Chapter 527 God-given opportunity

Above the thick clouds, hundreds of miles in the sky, Yun Sheng looked at the magnificent Imperial Palace between the emperor's eyebrows.

In the palace complex shrouded in golden divine light, a bloody color enveloped the palace in the middle.

The shape of the main hall is simple and heavy. There are no patterns on the appearance, but it exudes a breathtaking atmosphere.

Looking at Yun Sheng from a distance, he could feel a strong and extremely dangerous aura.

This hall was like a beast curled up there, giving Yun Sheng a great sense of danger.

The rich blood light not only soaked the hall itself, but also several places around the hall shimmered with blood light.

Especially the magical medicine garden next to it, from above, everything is shrouded in blood.

The giant trees that kept coming and going were like ghosts in the mist, and the lush vegetation always had a faint layer of blood mist overflowing from the flowers and leaves as they swayed.

If I am not mistaken, this is the core of the Emperor's Palace and the location of the true Supreme Temple.

At this time it became so bloody and weird.

If the entire Emperor's Palace is like the vertical eye of the Emperor's slough.

Then the Reincarnation Hall and the area around it are like blood-colored pupils in the eyes.

"Mr. Yun, what are these arrangements in the Reincarnation Hall of Life and Death for?"

Yun Sheng couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know," Mr. Yun said simply and neatly, "The divine body is precious. There are so many innate sacred corpses in the Palace of Reincarnation of Life and Death. Anything is possible."

Yun Sheng suddenly thought of a possibility and said with fear.

"Could someone want to resurrect the emperor?"

"Impossible," Mr. Yun said without even thinking, "The Emperor is dead, how can he be resurrected? Besides, if you want to resurrect the Emperor, it is useless to just rely on these innate holiness. After all, the Emperor is already the highest-level innate in the Splendid World. Holy."

"Rather than resurrecting the Emperor, I think this is the work of the Splendid Golden Emperor."

When Yun Sheng heard this, he was stunned and said in disbelief.

"You said this might be the preparation for the Golden Emperor's ascension to immortality?"

"Who knows? The ancient immortal who dominated the three eras of the Splendid World. According to legend, he first betrayed the Emperor with the Emperor of Earth, then betrayed the Emperor of Earth, and finally abandoned his own world. Everyone knows that he wants to achieve true success. Xian has gone crazy, and no one will be surprised at what he can do."

As he spoke, Mr. Yun's tone was slightly excited, "But no matter what, we sent it."

"This is the relic of a true immortal. Throughout the history of the Nine Realms, not even a few true immortals have appeared, but there is a relic of a true immortal in front of me. This kind of opportunity is probably unique among the nine realms."

There was a hint of ruthlessness in Mr. Yun's voice, and he spoke menacingly.

"Girl Yun, we are going to plunder a lot."

Yun Sheng heard the meaning of Yun Lao's words and was a little surprised by his boldness.

"Is this... going to be dangerous?"

She looked hesitant.

The state of the Reincarnation Palace and the Emperor was a bit strange, and she felt that things were far from being as simple as she saw.

Moreover, the huge divine corpse exudes a majestic breath of life, and its body still maintains strong vitality. It looks like it is sleeping motionless. What if he is not completely dead and there is still a residual soul left behind?

As if aware of her concern, Mr. Yun spoke in a deep voice.

"There is no danger in practicing. Compared to the predicament of stagnant cultivation, this danger is nothing. Besides, with me here, in my current state, I am more sensitive to the same kind. I can feel that he has died. ”

"Even if there is a remnant soul left, I don't believe that the character of the Splendid Golden Emperor will make it easy for him."

Mr. Yun was surprisingly decisive at this time.

The appearance of the true immortal's remains seemed to have a strong attraction for him.

However, he was not confused, "Let's test it first. If he really falls, we won't be polite."

After talking with Mr. Yun, Yun Sheng also knew what the so-called true immortals were.

It is an omnipotent existence that dominates a world, can control the way of heaven, and can speak the law in the big world.

More importantly, Yun Sheng learned from Yun Lao the huge secrets under the prosperous immortal civilization of the Nine Realms.

It turns out that there is a problem with the current path of cultivating immortals in the Nine Realms by integrating the Flower of the Avenue, the Fire of the Void, the Origin Fragments, and the World Yuan Fei. After being promoted to Feathering through this method, there will no longer be a possibility of advancement.

