Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 986 The 7th Eagle Army

The war is coming faster than anyone imagined, no one can master the war, the war will always fan the wings of butterflies in the inconspicuous corners, and make the whole world crazy about it.

"What did you say?" Fars Sassan was furious, and he mobilized the Janissary, the Parthian Rangers, to harass Rome's logistical supply lines.

It was an important part of his blockade of Rome's advance speed, but this Praetorian Guard was completely wiped out by the Seventh Eagle Banner Corps.

There was a loophole in the originally seamless plundering route, and the speed of Rome's advance suddenly accelerated dozens of times.

The all-out war that was originally expected to start a year later broke out now.

Rome will not give up this opportunity to push the front across the two rivers in one go.

Once pushed to the vicinity of the mountains by Rome, the performance of the cavalry can be restricted to the greatest extent, and then they will return to Rome's home court again.

Although both of them can be regarded as learning from others' strong points, Rome is mainly heavy infantry after all, while Parthia is mainly light cavalry.

Head-to-head is absolutely beneficial to Rome.

"What happened?" Fars Sassan couldn't accept.

As an old opponent for many years, the situation of the Roman eagle flag, they Parthia spent a lot of effort to find out, and spent countless funds on it every year.

As for the Seventh Eagle Banner Corps, even though they ranked high in the exam, they were harvested once by Huo Qubing and the Habayashi Army. Even the regiment commander died in battle. The flags are broken.

The second time, he was beaten and maimed by Ardashir with the Holy Meteor Cavalry. It can be said that the current Seventh Eagle Banner is completely a new Eagle Banner, and basically lost all the money he had saved before.

It is basically on the same starting line as the Eagle Banner Corps created by the three churches No.17, No.18, and No.19. Whether they have the strength of the Imperial Guard is another matter.

There is absolutely no possibility of directly killing or even completely annihilating the guard rangers.

The gain or loss of a legion affected the entire occupation. Even though Fars Sassan had other preparations, he couldn't help but cast a shadow in his heart.

Uncontrollable factors in war usually bring about uncontrollable results.

Unlike the distressed Fars Sassan, Pope St. Peter III, the supreme leader of the church this time, was overjoyed.

"Augustus Graze, you are indeed a descendant of His Majesty Augustus, and you are also worthy of being the commander of the legion appointed by His Majesty the God Sovereign. Your strength is worthy of praise!" St. Peter III did not hesitate to praise.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Pope!" Graze was very calm, and he didn't get carried away by destroying the rangers of the Praetorian Guard in the slightest.

St. Peter III was very lucky. First, Alexander II abdicated to sacrifice himself to his faith, and then Frederick participated in the competition for the Roman emperor and was struck out.

He easily picked up the position of the pope, and by the way, he also picked up a master strategist - Cyprian.

Of course, St. Peter III had no idea how much power Cyprian had played behind his ascension. After all, Cyprian was the giant who established the framework of Catholicism and Orthodoxy for more than 2000 years.

He belongs to the same grade as the unknown Guishuang giant who developed the caste system. To some extent, he has achieved great achievements passed down, and he is not inferior to those outstanding monarchs in the field of religion.

As for the reason for choosing St. Peter III, it is because St. Peter III is so silly and sweet.

Completely different from the desire for power of a series of cardinals such as Frederick, St. Peter III was a pure believer. St. Peter III only cared about two things, whether he could spread the Lord's gospel and whether he could expand the Lord's faith.

Beyond that, St. Peter is completely indifferent to means, and neither to manner.

In the words of St. Peter, the Lord is all-knowing and omnipotent, and the Lord does not care about these teachings. As long as you have the Lord in your heart, then the teachings are valid.

Under his leadership, church doctrine has completely lost its original appearance, and it is undeniable that the church began to grow in Rome.

At the beginning, Cyprian approached St. Peter III with the interest of arguing, but the other party didn't argue with him at all. Instead, he thought that what he said was very reasonable.

Hiring Cyprian directly with the position of the cardinal, Cyprian found it interesting and joined in.

As a result, it has now become an existence that is under one person and above ten thousand people.

It can even be said that the church is completely owned by Cyprian. On that day, St. Peter III died suddenly, and Cyprian took over directly.

