Chapter 501 Senior Sister Bai? !

What kind of life is created, the golden pill of nature.

These are too far away from the Qi Refining disciples of the Kunshan Sect.

But they still understood what the senior said.

They came to Tang Yan one after another.

Surprised to find that Senior Sister Tang's physical injuries have recovered, and not only is there no scar on her whole body.

Moreover, the skin is crystal clear and translucent, as white and delicate as suet white jade, and the whole body is as if reborn.

Lying there quietly, with a ruddy complexion and gentle breathing, like a Sleeping Beauty falling into a deep sleep.

Reminiscent of their previous epiphany, they knew that Senior Sister Tang was not only rescued this time, but also a blessing in disguise, a great opportunity.

"Senior Sister Tang Yan, Senior Sister Tang Yan."

Drowsy, Tang Yan seemed to hear someone calling her.

She felt like she was having a long, long dream, in which her consciousness was plunged into darkness, sinking into an endless abyss.

Surrounded by piercing winds, the darkness will swallow her soul, and the winds will melt her perception. Her consciousness flutters like sparks in a storm, extinguishing at any time.

At this time, there was a warm, gentle and all-inclusive force that rescued her from the darkness.

Then she felt as if she had re-entered a vibrant world, where the heaven and earth were the mother's womb, and the aura was the amniotic fluid.

She absorbs nourishment from the mother's womb in this world, and absorbs the continuous flow of spiritual energy to her heart's content.

She can clearly feel that both her body and soul are constantly evolving.

Whenever there is discomfort, there will always be an invisible force blowing like a cool breeze.

The gentle breeze is like the swipe of the goddess of nature, and any discomfort and pain will disappear under the swipe of the invisible force.

In the dream, she grew and evolved comfortably, until the invisible wind rolled up the warm and vigorous mysterious power into the depths of her body, and the rapid development of her cultivation did not stop.

However, she feels that stopping is not the end, but turning everything into a seed and burying it in her body, waiting to be slowly discovered in the future.

It was in this incomparably deep immersion that Tang Yan vaguely heard someone calling her name.

Gradually the sound became louder and louder.

"It's Ning Yang and the others?"

Tang Yan suddenly became terrified in the haze, as if a flash of lightning flashed through her mind.

Didn't I get caught by the elder of Jin Jianmen?
How can I hear their voices?

Could it be that they were also captured by Jin Jianmen?

Thinking of this, she resisted the deep drowsiness brought by the strong sense of comfort, and tried hard to open her eyes.

When the vision of darkness opens, into blinding light.

The first thing that catches the eye is a pair of clear eyes.

Those are a pair of unforgettable eyes, the sparkling eyes are like the lake water in autumn, and like the jade in the mountain spring, warm and clear.

The dark pupils of the eyes are dark and quiet, as unfathomable as the bottomless sea, reflecting the shimmering light, as if refracting a world divided into yin and yang.

She was bathed in the light of the sky, making it difficult to see her face clearly, and her whole body seemed to be covered with an invisible layer of tulle, giving people a sense of distance that was close in front of her eyes and floating on the horizon.

"Senior Sister Bai?!"

Tang Yan blurted out when she saw those familiar eyes.

Immediately after her gaze was fixed, her mind immediately cleared up, and she saw the strange face in front of her clearly.

Exquisite and beautiful, with picturesque eyebrows and eyes, the outline is very similar to Senior Sister Bai.

But both temperament and appearance are different from Senior Sister Bai. Tang Yan immediately knew that she had misunderstood, and said apologetically, "Sorry, I misunderstood."

I was a little annoyed in my heart, yes, how could Senior Sister Bai be in my heart.

As soon as she raised her hand, she realized that her hand had become delicate and shiny like white jade, as if she had been reborn, not like her own.

Moreover, the whole body becomes transparent and light, both the body and the mind are particularly sensitive to the aura, the pores of the whole body are dilated, and the aura of heaven and earth is swallowed into the body all the time.

And the aura that enters the body automatically runs the big circle.

Her own body is actually cultivating unconsciously?
Tang Yan was taken aback. Feeling her own cultivation, she was shocked to find that she had crossed the [-]th floor without knowing it, and reached the [-]th floor of foundation building Dzogchen.

"how come?"

Tang Yan was stunned for a moment, feeling that she hadn't woken up yet.

She remembered that she dragged down several foundation-establishing true cultivators of the Golden Sword Sect by herself, but was hit to the vitals with a spirit knife by the Jindan Elder. After that, she didn't know what happened to her. Why did the whole world change when she woke up?

Was she reincarnated, or was she being hunted down and had hallucinations and couldn't extricate herself?

Which is true and which is false?
Just when she was feeling confused, voices of concern suddenly sounded around her.

Cheerful and jumpy.

"Senior Sister Tang, are you awake?"

