Chapter 56 Qing Rong
The big score is the two grades of the foundation period and the Jindan period.

Of course, the most important thing is the golden core stage.

This level of competition is the highlight of the personal competition, and it is also where Fairy Baihua places high hopes on Bailu.

As for the foundation building period, at most it is practice, used to familiarize yourself with the competition.

However, the grand competition over the years is the most lively foundation building event.

After all, the Kunshan sect has the most low-level disciples.

And regardless of the internal and external sects, as long as any monk who meets the requirements can participate.

In the Jindan period, the influence outside is enough to be the head of the family.

How many people who can cultivate to the Golden Core Stage are not extremely talented?

All kinds of supernatural powers and secret methods emerge in endlessly, and there are even more kinds of protective magic weapons, spiritual treasures, and talismans.

Therefore, there are more restrictions, including age restrictions.

The Zongmen exam is based on basic skills.

Therefore, the golden core period competition is more dull than the foundation establishment period competition.

Moreover, Jindan Daoist has a strong true energy, and it often takes a very long time to decide the winner.

Let many low-level disciples lose interest.

However, Tai Wenfeng was originally the one who had the most voice in this contest.

Because of Qin Wushang.

But Qin Wushang had broken through Nascent Soul not long ago, and his achievements far surpassed the glory brought by the competition.

Therefore, the winner of this big competition has suspense again.

Among them, Sovereign Peak, Jueran Peak, Ge Yifeng, and Lingzhu Peak, the peaks with Yingman monks sitting in their command are the most popular.

Because they have the most Jindan Daoist under their seats.

Mid-to-back peaks like Cuiping Peak.

Originally, there were not many Golden Cores, and excluding those who had just broken through Golden Cores to participate in the Grand Competition, and the Golden Core Dzogchen who was preparing for Ning Ying and did not participate in the Grand Competition, there were even fewer real people who could participate.

It's no wonder Baihua Fairy has high hopes for Bailu.

And this time, the Kunshan Sect also invited people from the Nine Immortal Sects and the Ten Ancient Clans to watch the competition.

With the birth of the Demon God's Pillar, the power of righteousness and demons has been reversed, and many righteous forces have begun to pay close attention to contact.

Even the forces that had been at odds before had no choice but to join forces under the threat of the Demon Sect.

Unite together to resist the magic power.

For example, the Jun family, one of the ten ancient clans, also sent people to watch the ceremony this time.

This time, the Jun family led the team with a majestic middle-aged man in purple clothes, and his profound and surging Nascent Soul eleven-layer infant transformation cultivation base was fully revealed.

Beside him, followed by a young man in purple who was full of inspiration and imposing appearance.

A pair of eyes are bright and bright, the pupils are dark purple, with a violet-like luster.

"Brother Ziyin, I haven't seen you for many years, but I still look good."

The elder Yingbian of the Kunshan Sect went out to greet him, and when he saw the young man next to him, "This is...?"

"Little nephew Linyuan, I have heard that the Kunshan clan has passed on the great master, the hidden dragon and the crouching tiger. The old man brought him here to learn more."

Immediately Jun Ziyin said to the young man.

"Linyuan, I haven't met Elder Zhisheng of the Kunshan Sect yet. Elder Zhisheng is the younger brother of the Kunshan Sect's head teacher Xu Zi, and the infant of the eleventh floor of the Nascent Soul is very powerful."

"I have seen Elder Zhisheng." The young man saluted politely.

Elder Zhisheng looked at him and nodded with a smile.

"As expected of the mutated Heavenly Spiritual Root of the Jun family, it really has an extraordinary appearance."

Jun Ziyin laughed.

"It's not as good as the noble sect. I heard that your Holy Spirit root has been promoted to Nascent Soul."


The two looked at each other and smiled, then walked into the lobby.

Seeing that the two were not paying attention, the man in purple who was following behind suddenly moved his eyes and left the team with his followers.

Foundation building arena.

"Junior Sister Qinglu, I didn't expect you to have reached the seventh level of foundation building, surpassing me, Senior Sister."

"If you complete the Foundation Establishment before the age of 30, wouldn't you even be able to compare with Master Qin?"

(End of this chapter)

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