Chapter 504 Refining Small Thousand Worlds
Bai Lu encountered a little trouble.

In her dantian, a 10,000+ zhang-sized void grinding disc is slowly turning. The black side with raging demonic energy represents destruction and extinction, and the radiant blue side represents vitality and good fortune.

The green and black disc runes rolled, and the power of the law floated, spinning faintly in the same direction.

Wisps of multi-colored, clear and clean good fortune air threads like colored glass are continuously flowing out from the fine cracks formed in the gaps between the huge millstones.

Strange multicolored brilliance spread from between the void millstones, illuminating the entire space crystal clear, as if soaked in some kind of egg white.

At the same time, the two large millstones were shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is determined by the forward and reverse characteristics of the Great Void Grinding Disc.

Those who are rebellious dissolve all things, and those who are obedient make all living beings.

Deconstruct all things to serve the surplus, and create all living beings to harm the deficiency.

It corresponds to the principle of "the way of heaven is to benefit but not harm, and to make up for what is not enough; the way of man is to do what is not to fight, and to do what is not enough to give what is not enough".

After all, she is not a real heaven and earth, and she cannot achieve the state of "Heaven gives man to give birth to all things, and man gives all things to give birth to them".

Therefore, the two diametrically opposed forces wear each other down by rotating clockwise. Although the good fortune is reversed, the foundation is also damaged.

Although she only took a sliver of life force and distributed it to Tang Yan and the seriously injured Kunshan Sect disciple, most of the five-color fortune was absorbed by herself.

However, this way of reversing the good fortune by tearing down the east wall to make up for the west consumes itself, and it shows that the "Yin Yang Good Fortune Art" created by her is itself flawed.

The real yin and yang good fortune is that yin and yang complement each other, and life goes on and on.

This kind of incompatibility between cis-reverse transformation is absolutely unacceptable.

However, when she discovered this flaw, her heart was filled with joy.

Because, at that moment, she finally found out her own path of practice.

If it follows the practice method of ordinary Mahayana monks.

Now she is in the stage of merging the primordial embryo of the world, or opening up the inner world by Xiang Huashi alone.

Next, she just needs to slowly cultivate and accumulate foundations, develop and strengthen her internal body world, until she can withstand the assimilation of Xiaoqian World's Dao, and merge into Dao and become immortal.

This is the normal process of cultivation and development of a Mahayana Heavenly Monarch.

However, Bai Lu's situation is a bit special. Not only did she not open up the inner world, but she entered the body with the law when she was still in the Mahayana period, and condensed the body of the law.

Although her current Law Body is no different from an Immortal Body, but so far, she has nowhere to go.

In other words, the traditional way of cultivation is no longer suitable for her.

Even because of the lack of the step of opening up the world, even the traditional method of immortality is not suitable for her.

The Mahayana period is not only the limit of worldly law, but also the starting point of immortality.

The cultivation methods after Mahayana are also based on the inner world.

Cultivating immortals is one step at a time. These realms are tempered by the sages of the immortal way through countless epochs.

What can be simplified has long been simplified, just like the wood of a tower, one piece cannot be missing.

Now she doesn't even have the foundation of this world, so she enters the body according to the law and has achieved the immortal body.

The traditional way of immortality is naturally not suitable for her.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for her to become a fairy in advance.

Because I think that to become an immortal, you must join the Tao, and if you want to join the Tao, you must open up your own inner world.

Only when the inner world is truly opened up, can the soul and the physical body carry the laws of the outside world on their own behalf.

Otherwise, the power of the law that overrides all living beings will collapse any mortal life.

This is also why there is such a big gap between immortals and mortals. One has exhausted manpower, and the other has the help of the power of the outside world. How can people compete with nature?

However, there are no absolutes in the world.

The power of the void in the girl's body made the impossible possible, and made her embark on a path unique and different from any cultivator.

This is both an advantage and a risk.

From the moment she became a Mahayana immortal, she has embarked on this lonely road that is doomed to be difficult.

There is no classics to learn from, no good teachers to advise, no exchange of helpful friends, and no way to learn from the future. The road is long, and what awaits her is only eternal loneliness and groping.

She is about to walk alone on the avenue of one person.

Even the big millstone in the dantian was formed with the introduction of "Kunyu Evergreen Sutra" and "The Sutra of Ten Thousand Demons Without Phase".

But by now, the two exercises had already changed beyond recognition.

Devouring and absorbing so many powers of laws, the artistic conception on the two millstones has also changed from the confrontation between immortals and demons, transcending the original intentions of the two exercises, and expanding into destruction and creation, the cycle of life and death, and even the cycle of Tai Chi, everything can be seen It is the sum of the artistic conception of opposites and unity.

In short, it is the true meaning of yin and yang.

Of course, she couldn't continue to practice step by step according to the exercises.

It doesn't make any sense even if the "Kunyu Evergreen Sutra" and "The Sutra of Ten Thousand Demons Without Phase" come first.