"Senior Sister Tang, do you feel uncomfortable?"

Seeing the familiar young faces in front of her, Tang Yan finally regained her senses from the dream, and looked nervously at the leading disciple.

"Li Ningyang? What's going on? Why are you all here? Where is this place..."

Before she could speak, she suddenly caught a glimpse of the monk who was full of pits from the corner of her eye.

As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw the sky and the earth, and as far as his eyes could see, there were black figures standing against the wind.


Tang Yan gasped suddenly, her eyeballs almost fell out.

All doubts were suppressed back to the stomach.

The first reaction in her mind was.

It's over, Tianjun Ling was exposed, and everyone came to hunt them down.

Then it didn't feel right again.

There is more than one Tianjun order, so many monks can't just grab these little lambs and squeeze them.

The ones standing in the air are at least Daoist Jindan.

The one standing on the clouds with his breath as deep as an abyss must be Zhenjun Yuanying.

And the one who stared at them like an abyss, and her soul felt a little tingling just by looking at them, must be the Yuanshen Shenjun.

Tang Yan swallowed her saliva, her head was a little dazed.

There are strong people gathered in the field, Jindan, Yuanying, and Yuanshen are all here.

How could He De, a group of little cultivators who built their foundations and cultivated Qi, attract so many masters to hunt down and kill them?

Looking at the looming figures of monks hidden behind the clouds.

Tang Yan felt dizzy and had difficulty breathing just by looking at it.

It was the first time in her life that so many people were staring at her, and all of them were above the Golden Core. Those unexplained gazes made her feel a chill down her spine, and the cold air shot straight to the soles of her feet.

Just as her heart was jumping with fear, the qi training disciples beside her said in a relaxed tone.

"Senior Sister Tang, don't be afraid, there are seniors around, those people have nothing to be afraid of."

"Yes, this senior is very powerful."

At first, the little monks of the Kunshan sect felt a little uneasy when they saw so many monks suddenly appearing in the sky.

However, after witnessing with their own eyes the girl's method of turning her hands into clouds and her hands into rain, she rescued Senior Sister Tang in the blink of an eye, and improved her cultivation to the [-]th floor.

They are all safe.

In their eyes, that senior is almost like a fairy.

One by one looked at her eyes full of admiration.

Seeing the group of juniors and juniors mentioning that senior, their eyes lit up and their little faces flushed.

Tang Yan knew that many things must have happened during her coma, so she immediately started asking.

Listening to the descriptions of a group of disciples chirping over each other, Tang Yan finally knew the ins and outs of the matter.

However, he opened his mouth wide and didn't close it for a long time.

Instantly brought back to life?Raising her hand to improve her physique?How easy is it for her to continuously break through the eleventh level?
What kind of fairy tale is this?
If these changes hadn't happened to her, she wouldn't have dared to imagine that these were real.

It wasn't a dream, nor was it a hallucination, but it actually happened to her.

Tang Yan turned her head to look at that delicate and pretty face, her heart was astonished, as if a storm had rolled up.

She is not a little qi-training disciple who doesn't understand anything. After being promoted to Foundation Establishment, she already has a general understanding of the level of power in the world of immortality.

With the injuries she suffered at that time, even if she was brought back to the Kunshan sect, even if Yuanying Daxiu in the sect personally took action, at most her life would be saved.

To restore her to her original state, even if the Supreme Elder comes, there is no way, maybe only the three Yuanzu with great supernatural powers can do it.

Of the three things she did, it would be remarkable if the world of cultivating immortals could do one.

And the female cultivator in front of her, who didn't show her face, pulled her back from the gate of hell, and even transformed her body, causing her to break through more than ten layers.

As a beneficiary, she can feel the transformation of her body.

The more you experience it carefully, the more you feel the other party's inconceivable methods.

Is this really something humans can do?
It wasn't until this moment that she realized that although there were many monks in the sky and on the earth, standing beside the girl, she didn't feel the slightest pressure.

She had to accept that it was all true.

She took a deep breath, and immediately bowed down, "Thank you for your help, senior. The kindness of senior is tantamount to rebuilding. Tang Yan will never forget it in her life."

Then he turned his head and said to Li Ningyang and the others, "You are deeply blessed by your seniors, so hurry up and kowtow to thank you."

The other disciples also bowed after hearing the words, "Thank you, senior, for saving your life and for preaching."

As they spoke, they were about to bow down together, but they were lifted up by an invisible force, and the girl smiled gently.

"It's okay, it's just a matter of raising your hands..."

As she spoke, she flicked her fingers, and a strange starlight sprinkled on those seriously injured disciples.

Immediately, nectar fell from the sky, and the injuries on those disciples recovered instantly, and they became alive and well.

Even the few disciples who were unconscious due to the serious injuries began to wake up one by one.

