A fairy godmother just wants to be beautiful alone

Chapter 2 Entering the Kunshan Sect

Chapter 2 Entering the Kunshan Sect

White Hall.

When Bai Lu followed the little maid to the hall, she first saw the two people sitting at the top.

A middle-aged man with gray temples and vicissitudes of life, and a middle-aged beautiful woman with a majestic face.

And the father, who is the head of the family, sat beside him obediently, not daring to breathe.

"Old Ancestor, Daoist Yaoxi, Luer has arrived."

Seeing Bai Lu enter the hall, Bai Xiong's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said to the two above him.

The middle-aged beautiful woman named Yaoxi carefully looked at the girl in front of her eyes, and a smile finally appeared on her tense face.

"That's right. Sure enough, Zhong Ling is handsome, and his bones are naturally formed. He is worthy of being a heavenly spirit root."

As he spoke, he stood up and said to the middle-aged man next to him, "Fellow Daoist Bai, since Bai Lu has arrived, I should take her back to the Kunshan sect to report to Master Baihua, so I won't bother you anymore."

The middle-aged man smiled, "You're welcome, the matter of the fairy is the most important thing. Fellow Daoist Yaoxi, come often when you are free, and Bai will be the couch sweeper to welcome you."

Then he said to Bai Lu, "Lu'er, when you arrive at the Kunshan sect, you must listen to your master and practice seriously, so as not to fall into the name of my Ling Xiao Bai family."

"Yes!" Bai Lu replied obediently.

The patriarch of the Bai family nodded in satisfaction, then took off the ring from his hand, and handed it to Bai Lu in front of Daoist Yaoxi.

"I don't know how long it will take you to return home. I will give you a small gift when you leave. Maybe it will help you."

"Thank you old man."

After taking the ring, Bai Lu thanked him for his kindness.

Then Bai Xiong told her again and explained some things.

In fact, the Bai family has been preparing for this day for 12 years, and what needs to be explained has already been explained.

After Bai Xiong repeated his instructions, she followed Master Yaoxi into a big blue bird, left Bai's house, and flew into the sky.

Sitting on Big Bird's back, with the city of Soaring Clouds going away behind him, Bai Lu's mood was a bit complicated.

He touched the three storage bags in his arms with his fingers.

One was given by my mother last night, one was given by my father before I left, and the other is the wishes of the Bai family.

The three storage bags were bulging, filled with spirit stone talismans and various necessities for cultivation.

It is also full of the care of a pair of parents and the expectations of a family.

The Bailu at this time is not the fairy Bailu who was amazing as soon as she appeared in "The Strongest Fairy", but more like a student who is about to travel far and bears the hope of the whole village.

Turning her head to look at Lingxiao City, which has been reduced to a small spot, the Bai family has disappeared from her eyes, and the girl's vision is a little hazy.

At this moment, she felt very real.

She realized that this is not just a fantasy world in the book. The people, things, things, and beasts in front of her have their own temperature and thoughts, and they exist objectively and truly.

She really lived in a familiar and strange world.

Master Yaoxi glanced at the young girl beside him, and spoke without haste.

"Stepping into the fairyland is extraordinary, and it is common to feel parting, but after a long time of practice, you will find that the world of mortals is all vain."

The faint voice came to her ears, Bai Lu knew that the other party thought she was in the sorrow of parting, and was trying to enlighten her.

But how did she know that she felt it because she saw a similar scene, and she was feeling nostalgic for another world.

She understands the truth, but she still feels it.

The bird that sits down is very fast, and a thousand miles a day is like waiting for nothing.

Bai Lu recognized that it was the flying spirit beast of the Kunshan sect. Its name was Chu, and it had the bloodline of the ancient mythical beast Qingluan. It had a white neck and red beak, ice-blue feathers all over, and three long tail feathers that fluttered in the wind.

In order to write these settings, she scoured the Internet and wrote a whole page.

But she didn't know anything about the real Yaoxi next to her, because there was no such person in her book.

Most of them are characters like Passerby A in the book.

So she is very vigilant.

Confirmed again that the world is not as simple as described in the book.

The descriptions in the book are all from the perspective of the protagonist.

But in reality, everyone is a living person, and everyone's life unfolds like a book.

For this world, the mentality of the Chuangshi God is not good, and she must remain in awe.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will die in the hands of a random passer-by before meeting the protagonist.

She did not die unjustly.

(End of this chapter)

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