Chapter 502
In the col, under the green pine.

When the middle-aged man stepped out of the card and appeared in front of everyone.

Whether it is a Yuanshen Shenjun like Xue Huairen and Chen Taiyi, a Yuanying Zhenjun like Xue Zheng, or other Jindan real people.

Everyone's heart was beating for no reason.

Hairs stand on end.

It was like encountering a great terror.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the restrained middle-aged man.

The other party's aura was not exposed at all, but it was like a black hole, which was incompatible with everything around it.

The discomfort faintly revealed made them feel horrified.

This kind of inexplicable palpitation was unprecedented, which made each of them feel a huge sense of threat.

As if he was some terrible monster, just facing him like this gave them a kind of psychological pressure, and some people even started to sweat coldly on their foreheads.

"Who is this person? Why do I reject him so much in my heart?"

Xue Huairen was shocked.

Not only him, Chen Taiyi also felt this way.

As Yuanshen and Shenjun, the two merged the flowers of the Dao, and were very close to the laws of the Nine Realms.

They faintly felt the strangeness of each other's existence, like an old goat suddenly broke into a herd of sheep.

I don't know why it was not discovered by the rancher.

However, when these half-sized sheep faced him, there was an indescribably strange feeling.

They mistake this weirdness for a whim.

Reminiscent of the sentence that the girl said before, "Help me block it."

Everyone looked like they were facing an enemy.

"Is this the hole card of that mysterious girl?"

But to their surprise, after the middle-aged man showed up, he didn't bother them.

Instead, he looked at the girl with unkind eyes.

Fierce eyes.

Mo Huaigu's eyes flickered with silver light, and his body was full of lawful breath. Looking at the girl in front of him, he was about to go crazy.

Suddenly, his whole body was concentrated, and he raised his head to look into the void, and a bright starlight was reflected in his fierce eyes.

His expression stiffened.

"Is this... the breath of the supreme artifact?"

His face changed, and he was about to leave without saying a word.

However, as soon as this thought came up, he involuntarily soared into the sky, and the direction was exactly where the starlight came from.

His pupils trembled violently, and he felt that his body was completely out of his control, and his heart was extremely horrified.

"Witch, what kind of sorcery are you doing?"

He struggled hard, but to no avail, his eyes danced wildly.

"Black art? It's just card art. You forgot, you are already my card."

A faint voice suddenly came out of his heart, sounding from a place of ignorance.

"So, I ask you to block it, it's an order, not a request."

Mo Huaigu's expression was extremely ugly when he heard this.

"Demon girl, you have humiliated me so much today, and when I return to the world of profound practitioners, I will absolutely destroy you."

Bai Lu closed her eyes without moving her eyelids.

The golden goat next to him curled his lips, "Go back to the mysterious world, let's talk about it after you get out of this small thousand world alive."

"If we hadn't turned you into a card, you would have been destroyed in this world long ago. Now that you can walk safely under the bright blue sky in this world, you can enjoy yourself."

With that said, it looked up in another direction, and took a sip impatiently, "Again? Isn't it over yet?"

Seeing that weird man was going to make trouble for that girl as soon as he came out, under the watchful eyes of everyone, before everyone figured out what happened, they saw that man soaring into the sky in a blink of an eye.

"Everyone be careful! This person is going to make a big move!"

Xue Huairen jumped in fright, thinking that the other party was playing some trick, and just wanted to remind him.

Suddenly, a powerful air force entered his sensing range!
At that moment, terrifying murderous intent enveloped the world, and an unprecedented aura emerged in everyone's hearts. The strong killing intent shocked their blood and stopped their thinking.

Almost at the same time, everyone seemed to have a feeling that something was approaching!
Just can't feel it.

Not to the left, not to the right, not in front or behind, not underground or in trees.

Time seemed to hit the pause button.

Suddenly, consciousness paused for a moment in the years.

At this moment, it seems that thousands of nebula float through the void.

For a moment, it seemed like millions of star gods were chanting in unison.

in the sky!
Xue Huairen and Chen Taiyi raised their heads suddenly, their eyes widened immediately, the expressions in their eyes changed from astonishment and dullness to horror and shock in an instant.

