Chapter 23 Golden Elixir Dzogchen

According to Bailu's previous calculations.

In her situation, if she practiced step by step, it would take six years to upgrade from the early stage of Jindan to Dzogchen.

Compared with Qin Wushang's 12 years from establishing the foundation to Jindan, it is already abnormal enough.

But at the current speed, it took her less than three years from the initial stage of cultivation to Dzogchen.

In other words, she is in the Spiritual Hole.

In three years, you can be promoted from the early stage of Jindan to the great monk of Nascent Soul.

Say it, who can believe it?
Feeling that her cultivation base was rapidly increasing at an incredible speed, Bai Lu was soon immersed in it and fell into a state of selflessness.

The Lingyun Cave is a forbidden area of ​​Cuiping Peak, and it is generally only provided for the monks of Jindan Dzogchen to advance to Yuanying.

Therefore, there are strict restrictions all around, and few people disturb it.

If it wasn't for Bailu's rare Heavenly Spiritual Root and the direct disciple of the Peak Master after the Yuan Dynasty, ordinary Foundation Establishment and True Cultivators wouldn't be able to enter, let alone Qi training disciples.

From this, it can be seen that Cuiping Peak attaches great importance to her as a heavenly spirit root.

In her book, Bai Lu is the darling of Cuiping Peak.

Otherwise, it would not be promoted to Nascent Soul at a young age.

Although there are reasons for her own talent and hard work, the vigorous cultivation of Cuiping Peak is also indispensable.

But Bai Lu practiced selflessly in this unique environment, and gradually forgot about time.

Under Cuiping Peak.

Two nuns came to the foot of the mountain.

"Senior Sister Huang, I didn't expect the sect to pay so much attention to the affairs of Tianjiu City, and to reward so many things. With these resources, we can be promoted from Qi training to foundation building."

One of the nuns said excitedly.

The female cultivator known as Senior Sister Huang was also smiling.

"Speaking of which, this time we have to thank Junior Sister Bai. Without her, we wouldn't be able to come back. There is no benefit now."

They were Tang Yan and Senior Sister Huang, and they came to give Bai Lu the Pei Yuan Pill and the reward for this mission.

Tang Yan sighed slightly when she heard the words.

"That's right, Junior Sister Bai even used up a Foundation Establishment Talisman for this. Presumably, Junior Sister Bai also had a bad time in Cuiping Peak. As a registered disciple of the Nascent Soul cultivator, she had to go out of the mountain gate to do tasks in exchange for the cultivation grass. It seems that Yuanying Daxiu's disciples are not as beautiful as they appear on the surface."

Senior Sister Huang remained silent.

Although it is not easy for everyone, but to become a registered disciple under the master of a peak, that junior sister Bai has surpassed them by countless numbers.

"Senior brother, we are looking for Junior Sister Bailu from Cuiping Peak, please pass it on."

At this time, the two had already reached the gate of Cuiping Peak. Tang Yan stepped forward and smiled at the disciple on duty.

"Bai Lu?"

The duty disciple was stunned for a moment, and then said respectfully, "So I'm looking for Senior Sister Ninth, please wait a moment, I'll pass it on right now."

"Senior Sister Ninth?"

Tang Yan and Senior Sister Huang looked at each other, confused, unable to react for a while.

Seeing that their expressions were wrong, the disciple said in doubt.

"Aren't you looking for Senior Sister Bailu? There is only one Bailu on our peak, and that is the ninth personal descendant of the peak master, and the only Heavenly Spiritual Root of our Cuiping Peak, Senior Sister Bailu Bai."


The two were stunned.


Soon, Bai Lu got the news, came out from the Lingyun Cave, took the Peiyuan Pill and her own reward, took the two to the cave to thank her, and then sent them away.

All the way down Cuiping Peak, Tang Yan and that Senior Sister Huang were still a little foggy.

It wasn't until they walked a long way that the two looked at each other.



Soon, three years have passed.

Bai Lu is 15 years old, and her cultivation has reached the golden elixir Dzogchen.

(End of this chapter)

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