Seeing this scene, the pupils of the monks around shrank suddenly, and their eyes showed fire.

It was not only Tang Yan who was shocked by the narration of those disciples just now, but also everyone present.

Seeing the performance of the young girl again now undoubtedly confirmed their guesses.

"She really has the ability to reverse nature?!"

"Catch her, or dedicate it to the three holy places, wouldn't it be like flying into the sky?"

Excited, they became more courageous. Although no one dared to cross it for a while, intentionally or unintentionally, they all began to slowly gather towards the mountain depression.

Looking at the faces with unfriendly faces, Tang Yan knew that the mysterious girl in front of her was unfathomable, but she still felt a little nervous.

She could tell that the cultivators covering the sky surrounded them at this time, and they didn't dare to come down because they were not sure about the strength of the seniors in front of them.

They are waiting, waiting for their help to arrive.

The longer the time dragged on, the more unfavorable it would be for them.

"Senior, what shall we do next?"

Looking at those figures approaching every step of the way, Tang Yan couldn't help swallowing nervously.

Seeing the girl smile lightly, she said indifferently, "It's okay..."

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly raised her head to look at something empty in the eye, and said, "Help me block it."

Just when Tang Yan was puzzled, she saw an extra piece of paper in the girl's hand. The piece of paper was broken and turned into a middle-aged man with vicissitudes.

Tang Yao took a closer look. The middle-aged man looked over thirty, with deep eyebrows and a square face.

Gentle and gentle, although his appearance is not very outstanding, he has a good temperament!

The air is hidden inside, giving people a strange feeling.

She and a group of young disciples of the Kunshan Sect blinked, and then saw the senior girl close her eyes again.

The sudden appearance of a middle-aged man startled everyone.

what is this?Human puppet?Or the Lux Talisman?

Everyone looked at the man as if they were facing an enemy, but found that the man did not leak a little breath from his body.

But I don't know why, just looking at that figure, everyone feels very uncomfortable, and there is a kind of palpitation and rejection in their hearts for no reason.

In this case, the higher the cultivation base, the more obvious it is.

Especially Xue Huairen and Chen Taiyi, the two primordial gods.

When they saw that ordinary middle-aged man, their hearts jumped together, and they felt a great terror cast over their hearts.

Seeing him was like seeing the most terrifying thing in this world, as if he shouldn't have existed in this world, and felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Who is this person?" Chen Taiyi's eyebrows twitched, he looked at Xue Huairen in horror and said, "Old Ghost Xue, who is she?"

Not far away, figures pierced through the air, emitting a violent sonic boom, shaking the stratus clouds thousands of miles away.

One by one exuded a tyrannical aura, like lightning bolts breaking through the clouds and mists, drawing straight white marks on the blue sky, and gathering together towards the mountain depression.

"Hahaha, brother Lu, you also heard about that heaven-defying chance?"

"Junior Brother He, you also got the news."

"Hmph, wonders of heaven and earth? I want to see if it's true or not."

Among these streamers, there are two Nascent Soul cultivators, one is a middle-aged man with a strong sense of demeanor, his robes are trimmed with gold, and the other is a short and thin old man with cloudy eyes and an old-fashioned appearance.

At this moment, the old man said worriedly, "Master, the soul sword representing the third elder was broken just now, I don't know if he has silenced it, will it bring trouble to our Golden Sword Sect?"

"The Kunshan sect is a big sect after all, so it's not easy to provoke."

A few inches long thing hangs above the middle-aged man's head, with golden rays of light hanging down from it, enveloping him, making him look like a fairy, making him fly like lightning. Even the old man in the mid-Yuanying period couldn't keep up with the blessing of the magic weapon.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man frowned slightly, and looked ahead, "The position where the third elder hunted down those disciples of the Kunshan Sect is in this direction. It is possible that he encountered Da Neng passing by and encountered an accident."

"However, this matter is not important now. As long as the news of the rare treasures of heaven and earth is confirmed, our Golden Sword Sect will make great contributions to the Emperor's Palace. Even if the Kunshan Sect finds out, it doesn't matter."

the other direction.

The haggard Tang Feng asked Fang Zhuoran in surprise.

"Senior Brother Fang, is what you said true? Do you have any news about those disciples?"

The tall and handsome young man also stretched his eyebrows and said, "It's true, do you know the spiritual pressure just now? I heard that a rare treasure from heaven and earth was born, and someone saw the figure of my Kunshan sect disciple there."

"That's great." Tang Feng was overjoyed, and then he was worried about gains and losses.

"I don't know if something happened to Yan'er?"

Hearing this, Fang Zhuoran also smiled wryly.

"I hope everyone will be lucky."

"It's a pity that Senior Sister Qinglu went to Wanxing Valley. Otherwise, with her pet beasts, our Kunshan sect could also compete for the rare treasures of that day."

(End of this chapter)

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