Chapter 503 False (5500 words)
Xue Huairen's big fight not only stunned the two primordial gods of the Xue family.

It made the three spirits who were traveling with them even more confused.

A few of their souls came in aggressively. They were full of confidence and planned to grab the treasure directly, but they were stunned by the slap in the face.

Especially that swearing caused a flash of surprise in the eyes of the middle-aged man from the Qin family.

Some looked at Xue Huairen unfamiliarly.

He thought to himself, what kind of medicine did this old ghost Xue take today, and he suddenly became so brave?

The two special envoys from the Emperor's Hall this time are two young men and women. The man is not good looking, but has a certain bearing, and the woman is beautiful and graceful, with a good face.

Hearing that Xue Huairen was disrespectful to Huangji Palace, the man's face immediately turned dark.

The nun looked at him with murderous intent.

The short and fat old man Xue Huaiyi stood there stupidly and didn't recover for a long time.

How long.

Since he was promoted to Jindan, no one in Xue's family dared to shake his face.

Now that he is honored as Yuanshen Shenjun, he was slapped in the face in full view.

Even if that person was his eldest brother from the same clan, he couldn't help but let the anger burn in his heart, and his old face was distorted with anger.

Trembling all over, full of momentum, I was about to fight him desperately.

But when he met his elder brother's bloodshot eyes that wished he could kill someone, he couldn't help but tremble.

Only then did he notice that his elder brother was a bit miserable.

Not to mention the disheveled hair, the white robe with lotus flower pattern on her body seemed to have been soaked in water, with many messy holes and blood oozing.

An otherworldly primordial spirit was dusty at this moment, as if it had rolled on a muddy floor.

Looking at the others, Xue Zheng was covered in bruises and bruises all over his body. His beautiful robes had become tattered, and even the magic weapon in his hand was rotten into a hornet's nest.

He hurriedly looked around, and found that as far as he could see, there were miserable scenes with missing arms and legs.

Those monks and masters he knew and didn't know were in a state of distress at this moment, their bodies were covered in wounds and blood, it was very tragic, and the air was filled with a faint smell of earth and blood.

Even if there were still a few survivors, they were all terrified and frightened like overly frightened lonely ghosts.

Seeing this scene, the two special envoys of the Emperor's Palace were both breathless.

Xue Huaiyi gasped even more.

What's wrong?Are you haunted?

Also, isn't that old man with disheveled hair and a terrified expression the first patriarch of the Chen family, Chen Taiyi, who is as famous as his elder brother?

Why is his body trembling and his face so pale?

Also, what's the matter with him looking at himself with such stupid eyes?

Only then did Xue Huaiyi realize that many familiar faces were missing in front of him.

He remembered that the boss had taken away so many masters, why is there only four or five Nascent Soul Daxiu who are lonely and miserable?
"Brother, what about Xue Fan and the others? What about the disciples of the multi-infant elder Jindan?"

Xue Huairen asked in horror.

Suddenly there was a bad premonition in my heart.

Brush brush.

Figures flickered in the sky, and monks from a distance came one after another.

Among them are the middle-aged man in green clothes with a crown-like face in Qingtian Fang City, the stern-looking man in black outside Fang City, and those old men with kind eyebrows and kind eyes and full complexion.

When they saw the devastated land and the messy battlefield, they were all shocked.

Their gazes involuntarily fell under the green pine tree.

no way.

On the dilapidated and desolate cracked land, the huge green pine is full of vitality, standing proudly, and the lush greenery is incompatible with the surrounding post-apocalyptic scene.

Whether it is a tree or a person, it seems to be in another world.

"Is that an innate spirit body?!"

The attention of those old men was suddenly attracted by Tang Yan, who was bright and charming. A gloomy black light gradually appeared in his slightly stiff eyes, and the shadow behind him shook slightly, as if something was lurking in it. .

Whoosh, at this time, two streamers flashed, and someone came again.