I saw an indescribably bright beam of light breaking through the sky and descending from the sky. In a blink of an eye, it seemed as if the sky and the earth were shrunk in one place, and thousands of stars washed out the field of vision, like the scorching sun shining on the world!

The huge star pillar emanating from the black demon mountain finally arrived across the space as expected.

The mighty starlight illuminates the whole world, behind the turbulent starlight are dark clouds, and thunder and lightning flicker, as if the thunder god descended from the sky, shaking the clouds for thousands of miles.

This vision stunned many monks, their figures suddenly stopped in mid-air, their jaws were slightly opened, and their eyes stared blankly at the brilliance that overflowed the universe and came across the infinite mountains and rivers.

The huge star pillar is like a star sword that descended from the sky, with a frightening and terrifying aura surrounding it.

The moment it appeared, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, and all directions were destroyed!


Starlight and thunder and lightning rolled up a huge storm, and the starlight flickered like a plow sweeping a hole, shaking the mountains, rocks, clouds, fog and everything to the sky!

The sky and the earth roared, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and the void collapsed. Their vision was completely occupied by that bright light.

"No matter who you are, I will not let you escape control!"

In everyone's ears, they heard a sound like a thunderbolt, like a heavenly man, like a roar of a dragon and a tiger, like the scolding of an emperor, like the thunder of the earth, and it seemed like the gods in the sky were roaring.

Puff puff puff, just a distant sound caused many people to cover their ears and vomit blood, as if bearing the wrath of the sky, their faces were ashen and trembling.

The aura emanating from the vast starlight stirred up the peaceful aura of heaven and earth in the whole world into a mess.

Swipe, all the people in the sky are staggering in this vigorous shaking of the world, as messy as dumplings.

A large number of golden pills, Yuanying Daxiu, are extraordinary in appearance, walking, sitting and lying like a master.

At this time, it was like a chicken in a storm, rolling into a ball in a panic.

Only the Kunshan Sect disciples beside the girl stood there without moving, as if they were not affected by the storm at all.

Even Xue Huairen and Chen Taiyi, the two ancestors in the primordial spirit realm, trembled in unison in the face of the endless starlight and the majestic momentum that surpassed all living beings, and their expressions were extremely terrified.

This magnificent light like a natural disaster scared them out of their wits.

All of them were terrified, and ran away with their heads in their hands, driving the escape light, trying to find a place to hide.

However, God seemed to be joking with them.

Just when a group of frightened practitioners crawled and rolled away from the source of starlight.

next moment.

A phoenix roar that resounded through the sky came from the void, from the high sky outside the Zhoutian secret realm.

The sound was like a phoenix, not a phoenix, or a beast, not a beast, with different heights, overlapping, like eight or nine roars of beasts stacked together, or like rays of light appearing in the dark, thunderclaps rising from the cloudy sky, coming from the darkness far away. Among them is the majesty.

The breath of the people was disturbed again by this sound, and the blood flowed backwards one by one, and the figures fell from the sky like birds with broken wings.

A strong and fierce aura erupted from the sky, and they raised their heads in panic.

Looking at the end of the crowd surrounded by bright lights, each of them stared wide-eyed, a little suspicious of life, "What is that?"

However, when they saw the true face of the huge phantom, they were almost scared out of their wits.

At the end of the line of sight, where the yin and yang of the heavens and the earth are, the bright golden light shines on the sky, and the dazzling light is like a monstrous fire. At this time, they gather as one, and a huge golden phantom appears.

It was a nine-headed phoenix bird with its teeth and claws showing a ferocious expression.

The flame-like wings spread out, and the nine heads screamed.

In the torrential golden flames, nine looming heads and beaks are like dragons, some have sharp single horns, some have double horns supporting the sky, and some have sharp beaks of dragons and beasts. The nine dragon heads have different shapes, but they are equally ferocious.

The moment it appeared, even the great sun in the sky withdrew.

Light, endless light, the extremely rich golden light, like a volcanic eruption, like a tsunami in the ocean, replaced the color of their pupils.

