Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 995 The Status Quo of Zhuzi's Family

The auction was very lively, Liu Ying glanced at it, either rich or expensive, and even many people could rank in the Weiyang Palace.

Liu Ying was full of interest, but when she saw the first product, she was not very satisfied.

The first item on display at the auction was three strong...human beings?
"I remember that human trafficking should have been abolished, right!" Liu Ying frowned and looked at the boss beside her.

Anger was already in the words.

According to the current policy of the Han family, there are few one-size-fits-all policies. The first is to fight the Xiongnu, the second is education, and the third is human trafficking.

Preference for sons over women is considered a bad habit, but in ancient times, men had to take on more responsibilities, so the preference for sons over women could not be changed.

However, in order to prevent the drowning of the baby girl and the like, Chen Xi opened a corresponding women's school in the name of Liu Ying and Guo Hao, which is similar to a welfare home, at least for the baby girl to grow up.

And in order to allow these girls to be sent to orphanages, a series of economic policies have been designated. Although sad, they have indeed protected the survival of many infants, including not only girls, but also sick boys.

The trade in people is also based on this policy. Many people are greedy for profit, and even a complex industrial chain has been formed.

However, under the tyranny of the iron fist, everything came to nothing, and the Yulin Army personally dispatched to investigate the case, sending all the families and businessmen involved in Luoyang to the guillotine.

Since then, this has become a kind of red line, and even the occupation of human traffickers has disappeared along the way. After all, once this thing is discovered, it is a big crime for the three tribes at every turn, and no one dares to mess with it.

Liu Ying always thought that it was understandable that this kind of thing happened in a remote place, because no matter how good the policy was, it needed to be pushed forward slowly, but she never thought that there would still be people buying and selling around Luoyang.

The shopkeeper was a little scared by the momentum, but he didn't panic at all, flipping through it and taking out two admission certificates.

"Look at your honored guests, these people are all sinners. We have specially handled the transaction certificates for the sale of slaves, so these people are not protected by the law. These certificates are all issued by the Government Affairs Office. The adults of this business sign."

"Sinners..." Liu Ying frowned, she remembered that someone had told her about this.

She could see that the shopkeeper was not lying, and that the Guoyun on the transaction certificate did prove the authenticity, and it was actually Chen Xi who signed it.

"Send someone to ask Chen Hou for advice!" After a while of silence, Liu Ying chose to ask for confirmation in person. She still couldn't accept this kind of thing, but she was not sure what Chen Xi meant.

Lu Bu nodded, his spiritual sense penetrated his body, and passed Liu Ying's order to the soldiers of the Yulin Army on standby. Immediately, someone went to look for Chen Xi.

"Tell me about this sinner!"

Liu Ying knew that under the definition of Confucianism, there was a gap between Han people and foreign people, that is, the difference between citizens and people.

Citizens of the Han family enjoyed more power, and were also considered first-class citizens, and the upper class was the literati class.

This already includes, Qiang people, Nanban people... A series of people who are deeply influenced by the Han culture and have contributed to the Han Dynasty are also regarded as citizens, but they are vaguely short.

And down there are foreign barbarians, smugglers, wanderers, captured creatures, including but not limited to orcs and elves.

The so-called criminals are basically foreign barbarians who have violated the law and have been imprisoned for a long time without getting the death penalty.

It can be regarded as waste utilization, and it does not enter the market. Generally, it is sold to various families to be used as servants or for research.

Hearing this, Liu Ying had a general understanding, and nodded with satisfaction. She was a serious Confucian disciple, the great Confucian Cai Yong passed on Cai Wenji, Cai Wenji passed her on, and she was rooted in Miaohong.

She was very satisfied with this division. After all, in the past ten years, barbarians were not considered human beings, but now they are considered human beings.

And Yu Linjun also sent back the news that this store was indeed approved by Chen Xi, and there was only one store in the south, south, north and west of Luoyang.

"Then what crime did they commit?" Liu Ying is not a virgin, as long as it doesn't harm the people, it's just a barbarian.

"... Cannibalism" The shopkeeper popped up a crime that Liu Ying did not expect.

"No wonder!" Liu Ying nodded. If it was such a felony, it was not incomprehensible to be accused of it.

The auction continued, and the first few items were basically the offenders of this category.

