Chapter 19 The Great Villain

When the light disappeared, everyone opened their eyes again.

Then he saw that in the dark passage, there was only one corpse lying on the ground.

His eyes were wide open, and there was an unpleasant smell all over his body.

It was Yang Zhaoxu, the old city lord of Tianjiu City.

"He's dead?" Tang Yan asked cautiously.

"It should be said that he has been dead for a long time."

Bai Lu opened her mouth with calm eyes.

Immediately, everyone saw drops of black blood oozing from his eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and mouth, exuding an unpleasant stench.

With a strong smell of decay.

"He is controlled by someone." Tang Feng woke up suddenly.

"Manipulating the dead body to easily surrender us, the people behind it are at least at the Foundation Establishment stage." Senior Sister Huang looked dignified.

The atmosphere among the crowd suddenly dropped to the extreme, even colder than the gloomy surroundings.

The thought of having the Foundation Establishment Stage manipulating and dealing with them behind the scenes made everyone feel nervous.

This group of people has the highest level of cultivation and is at the peak of the middle stage of Qi training. How could they escape the target of foundation building true cultivation?

But when they saw the beautiful figure standing in front of them, everyone's hearts became quiet again for no reason.

In the darkness, the girl stood there like an elegant and holy orchid, exuding a quiet fragrance and a faint brilliance, as if she had become a world alone.

It makes people feel a sense of peace for no reason.

Everyone followed her into a room where Yang Zhaoxu came out, and there were bursts of strange roars from inside.

Thinking of the possibility of facing the Foundation Establishment cultivator, everyone couldn't help but feel their hearts rise, and their palms were sweating.

In the room, everyone saw a terrifying monster, shrouded in pale gray mist, locked in a pitch-black iron cage.

A few thick iron chains protruded from the gray mist, and were firmly locked on the iron cage. They were engraved with dense patterns, and golden streamers flashed from time to time.

Through the thick gray fog, everyone can only see the gray skin of the monster, and through the thick gray fog, they can hear strange roars and satisfying chewing sounds.

Blood splattered.

The surroundings were in a mess, and there were still broken limbs and arms left on the ground.

As they walked in, they seemed to bring a fresh smell of blood, causing the monsters in the gray mist to start violently.

But on the iron chain and iron cage, streaks of golden light flashed, and the monster screamed in pain immediately in the gray mist.

In a dark room.

A strong bloody smell surged.

The whole is a Shura field.

"It's our sect's costume!"

Looking at the broken limbs and arms on the ground, Tang Yan suddenly exclaimed.

"Someone dared to hunt and kill the monks of the Kunshan Sect. What is the other party doing?"

Everyone immediately realized that Tianjiu City's mission was a conspiracy.

The person behind it must have premeditated the false news through Yang Zhaoxu.

But who is the other party, who is so bold as to deliberately murder a disciple of Kunshan Sect?

Even if it is a foundation building true cultivation, it is too frenzied.

"This monster... seems to be a kind of ghost?"

Senior Sister Huang stared at the runes and golden light on the iron chain, half-believing and half-doubting.

The biggest reason why demons and ghosts are difficult to deal with is that when they gather, they become beasts, and when they disperse, they form fog. They are invisible and hard to lock.

The golden light on the chain seems to be a means to stop it from changing.

This method was unheard of in the world of cultivating immortals before.

Don't ghosts have to be killed?
Everyone couldn't help but beat drums in their hearts.

The person behind the intuition is not simple.

Bai Lu's bright eyes fluttered slightly.

Looking at the faint golden light in the darkness and the complicated lines on the iron chain, I feel that the scene here is somewhat familiar.

Isn't this the situation when the big villain is described in his book?

It just seems to be a simplified version right now.

(End of this chapter)

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