly by actively making way for a gap.

After all, it is not a one-on-one battle with the legion. This is Guishuang's camp. It is meaningless to fight You Yunqi to death. It is the best policy to wait for Oswin to come to encircle him.

But when he was about to step aside, Kousroy thought of another possibility.

[Is there another conductor?Right in the cloud ride? 】

However, at the same time as this judgment was raised, Kousroy still instinctively opened a gap, a gap distributed along the vertical line of the sword and shield soldiers. crash.

After all, the generals who dare to let the cavalry pass through the legion on their own initiative are all generals who have a very high ability to manipulate the legion under their command, but no matter how high the general is, there will be a danger in doing so, that is, the chance of being caught by the opponent to penetrate the front line Then destroy the entire legion.

But this is not a problem for Suguang. Suguang's own tactical quality is very poor. Even if the battle line collapses, for them, it is just a change from teamwork to personal bravery.

On the contrary, as long as You Yunqi kills, then from this point of view, the opponent will be deeply trapped in the camp, and he and Oswin can join forces to encircle the opponent.

"Cowardless, delusional!"

"Attack left and right!"

The moment he entered Kushroy's headquarters, Pang Tong made an extremely correct judgment with a sneer. Kushroy saw through the current nature of You Yunqi and was about to consume the highest combat power he had erupted at the moment.

However, it is so easy in reality, even if Shuguang just scatter to get out of the way, Pang Tong will not choose to take that simple path so easily.

Who knows how long the power of the nine-level liberation can be used. This kind of countdown countdown method, if it is consumed just for the sake of hundreds of people, then even if it has a relatively good battle loss ratio, it cannot be regarded as a victory!
What's more, he saw Kousroy's plan at a glance.

Therefore, after entering the passage that Kousroy let go, You Yunqi, under Pang Tong's order, naturally spread left and right like branches splitting.

Like countless small branches bursting out of a tree branch, You Yunqi extended towards the left and right sides of Kousroy's headquarters. This kind of violent bursting method relies on its own strong combat power, as long as it penetrates the internal defense line , you can bring a tree to bloom in Kushroy's headquarters!
The contact area between the two sides climbed to a horrifying level in an extreme time. With the sword and shield hands in the passage being overturned one by one, the passage that was originally arranged in place was shattered in an instant. At this moment, You Yunqi is like an unfolded fishbone, quickly extending inward from the main trunk.

Kusroy's complexion was extremely ugly. Having miscalculated the combat power of You Yunqi, he never imagined that the Han army could crush the sword and shield hand that he used to form the passage when passing through the passage.

You must know that You Yunqi itself extends vertically, and rushing to the left and right is actually not in line with the overall direction of force. In theory, it is the most normal situation to rush past without much loss. Contrary to Koursroy's expectations.

But Kusroy took a deep breath, quickly gave up his delusions, and issued the harshest order.

"Shrink the front."


Kusroy commanded earnestly, and the soldiers under his command also tried their best to shrink and squeeze the Han army inward, but even so, it could not change the fact that the whole body fell into a passive state.
The way Kousroy's sword and shield fighters dealt with the Nether Cloud Cavalry was indeed very bold, and the fact that they were dispersed did not shake their will to fight, but this method also meant that they had lost their respect for other comrades in arms. Protect.

A brave counterattack can indeed kill the enemy, but if you can't see the overall situation clearly, you can only cause greater losses to yourself.

For a while, the war was dragged into the level of a flesh and blood grinder by Kusroy. It is true that the loss of Kusroy's headquarters suddenly rose, but the loss of You Yunqi also increased significantly.

The tactic of blooming on the tree was successful, but in the face of this purely counter-attack method, You Yunqi did not have the opportunity to cut off Kousroy's headquarters in a low-loss confluence.

[The opponent relies on external force to complete it. If it really penetrates the body from the inside out to show the luster of metal like You Yunqi, then with the opponent's will, it is absolutely impossible for You Yunqi to suppress it. 】

Pang Tong glanced at You Yunqi's shining metallic torso, and then at the metallic radiance emanating from Kousroy's main body, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Suguang borrowed external force, so is it possible to break the balance inside and outside of Suguang?

As soon as he thought of it, Pang Tong set out to hand over the chain to Shuguang and ordinary Guishuang soldiers.

On the battlefield, it is very difficult to weaken the opponent, but there are countless ways to strengthen the opponent.

After Pang Tong lifted the suppression of his own ordinary cloud gas, Guishuang's cloud gas quickly applied a series of secret techniques according to Pang Tong's thinking.

Pang Tong was not wrong. Shuguang's internal and external balance was maintained entirely by will. When Pang Tong connected the ordinary soldiers of Guishuang with Shuguang's will, the balance was broken.

"This...this is..." Kousroy's face was ugly.

He finally discovered Dawn's biggest flaw, an almost fatal flaw.

Dawn starts at the end of the day, and he, Kusroy, also started at the end of the day. He has always pursued the idea of ​​starting from scratch and gaining the chance to turn around.

Because most of them are Dalits, untouchable people, they want to stand up, and they also want to be admired by thousands of people like the Brahmin Kshatriya.

And in all of this, what they encountered was suppression, they only relied on themselves, and they could only rely on themselves.

But the moment Pang Tong strengthened the Shuguang and Guishuang soldiers, Kousroy discovered this problem that he had never discovered before.

Dawn was injected with external energy blessings, which was unique in Dawn's experience, and the balance in their bodies was instantly broken.

At the moment of chaos in his body, Zhang Fei's fear aura began to take effect.

The fear in the Guishuang soldiers flowed to the dawn, like an infection, and the spring breeze of fear quickly awakened their painful memories.

There were problems with will and quality almost at the same time, and Suguang had a major problem.

At this time, Kusroy can no longer care about the encirclement and suppression behind, and can only shrink the front line desperately. If it is really crushed by You Yunqi with the current posture, then the losses caused will be longer than before. The loss is much more.

At that time, there may even be a sunrider who may lead to collapse Oswin, and it must not continue like this.

Kusroy desperately shrank the front line, and Pang Tong knew that this was already the best situation.

"Three generals, it's time for us to retreat, lure them out of the camp!"

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