Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 985 Confrontation between Parthia and Rome

Chapter 985 Confrontation between Parthia and Rome

But those who do not plan for everything are not enough to plan for a while. Chen Xi also needs to think about the future. If the economic scale of ordinary people is not raised, it will be quite easy for the major families to steal the results in the future. Whoever makes capitalism is similar, and the proletariat There are various classes.

The more people there are, the more difficult it is to manage, and the more complicated their thoughts are. Compared with the relatively clear goal of the aristocratic family, the thoughts of ordinary people can even be divided into dozens or even hundreds of factions. Once the form of the big family is corrected, it can only rely on the sky to maintain balance.

Just like now, Chen Xi tried his best to hang the bridles of the major families, feed them various things, and restrain them. Perhaps in the future, they will break free from these restraints sooner or later, but with such a long buffer, the common people It is time to awaken the wisdom of the people.

Compared with political and military constraints, Chen Xi still prefers economic constraints. After all, such constraints are more stable and harder to find, and it is also less likely for the aristocratic family to have bad ideas.

After all, political and military restrictions are enforced, and if one is not careful, the other party may develop a rebellious mentality, and then give birth to the idea of ​​​​confrontation.

However, politics and military are indispensable. Only a strong military and strong political skills can finally kick all these aristocratic families out of the Central Plains.

With this in mind, Chen Xi and Guo Hao joined forces to set up a bureau, trapping all the people in the government affairs hall.

It's not that everyone can't think of this possibility, but that everyone subconsciously forces themselves not to think about it. Knowing some things will make you feel worse. It's better to be confused and happy.

But I never thought that after the wind was released, Chen Xi would have an unexpected harvest.

"Why did you ask me here today?" Guo Hao was a little surprised, it was rare for Chen Xi to take the initiative to find him.

"Look at this!" Chen Xi handed the things in his hands to Guo Hao with some headaches, "I have to say that Xu Ziyuan is really powerful."

Xu You was sent to mine a few years ago. Just like a personal meat detector, as long as his wisdom rises sharply, he can immediately judge how much minerals there are according to the evaluation system he designed.

After hearing about the possibility of Yuan Shao being activated, Xu You directly revealed his trump card, intending to forcibly protect Yuan Shao.

What Chen Xi had to admit was that Xu You's hole card was very valuable.

"What do you mean?" Guo Hao hesitated a little, the value of this thing is indeed a bit high.

"Don't you think Xu You's plans relying on water veins, terrain, and celestial phenomena are a bit like the mythical Hetu Luoshu?"

"I see! This is really a headache!" Guo Hao rubbed his head.

Originally, he and Chen Xi sat firmly on the Diaoyutai and watched the situation change, but they picked nothing afterwards.

But Xu You's design draft of Hetu Luoshu directly dragged them into the water. From whether Yuan Shao died or not, it was beneficial to Yuan Shao to live, so that the benefits can be maximized.

Xu You's meaning is very obvious, don't care whether you activate Yuan Shao or not, for Hetu Luoshu's sake, you must protect Yuan Shao.

"What should I do?" Chen Xi asked helplessly.

"Cold salad!" Guo Hao said angrily, "Bao! What else can I do!"

The importance of Jiuding and Xuanyuan Sword to an empire is almost obvious, and this kind of spectacle is a real deal for the improvement of the empire's strength.

Even though Hetu Luoshu is not as good as the first two, since it involves mountains, rivers, rivers and cities, the value of this thing will definitely not be lower than Jiuding, and it will even be better than Jiuding in some aspects.

Although I don't know where Xu You dug this thing out from that corner, but this thing must have been planted by Fu Xi.

For the human race, it is absolutely beneficial and harmless.

"Are you sure it's done?" Guo Hao asked according to the design drawing.

"Can this thing be directly solidified into a cloud formation, replace the core with the will of the Han Empire, and then divide it into state level, county level, and city level?" Chen Xi said slowly, he had a vague feeling that he should be able to did it.

"I might really be able to do it, and if I complete the anchoring of the projection position, and construct such an army array in the way of solidifying the army array with clouds, assuming that I can burn warmth on the city with the method of secret magic..." Chen Xi's eyes A touch of shine has emerged.

Although Xu You gave an incomplete design, he still found out a feasible path.