One is a middle-aged man with a gold rim in his robe, and the other is a short and thin old man with cloudy eyes. He is the head of the Golden Sword Sect and the Supreme Elder.

"Look, head."

When the Supreme Elder saw a group of disciples wearing the costumes of the outer sect of Kunshan Sect, he was shocked.

The head of the Golden Sword Sect even changed his expression.

"These little bastards are still alive? What's the matter with the third elder? They can't even deal with a group of qi training disciples. Such a waste really deserves death."

His face was extremely ugly, and he wished he could find the third elder's body and smoke it again.

He can miss such an important matter.

It simply brought them endless disasters from the Golden Sword Gate.

Looking at those lively Kunshan sect disciples, the middle-aged man's expression became more and more gloomy.

It is one thing to secretly intercept and kill the disciples of the Kunshan Sect, but it is another thing to be retaliated by the Kunshan Sect if the interception fails.

Even if their Golden Sword Sect relies on the background of the Emperor's Palace, they are not afraid that the Kunshan Sect will come to the door.

But that was at least a school of disciples from the Immortal Cultivation Realm back then, and the masters in it didn't know how many people there were, so a few Nascent Soul Daxiu came out to hunt and kill their disciples of the Golden Sword Sect. Will their Golden Sword Sect monks go out in the future?

"These little bastards left behind are nothing short of a curse."

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he would have wanted to kill those Kunshan sect disciples right now.

It's a pity that there were so many powerful people at the scene, and he didn't dare to act rashly under the watchful eyes of everyone. Just when he was anxious, he suddenly found two familiar figures, and his eyes immediately brightened.

The spirit is lifted.

"Aren't those two silver envoys from the Emperor Palace?"


"What? Immortal supernatural power? The power of cutting down immortals?!"

When Xue Huaiyi and others heard Xue Huairen telling the ins and outs of the matter, they almost couldn't believe their ears and interrupted him several times.

It wasn't until the ancestors of the Chen family and others next to them gave evidence one after another, and they listened patiently after looking at each other, but they were still dubious.

It's not that they don't believe it.

But everything is too outrageous, not in line with common sense.

Yuanshen, return to the void, fit, Mahayana, join the way, and become a feather.

Just the realm of Yuhua and Yuanshen is one more realm than the realm between Yuanshen and Qi Lian Xiaoxiu.

In this hideaway world where the Mahayana has no trace, even the world of cultivating immortals, where the Yuanzu Yuanzu has just come to the world, is the end of the practice of countless benevolent people for thousands of years.

Telling them now that the mysterious master who can kill immortals has appeared and is right in front of them, this is tantamount to saying heavenly scriptures.

This is like a group of powerless mortals besieging and killing a primordial god.

Then the Yuanshen Shenjun sat there and did nothing, let them kill it?
Are they crazy, or is the world crazy?

No one would believe this kind of thing unless they saw it with their own eyes.

It's ridiculous.

However, there were so many multiple infants left at the scene, and Xue Renyi and Chen Taiyi, two primordial gods, madly endorsed the words, which made Xue Huaiyi and others secretly startled.

The primordial spirit of the Qin family still asked, "Since it is a battle at the level of an immortal, why is there no immortal breath left in this world?"

The two primordial spirits of the Xue family also nodded.

Is it easy for the immortal to make a move?

Although they haven't seen an immortal make a move, they have seen records in ancient books.

Immortals and mortals have different paths, that is a ray of breath that crushes the blessed land, and the true meaning lasts forever for millions of years. Even the slightest aftermath is unbearable for Yuanshen Shenjun.

"Yes, it is rumored that the immortals have comprehended the true meaning of the law, and the breath of the law follows each other. The aftermath fragments left by the war can affect the operation of the big world. It is rumored that the places where the immortals fight in the Nine Realms have turned into eternal life. Even the Mahayana Heavenly Monarch can’t enter, if it’s really a battle at the level of immortals, how can we have a chance of survival here?”