Only the blood of the True Immortal of Refining Pure Yang can replace those advanced treasures.

Thinking of this, even she was a little moved.

But thinking about the horror of true immortals, she still hesitated and said, "What should I do?"

"First go to her body and the acupoints between her eyebrows to see if she has died."

Mr. Yun said in a deep voice: "If she really dies, let's talk about other things."

Although Mr. Yun coveted the remains of the true immortal, he did not lose his mind.

Yun Sheng asked in a low voice: "What if she didn't die?"

"If we really didn't die," Mr. Yun was silent for a moment and said in a low voice, "we will just wait to die."

"A true immortal, even if he leaves behind only a trace of his soul, we cannot be our opponents and cannot escape."

Yun Sheng:......

That makes sense.

With a little caution, a little caution, and a little fear, Yun Sheng's puppet fell quietly.

Although she was fully prepared, her heart was still beating uncontrollably.

Because you cannot estimate the power of a true immortal.

Even if she seems to have died, you don't know if he has any back-ups or trump cards left behind.

And the backhand left by a true immortal, no matter how weak it is to him, is enough to kill countless lives at their level in an instant.

When Yun Sheng reincarnated on the giant peak again, he looked at the huge stone forest in front of him filled with aura.

She discovered that things were not as simple as she imagined.

The aura of the Zhoutian Secret Realm is much higher than that of the Immortal Realm, and the aura of the Ancient Sea of ​​Stars is higher than that of the Zhoutian World. The aura of the world in the coffin is consistent with the outside world, and the aura of the Silver Dragon Cave is higher than that of the world in the coffin. That is, The ancient sea of ​​stars.

Such a rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth settled on the emperor's body. After a long time, it was wrapped in a thick layer of rock formations, forming a huge mountain peak.

Therefore, she did not discover the emperor's true form at the first time.

If you hadn't stood far enough and looked down from the sky, you wouldn't have discovered what kind of corpse he was. This is an extremely huge mountain, no different from other peaks in the Ancient Sea of ​​Stars.

She pondered for half an hour, but couldn't find a chance to enter the sea of ​​consciousness. Faced with this situation, Yun Sheng stood there for a while, a little at a loss.

"Look for the wounds on his body. I just found wounds on his chest. It should be possible to enter his sea of ​​consciousness from those wounds."

Yun Sheng thought for a moment and controlled the puppet to fly rapidly on the surface of the remains.

Look for wounds on his body.

The activated protective talisman was suspended above the puppet's head like the sun, and an invisible force field wrapped around her body. The puppet controlled by Yun Sheng shuttled through the void like a ghost, flying towards the wound in her memory at the fastest speed.

Except for the whistling sound, the entire ruined giant peak was completely silent. There will be no danger for Yun Sheng to rush here. Unless the emperor suddenly wakes up and slaps her, there will be no risk here.

After galloping for half an hour, the puppet controlled by Yun Sheng suddenly stopped.

Ahead is a huge rift valley.

——On the emperor's body, it might be just an inconspicuous scar, but from Yun Sheng's point of view, it is a huge rift that stretches for an unknown number of miles.

When she walked to the huge wound on the emperor's chest and looked down, Yun Sheng's scalp couldn't help but feel numb.

The emperor's vast chest and abdomen had lost their original shape. There were huge wounds that were miles or dozens of miles long. The sharp wounds penetrated into his body unknown how deep they were.

She stood at the edge of the wound and looked down. She could only see a rapidly rolling chaos, but nothing else.

Moreover, the wounds between the Emperor's chest and abdomen were like black holes, constantly devouring everything around him.

Near these wounds, Yun Sheng also saw many huge broken metal fragments. These metal fragments had complex and gorgeous patterns on them, with a strong exotic atmosphere.

And it exudes a powerful demonic breath.

"Originally, these were supposed to be part of a powerful magic weapon, but now these magic weapons have been destroyed."

With the guidance of Mr. Yun, Yun Sheng collected as many of these huge fragments as possible.

"These metal fragments were left behind by the demons outside the world during the ancient demonic disaster. They are made of materials that can only be found in the stars. They are much more precious than the treasures of any world in the nine realms."

Mr. Yun explained.

Yun Sheng controlled the puppet to dive all the way, picking up rags along the way. After spending half a time on the road, she finally came to a snow-white world.