Then, Rome found the kingdom of heaven. After St. Peter III entered, he really brought out a large number of angel warriors and seven archangels from the kingdom of heaven.

The miracle aroused great repercussions among the Roman barbarians. Originally, the upper echelons of Rome wanted to imitate Nero and have a massacre to stabilize the regime.

As a result, Cyprian directly operated and was willing to take over the important task of conquering Parthia. It was a good idea for Severus and Penirance to combine.

It can also consume the number of barbarians and the prestige of the church. Later, when the church fails, it can continue to demonstrate the strength of the Roman heroes, with no harm at all.

So St. Peter III came with a large army, but Cyprian was not very optimistic about it. He knew how much the church was worth. It would be no problem to fight the Sabbath, but it would be too risky to fight Parthia. .

Even if there are a few Roman eagle flags to help out, it is useless. After all, the influence of several legions on the war is limited, so he fought steadily and rebuilt the eastern provinces along the way relying on the authority brought by the army.

Although it is not prosperous, at least it is starting to pick up.

It has to be said that the Roman eagle flag is indeed the condensation of the Roman national destiny and hard work, and each shot has a special ability.

As the eagle flag entrusted to Augustus, the seventh eagle flag has power that is not common, and eternal glory is just one of its application methods.

The Seventh Eagle Banner was so miserable that Augustus couldn't stand it, so he personally used the fragments of Brahma's body to reactivate the Eagle Banner of the Seventh Eagle Banner, and found Graze, who resonated perfectly with the Eagle Banner.

Living up to Augustus' hard work, Graze seemed to be the natural commander of the Seventh Eagle Banner. In just a few years, he immediately grew into a qualified Eagle Banner commander.

Glory is eternal, this is the ultimate effect of the Seventh Eagle Banner Legion. As long as this legion activates the final effect of the Eagle Banner, they will not retreat. Let alone the peak that they have reached personally, they will turn into glory Pinned on oneself.

The most brutal and powerful moments of the past will always be entrusted to them, and as long as they don't leave this legion, they will always remain.

That is to say, even the peak that was once reached by relying on explosion, as long as it has been reached, it will be reached forever in the future. This is the so-called eternal glory.

As for the side effects of eternal glory, one is to indulge in the glory of the past, without any progress, you will eventually be overwhelmed by glory; that is, although eternal glory is said to be once and for all, as long as you are addicted to it and don't want to change Strong, beyond the past, one day will not be able to bear the glory.

To be honest, this negative effect is nothing more than a negative effect. After all, if you are overwhelmed, you will be overwhelmed. The big deal is just to change people. What's more, it is not a short-term thing to overwhelm a soldier. On the contrary, it has this ultimate effect. Time will be very simple.

To some extent, it is almost catching up with the military soul, except that the upper limit is a little lower, but the lower limit is ridiculously high.

Eternal Glory itself is the way Augustus tried to change time, but he failed. In the end, he had to come up with Eternal Glory, but the essence of Eternal Glory is to freeze time and freeze power at the peak moment.

But there is an upper limit, like the power of the Miracle Legion, it can't be fixed at all, so after Huo Qubing studied it twice, he only felt that the eagle flag was a waste.

After all, for Huo Qubing, all miracles are rubbish.

And Augustus used the corpse of Brahma to reshape it. The ability of the Seventh Eagle Banner became a new thing. The light of glory illuminates the power that has been witnessed from the torrent of history, and then absorbs and accommodates it, and The Emperor's Guard has similar capabilities.

Augustus, as a god, worked hard to make something, and there is nothing wrong with saying that it is the Emperor's Guard Corps.

However, Augustus took a shortcut and directly solidified the object of reflection, that is, the Habayashi Army.

Although it was only one side, the Habayashi Army left an indelible impression on Augustus. In his memory, Rome did not seem to have such a powerful legion.

No, or rather, the truly powerful one is that general.

Therefore, Augustus directly fixed the object of the seventh eagle flag as the Habayashi Army.

Although the upper limit of the future is the Habayashi Army, it is impossible to even be stronger than the Habayashi Army, but how many legions can compete with the Habayashi Army?
After Augustus returned to Rome, he saw the first assistant, the second Trajan, the tenth knight, the emperor's guard...all the legions are currently unable to compete with the Habayashi army.

Augustus naturally lowered the goal of the Seventh Eagle Banner, and directly defined the goal as becoming the second in the world.