At this time, other primordial spirits came one after another, including several primordial spirits of the Chen family.

At this time, they also questioned what their boss said.

Although the scene in front of him was tragic, it really didn't look like a battlefield where immortals fought.

Another point is, don't you see that the last time the immortals came to the Fairview World, the sky and the earth shook, and the golden light dharma occupied half of the world of cultivating immortals, and the avenues resonated.

This is the only time in the world of cultivating immortals for nearly a million years that an immortal has manifested in front of the world.

Therefore, everyone compares it with the birth of the immortal phoenix.

In contrast, I found that although the golden light and sparks here were brilliant and there were terrifying auras intertwined just now, the visions and auras did not affect the entire Splendid World. It's too ridiculous.

In fact, how did they know that the birth of the fairy phoenix was abnormal in itself.

That time, Immortal Jiufeng forcibly broke through the barrier in order to chase and kill someone, and finally aroused the backlash of heaven. Under the condition of heavenly punishment, he was stripped of his body, and in desperation he burned the law and sacrificed one of his precious natal tail feathers , erupting the last brilliance of life, crossing mountains and seas, and leaping across the entire world of cultivating immortals, it was only then that there was such a big commotion.

This time, someone used treasures to strike across space. Of course, the more energy is restrained, the more powerful it will be.

Strictly speaking, neither the giant pillar of starlight nor the phantom of the nine phoenixes used the power of feathering.

One is the use of a trace of power from the Supreme Divine Artifact, and the other is the lore that the four heavenly monarchs united with many combined Void Returning powers at the cost of sacrificing a piece of heavenly treasure.

Although the power is a real immortal power, the power of the law used comes from the heaven itself, so the heaven in this world does not have such a big reaction.

Moreover, whether it is starlight or phoenix shadow, strictly speaking, they are not magical attacking powers, but a mark, a mark of the law level.

This kind of mark can't even be avoided by immortals, and the attack effect is only incidental.

After all, to the ants on the ground, even one breath of the Nine Heavens Canglong is a kind of change.

The power of law inherent in Immortal Dao cannot be resisted by any monk under the mortal realm.

But none of these survivors knew.

They are just earth dogs that have not even met the Yuanzu of Returning to the Void a few times, and have never met the Sage Monarch of the Body in their entire life.

Treasures of heaven, supreme artifacts, magical attacking powers, law marks, and power of laws, how can they be distinguished so much?

When they faced the terrifying power and destructive aftermath that surpassed the will of all beings, what was the difference between the treasure of heaven and the immortal?
Anyway, it is the power that can shock them to death with the aftermath.

They only remembered that the mighty golden light and sparks destroyed the sky and the earth, and the breath that escaped from the aftermath alone could destroy their bodies and spirits, sweeping back and forth several times.

That is by no means a movement that can be made by returning to the void.

At least, they can still distinguish what is worldly law and what is immortal power.

Moreover, at that time they clearly heard someone say "Emerging Immortal Emperor", and they believed in it even more.

After witnessing the destructive starlight and phoenix shadow and the figure piercing the sky with a sword, these survivors have already become frightened birds.

When he heard other people's doubts, Xue Huairen immediately said nervously, "It's Mr. Yangxian, it's his body that shook slightly, and the remaining lawful breath disappeared."

Recalling that miraculous scene, until now he was still trembling for the miraculous scene.

At this time, when the words came out, there was silence everywhere.

The crowd didn't believe it even more.

Even the primordial spirit of the Qin family saw Xue Huairen's trembling appearance, and there was a trace of pity and disdain in his eyes.

"Tsk tsk, old ghost Xue, I never imagined that you'd spend your whole life, and you'd be frightened out of your wits when you're old."

"Yeah, although we don't understand the methods of immortals, we also know the difficulty and danger of the laws between immortals. Different laws cannot dispel another law, otherwise there would not be so many immortal battlefields left in the Nine Realms. .”

