Chapter 74

Before reaching Geshi Mountain, the majestic aura rushed over.

The black toad hid in the Immortal Demon Palace again, and even though it was separated by countless layers of magic barriers, it could still feel the majestic aura that made the soul tremble.

Despite the infinite fear in his heart, his eyes still couldn't hide his excitement.

He opened his mouth wide and shouted.

"It's here, it's almost here, the magic breath is ahead."

"Oh my god, the fluctuations are too strong, my body is about to boil."

Hearing the exaggerated exclamation from the Immortal Demon Palace, Bai Lu stared at the hazy gray light in front of her with a dumbfounded expression.

The black toad's voice was extremely enjoyable and eager, and it didn't sound like a fake.

It's just that Tianmo Pillar, is it really inside?

There is Geshi Mountain ahead.

That hazy gray light looked ordinary, but Bai Lu had seen it falling from the sky, devouring everything and destroying the world.

The entire ancient sky change was caused by it, and she didn't think that she could retreat completely in the face of such a majestic power.

Geshi Mountain at this time is like calm sea water, once it erupts, it will be enough to set off a huge wave that will destroy the world.

Bai Lu took out an octagonal pyramid-shaped magic treasure filled with demonic energy and put it into the gray light.

This top-level magic weapon in the history of the Demon Sect was second only to the Heavenly Demon Drum. Under the gray light, it directly turned into blue smoke, and the gray dust was scattered and disappeared.

Like a drop of water falling into the sea, from the beginning to the end, there was no ripple.

The whole magic treasure seems to have never appeared.

Geshi Mountain still stood quietly, exuding a hazy gray light.


The black toad in the Immortal Demon Palace stared wide-eyed. Seeing this scene, it was already frightened, and swallowed hard.

"Boss... Boss, let's go back."

Its voice trembled, almost crying.

Although the violent magic breath is close at hand, it exudes a fatal attraction to it.

But for the sake of its own life, it would rather not practice for the rest of its life than cross this terrifying light.

Seeing the silent annihilation of the magic treasure, Bai Lu's gaze froze, and a flash of deep thought flashed in her eyes.

This is already the second most precious treasure after the Tianmogu Kunshan Bell.

If even a magic weapon of this level can persist for less than a second in the gray light, then the Jiuling Pagoda Immortal Demon Palace will be useless.

Even if the Immortal Demon Palace seems to be higher than the Jiuling Pagoda, she dare not try it lightly.

Once halfway through, the Immortal Demon Palace disintegrated, and she didn't even have a chance to cry.

This can be imagined from Wanmomen hiding it in the Demon God's Pillar to avoid catastrophe.

If you want to enter it, you must be a treasure that can withstand the changes of the sky after going through a catastrophe like the Pillar of the Demon God.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and a small black stone that looked like an ordinary rock appeared in front of her.

The most precious treasure of the Kunyu Gate in ancient times——Kunlun Jade.

Standing in the ruins of Kunyumen, it has been in the gray mist for millions of years, experienced the changes of the ancient times, and is immortal and invincible under the washing of infinite gray light.

It can be said that it is one of the few treasures left after the sky changes.

Put the Kunlun Jade in the Geshi Mountain, and the gray and simple pebbles suddenly exude a hazy light.

Washed by the gray light, Kunlun jade is like pebbles at the bottom of the river, and its light is getting brighter and brighter.

The black toad stared wide-eyed.

Bai Lu also smiled slightly.

"There is a door!"

Kunlun jade has withstood the scour of the gray light of Geshi Mountain.

After waiting for a while, I saw that there was no other change in the Kunlun jade except that the color became brighter and brighter.

Bai Lu was completely relieved, and entered it together with the black toad, and manipulated the jade into the depths of Geshi Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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