However, just when she didn't know how to take the next road, this defect of Yin-Yang Creation Art made her grasp a little light in her ignorance and see clearly the road ahead.

Therefore, she didn't even care about those people's prying eyes, and hurriedly returned her divine sense to her dantian, looking at the void millstone going in the same direction, her eyes thoughtful.

"The grinding disc of the void crushes all things. The power of the void is used as the axis, and the way of immortals and demons to oppose yin and yang is used as the grind. Other laws are the tooth marks that crush all things."

"However, everything must pay attention to a balance, whether it is the "Kunyu Evergreen Sutra", or the "Myriad Demons Without Phase Sutra", or the spiritual power law that makes up the Yin-Yang Mopan, in the Nine Realms, it may be the top road leading directly to the immortal way, But when they are placed in the star field of the heavens, in the void of the universe, or in a wider world, their advantages are not obvious, and none of these can release the true potential of the power of the void."

She pondered, her eyes brightened slightly.

"To put it bluntly, the power of the void is too advanced, and the law of the great way in the Nine Realms is too rubbish. Although it supports the yin and yang mill, it cannot fully participate in it. It is like a third party between husband and wife. Yin and yang cannot be separated from each other. The power of the power really does mutual generation and mutual restraint, smooth flow and mutual assistance, to solve this problem, either replace the power of the void, or add a transitional medium in the middle that communicates flow and flow.”

"However, the power of the void is the foundation and structure of the entire yin and yang good fortune..." She pondered slightly, "The entire exercise is driven by the power of the void, and the power of the void cannot be changed, so you can only add a little bit of power to your heart." a medium..."

"This medium must be able to make yin and yang coexist, reverse life and death..."

While meditating, a huge black vortex quietly appeared in the center of the cyan disc, and at the same time, the cyan vortex in the center of the black circle was slowly and powerfully rotating.

The cyan and black vortexes are like two huge mandala flowers blooming in the center of each other. The stamens are closely linked to the opposite energy around them, and slowly rotate in opposite directions. The energies devoured and strangled each other, turning into a phantom of the black and blue Taiji diagram that was intertwined head to tail, and slowly rotated.

Reversing nature, together with yin and yang, is reincarnation.

Yin and Yang are endless, good fortune is endless, and reincarnation is endless.

The gray Taiji diagram, surrounded by two green and black points, connects end to end and circulates endlessly, turning into a grinding heart and spinning faintly in the center of the grinding disc, exuding a mighty Yin-Yang artistic conception, flowing in her primordial spirit.

At this moment, Bai Lu realized that she had never comprehended the Yin-Yang Dao so clearly.

When the Yin-Yang Tai Chi phantom was formed in the center of the millstone, there was a loud rumbling sound.

In front of her eyes, the two discs that represent immortals and demons, yang and yin, vitality and destruction began to generate and complement each other, speeding up their rotation.

The blue and black yin-yang and Tai Chi diagrams rotate faintly, and it seems that a rotating shaft gear is added in the center of the huge millstone.

When the two huge millstones are turned counterclockwise, the Yin-Yang and Tai Chi diagrams inside will turn clockwise.

When the two huge millstones turn clockwise, the Yin-Yang and Tai Chi diagrams inside turn counterclockwise.

The two sides are in one system, but they are opposite and unified.

The entire Void Grinding Disc exudes an indescribable and unpredictable aura.

And when the huge millstone outside rotates clockwise to grind out the power of creation like colorful glass.

The Taiji diagram in the center, no, it should be said that the Taiji column immediately rotated in the opposite direction, and a strange and twisted devouring force began to sweep Bailu's body.

At that moment, the center of the millstone seemed to turn into a black hole, an extremely powerful black hole with endless greed.

A terrifyingly strong viscous suction came in, and Bai Lu felt all the energy and blood in her body uncontrollably rushing towards the small Tai Chi diagram, like water breaking through a dike, her energy and spirit were about to be swallowed up in the blink of an eye .

The girl was startled for a moment, then understood, and the corner of her mouth twitched slightly.

"It seems that cultivating immortals still needs to talk about energy conservation."

Although she made up for the defects of the Great Void Millstone, the energy that creates the power of creation is not born out of thin air.

Sensing the huge attraction in the center of the millstone that almost absorbed all her energy, Bai Lu thought for a while, and with a slap of her palm, a huge nine-colored boulder appeared in front of her eyes.

The boulder has nine colors, the color is bright, and the whole body is entwined with the air of good fortune. There are hidden clouds and dao patterns on it, exuding a strong mysterious atmosphere, and an indescribably majestic and heavy feeling rushes to the face.

It seems to carry mountains, rivers, mountains, stars, moons and stars, majestic and mighty, as if facing an extremely huge world.

Small thousand world stone.

When he was in the Tarot World, Mo Huaigu once wanted to exchange the ownership of her and Little Toad with Xiao Geng.

Now that Mo Huaigu has become her card, everything on him naturally belongs to her.