"It should be possible! But I'm not sure how far the final effect can be achieved!" Chen Xi exhaled slowly and said.

"Then protect Yuan Shao, I'll arrange it!" Guo Hao sighed, this is how technology changes destiny.

Yuan Shao's fate completely changed under this blueprint.

"Since you want to keep it, why don't you just grab the big one!" Chen Xi pondered for a moment, then said with a sneer.

It feels a bit uncomfortable to be blackmailed by Xu You. Since I am unhappy, then everyone should not be happy.

"You mean..." Guo Hao hesitated.

"Come to the big one, so that they can't care about Yuan Shao's life!" Chen Xi said with a sneer.

Can Yuan Shao shake the current Han Empire?Not at all.

Even if Yuan Shao returned to ten years ago, his influence would be for nothing, the aristocratic family has already been tied to the chariot by him, and the key is still in his hand.

When to kick it down, it all depends on his plan, and the mere aristocratic family has no ability to resist at all.

"You mean, the two of us are fighting in the ring?" Guo Hao raised his eyebrows. It has to be said that Chen Xi's idea is very interesting.

"No, you can't step down, let the eldest princess come!" Chen Xi sneered, and the nature of Guo Hao's end changed. As the three cornerstones of the current Han Empire, Guo Hao is the least problematic among them.

"You protect Yuan Shao, and the eldest princess kills Yuan Shao?" Guo Hao pondered for a while, "Liu Ying can do a fake show! Anyway, he is also his father!"

"You don't want to make me emperor, do you?" Guo Hao looked at Chen Xi suspiciously.

Chen Xi and Liu Ying will fight each other, and he will definitely be the one who comes out to clean up the situation. Under such circumstances, his prestige may break through the limit, and there will be a lot of people who will presumably want to do the work of the dragon.

At that time, Dong Bai will be drawn into this vortex.

"Are you that piece of material?" Chen Xi squinted at Guo Hao. When the emperor, you are the only one?

"That's right!" Guo Hao's mouth twitched, "But are you sure you want to do this?"

"Well, we must let everyone understand that not everyone can blackmail us!" Chen Xi's eyes flashed coldly.

God cannot be hurt, the original worship will become greed.

In the same way, Chen Xi, Guo Hao, and the eldest princess must not be coerced. Once this opening is made, it will turn into a disaster.

Even if it is not a current disaster, it is also a future disaster. This kind of thing must be blocked directly from the root.

Others must see the consequences of doing so.

Just like a child who knows the danger of fire only when he is burned, words are useless, and everyone must know the price of doing so.

"It's just that many people will die!" Chen Xi sighed, this is the tragedy of being in a high position, every word and deed will have an incalculable impact on other people.

"There is no bloodshed, and some conflicts have always existed, but they have not yet erupted. The sooner they detonate, the better they will be solved!" Guo Hao also sighed.

The rise of the Han Empire was too fast, and the rapid development covered up many problems.

During the ascent, these problems will accumulate because there will be many solutions to these problems.

But once the Han Empire stabilized, or began to decline, these problems would burst out intensively.

This is the case with the death of Qin II, it is better to block it than to avoid it, so he simply raised this contradiction and minimized the harm.

But there is no rush for this thing, Parthia hasn't been defeated yet, Yuan Shao's matter has not been written off yet.


Just when the undercurrent was raging in Luoyang, the long-awaited Rome and Parthia films of the Han Dynasty finally opened.

It is no longer the same as the previous small fights, but the real opening of the film.

However, the fight has not yet been fully started, and Parthia, who has been overtaking in a corner and has been crazily transfused by the Han Dynasty, is now very strong. This is the conclusion that Rome has drawn for all to see.

Although this time, the Church of Rome directly gathered all the family assets, and even pulled down four archangels in the follow-up, the problem still lies in front of Rome, that is, Parthia is not weak.

Unlike the Sabbath that once absorbed all the essence and formed a natural restraint, Parthia is no longer restrained by Rome, and even shows signs of restraining Rome to some extent.

Cavalry versus infantry, no matter what era it is, always has the advantage of cavalry.

But the church has no possibility of retreating. They have blocked everything this time, at least they will push the front line under Ctesiphon again.