There are ogres, orcs, trolls and a series of strange creatures.

After this wave has passed, the auction can be regarded as the official start.

"This is a treasure handed down from Ji's family. What's on the stage is just the key, and there are matching terracotta warriors. Through matching methods, they can be driven to move freely!"

The shopkeeper carefully introduced that he was not a fool. At this time, he almost understood how noble the person in front of him was, and he became cautious even when speaking.

"According to the disciples of the Ji family, this is a test product for Qin Shihuang to cast the twelve golden figures. It is comparable to the digression of inner qi, and it is excellent to protect the family and protect the courtyard."

Liu Ying pouted in disdain. This thing looked like something the Ji family used to defraud funds. At the beginning, the Ji family also paid tribute to twelve imitation golden figures, which were actually no different from the Mo family's mechanical beast puppet.

The Mo family once thought of forming a puppet army, but so far the problem of the sharp drop in combat power under the cloud cover has not been solved.

However, for some small families and businessmen, this thing is still good, and it is not a problem to deal with a wild beast that has strayed from the body.

After all, these days, as long as the internal qi is separated from the body, as long as he joins the army and makes some contributions, he can be any local official, why bother to be a servant to others.

The latter things make Liu Ying very boring, basically they are high gimmicks, but the actual cost-effective things, there are many things in her treasure pavilion that are better than these things.

But if you insist, these things are indeed called treasures, but for Liu Ying, it is not enough.

But with the appearance of the last few auction items, Liu Ying became interested.

After all, it is one of the shops personally certified by Chen Xi, and there is no doubt about its strength.

What appeared on the stage was a... phoenix?
"Hey, hey, this is a phoenix." Liu Ying fell into contemplation as she watched the colorful birds in the cage that were one meter long.

"The head has a golden-yellow filamentary crest, the upper body is golden yellow except for the dark green upper back, and the back neck is covered with orange-brown fan-shaped feathers with black edges, forming a shawl-like shape, which fully conforms to the colorful design of the phoenix. It's fixed." Diaochan was also a little surprised, this kind of auspiciousness, you just auction it so openly?

"It's so beautiful." Liu Ying looked at the gorgeous feathers and couldn't help but sighed. At this moment, she was moved. It's too stylish to keep this thing.

"One hundred million!" Before the auction started on the stage, Liu Ying immediately threw out the sky-high price, making the scalps of everyone present go numb.

Those who can come up with this kind of liquidity are basically the ruthless among the ruthless. Even a few wealthy businessmen have to hesitate when they call this price.

But it's a bird that looks like a phoenix. As for how to fight like this?
But when these people looked at Liu Ying in the stands, all those who could shout the price up bowed their heads.

What are you kidding me? You may have never seen the eldest princess, but Lu Bu and Diaochan haven't seen each other in the Han Dynasty.

I haven't seen these two, and I can't call the price of [-] million.

Don't say that this thing looks like a phoenix, even if it is not, the eldest princess said it is it.

Everyone wisely gave up the bidding, one was not worth it, and the other they knew very well that they could not be richer than Liu Ying with all their wealth.

This is the richest person in the entire Han family. As for Chen Xi, that is the God of Wealth, the walking money printing machine.

There are horrific existences that can be handwritten by billions and tens of billions, and no one will put them on the list.

Liu Ying, who has spent the money, feels very happy. Although she has no concept of money, it still feels very good to spend money to buy and buy.

She has absolutely no interest in the crown at the back, even if it is the Queen of Babylon.

These days, this is not popular in the Han family. The crown is a crown, and it is not related to the crown. On the European side, it is also not popular in Rome. After all, the emperor of Rome is still the first citizen. First of all, we must stand from the perspective of citizens. , not too loud.

In addition, the crown made by God does not lie in luxury, but in territory and imperial power.

Therefore, whether it is strong or not depends not on how the crown is made, but on how strong it is. Therefore, the latter kind of golden crown is not popular these days.

For Liu Ying, this thing is useless except heavy!
The bells and whistles are just like a flag on the old general who is singing. It looks complicated, but in fact it is useless.

She was quite interested in the Queen's story, but no matter how she listened to it, she felt that this thing was like King Arthur of Great Britain, and the stitching strange story she experienced.

As for the floating city or something, isn't it Tiangong-[-]?

