"Zi Chuan, aren't you alright?" Guo Hao was a bit bored, he was a dignified general, in charge of the world's soldiers and horses, and he wanted to accompany a prime minister to do this kind of thing.

"Bastard, it's not that you insist on following!" Chen Xi squinted at Guo Hao.

"How do I know, the big thing you're talking about is lying on the beam and watching a group of juniors open a chamber of commerce!" Guo Hao squinted at Chen Xi.

"And what I have to tell you is that we should have been discovered, because it was you and me, so no one came to chase us away!" Guo Hao had a stomachache.

Originally, I just wanted to escape Dong Bai and Liu Ying's Shura field, but I never thought that Chen Xi would be so boring.

"Didn't you say that it is impossible to find you below the boundary?" Chen Xi's face froze, what the hell, if you didn't say you have this ability, I wouldn't bring you here.

In the end, you told me that we were discovered, so why are you lying here!
If I had known it, I might as well have disguised myself and sneaked in to see it.

"Here, Qin Qiong, I don't know when he broke the boundary... Probably because of this reason, he was invited to be a bodyguard?"

Guo Hao also did not expect that aside from the first three perverts in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, among the other normal people, it would be Qin Qiong who came from behind and took the lead in breaking the boundaries.

But thinking about it, he is at least one of the door god duo. In this era of mythology, encountering some adventures is justified.

I just don't know what Qin Qiong's breakthrough has to do with these juniors below.

It is said that they are juniors, but they are actually the nephews of Man Chong and Cheng Yu, and Cao Zhi and Cao Chong are among them. It feels a bit like a sorority of the second generation.

However, there must be some peculiarities to allow Chen Xi to come here, but Guo Hao has not seen any tricks until now.

On the contrary, when he was looking around because he was too bored, he was caught by Qin Qiong, which was a bit embarrassing, but Qin Qiong was very sensible and did not expose the two of them.

Qin Qiong also had something to say, the general and the prime minister were the gentlemen of the beam, and they broke through by themselves, what can I do to continue to mess around?Waiting online, very urgent.

"You don't understand economics. These guys are playing a very new thing. I'm looking forward to seeing it appear!" Chen Xi rubbed his hands with excitement.

"This is the germ of capitalism. There are not many opportunities to kill this kind of thing. Maybe it can be recorded in history!"

Chen Xi laughed a little pervertedly, but Guo Hao could understand, who wouldn't want to destroy capital with his own hands and hang capital on the street lamp.

"How do they plan to complete the primitive accumulation?" Guo Hao was stunned. No wonder Chen Xi was so idle, so he was holding back.

"Of course it's launching a war + exporting trade!" Chen Xi gave Guo Hao a white look, how can capital be played without relying on bloody accumulation.

"You mean bullying the tribe, plus the slave trade?"

"Wait, you don't want to pick peaches, do you?"

Speaking of which, Guo Hao showed a contemptuous look, Chen Xi, what is the difference between this and snatching a child's red envelope.

It's not that Guo Hao looks down on these juniors underground, because the primitive accumulation of these juniors must rely on the strength of the Han Dynasty.

But there is an important problem here. The reason why the second generation is the second generation is because there is another generation behind them.

If Chen Xi makes a move, let alone being humble, even their parents have to back away.

"Hey, I'm just training them!" Chen Xi smiled, and the disdain on Guo Hao's face became even worse.

"Hey, it's a shame that I'm going to drag you along!" Chen Xi had a gloomy look on his face, and it was embarrassing to be looked at by Guo Hao with such a look.

Although it is interesting to cheat children into red envelopes, it is indeed a little embarrassing to be pulled out of this kind of behavior.

"You are so boring, you do this kind of thing too." Guo Hao criticized Chen Xi from the highest point of morality.

"Fifty five points!" Chen Xi touched his nose.

"How could I do such a thing of bullying the small!" Guo Hao said righteously, and then changed the subject, "I need to pay more!"

"I'm six and you four!" Chen Xide's face was full of disdain, and he said why Guo Hao changed his sex today, and he was waiting for him here.

"Five-five, just five-five!" Guo Hao laughed.

It's shameless to lie to children about red envelopes, but it's interesting. It's not natural to not get involved in such an interesting thing.

In this period when the war can't start at all, teasing these second generations seems to be a good choice.

"You are really hopeless!" Chen Xi pursed her lips in disdain.

"So, what should we do?" Guo Hao asked excitedly.