The eighteen scarlet eyes are like eighteen blood moons hanging high, like the most evil ghost in the world, with golden flames spouting from their nostrils.

The ferocious and evil golden vertical pupils make people shudder.

"Hey, sigh..."

The ferocious phoenix bird looked at the sky and sang forever, the sky and the earth roared, and there seemed to be hallucinations of ghosts roaring in the nothingness.

The mighty golden light and energy radiate for thousands of miles, faintly echoing the way of heaven in the splendid world.

The splendid and magnificent scene brought them back to the night when the immortals came in a trance.

"This... is this... a supernatural power at the level of a fairy?"

Xue Huairen's teeth chattered, and his entire face was distorted.

Horror, palpitations, and disbelief all appeared on his face almost at the same time.

Even Chen Taiyi stared blankly and almost sleepwalking at the phantom in the sky, the majestic scene gradually overlapped with the bright golden luster of that night.

The living beings under the golden light are like mayflies looking up at the sky, and ants overlooking the sea. A kind of shock and surrender from the soul goes straight into the soul.

Between the extremely fast light and shadow transitions, even time seems to be stagnant,
"Why is there a phantom of a fairy coming to the world?"

In the face of the indescribably mighty aura that surpassed all living beings, some people couldn't hold on, their minds collapsed instantly, and they couldn't help crying loudly.

"Could it be that we did something that angered people and caused heaven's punishment?"

"No, this doesn't seem to be the power of a fairy?!"

Some of the monks felt that the aura of the nine phoenixes seemed to be more vain than the phantom of the fairy phoenix back then, and there was a lot of doubt in their hearts.

However, this is not important.

A Mahayana King combined with three Mahayana Heavenly Sovereigns combined with many combined Void-returning powers to fully urge the treasure of heaven.

Even compared to the Immortal Yuhua who shot it himself, it is not much better.

One mile and one away, two equally tyrannical auras came from two opposite directions, and they collided head-on without any room for maneuver, instantly arousing hundreds of millions of auras to fight crazily.

In an instant, it was as if thousands of nuclear bombs exploded at the same time, and a hurricane swept across the world.

In an instant, the sky and the earth were in chaos, the sun and the moon were dimmed, and the surrounding area of ​​the sky and the earth suddenly fell into an incomparable rage.

Xue Huairen and Chen Taiyi, who were the first to bear the brunt, were suspended in the air by relying on their deep cultivation, and were immediately swept by the destructive energy flow.

Immediately, he was blasted out without any suspense, spurting blood all the way, and only managed to stabilize his figure after retreating for dozens of miles.

In the whole world, as far as the eye can see, it seems that thousands of hurricanes have landed, and the mountains, rocks and trees have been uprooted, and everything has been crushed in the violent vortex. and go.

The shattered aura is contaminated with the power of the law of heaven, and it adheres to the sand and stones, like an enchantment, turning a little dust into a sharp sword and flying needle.

Poof, poof...

Countless dull voices rang out, and those fragments and fine sand contaminated with the breath of law flew into the crowd, piercing countless people's bodies like chopping melons and vegetables.

Broken arms and limbs flew all over the sky, blood spattered, and in a blink of an eye, the entire valley became a Shura slaughterhouse.

Before the powerful monks who came to grab the treasure could react, they were torn and pierced by the sharp wind and sand like a sharp sword.

"Everyone be careful..."


"my hand……"


Countless howls sounded, and the invisible wind hole pierced through the stone, and everything it passed, whether it was trees, rocks, or human bodies, was pierced and melted.

Some people want to take out talismans and magic weapons to resist them, but those magic talismans that can easily block the full blow of the Nascent Soul and Yuanshen are not as good as torn paper in the wind in the face of this violent wind that contains the breath of law. into pieces.

For a time, the entire valley was filled with dust and blood mist, like a slaughter hell reappearing in the world.

Between heaven and earth, only the place where the girl lives is a pure land, and everything else is chaos.

Tang Yan, who was standing beside the girl, and all the disciples of the Kunshan Sect were almost stunned like wooden piles.


This is the only thought in their hearts at this moment.

