Chapter 3
Under the extremely fast flight of the chicks.

The Kunshan sect is in sight soon.

It was a vast group of mountains hidden in the depths of clouds and mist, with majestic peaks and flowing water and waterfalls.

Among the Cui Wei peaks, there are majestic palaces.

Resplendent and resplendent, surrounded by fairy clouds.

Under the pale gray sky, streamers of light flashed from time to time, which were monks flying with their swords.

Bai Lu followed Yaoxi into the mountain gate, and she, the author, was also stunned by the scene of a fairy family in front of her.

The magnificence and magic of what you hear and see at the moment cannot be described in words.

For such a world, she felt even more in awe.

I keep telling myself secretly that this is not a novel, but the real world.

At this time, a commotion came from the front.

Many immortal cultivators stopped in front of a large hall, and the atmosphere of discussion was heated.

"Have you heard? Uncle Qin went out this time, one person and one sword swept the Canghui Hill, beheading a demon king-level ghost!"

"My God! Demons and ghosts gather and disperse invisible, they are good at hiding, and they feed on souls. They are extremely difficult to deal with. It is difficult for monks in the same realm to escape. I didn't expect Uncle Qin to be able to leapfrog and kill. It is worthy of our Kunshan Zong's first pride in nearly a thousand years!"

The surroundings of this world are surrounded by strange and mysterious gray mist. Ghosts are creatures born in the gray mist. According to their strength, they are divided into ordinary, dangerous, and demon kings... for monks' qi training, foundation building, Jindan....

Because demons and ghosts live in the gray mist all the year round, they are composed of mist, they gather and disperse to manifest, and become invisible as they like. When they gather, they are like demons, devouring flesh and blood, and when they disperse, they become fog and plunder souls. They are the most difficult creatures in the world of cultivating immortals. one.

Therefore, in the same realm, it is difficult for monks to get cheap when they encounter ghosts.

Like demon king-level ghosts, the weakest ones are equivalent to monks in the late Jindan stage.

It's no wonder that the disciples of the Kunshan sect were amazed when they heard the news.

Even real Yaoxi was surprised when he heard the sound, and said with a smile, "Junior brother Qin is really brave and diligent, and he has such a record when he first entered Jindan, I am not as good as him."

When the girl on the side heard the words, her expression suddenly became a little weird.

If there is no mistake in guessing, the Uncle Qin and Junior Brother Qin mentioned by these people should be the male protagonist of this book, Qin Wushang.

Practicing Qi at the age of 12, building the foundation, and forming alchemy at the age of 30, the direct disciple of the elder Zongtai of Kunshan, the youngest alchemy monk in the history of the Nine Great Immortal Sects.

The only root of the Holy Spirit known to exist in the world of immortality.

It can be called the son of luck in this world, she is the son created by the author.

And she also knew that the other party was the reincarnation of the mighty starry sky, and with the help of the heroine, she would awaken Su Hui in her previous life in the future.

Recalling these scary resumes, the corners of the girl's mouth twitched.

These were added by her hand one by one.

If it wasn't for the novel's unfinished ending, I don't know what kind of background she would add to him.

"Ah, Uncle Qin! He came out."

At this time, a scream suddenly came from the crowd in front, and a slender and tall figure walked out of the hall in front.

That is a man who can eclipse everything.

She was dressed in black, with a black robe around her waist, and the blue silk behind her was flowing in the wind.

His handsome and straight nose bridge, his handsome and resolute lines, and a ray of sunshine from his forehead made him even more majestic and beautiful.

He still has the prestige of killing demons and ghosts, and no one dares to approach him with a vicious aura.

Wherever he passed, there was silence, but everyone's eyes were full of worship.

Bai Lu looked at the man who came out of the golden light with complicated eyes.

Did she make it?

Suddenly, the man seemed to feel something, and looked over with black eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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