It's just that Bai Lu didn't expect that that guy really had a small thousand world stone.

Not only the Little Thousand World Stone, but in his storage space, there are even two large star cores of the same level as the Little Thousand World Stone.

This is equivalent to destroying three worlds of the same scale as the Splendid World.

After all, the Splendid World in its heyday can only be regarded as a Small Thousand World at best.

"As expected of the Divine Might Legion, it seems that the mysterious world is indeed as fierce as Xiao Geng said, even a single scout can destroy three small thousand worlds."


Outside the Splendid World, the middle-aged man who thought he had escaped suddenly touched the storage ring on his hand.

Turning his head suddenly, his eyes fixed on the huge world behind him.

Gritting her teeth, she roared angrily, "Damn witch, you actually took away all the things in my Xuantian ring. There is a baggage for me to transport in the camp there."

"How do you ask me to go back and explain to Shangguan?"

As he said that, he was about to fight back angrily, but after thinking about the dark card space, he suddenly stopped.

A face changed back and forth more than a dozen times in front of the Splendid World, and finally said angrily, "That hateful witch, turned me into his card, I have no power to fight back in front of him, that's all, a gentleman has ten revenges!" It's not too late, everything will wait until I contact Sequence."

As he spoke, his figure disappeared out of bounds like light.


Zhou Tian Secret Realm.

Bai Lu felt the shocking aura of laws of other world emanating from the colorful boulders in her dantian.

Without any hesitation, she threw this boulder that condensed the essence of the entire Xiaoqian world into the millstone.

Immediately, the huge millstone composed of black and blue gas froze slightly, and then the upper and lower millstones ruthlessly crushed down on the boulder with a deafening sound.

One up and one down, two huge millstones whizzed and rotated, causing the void to vibrate violently.

Then the green and black aura in Mo's heart rolled gently like a small millstone, and under the pressure of the two phases, the boulder was smashed into countless tiny pieces.

Looking at that posture, even a real Xiaoqian world will be crushed to pieces by this millstone.

At the same time, the severe pain on Bai Lu's body stopped suddenly, and the surging blood also flowed back quietly.

Then there was a force that was unstoppable and unstoppable gushing back from the Void Mill.

The huge millstone inflated like a blowing balloon, and the power of endless law continuously entered the millstone from the Taiji pillar, and then, a mysterious and mysterious breath of good fortune overflowed.

The Tai Chi pillar in the center seems to contain infinite mysteries, the Yin disk representing destruction and death and the Yang disk representing good fortune and vitality. Cooperating with the Tai Chi diagram in the heart of the mill, pulling the colorful boulder fragments little by little, bringing the The energy of the law is dissolved, the acquired is transformed into the innate, and all things are transformed into chaos, so as to recreate good fortune.

The huge millstone rotates endlessly, and the power of yin and yang flows continuously.

Crushing, crushing, dissolving, and creating are all carried out at the same time, and the cycle goes on and on.

The endless mysteries of heaven and earth flowed out from the void millstone, and continuously merged into her spiritual altar, and traces of the principles of the Dao slowly flowed through her heart.

Bai Lu's Dao heart was completely enlightened, and an indescribable understanding gradually expanded in her mind, and her comprehension of some Dao laws inexplicably increased by a large amount out of thin air!

This is the Dao Law from another world, and it is merging with the Void Mill.

There are some strange dao rhymes in these forces, which seem to quickly supplement some incomplete parts of the green and black disc.

The green and black qi are spinning rapidly like a spinning top in the grinding heart, and in just a few breaths, a small thousand world stone equivalent to the splendid world is completely wiped away.

This directly caused Bai Lu to be overwhelmed.

The energy that contained almost a small thousand worlds rushed into her body mightily after feeding back the Void Mill.

A trace of moist colored glazed light lingers in her body, continuously merging into her body with the power of law.

Let every part of her flesh and blood be covered with layers of milky white lawful breath, making it appear more and more precious.

A burst of vitality is about to spread from her body.

This force is like the sky collapsing, like the sea boiling, once it erupts, the entire Zhoutian secret realm may be wiped out.

At this time, the little toad happened to fall from the sky. Suddenly, everyone at the scene felt as if time stood still, and the entire time and space stood still for a moment.

At this moment, the law does not move, the world is sealed, time and space are frozen, and everything is rigid.

The whole world stopped functioning, everyone stood stiffly in place, and the fire of soul in their minds froze like an iceberg, and they could no longer shake their thoughts.

Bai Lu opened her eyes and sighed helplessly, "I can't break through here."

Speaking of rolling up her sleeves, Shi Zhan Qiankun in his sleeves took the big amber-like toad into his sleeves, and at the same time said to the only treasured sheep on the scene who could move independently.

"Senior Yangbao, let's go."

The golden goat saw her state at the moment.

Leaping to her side, he arched his waist and said, "Come up, I will take you to my void realm to break through."

(End of this chapter)

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