That's right, between the surface of the Emperor's body and the rock formations, there is a space as high as ten thousand meters.

Perhaps the emperor's will still remains in his body. The rock formations formed by the aura of heaven and earth cannot contaminate his body. The emperor's skin is indeed spotless, as clean as the chaos that has just been opened up, and there are still things around him in mid-air. The subtle sound of running water came, and a faint sacred and majestic energy and majestic breath of life spread around.

The white earth is the emperor's skin, the sound of running water is the blood flowing in the emperor's body, and not to mention the breath of life, the emperor's huge body still retains strong vitality.

And on the snow-white land, there is a huge black canyon.

It was like a ferocious mouth opening on the bloody ground.

This is the real wound of the Emperor.

Yun Sheng stared with wide eyes as the golden mist continued to roll in the huge canyon-like wound. There were countless golden runes rising and falling inside, with simple lines and an indescribable sacred ancient aura. She could read every one of these runes. do not know.

"Old Yun, what kind of rune is this?"

Yun Sheng felt that his mental energy was rapidly being depleted and he hurriedly withdrew his gaze.

"This should be a true immortal rune, also known as a law pattern." Mr. Yun said in a deep voice: "You haven't come into contact with these things yet, so you don't have knowledge."

"This level of Dao pattern can only be accomplished by Mahayana He Dao."

"So what's next?"

Yun Sheng followed him to the puppet and looked at the huge black canyon in front of him.

"Drill down." Mr. Yun said solemnly: "Drill down and see what happened to the emperor's body. Then, go through his body to his sea of ​​consciousness to see if he has left anything behind. Maybe we will have something. What an unexpected surprise.”

Hearing this, Yun Sheng also had some expectations in his heart.

Then he controlled the puppet and turned into a faint stream of light and went down the canyon.

The soul talisman was suspended above the puppet's head, helping the puppet drive the chaotic spiritual energy in the canyon. Yun Sheng followed closely behind, following the path opened by the puppet to escape faster and with less effort.

With a golden finger like a treasure book like Mr. Yun, Yun Sheng's body skills are among the best among the monks in the same realm even if he is placed in the Nine Realms.

She used the Earth Elemental Escape Technique and drilled thousands of meters into the canyon with a snap of her fingers.

But gradually, she sensed a strong repulsive force from the puppets, as if they were foreign objects that broke into a certain field and were being repelled by the entire world.

Especially in the second half, Yun Sheng felt more and more pressure and repulsion.

Not only the puppet, but also her body was unable to move forward. She exhausted all her strength, and with the help of important treasures such as the Soul Talisman, she could only crawl a few steps underground in one breath.

A hard fall. A few hours later, Yun Sheng felt like he was stagnant in mid-air, barely moving at all.

She felt like she was not sitting down, but like an unlucky earthworm that accidentally got into a reinforced concrete stone. It took a huge amount of effort for her to get down every inch.

After walking hard for a while, the texture of the surrounding black gold canyon became as crystal clear as the glazed orbs, glowing with a faint golden brilliance, and the mysterious Dao patterns flowing in it were looming.

Yun Sheng's downward speed has completely stopped.

Not only did she not feel herself falling, but she felt an indescribable force pushing her forward.

She felt that if it weren't for the soul talisman, she would have been squeezed into a meat pie.

Even the soul defense talisman, cracks appeared in the light emitted at this time, and the sound of broken glass could be heard faintly in the ears.

She had an intuition that if she descended again, the entire defense talisman would turn into an overloaded light bulb.

"Old Yun, I really can't stand it anymore. The aura here is too weird. It seems like every breath is hindering our descent. Moreover, the laws and dao charms on the flesh and blood of the surrounding immortals are too strong. I really can't get down."

Yun Sheng helplessly summoned Mr. Yun again in the sea of ​​consciousness.

This time, she was really in trouble. Even the token jade pendant, which had always been invincible in the ancient sea of ​​stars, did not respond at all.

"This jade pendant is a treasure that can break the restriction. This is the body of a true immortal. The laws and rhythms emitted are part of the Daoyun of heaven and earth. How can it be broken?"

Old Yun's voice came, and his figure slowly condensed in the sea of ​​consciousness.

He looked at the golden Dao pattern outside and took a deep breath without saying a word.

Then he formed a strange seal with his hands and began to work hard.

(End of this chapter)

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