A fairy godmother just wants to be beautiful alone

Chapter 500 She is a humanoid spirit!

Chapter 500 She is a humanoid spirit!

"Xue Zheng, send a message to Huai Yi, Huai Li, Huai Zhi, and Huai Xin, the four ancestors, and ask them to return as soon as possible."

"And inform the Qin family in Yuanshan City, the Hua family in Liujian City, the Long family in Tianjue City, the Wan family in Qianyuan City, the Cui family in Youhun City, the Taibai Sect in Yujing City, and the Fuyao faction in Nine Clouds City, and tell them about the situation here. .”

Xue Huairen ordered through sound transmission with sharp eyes.

Xue Zheng was taken aback when he heard this.

"Old Ancestor, do you really want to do this? In this way, our Xue family is desperate."

Huai Yi, Huai Li, Huai Zhi, and Huai Xin are the four other ancestors of their Xue family except Huai Ren.

Among them, the two patriarchs Huai Li and Huai Zhi, like many great Yingman monks with deep foundations in the world of cultivating immortals, were promoted to gods successively after the opening of the Zhoutian secret realm, and they were promoted to gods in the secret realm after ten thousand years of spiritual epiphanies.

Ancestor Huaixin even merged the flowers of the avenue with the accumulation of heaven, material and earth treasures in the Zhoutian Secret Realm.

Now the three ancestors are all cultivating steadily in the family's secret place.

Don't bother with idle matters, I never imagined that they would all be called out now.

What's more, the five ancient clans of Qin Hualong, Wancui, Taibai Sect and Fuyao Sect were the first top forces to submit to Huangji Hall.

Now that the ancestor is doing this, he is choosing sides in the three holy places.

The Patriarch of the Xue family hesitated.

"Old Ancestor, you didn't mean that the Three Great Sacred Lands are superior. Compared with the Nine Great Immortal Sects and the Ten Great Ancient Clans, the Xue family is soft-spoken and has a shallow background. Instead of taking refuge early and completely losing autonomy, it's better to take advantage of the situation and place multiple bets."

"Why do you choose Huangji Hall now?"

Hearing this, Xue Huairen's eyes were dim, looking at the girl under the green pine, his eyes became extremely deep.

Open your mouth slowly.

"We don't choose because I can't offend anyone, so I need to be cautious and slick, but now the time has come, as long as we have this vote, we will definitely gain a firm foothold in the Emperor Palace and soar into the sky."

Having said this, Xue Huairen couldn't help breathing a little disorderly.

It is not unheard of magic treasures that can bring the dead back to life, reverse yin and yang, and resurrect the living.

Since the rise of their Xue family in the Middle Ages, the process of development and growth has destroyed many declining family traditions inherited from ancient times.

Confiscated a lot of ancient secrets.

It involves many mysteries of the Nine Realms.

It is rumored that the Sala leaf of the Qibao Vientiane Temple in the Liuli World, the colorful treasure spring of the Yinshui Cloud Pattern Temple in the Cloud Pattern World, the Ninth Grade Rebirth Pill, the Central World, the Xuanxuan Good Fortune of the Immortal Palace of Longevity, and the Xuanhuang Yiqi of the Xuanzodiac Palace If it is fruited, it will have the miraculous effect of reviving the living and resurrecting the dead, which can be applied to both mortals and immortals.

But even these supreme treasures famous in the Nine Realms don't have the effect of creating an innate body out of thin air.

That female cultivator with mediocre aptitude, who was not even considered above average, after absorbing that strange brilliance, instantly became an innate spirit body that is rare among thousands of cultivators.

This thing happened right in front of his eyes.

"This kind of effect of changing fate against the sky and stealing nature, even ordinary immortals can't do it, I'm afraid there are only Sanshen Sanzhi, who is known as the first-class essence of heaven and earth, or the legendary Yuhua who practiced the law of nature. Immortals have such an effect."

Thinking of this, Xue Huairen's breathing became more heavy, and his eyes were slightly fiery looking at the girl.

"Is it because she has that kind of treasure on her body? Or is she the incarnation of the three ginseng and three sesame of the world?"

He once saw a secret in the collection of an ancient family.

Tian ginseng, ground ginseng, ginseng, tianzhi, dizhi, renzhi.

The three ginseng and three mushrooms of heaven, earth and man are transformed from the essence of a world, which has the magical effect of creating all things. A world can only be born once.

This kind of spiritual creature has traces in the Nine Realms, and it was still in the ancient times.

According to legend, these six rare treasures of heaven and earth are completely condensed by the essence of heaven and earth, which is the highest level of heaven and earth essence.

It can be transformed into a human form with the wind.

Could she be the incarnation of a treasure like Sanshen Sanzhi?
As for the girl in front of me, is it possible that she is a Feathering Immortal?
The thought never crossed his mind.

