Chapter 57
In front of a ring, Qing Fu joked to Bai Lu with a smile, and then introduced the nun beside her.

"This is Senior Sister Qing Rong. She is a Dzogchen Foundation Builder. Like you, she likes to practice on weekdays. The Grand Competition in the foundation builder period of Cuiping Peak depends on the two of you."

"Senior Sister Qing Rong."

Looking at the slightly indifferent female foundation-builder in front of her, Bai Lu saluted lightly.

"Junior Sister Qinglu."

The female cultivator returned the salute lightly, her movements were a little stiff.

Bai Lu knew that the other party had no malicious intentions, but she was not good at dealing with unfamiliar people.

Most ascetic monks have this characteristic more or less.

"By the way, in this personal competition, apart from the senior brothers and sisters who have established their foundations in Lingzhu Peak and Lingzhu Peak, as well as a few peerless geniuses with special talents, you should also pay attention to Fang Zhuoran and Jue Ran from Xiaohui Peak. Feng's Pei Qingyi."

Qing Fu reminded.

When talking about special talents, she smiled and glanced at the girl.

"The two of them have cultivated a supernatural power, and the one who has established a foundation has comprehended a trace of sword intent. Although they are only in the late stage of foundation establishment, their strength is not weaker than those monks who established a foundation."

"So, when you meet them defending the ring, if it is not necessary, do your best to preserve your strength, and you can still get a good ranking."

Qing Fu suggested.

The Foundation Establishment Competition adopts a system of taking turns to guard the ring. After ten games without defeat, they will automatically enter the next level, until they have won every battle and enter the final.

Therefore, it is wise to avoid the rings of those strongmen, otherwise you will not even be able to enter the next level.

Hearing that someone had achieved supernatural powers during the foundation building period and comprehended a trace of sword intent, even Senior Sister Qingrong was slightly moved.

There was a dignified look in his indifferent eyes.

Bai Lu also nodded kindly.

At the same time, she found that she had also become one of the focuses of the scene, attracting a lot of attention.

While they were talking, there were already no less than a dozen eyes that looked at her vaguely.

Their every move is manifested in their own divine thoughts.

Bai Lu couldn't help laughing.

It seems that she, the Heavenly Spiritual Root of Cuiping Peak, is also a strong enemy in the eyes of others.

At the beginning of the big competition, one after another, the foundation establishment and true cultivators entered the field.

Bai Lu also boarded a ring.

She's ready for a quick fight.

Then go back to Dongfu and sort out the income.

In the past few years, she was either practicing or on the way of cultivation.

I have obtained the inheritance of the two ancient sects, countless classics and exercises, and I don't have time to sort them out.

She is going to stay here for a while, digest and absorb as soon as possible, accumulate some accumulation, and lay a solid foundation for further progress.

The game is officially underway.

At this time, a figure in purple came to the scene of the Foundation Establishment Competition, followed by a Nascent Soul follower.

If Tang Feng and Tang Yan were present, they would definitely recognize that the other party was the Nascent Soul that they had seen in Tianjiu City back then.

Watching the fierce fighting in the field, Jun Linyuan curled his lips, and a hint of disdain flashed in his amethyst-like eyes.

"Not so much."

On the ring, Bai Lu looked at the opponent in front of her and had already made up her mind.

Book a top twenty ranking.

Not too advanced, not too bad, in line with the personality of a Tianlinggen genius in the late foundation establishment period.

Just explain the past to Fairy Baihua.

to be frank.

As a great power of the primordial spirit, it's fine to secretly participate in the big competition.

If you still want to compete with Jianji Xiaoxiu for the first place.

It was discovered later that she died in the society.

"Junior Sister, please!"

On the opposite side is a male cultivator with a nine-story foundation.

Apparently, he also knew the identity of the girl, and she was a heavenly spirit root that was rarely seen in the entire sect.

At this time, he didn't dare to be careless, and while slapping a protective talisman on himself, he sacrificed the flying sword to take the girl's face.

The fierce flying sword turned into a cold light, crossed the arena in the blink of an eye, and was approaching.

(End of this chapter)

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