"What you said, don't talk about immortals, even Jinxiu Jinhuang, the number one master in the legends of our immortal cultivation world since ancient times, may not be able to do it. You want to say, is that sheep a true immortal existence that surpasses the golden emperor? "

There was Yuanshen Shenjun laughing wildly, even the two Xue family Yuanshen, Xue Huaiyi and Xue Huaili, were a little embarrassed, and complained in their hearts that their elder brother was really scared and stupid, and the more he said, the more out of line he became.

There are still a few immortals left, and true immortals are hard to find.

In the entire Splendid World, from ancient times to the present, and tens of millions of years later, there is only one true immortal recognized, and that is the Emperor of the Age of Mythology.

It is precisely because of Tianhuang Zhenxian that Splendid World became one of the top three worlds a long time ago.

Even the legendary Lord of the Splendid Golden Palace who ruled the world of cultivating immortals in ancient times, ancient times, and ancient times may not be a true immortal.

Now that their elder brother actually said that a goat that came out of nowhere was a real fairy, they all felt a little ridiculous in their hearts.

"It's not just true immortals. When the body shakes, it can clarify the universe. If there is no law, even the pure Yang Zhenxian can't do it. Maybe only the three immortals in the legend can do it. Even those three, I am afraid It won't be as easy as you say."

The soul of the Qin family jokingly said.

The same thing happened in other places around, and when the new strong men heard the words of those who survived, they didn't believe it at all.

And the more bitter they are, the more unbelieving those people are.

Especially seeing these surviving great monks look like beggars fleeing famine in the world, their expressions are numb, their faces are full of fear, and their eyes are full of fear. There was even more disdain secretly in my heart.

"These people have been abolished, their Taoism has been broken, and this life stops here."

Some people looked at the survivors who were terrified to death with compassion.

The words of these people have no credible value in their hearts.

But looking at the devastated earth and sky, and the few miserable scenes left, everyone will not underestimate that girl.

It can affect so many cultivators at the same time, many of them are Nascent Soul and Primordial Spirit.

This is not something ordinary people can do.

"At least it's the battle of returning to the void. Is this the ancestor of returning to the void?"

The eyes of the Qin family Yuanshen and other newcomers Yuanshen Shenjun flickered slightly.

Only the Void Returning Primordial Ancestor can do all this.

And things look more reasonable, too.

As for the spiritual things, they no longer think about it.

No matter what method that person uses to bring people back to life, even breaking through the twelfth floor is beyond their imagination.

At this moment, they were thinking about whether to step forward to make friends.

Although the Dao of Heaven in the Splendid Great World has been opened, since Sword Saint Wuya returned to the void, there has not been a second return to the void in the world of cultivating immortals.

Moreover, Liu Wuya never returned, and the three patriarchs of the Kunshan sect also closed their gates after they failed to attack the Taibai sect and were slapped back by a certain existence in the three holy places.

There are still very few Void Returning Primordial Ancestors in the entire world of cultivating immortals.

This is the only one.


While everyone was in awe, they couldn't help being a little excited.

Only the two special envoys from the Emperor's Palace present had the vague feeling that something was wrong.

"Nine Phoenix Phantom..."

"The power of immortality?"

They looked at each other with a hint of doubt and astonishment in their eyes.

"No way."

If that's the case...

Thinking of this possibility, the two couldn't help but gasp secretly.

"Absolutely impossible!"

They hastily took out the communication spirit jade, and secretly activated their spiritual power, trying to contact their Shangfeng.

As the silver face of Xuanfeng Hall in the Yin Palace of Jiufeng Dynasty, that is, the silver emissary of Huangji Hall, their upper peak is naturally the Void Returning Primordial Ancestor, but no matter how they mobilize their spiritual power, there is no response on the other side.

"This is impossible?!"

