Chapter 22

Kunshan sect.

A group of people hurriedly rushed, spent two days, and finally returned to Zongmen from Tianjiu City.

Bai Lu obediently followed them this time.

After returning to the sect, everyone split up.

Tang Feng handed over the task, received the cultivation grass, and sent it to Danxia Peak to make alchemy.

Senior Sister Huang and others reported the incident to the Zongmen.

Because it involves demons and ghosts, it is not a trivial matter.

Senior Sister Huang and the others were personally interrogated by Elder Jin Dan from the Sovereign Peak.

As for the specific details, Bai Lu didn't know.

Because she has once again devoted herself to her great cause of cultivation.

Moreover, facing the pressure of Yuanying directly this time gave her a lot of insights, just in time to sort out and comprehend.

Three days passed quickly.

On this day, Senior Sister Qingfu notified her that Fairy Baihua had summoned her.


In the main hall, Bai Lu bowed respectfully to the female cultivator above her.

Fairy Baihua's power is not comparable to the guardians around Jun Linyuan.

She is the lord of Cuiping Peak, and a genuine empress Yuan monk.

Under her deep gaze, even Bai Lu's heart was beating a bit, and she was a little uncertain whether her nine-level perfect divine secret formula could be hidden from the other party's eyes.

Fortunately, she didn't call her here this time to test her cultivation.

"The peak of the fourth level of Qi training is not bad. It is rare to have this achievement in more than three months, even among the Tianlinggen."

Fairy Baihua sensed the girl's cultivation and nodded in satisfaction.

Then he said, "I called you here this time to tell you that the Zongmen already knew what happened in Tianjiu City. You have done a good job. The Supreme Elder has already left the customs. Please leave Kunshan Zhong and go to Jun's house."

"Since the Yuanying of the Jun family dared to cross the boundary, the Kunshan sect must make them pay a heavy price."

Fairy Baihua's tone was extremely domineering.

In the entire world of cultivating immortals, the Nine Great Immortal Sects are the real masters.

The Jun family is still one line away.

"In addition, I didn't expect you to come into contact with the Cangshen Sect so soon. Although the Cangshen Sect's Canggui Dafa is easy to learn at the beginning and enters quickly, it relies on devouring other people's soul power for food, resulting in mixed and impure qi. After all, like the flower in the mirror, the moon in the water does not enter the true stream, and at the end of the practice, there is no hope of even the golden core."

"Today I saw that your breath is calm and your realm is solid. It seems that my worries are superfluous."

"Since you have reached the middle stage of Qi training, let's go to the Lingyun Cave.

There is the blessed land of Cuiping Peak, which will be of great help to your practice. Try to build a foundation within ten years, and the Zongmen’s personal disciple competition every 50 years, we at Cuiping Peak will also compete for it. "

As she said that, Fairy Baihua's eyes brightened sharply, and her voice was full of ambition.


Bai Lu nodded obediently.

Walking out of the hall under Baihua Fairy's expectant eyes, he went directly to Lingyun Cave.

As Fairy Baihua said, this is indeed where the inspiration of Cuiping Peak lies. Not only is the spiritual energy tens of times stronger than outside, but even the spiritual energy contained in the spiritual energy is much more abundant than the one in his own cave.

When Bai Lu was in it, it was as if she was soaking in a pool of psychic liquid, and countless auras with abundant inspiration rushed towards her body.

At this time, her body seemed to be connected with the heaven and the earth, and the "Kunyu Evergreen Sutra" in her body was operating on its own, and the rich spiritual energy formed a terrifying spiritual wave and stirred around her.

A huge spiritual vortex is slowly forming.

It seems to drive the flow of spiritual energy in the entire Lingyin Cave.

The faint spiritual pressure spread...

Bai Lu began to run the "Kunyu Evergreen Sutra", and suddenly found that the operation of the exercises was speeding up, and her cultivation base was also improving at a faster speed.

(End of this chapter)

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