In fact, Chen Xi is certainly not so bored that he has nothing to do, so of course it is beneficial.

Now Chen Xi's production capacity has reached the ceiling of the times, and it is impossible to see a major increase in a short period of time. Education and culture are things that cannot be rushed. Enlightening people's wisdom is a long-term activity anyway.

At least after the step of truly eradicating all illiteracy is achieved, the executive power will be greatly improved in all aspects, and the degree of solidarity of the people will also be greatly improved, but this will take time.

Similarly, even if Chen Xi has a good idea and correct measures, it will take a certain amount of time to do it well. It was not the time when Li Ru forcibly demolished the 36 countries in the Western Regions. up and running.

Therefore, Parthia, Guishuang, and Han Dynasty were printed on a large scale, and trillions of production capacity exploded in two years. This is why the Central Plains is so prosperous now. The money was successfully transformed into an industry, and it started to work.

It is also because of the wave of trade that Chen Xi directly pushed the production capacity to the level of the theoretical ceiling, which would not have turned into this situation at all.

After all, how to obtain the first sum of money in any industry is a problem. Although Chen Xi can rely on resource allocation to integrate a batch, but to spread the Central Plains, it needs external real money, and then relies on the flow of industries to inject a large amount of money. capital, and finally come up with products.

Things like money will have no value if they are left alone. Only when they are circulated can they generate value, more value.

As long as you make a full circle like this, you can continue to maintain it in the future, but the problem is, when the first payment comes in through shopping, where is the goods?
This is the core problem, and it is also the core of large-scale currency impact on the market, leading to inflation. Chen Xi is purely playing hooligans. Chen Xi chose to rob money to inject capital, that is, advance payment, and then give the product when my product comes out. .

During this period of time, for the family of the country, the Parthian Empire, the Guishuang Empire, and many small countries on the sea, relying on the reputation body, that is, the cuteness of the fox, to complete the financing transaction.

Then, rely on military strength to threaten small countries such as the 36 countries in the Western Regions and the Baicheng Kingdom in the South, and then resell them according to the real capital injection, and use the air-to-air method to mortgage the future output of planned products and issue more currency.

This is also a rogue, because the future products belong to Chen Xi, and the super-issued currency also belongs to Chen Xi. As long as Chen Xi can connect successfully at the last moment, then everything can be written off.

This is to borrow money from the future, and then the money generates money, and then repays the principal, earning property and interest for nothing.

Basically, it is the country's deficit consumption policy. It is in deficit every year but the economy never collapses, because it is always left handed and right handed. If the car overturns, military force will be used to force the account to be written off.

At the same time, Chen Xi also imitated the bald eagles of later generations, and directly issued debts to the nobles of those small foreign countries, using the money from small foreign countries to make money for the Han Dynasty, and then the nobles of these small countries had to be grateful.

Chen Xi succeeded in the connection, and a large amount of bonuses were directly thrown to the various princes who moved outside. From then on, Chen Xi no longer needed to repeatedly calculate the planned economic output and fill in the holes that had been left.

It's just that it was in the past, now Chen Xi no longer has the problem of spending future money, because future money can't solve the production capacity ceiling.

The real currency is not gold, but food. Food is the foundation of the economy. Once there is not enough food, no matter how prosperous your economy is, it will still be a bubble economy.

That is to say, when hard currency such as gold comes in, it cannot directly burst out excess production capacity as it did back then.

In fact, there are hidden dangers in the transaction between the Han Dynasty and the Parthian Empire, because a large amount of materials flowed into Parthia from the Han Dynasty, and more of the equivalents flowed into the Han Dynasty from Parthia.

Comparing the two, once the country is closed at the same time, the Han Dynasty must have problems first.

This thing has been thoroughly played by the ancestors during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

The reason why Chen Xi is willing to jump into this pit is because the Han Dynasty has the guarantee of force.

History has proved more than once that a closed country can be forcibly opened.

If you fall behind, you must be beaten, but if you don't get beaten, it's just because I don't want to beat you today.

Interest and hatred are intertwined, which is why the Han Dynasty wants to destroy Parthia.

Even if Parthia kills the Huns now, it will not change the preparation of the Han Dynasty to destroy Parthia.

Just like the Marshall plan that happened in Europe, it sounds stupid to pay for reconstruction, but economically it is the only choice to promote consumption and ensure the value of currency.

In fact, the change of currency, from precious metals to banknotes, to digitalization, is becoming less and less realistic in terms of human feelings, and there will be no impact when it is spent indiscriminately.