Immortals are too far away from the Splendid World.

In today's Zhoutian Secret Realm, even the Yuanshen Maharaja has disappeared, let alone a fairy.

Since the splendor world was opened up in ancient times, no more than ten immortals have been born. None of those people is a legendary existence.

From ancient times to the present, in the millions of years since the beginning of time, there has only been one appearance of immortals in the world of cultivating immortals.

It was the unidentified immortal phoenix who came to the world not long ago.

He saw the scene of the immortal manifesting with his own eyes that day, and he still vividly remembers the terrifying scene where the light illuminated half of the world of cultivating immortals.

The golden light that fills the sky and the power of law that shakes the whole world still lingers in his heart.

No matter how I looked at it, I couldn't get in touch with the girl in front of me.

At this moment, Xue Huairen is more willing to believe that she is the incarnation of some heaven and earth spirit in Zhou Tian's secret realm.

Can't blame him for having a big brain.

In fact, he entered into a misunderstanding from the very beginning.

First of all, the abnormal spiritual energy produced by Bai Lu's breakthrough was too amazing, even Liu Wuya, the sword master of the Taibai Sword Sect, did not make such a big movement when he broke through and returned to the void.

The terrifying inspiration that shakes the world and shines in the universe, and the huge vortex that stirs the wind and clouds in a radius of ten thousand miles, but there is no aura of the law of the great way, is indeed a sign of the birth of the world's rare treasures.

That's why he came here excitedly to fight for the first opportunity without saying a word.

In the end, the baby didn't see it, only a goat and a female cultivator in strange clothes, followed by a monster with a primordial spirit that had never been seen before.

That strange girl showed the means of reversing life and death and reversing nature as soon as she made a move.

Wouldn't it make sense to attribute these weird and unusual places to the incarnation of heaven and earth spirits?

Why is that girl dressed so weirdly that even he, the primordial god, can't see through it?
Why did a Maharaja-level monster with unknown heels suddenly appear?

If she is a top spiritual creature, then it makes sense.

Only this level of heaven and earth spirits need to be guarded by the Great Perfection of the primordial spirit.

Only this kind of top-level treasures that gather the essence of a world can help a dying person return to his innate nature from the acquired and achieve the innate spiritual body.

"It is rumored that the first congenital holy emperor in the Age of Myth was born in the Zhoutian Secret Realm. If there is any place in the Splendid World where Heaven, Earth, Man, Sanshen and Sanzhi can appear, it is only here."

Xue Huairen's eyes were burning like torches, and his eyes on the girl became brighter and brighter.

Regardless of whether she is one of the six rare treasures, the method of reversing nature will not be faked.

From this alone, he knew that this was an opportunity for the Xue family.

"No matter what she is, you just need to tell the three holy places, the five ancient clans, and the two immortal sects. Tell them that there are six legendary treasures born here."

The white-haired old man exhorted in detail.

Xue Zheng's pupils dilated slightly, he glanced at the girl not far away, his heart was shocked, and he said in astonishment, "Old Ancestor, are you sure?"

The corner of the old man's mouth curled up into a smile, "As long as her ability to reverse nature and make people continuously promoted is true, does it make any difference whether she is a human or a spirit?"

Looking at the thought-provoking eyes of the ancestor, Xue Zheng immediately understood, and his heart beat wildly.

Can't help but praise, "Wonderful."

As long as this young girl's ability is true, if they offer her up, it is equivalent to offering a treasure from heaven and earth.

This kind of credit will definitely be rewarded by the Emperor Palace.

Now it doesn't matter if she is a spirit or not.

For their Xue family, her greatest value is to be a springboard for them to climb the high branch of the Emperor Palace.

Moreover, they notified the three holy places at the same time, and summoned the two sects and five clans.

Not only not to offend the other two holy places, but also let the people of Huangji Hall take the lead.

The old ancestor's way of raising his hands was smooth and watertight, which made him admire.

"The only thing to worry about now is the Primordial Spirit Maharaja."

A Yuanshen Dzogchen is always a hidden danger to their Xue family.

Even if the Xue family is protected by the Emperor Palace, they can't protect them at any time.

"It doesn't matter," Xue Huairen said with a faint smile, "Since that girl is a treasure of heaven and earth, it is doomed that the primordial spirit beast will not live long. When the adults from the Emperor Palace arrive, its affairs will be nothing to worry about."

It's about good fortune and spiritual things, even if the Void Returning Yuanzu is in the way, he will be smashed to pieces in front of the Emperor Palace.

As he said that, he took a deep look at him with his old eyes, "Success or failure depends on one move, you should pay more attention when summoning."

Xue Zheng took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Yes, I will arrange it myself."