Thinking of Tiangong No. [-], Liu Ying had to think of another thing, that is, Guo Hao promised to build a cloud palace for her.

It's not that Guo Hao makes random wishes, but that the technology is mature.

Currently, under the research and development of the Mo family, Tiangong No. [-] has been successfully re-engraved from one to two, and Tiangong No. [-] has been created. Although the problem of fighting has not been solved, it is still no problem to be a decoration.

However, the Mo family played a lot of work, and then Tiangong No. [-] and No. [-] all sank.

The Mohists want to build a 33-layered heaven, and the entire real heavenly palace will come out.

The plan is also simple, that is, to stack 33 Tiangong series of things together. This thing is much more powerful than the Zhaixing Pavilion, and it is directly a palace floating in the sky.

But when the two were stacked together, they lost control in an instant, leading to the heroic sacrifice of No. [-] and No. [-], although if you fight with the wreckage, you will be able to create another Tiangong No. [-].

But the problem is that the Mo family is now starting to study why, and they will not be able to make a new construction for a while, and now the remnants of No. [-] and No. [-] are still lying in the outskirts. Where can a group of Mo family study why they fell every day.

The various Mo clans were always quarreling so fiercely that they had to go to the hospital for Hua Tuo's craniotomy every three weeks and five cerebral hemorrhages. Chen Xi and Guo Hao were helpless.

The Mo family was about to split into a hydra. Who would dare to intervene at such a time? If the Mo family split up, it would be a huge loss for the Han family.

The Mo family carried one-third of the research results of the Han family, and they worked hard and made a lot of money. Even Guo Hao and Chen Xi could only persuade them with good words.

Can't be bothered, can't be bothered.

However, compared to the unfortunate children of the Mo family, the research and development of Taoism was very successful. At present, something like a healing talisman has been created.

After coming into contact with the magic and magic scrolls of the Americas, Zhang Jiao and the others opened up a new world. Following the idea that the talisman is actually such an inconvenient thing, they also started it.

Finally, something came out, a mass-produced healing talisman, the kind that can be brought back to life with just one talisman.

However, the Taoists are still disciplined and continue to conduct clinical trials.

After all, what the military needs is stable and controllable. In case there is nothing wrong now, a sudden side effect will directly kill the frontline soldiers.

Ten heads of these Taoists are not enough.

However, this is so, and Chen Xi attaches great importance to it, and then frantically adds funds.

The reason why he vigorously cultivated medical soldiers is that he can preserve the veterans to the greatest extent possible through first aid on the battlefield.

However, in the environment of the battlefield, medics can only save seven or eight out of ten. If they cooperate with this talisman, maybe they can all be rescued as long as they don't die on the spot.

The results of the contention of a hundred schools of thought began to be gradually revealed, and many people have realized the role of a hundred schools of thought.

The educational barriers originally held by Confucianism can be considered to be completely broken. These great Confucians can suppress the hundreds of schools of thought, but they cannot suppress their own conscience.

They gave up their lofty attitude in the face of reality, and took the initiative to seek change and joined the contention of a hundred schools of thought.

Since last time they could laugh at the end, this time they can too.

In fact, it is indeed true that even if the present hundred schools of thought join hands, they can only reach a five-to-five situation with Confucianism.

The foundation of Confucianism is really too thick, although there is no such giant as Confucius, but the great Confucian has caught a lot.

In the past, when I was not working, I couldn't see it. Once these great Confucians began to exert their efforts to engage in scientific research, the results would be rubbish.

In particular, Confucianism started from the qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, developed spiritual talents, and directly increased the intensity of other schools.

In particular, a piano like Cai Wenji can enlighten children with spiritual talents that enhance their intelligence, and it directly hits other schools to reduce their dimensionality.

Even if your achievements are brilliant, it is useless without a complete inheritance, and the most brilliant generation.

However, these means developed by Confucianism can continuously provide talents.

The other families had no choice but to hold their noses and endure it. Who let them have no such means at this stage? In order to cultivate the future of their descendants, they must accept the edification of Confucianism.

But in fact, all the families are not convinced, and they are all studying their own inheritance methods.

This situation makes Chen Xi very satisfied. Healthy competition is the best competition. Such competition is the easiest to produce results, and what is needed is this subjective motivation.

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