Overspending is not a good habit.

"So, what are you going to do?" Guo Hao interrupted Chen Xi's wandering.

"You won't understand if I tell you!" Chen Xi looked at Guo Hao and said quietly, "So I don't plan to tell you the real plan at all, you just need to send them out."

"Where is the target? Africa? Or the Americas?" Guo Hao scratched his head. Learning the art of war is enough to make people dizzy. He also studies economics. He really thinks everyone is a saint, right?

"Australia, establish a country over there... No, let's establish a county. It should be easier with Sun Ce and Zhou Yu over there." Chen Xi shook his head.

There are beast tides and Rome in Africa. Now is not a good time to intervene. America is a bit chaotic. The wise men in China think that it is not a good time to intervene.

So in the end, he chose Australia as the target. As for the troubles of these second generations, he can't control it. As long as the final landing point is Australia, then everything is under control.

Some things can only be done from bottom to top, so as not to cause greater twists and turns.

The tossing of a group of second generations will not attract attention, and it is in line with the current strength of the Han Dynasty. Those who are interested will definitely join in, enough to make the water muddy.

Then it will be interesting.

There was a sinister smile on the corner of Chen Xi's mouth. In fact, the group of second generations below were well prepared. Chen Xi, who originally planned to intervene, chose to withdraw directly.

The bait is ready, and the next step is to see what fish is caught.


The two walked away from the venue, and Qin Qiong could only pretend that he didn't see it. How can I say this thing.

He was able to break through the boundary, mainly because the essence of life that Cao Zhi obtained from another continent was just like experience fragments, which just helped him kick open the gate of the boundary.

Although the strength is still relatively weak, Qin Qiong mainly needs the talent of the legion that will be fed back after breaking the boundaries and improving. This thing is the best for him.

Having seen abnormalities such as Lu Bu and Li Yuanba, Qin Qiong felt that it was more realistic to lead troops to fight compared to bravery.

How to play rubbish reality, Qin Qiong only knew how many horrible perverts were hidden in Luoyang after breaking through the boundary.

Not to mention anything else, just the Pixiu raised by the General's family, usually carried by the Eldest Princess, he felt that he was not enough for the other party's paw.

What did this creature eat to grow up, Qin Qiong couldn't figure it out.

Then there is the Chitu of Lu Bu's family. Unlike other BMWs, the Chitu almost walks sideways. A normal beast either breaks the boundary with energy or breaks the boundary with precision.

Chitu is a god breaking the world. After Qin Qiong realized this, he wished to bury himself. How can a man be inferior to a horse.

Rubbish reality, really rubbish, sadly there is no place to report it.

But the garbage goes to the garbage, and life must go on.

After Qin Qiong broke the boundary, his mind became active. How can a man do it if he doesn't make contributions.

But Qin Qiong also knows how to repay his kindness, Cao Zhi and the others helped him break through the boundary, and it sounds like Cao Zhi and the others have a good plan, but he can act as a foreign aid to train Cao Zhi and the others.

Anyway, no matter whether it is following the formal procedures or smuggling procedures, one person will definitely be in charge at that time, and if he applies for it on his own initiative, it will definitely be approved.

Before this thing was released, it might be called forming a party for personal gain, but in the current environment, it basically didn't even count as a thing.

Moreover, Cao Zhi's plan must first pass a resolution.

"Uncle Qin, thank you for your trouble!" After the meeting, Cao Zhi and his younger brother Cao Chong cupped their hands in thanks.

The reason why he invited Qin Qiong to come was to suppress the scene, and then trick other people into joining him.

Cao Ang and Cao Pi were taken away to the battlefield by Cao Cao. Cao Zhi was a little unwilling, so it was better for his elder brother to admit it, but Cao Pi actually wanted to overwhelm him. He couldn't bear it, so he decided to do something.

"It's nothing more than a little effort! Huai Dao is immature, and I hope Mr. Cao will support you a lot!" Qin Qiong looked at Cao Zhi with a complicated face, and now he has more confidence than Cao Zhi to pass the plan.

After all, Chen Xi and Guo Hao wouldn't come here for no reason, but it's a pity that he can't talk about it.

Cao Zhi was taken aback for a moment, how could he support Qin Huaidao, and then he was overjoyed, he realized that this was Qin Qiong's polite words.

In fact, isn't this equivalent to Qin Qiong also putting a bet on him, and it's a good thing to let himself and his son do it together.

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