Chapter 20 The Enemy of Life

Bai Lu's so-called villain does not refer to herself.

If she, the female supporting role, is the number one villain on the heroine's emotional path.

Then the mastermind behind this is the biggest villain on the way of the heroine's struggle for supremacy in the world of cultivating immortals.

Until the end of "The Strongest Fairy", the heroine established the Heavenly Court to dominate the world of cultivating immortals, and she had nothing to do with the other party.

It can be said to be the biggest boss throughout the book.

Others don't know what he is doing, how could she, the author, not know?

He is raising ghosts.

In the face of powerful ghosts, the weak take the ghosts as their teachers and master them, while the strong regard the ghosts as their enemies and kill them quickly.

But the other party did the opposite, enslaving the demons and ghosts for their own use.

In the end, he angered the big demon in the gray mist, launched the gray tide, and brought down the lifeless natural disaster to destroy the world.

Countless Limin people were implicated.

And his cruel means, cruel heart, and unpredictable temper can't even be tolerated by the devil.

Tabooed by the two ways of righteousness and evil.

It can be said that the world can't tolerate it, and he has stirred up a tide in the world of cultivating immortals.

Even the heroine didn't take advantage of him.

It can be called her lifelong enemy.

It's just that the other party seems to have just started now, and is still in the research stage of ghosts, and has not yet reached the terrifying scene of driving thousands of ghosts to coerce the entire world of cultivating immortals.

"We must report this matter to the Zongmen, and ask the Zongmen Daoist Jindan to decide."

Witnessing this bloody and weird scene, Tang Feng and the others realized something was wrong.

This kind of method has far exceeded their imagination, and it also involves the killing of the same sect, which must be reported to the sect, and even suzerain peak should be invited to decide.

Suddenly, a terrifying coercion descended, a middle-aged man in a purple robe descended from the sky, and immediately after that, everyone felt a huge wave of spiritual consciousness flooding their bodies like a tidal wave!
When the other party swept across the ghost and the runes on the iron chain, his consciousness paused slightly.

And when he saw the comatose young man beside them, his eyes widened.

Under the cover of his huge spiritual consciousness, the situation of Tang Feng and the others is as clear as the lines in the palm of his hand.

It's just that when he swept past Bailu, his consciousness was blocked by a mysterious aura, which made him feel like looking at flowers in a fog, unable to see clearly.

Looking at the girl again, she was full of aura, her eyes were full of light, and her aura faintly matched with the heaven and earth, she was extraordinary at first glance.

Immediately, he frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Who are you and why are you here?"

Ever since this man appeared, everyone felt a terrifying coercion pressing on them, as if they were facing a lofty mountain, making them unable to breathe.

At this moment when the man asked, Tang Feng suddenly gasped for breath.

Hastily opened the mouth and said.

"We are the inner sect disciples of Xunling Peak in Xiaohui Peak of Kunshan Zong. This is the disciple of Patriarch Baihua of Cuiping Peak. We were trapped here because of our sect mission."

Tang Feng answered concisely and quickly.

The man glanced at the girl in surprise, and muttered softly, "A disciple of Baihua..."

Then pointing to the boy they were carrying, he said in a deep voice, "Put him down, you can go."


Everyone put the boy down without saying a word, and immediately walked out of the mine and left the mine.

During the whole process, everyone was silent, and Tang Yan only spoke in a low voice until she had walked a long distance and had already left the boundary of Tianjiu City.

"Just now...was that Nascent Soul Overhaul?"

As soon as she spoke, she realized that her back was completely wet with cold sweat.


Yang Yong's voice was dry.

His eyes glowed with excitement.

The hearts of the others couldn't help beating crazily, and their expressions were excited.

(End of this chapter)

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