The faces of the two were pale, their hearts were beating wildly, and they kept urging Lingyu.

However, the two communication spirit jades specially made by the palace, which can even send messages across borders, are constantly shining.

But at the same time, there was no response for a long time, and the news was like a stone sinking into the sea.

As time passed, the hearts of the two gradually sank, and their expressions gradually distorted, as if they had seen a ghost, and they looked in the direction of the girl with horror.

"Huh? That senior is gone?"

Tang Yan, who was standing next to the girl, was always paying attention to the situation of that "paper" senior. When that senior broke the sky with a sword, he actually just went across the space.

Seeing her and all the disciples were stunned for a while.

Isn't he the paper doll of the girl's predecessor?

How to say go away?
Could it be that they wanted to hunt down the person behind that star pillar?

Duobao Goat lazily glanced at the void, not caring, "Don't worry, he can't run away."

Tang Yan was slightly taken aback, this was the first time she heard the golden goat speak to her, and she wanted to say something when she opened her mouth, at this moment, an uncontrollable excited voice came out from a distance.

"younger sister?!"

Tang Yan turned her head, and what caught her eyes was a thin young man with a haggard complexion, flying over with a look of surprise.

Seeing that familiar figure, Tang Yan's eyes suddenly became moist when she recalled that the two sides were almost separated forever.

"elder brother!!"

She yelled and ran away.

Seeing that thin figure, Li Ningyang and other Kunshan Sect disciples were also ecstatic, "It's Senior Brother Tang Feng?! And Senior Brother Fang, our Kunshan Sect brothers and sisters have arrived."

Standing in the distance, peeking in the direction of Qingsong from a distance, the big figures who were hesitating how to get in touch with the Void Returning Primordial Ancestor immediately gathered their gazes when they saw the movement here.

When they saw the team of Kunshan Sect, their eyes lit up, knowing that the opportunity had come.

They rushed away one after another and came forward to chat.

"Fang Xiaoyou, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations to the Kunshan sect!"

The Yuanshen Lord of the Qin family arched his hands, his waist was about to be bent in half, and he was smiling all over his face.

Fang Zhuoran, the leader of the team, was taken aback by the sudden appearance of so many figures in front of him.

Even if he is Xiaohui Peak Tianjiao, the existence of a half-step Nascent Soul, he can't help being vigilant in the face of these monks who can't even see their breath clearly.

At the same time, I was confused by the kind expressions on these people's faces, and said hesitantly, "I don't know what is so good about my Kunshan sect, that I can be appreciated by the seniors?"

At this time Fang Zhuoran had calmed down.

recognized the identities of these monks.

There are those from the Qin family, those from the Xue family, and those from the Chen family...

Cultivation base has Nascent Soul, has Nascent Spirit...

So many cultivators gathered around with smiles all over their faces, it was really frightening for a while.

"Of course, congratulations to your disciples of the Kunshan Sect for being favored by a master, washing the scriptures and cutting the marrow, breaking through eleven layers, and returning from the acquired to the innate, successfully changing fate against the sky, and achieving the innate spiritual body."

Fang Zhuoran looked at Tang Yan and found that her appearance had changed drastically.

Although the facial features remain unchanged at all, the snow-white skin feels different from the inside to the outside.

Taking a closer look, the cultivation base has directly reached the foundation establishment Dzogchen.

He couldn't help being startled, and even more at a loss, "What's going on?"

"The thing is like this..." Someone rushed to talk.

In the narration of many strong men in a few words, Fang Zhuoran finally understood the general outline of the matter. When he looked curiously at the graceful figure under Qingsong, his expression was in a daze, and the blue cloud mark between his brows was slightly heated.

"Hey, isn't this the kid from the Kunshan Zongda Hall? You're here too."

At this time, a voice came from above the head, followed by a huge shadow.

A huge toad that was pitch-black and filled with demonic aura descended from the sky.

The little toad is back.

(End of this chapter)

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