Under the turmoil of the wind and thunder, the outside world is devastated, and there are very few practitioners who can stand still.

Those great cultivators who had been staring at them just now, whether they were Yuanying or Yuanshen, were all scarred and covered in scars.

And those Golden Core cultivators with weaker skills and slower reactions were bleeding all over the field, and their arms and limbs were broken.

Screams, wailing, cursing...

Struggling, frightened, rolling and running for their lives...

The majestic great practitioners just now are like trapped beasts blocked by two nailed walls.

In the sky and on the ground, there is no escape.

They even saw a Nascent Soul Daxiu whose body was smashed to pieces. As soon as the Nascent Soul flew out, it was cut into a blood baby under the chaotic storm, and disappeared with screams.

And this is just the aftermath of the collision of two forces.

Because her body was transformed into an innate spirit body, Tang Yan was very sensitive to the energy of heaven and earth.

She could feel that whether it was the huge star pillar or the phantom of the nine phoenix, their auras were all locked behind her.

Behind her, the senior closed his eyes tightly, as if he was in meditation.

The terrifying aura filling the world is like two huge worlds that are about to collide.

Although standing beside the senior, she didn't feel any pressure, but the deep and mysterious aura of law was about to overwhelm her heart.

Just when she was hesitating whether to wake up the other party, the huge aura that was squeezed suddenly disappeared, and a desperate roar came from the bright starlight.

"Damn it? How can there be a supreme artifact in this small thousand world?!"

Tang Yan was stunned to see that the middle-aged man released by the senior actually stood in front of that incomparably terrifying beam of light.

The terrifying radiance that was so terrifying that even a trace of it could melt the Nascent Soul and the Nascent Soul fell on him, as if bathed in ordinary starlight.

At this moment, Mo Huaigu was furious.

He found that not only could he not control his body, but he could only move freely when facing this beam of light.

This forced him to take the blow of the supreme artifact for that immortal cultivator.

"It's a good thing that the magic power that drives the supreme artifact has not reached the divine realm."

Mo Huaigu felt a little rejoiced.

Seeing the bright pillar of light that shook the universe continuously piercing through, his eyes flickered slightly, and he felt a little headache.

He can see that this star pillar is not only a kind of attacking power, but also a marking power. If he does not resist, he will let the blow that contains the power of law fall on him. If he resists, he will be killed by the supreme Artifact Capture Marker.

However, at this moment, he can no longer control so much.

He was trained as a card by that fairy, and his life and death were only in her mind.

Even if she doesn't resist, she will directly turn into a card body to block the gun.

He gritted his teeth.

Since he was promoted to Xuanshen, he has never been so embarrassed.

"Fight it!" A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he shouted sharply, "Xuanyuan Slaying Evil Sword, give it to me!"

A bright silver light flickered.

When this power of law, which belongs to another world, first appeared in Zhoutian Secret Realm.

The entire Splendid World trembled slightly, and there seemed to be an incomparably furious will that was about to wake up in the nothingness of heaven and earth.

However, a faint invisible force flickered lightly, and the aura that belonged to another world disappeared instantly.

The will that is ready to go out seems to have punched cotton.

A muffled thunder billowed from an infinite height, and then disappeared without a trace.

At this time, between heaven and earth, a divine sword took shape.

This is completely condensed and formed by the power of Mo Huaigu's law. With the blessing of the Xuanyuan Slaying Evil Sword, it directly turns into a five-section chain with a hilt. The sword body is engraved with runes and images of the sun, moon and stars. .

Exuding the mighty power to shock the worlds and sweep away evil spirits!

Xuanyuan Slashing Evil Sword!
After all, Mo Huaigu was a peak profound god.

Of course the shot will not be ambiguous!

A sword is transformed, like the opening of the sky and the earth, like the sun and the moon shining.

The indescribably sharp sword light cut through the sea of ​​stars and divided the sky and the earth, as if the first ray of dawn brought the sky and the earth, cut through the star pillars, and illuminated the sky.

The starlight that filled half of the sky stopped abruptly before it fell, and then disappeared!

It is difficult to describe the brilliance of that sword, and this scene is deeply imprinted in everyone's mind.