At the same time, a series of signal talismans flew into the sky.

No one in the room was a fool. What the Xue family could think of, others could naturally think of.

Although many people have never seen the little toad, the means the girl used in full view are too incredible.

If it wasn't for the fact that her situation was too weird, someone might have been unable to restrain herself and snatched her away.

Even so, there were streaks of divine consciousness sweeping across the mountain, trying to land on her.

However, for some reason, whenever their spiritual sense wanted to land on her, they felt like they fell into a void, as if there was nothing in front of them, and their spiritual sense could never reach her.

Realizing this strange scene, they were shocked, and they didn't dare to be negligent, calling for friends one after another.

Even Chen Taiyi, who had suffered a great loss from the girl, had a cautious expression on his face, and a little fiery in his eyes when he looked at her.

"What kind of aura is that? Is it some kind of cultivation technique, or is it a secret treasure? Or is it a treasure of heaven and earth? How do I feel, just touching it, my realm begins to loosen."

His eyes flickered slightly, and then he took out the spiritual jade of common sense, and said in a voice transmission.

"Taichu, Taishi, Taisu, Taihao, you guys come here quickly, the opportunity for the rise of our Chen family is right in front of us."

His tone trembled slightly, and his mood was extremely restless.

Among the people around him, only he has felt that kind of breath up close.

Although I almost lost myself.

But he understands the vigorous life and the mysteries of embracing the world and the greatness of good fortune more deeply than anyone else.

For any practitioner, that is an irresistible feeling.

It was an unimaginable fatal attraction.

Just touching it for a moment made his primordial spirit ready to move,

He has an intuition that as long as he is exposed to that "taste" again, he will definitely break through.

It was an unimaginable opportunity.

No matter what, he couldn't let it go.

For a moment, the entire mountain fell into a strange silence.

Due to various reasons, those big monks from all over the world just looked at the girl under the pine tree from a distance.

But it vaguely surrounded the place where she was.

There is no way out in the sky and on the ground.

There is fear in each of the eyes, but more of desire and greed.

In the sky, there are only streams of communication talismans flying in circles.

Obviously, these people were not sure about dealing with this weird girl, and they were constantly helping the organization behind her.

An unimaginable massacre seems to be ready to go.

As for kicking to the iron plate?

Do not make jokes.

With so many forces gathered here, not to mention a weird girl, even a primordial god would have to weigh it up.

At this time, monks from various forces and backgrounds silently arranged a large formation of confinement, their eyes burning hotly preparing for a large roundup.

Compared with those monks, those disciples of Kunshan Sect are much simpler.

When they saw the miraculous recovery of Tang Yan's injuries, what they felt the most was the joy of "Senior Sister Tang was saved".

I didn't pay much attention to the girl's miraculousness. This is a peerless expert. Isn't it normal for her to be a bit skilled in medicine?
Even though they saw Tang Yan breaking through the eleventh floor in a row, they were not surprised. This is a peerless expert. Isn't it normal for an expert to empower her?

When they saw the girl take her fingers away from Tang Yan's eyebrows, some people wondered, "Senior, why didn't you continue to help Senior Sister Tang break through?"

It was a young disciple. Seeing the kindness of the senior in front of him, he bravely asked the doubts in his heart.

At this time, all the corrections in the sky were watching the girl in the mountain cove.

Don't let go of any trouble.

Although the disciple's voice was very low, everyone pricked up their ears.

When I heard that disciple's question so ignorant.

Someone sneered, "It's really an ignorant person who is fearless, and even breaks through the golden elixir, do you think it's a nine-turn golden elixir?"

Some people laughed to death in disdain, "Is this the level of the Kunshan sect's qi training disciples?"

More strong and powerful people shook their heads and laughed, thinking it was nonsense for children.

And Bai Lu didn't even look at the people around her from the beginning to the end.

It was as if it wasn't her who was surrounded like the sky and the earth.

She looked at the little disciple and explained patiently.

"It's not impossible, it's just not necessary."

"The golden core state is a bit special. It is the process for a monk to see his true self and his original heart. It is also the beginning of a monk's exposure to the Dao. It is an important stage for laying the foundation. If you help Senior Sister Tang break through, it will only backfire. It is good for future growth, and it is easy to be unstable and breed demons."

"Now I bury these remaining powers of creation deep in her body, and slowly improve her physique as she grows, wouldn't it be better?"

The girl spoke softly.

The monks around all breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words.


Is it not possible?
What a big breath.

Why don't you say that you can directly promote her to Nascent Soul?

However, Xue Huairen, Chen Taiyifeng and a few others were shocked violently.

Pupils shrank sharply.

Emotionally said, "The power of life and creation! She is indeed a humanoid spirit!"

(End of this chapter)

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