The war between Rome and Parthia has not become so frenzied, but the temperature of the war has gradually increased, and both Rome and Parthia have felt the strong atmosphere of war.

The Roman nobles are still watching the fun. Although Rome dispatched a lot of people, in the final analysis, the barbarians are the main ones.

It doesn’t matter if the church fights well, but if the church fights badly, then the shit bowl of barbarians killed in large numbers will be directly placed on top of the church, and the Roman nobles will be perfectly picked out, while maintaining the purity of the Roman Empire.

Ardashir and Temujin were stationed in the Zagros Mountains.

It has to be said that Ardashir is indeed worthy of the glory of the third century. Like Temujin, he did not choose to stick to it completely, but gave full play to the mobility of the rangers.

They locked the battle line directly in the eastern provinces, relying on the mobility of coming and going like the wind, they perfectly delayed the footsteps of the Eastern Expeditionary Army.

The church has to choose to move forward step by step, and this speed of progress is undoubtedly suffocatingly slow.

However, the church also has its own plans. Since they can't afford to lose, they can simply gather their momentum steadily and steadily, walk to the vicinity of the mountains step by step, and then rely on the momentum of this road to go straight through the mountain range in one breath.

Temujin and Ardashir were not fools either. After they noticed the church's plan, they began to harass the Roman army from various angles.

Relying on the rangers and heavy cavalry known for their maneuverability and lethality, as well as their own grasp of fighter opportunities, they harassed Rome's rear while firmly holding the line of defense.

Although guarding against the mountain, even Severus and Penelance have no good solution for a while.

Just like the northern part of Guishuang, everything is imaginary, and only the confrontation of real hard power is real.

But in the face of hard power, when the level is not much different, the defensive side will always have the upper hand.

But if it gets to that point, it will be extremely unfavorable for Partia, because the mountains are already the last line of defense to a large extent.

Once defeated, there is no room for buffer.

On the contrary, if the battlefield is actively placed in the eastern province, even if the battle is defeated, it can still be corrected by relying on geographical advantages, which greatly increases the fault tolerance rate.

So Ardashir pushed forward without any hesitation. Anyway, relying on two top cavalry to come and go like the wind, Parthia did delay the progress of the war.

This buffer is very valuable, and Parthia is frantically realizing all the potential that can be realized.

Vogelgis V thought very simply. If he loses the war, all of this will belong to Rome, so instead of cheapening Rome, it is better to directly realize these things to increase its strength.

Anyway, a lot of things are what they plundered from the eastern provinces of Rome, so they don't need them for nothing.

Limited by the situation, they can only do business with the Han Dynasty and Great Britain, but for the three parties, it is excellent.

Although there is some meaning in it, it is undeniable that it has indeed enhanced the strength of Parthia.

This is also the pursuit of the Han Dynasty. They frantically gave Parthia blood transfusions, one for the purpose of giving Parthia the illusion that they could win, and thus slammed against Rome.

On the other hand, it was also to force Rome to use its capital. Among other things, none of the legions Hua Xiong saw in Africa showed up. It can be seen that Rome's purpose is to consume the barbarians.

Although this is also consuming Parthia's national strength, the Han Dynasty did not want to wait for a moment, and directly intensified the conflict.

Intensifying conflicts is not to sow discord, but the simplest way to strengthen Parthia.

This is a problem that Rome can't sit idly by. Once Parthia is too strong, the two-front battle will be at stake and become the Roman Empire.

When too many Roman citizens die, whether Rome believes in Rome or the barbarians is unknown.

This wave of the church is definitely not over, they need Rome to use the most powerful front.

Rome attracted all the troops of Parthia, and the Han Dynasty completed the ultimate backstab, directly sinking Parthia.

Only in this way can Rome be qualified to divide Parthia with the Han Dynasty.

If Rome rejects Great Britain from the north and expeditions to Parthia, if it does not use all its troops, then its strength will not be enough at all.

For things like expeditions, there are too many factors to overturn.

If Rome hadn't allowed the Han Dynasty to rush to the front of the pressure, then even if Parthia was destroyed, the Han Dynasty would never fulfill the so-called dichotomy.

The Han Dynasty will directly take over the land of Parthia after the destruction of Parthia.

There is no place for the weak on the table of the strong.

(Han Luo blitzed Parthia?)
(End of this chapter)

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