That sword not only pierced the bright starlight, but also directly pierced everyone's Dao heart.

All those who witnessed this sword felt a chill in their hearts. A unparalleled sword light followed their gazes and cut straight into the depths of their hearts.

Whether it's the low-strength Foundation Establishment Qi training, or the super-powerful Nascent Soul Golden Elixir, whether it's holding an ancient talisman, or a magical body protection, all of them have no way to fight back under this unparalleled sword. force.

Dazed, muddled!
Everyone who witnessed the sharpness of this sword seemed to have died, as if they had come to a strange world in a daze.

Drowsy, they seemed to hear a muffled groan coming from beyond the sky and the earth.

"Where did the Ascension Immortal Emperor come from?! Your breath. I remember."

When they came back to their senses, the starlight had disappeared, and the destructive brilliance was gone.

There are only floating dust left between the sky and the earth, other than that, nothing seems to have happened.

Fear of the unknown emerged in everyone's hearts.

However, it has not waited for them to recover from the shock of that sword.

Even more outrageous things happened.

I saw that huge and ferocious figure crossing countless mountains, rivers and mountains, and arriving from the very far end of the world in an instant.

The majestic and ferocious aura freezes all their movements, and the bright golden light shines on their fearful and absent-minded eyes.

Under this desperate momentum, these well-known bigwigs in the world of cultivating immortals all had dull eyes and were at a loss, like ducks stunned by thunder, not knowing what to do.

Don't wait for it to fall.

I saw that ordinary goat snorted lightly at the Nine Phoenix Phantom.


There seemed to be a thunderbolt rising between heaven and earth.

The violent power of heaven and earth is manipulated in the dark, and the good fortune of heaven and earth is involved, and the whole world is roaring with wind and thunder.

The golden light shattered, and the huge phantom that covered the sky disappeared like a mirage in an instant.


In the far distance, it seems that something is broken.

At this moment, everyone in the world of cultivating immortals felt a crisp sound in their hearts, as if something had left them in the dark, like untying some kind of shackles.

Cloud Immortal Palace.

Puffy, countless mirrors shattered at the same time.

A shrill scream came from behind the golden mirror.

And in the eyes of the cyan figure, suddenly reflected an incomparably huge golden pupil, filling his heart, penetrating the heavens and the earth, radiant like the sun and the moon!
The sound resounded between heaven and earth, like thunder and heaven crashing.

The shock in his ears immediately made his five orifices bleed, and at the same time his viscera shook, and he retreated again and again.

He roared, his face was ferocious, and a phantom of a majestic world flashed above his head, flickering slightly.

In the world, the sky is collapsing, the void is shattering, and the whole world is collapsing. It is not until the world is completely annihilated that it can barely bear the aftermath of the terrible momentum.

When the phantom of the world shattered, the cyan light that shrouded him also distorted and disappeared in an instant.

Just a glance from a long distance can penetrate the inner world of Mahayana Tianjun!
The Xiaguang disappeared, revealing a middle-aged Taoist figure with a gloomy complexion, his face was pale, his eyes were full of horror, and he couldn't care less about his cultivation retreating.

The majestic Mahayana Tianjun shrank in the corner at this time, his whole body was trembling, as if he had seen the most terrifying thing in the world, his lips were trembling.

"Xuan...subtle to wonderful..."


the other side.The golden goat glanced at the void, and a smile appeared on the golden goat's face.

"Now it's finally clean."

After the Dao Treasure, everyone's cultivation has dropped by a big level, so it doesn't believe that they are dishonest.

But it looked at the chaotic world around it, and frowned with golden brows.

"There are so many broken law breaths, over the years, I'm afraid it will become a life-threatening place and erode the entire secret realm. Since this matter is all because of us, then Lao Yang will clean you up."

After the treasured sheep finished speaking, he mobilized the power of the void on his body and let out his true aura.

Seriously count——

According to the standards of the world of cultivating immortals, its combat power is between the Xuanwei Zhimiao Immortal and the Myriad Tribulations Hongchen Immortal.

But it's the essence of life.