Someone always wants to be number two, so why can't that person be number seven.

Therefore, although the Seventh Eagle Banner has just been established, its strength is no less than that of any old guard, and it is even enough to wrestle with the three talents of the military soul.

While the Praetorian Rangers ran into the Seventh Eagle Flag while avoiding the second Trajan, the two sides fought, and then the Praetorian Rangers were shot on the beach by the first sight.

To put it simply, apart from a few Legion of Will, the odds of winning against the Seventh Eagle Banner for other non-top legions are less than [-]%.

The Seventh Eagle Banner took [-]% of the battle damage and completely wiped out the Rangers of the Imperial Guard.

Even St. Peter III and others knew the news. When they summoned the Seventh Eagle Banner, they felt a kind of tragedy when they saw the returning Seventh Eagle Banner Corps. Feel the pressure.

Unlike other legions that will fall back after the peak moment has passed, the strongest moment that the Seventh Eagle Banner Legion has seen is forever afterward.

The glory never disappeared, it just turned into a part of the reflection, and all the soldiers of the Seventh Eagle Banner could see the end point, so no matter how long the journey was, they all had the determination to go on.

So when Gretz was covered in blood and led the 100th Battalion of the Seventh Eagle Banner Legion, carrying the glowing golden Seventh Eagle Emblem, to meet the Second Trajan's Legion led by Camillo.

When Camillo involuntarily showed a look of guard, everyone understood that this was the well-deserved commander of the Seventh Eagle Banner Army in Rome.

It's not the oil bottle or the gilded prince that Augustus stuffed in through the back door, but the real leader of the powerful Roman legion.

I didn't understand why the head of the Seventh Eagle Banner Legion could be changed at will. Although this Eagle Banner Legion is relatively weak, it is still the first-line main battle army, and the original head of the army is not particularly weak. As a result, after Gretz came over, everyone understood.

The Seventh Eagle Banner Legion led by Graze and the Seventh Legion in everyone's impression are completely different things.

The sharp-eyed ones even found that even the eagle emblem was a bit different, and other aspects were completely different. You could feel the cold pressure from a long distance, no wonder the regiment commander was changed.

This guy is so young, so fierce, this is the rhythm of going to heaven, the future is boundless!

Moreover, there is Augustus standing behind him. If he has made more great achievements, he may also have the opportunity to fight for the succession of the Roman emperor.

Therefore, St. Peter III also personally received the indifferent Gretz for this reason. After all, a new and powerful Seventh Legion Commander is worthy of his personal preaching.

This kind of thing is very taboo, but because St. Peter III even caught Severus to preach, and almost the Senate was harassed by St. Peter III, so in the eyes of everyone, this is not a big deal.

However, it was obvious that Graz was not very willing to believe in religion, and he forced St. Peter III's Amway with a cold face.

St. Peter was very sorry, but he didn't say anything more. There were many people who rejected him, and there was no shortage of Gretz.

Moreover, St. Peter III had a new understanding of Gretz's indifference, and he was born with such a personality, but being rigorous and indifferent is also an excellent quality that a soldier should have.

Needless to say, on the contrary, it has proved that Gretz is an excellent talent from all aspects.

Originally, I was still a little bit of a headache. There were so many outstanding Parthians, such as Temujin, Jamuka, and Jinwushu, which highlighted that Rome was a bit outdated.

But now Gretz has proved with his actual battle results that all heroes in Parthia are fake. The commander of the Ranger Legion was also rumored to be a villain before, but he was not directly beheaded by Graze.

For a while, Rome spread the news everywhere, just to deliberately disgust Parthia.

As a church, no one knows propaganda and public opinion better than them. Cyprian directly chose to use power to bully people. What he bullied was that the Parthian Empire had been suppressed and beaten for more than a hundred years, and he had a deep fear of Rome.

He wanted to draw out this fear, and it was too stupid in Cyprian's eyes to go head-to-head.

After condolences to Gretz, Rome quickly adjusted its strategy and began to advance across the board directly, with a greatly accelerated speed.

"Soldiers are expensive!" Cyprian persuaded St. Peter with succinct words.

In fact, St. Peter did not question it at all.

Even St. Peter III, the last time he heard from Cyprian was steady and steady.

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