It should surpass all living beings in the Nine Realms, including the three kings who opened the sky behind them.

After all, he was the reincarnation of the infinite spirit of the eternal universe. When the fluctuations on his body rose into the sky like a strong wind and blew in all directions, the scene of the doomsday that had just been destroyed was instantly cleared and cleared for thousands of miles.

The aftermath of law and mana floating in the air disappeared in an instant.

The dust dissipated, and the world became clear.

Everything in the entire mountain range is presented in front of everyone.

The mountains and forests were destroyed, and the gravel was crushed.

The whole land is like a plowed field, the high cliffs are shattered, the ravines are vertical and horizontal, and there is no complete boulder on the ground, and all the raised peaks are completely destroyed and obliterated by the strong wind coming and going.

As far as the eye can see, except for the big pine trees in front of and behind the girl who are still safe, the whole world has become barren, the breeze is blowing, and the fine dust rolls up fish scale-like sand patterns.

The monks who survived the catastrophe stared blankly at the desolate land, like sculptures.

Even Tang Yan and the others couldn't help being stunned and shocked when they saw this post-apocalyptic world like the doomsday.

However, fortunately, they did not personally experience the majestic power of law on the Treasure of Heaven, and did not experience the powerlessness of closing their eyes and waiting to die under the irresistible aftermath like a natural disaster.

So the shock was not much, and he was able to face all this soberly.

As for the others, they were already frightened and stupid, each of them was like a quail, dazed and dazed, as if in a dream.

Until now, it's like waking up from a dream, one by one lost their souls, as if they had a nightmare from which it was difficult to wake up.

Cloudless, clear blue sky.

At this moment, they froze there, not daring to move.

Every time I recall the scene just now, I feel terrified. The huge gap between those stars and phoenix shadows and them is like the distance between the sky and the earth, which makes people daunting and almost desperate.

And those people actually...

"Haha, brother, here we come."

At this time, an old voice sounded from the top of the head, and then a figure descended from the sky.

It was a short and fat old man, wearing a black robe, although his head was full of gorgeous hair, he was hale and hearty.

Beside him was an old man with long flowing hair. Except for a longer beard, he was no different from ordinary people. His face was flushed and smiling, like an old lucky star.

There are two people beside them, a middle-aged man in his 30s, with sword eyebrows and star eyes. Although he has a mustache, he still gives people a sense of heroism.

The other one, a man and a woman, are both young, and they look about 30 or [-] years old.

But the aura on them was the same as that of the two old men and middle-aged men.

When the four of them came here, they were first taken aback by the desolate and dilapidated scene.

Then they saw the figure under Qingsong at a glance, exuding an indescribable aura, which made people's eyes shine.

"Brother, is this the ghost figure you mentioned?" The short and thin old man's eyes were burning. "This time I brought two special envoys from the Emperor Palace and the Qin family gods. There are two special envoys. Look at the presence of the two special envoys." Who dares to rob us?"

As soon as these words came out, for some reason, Xue Huaiyi suddenly felt that the surrounding atmosphere was a bit chilly.

Very weird.

When he heard the second child's words, Xue Huairen's empty eyes regained focus in an instant.

When he realized what the second child was talking about, he froze all over!
I am!

The Tangtang Yuanshen Lord almost peed in fear, swung his arms round and slammed his face fiercely, and at the same time growled hysterically, "I am Cao Nima, Huangji Palace is nothing!"

"If you want to die, don't drag our Xue family down!"

While he was beating, his face was full of fear, and he looked at the girl tremblingly, his eyes full of awe.

Not only him, but everyone present was looking at the middle-aged monk who pierced the immeasurable starlight with his sword, the mysterious goat who blew away the eclosion form in one breath, and the young girl who was calm and calm from the beginning to the end, with her eyes closed.

In their hearts, the three of them had turned into an extremely terrifying nightmare that devoured their minds.

All of them had trembling eyes and trembling pale faces.

What kind of cultivation are these existences?
Mahayana Heavenly Monarch?Or a Feathered Immortal?
However, it doesn't seem to matter now.

They only need to know that these people at least have the power to kill immortals!
(End of this chapter)

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